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Big the Cat (Chronicles)

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Articles About Big the Cat
Main Continuity Main Timeline
Alternate Continuity Sonic Chronicles - Pre-Genesis Archie Comics - Post-Genesis Archie Comics
Is your name Froggy? No, your name is Sonic. So-nic!
~ Big when Sonic asks if he was talking to him,


Big the Cat is a giant cat who lives in a hut in the Mystic Ruins, and he spends his days fishing with his best friend Froggy. He's a little slow-witted, but doesn't pretend to be otherwise, and he always does right by his friends. He's enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the past few years, so he is apprehensive about having to leave his home on another adventure

General Information

Name: Big the Cat

Origin: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Sex: Male

Age: Unknown (The official Sonic ages aren't confirmed)

Classification: Animal

Species: Anthropomorphic Cat

Occupation: Fisherman

Status: Alive

Alignment: Chaotic Good (Like his canon counterpart)

Codex Statistics

Grade: A

Tier: 7-C

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Town level (The events of Sonic Heroes have happened in the Sonic Chronicles continuity. Could fight and defeat Sonic the Hedgehog while he was holding back. Sonic, alongside Tails and Knuckles, destroyed a large base. Can fight alongside Sonic)

Durability: Town level, rings makes him incredibly difficult to kill

Striking Strength: Town Class

Lifting Strength: Class M (Contributed 1/4th of effort into stopping a train, which weigh around 4000 to 20000 tons. Can overpower an alligator attempting to close their mouth who have a bite force of over 13000 newtons. As a power type, he is considered physically superior to his teammate Amy Rose)

Travel Speed: Unknown (Big is seen as one of the slowest character within the series),

Attack Speed: At most Relativistic (Can tag Sonic who can somewhat dodge lasers from Eggrobos and lasers from the Hotaru, which travel in straight lines and generate conventional light in the darkness)

Reaction Speed: At most Relativistic

Stamina: Superhuman (The entirety of Sonic Heroes takes place in three days team Rose can go through all of their stages and obstacles without showing any signs of tiring)

Range: Standard Melee, Tens of Meters with his fishing rod

Intelligence: Below Average Intelligence academically (Big is described as a slow thinker an rather dimwitted), Gifted at driving (Big was able to fly Tails' plane despite claiming he doesn't know the first thing about how to fly one along with being able to skillfully drive a car)

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Big can smell Froggy), Human Achievements (Big is a skilled fisherman, being able to use his skills to fish Froggy out of Chaos 6), Weapon Mastery (Big can skillfully use his fishing rod in combat), Vehicular Mastery (Big was able to fly Tails' plane and he can skillfully drive a car), Limited Acausality (Future or Past Defiance; The future in Sonic is essentially unwritten and constantly changing with events Sonic and co. do in the present affecting the future), Impact Resistance (Standard Impact Resistance; Can recover from being flattened), Non-Standard Interaction (Metaphysical Interaction; Sonic characters can harm and interact with ghosts), Shockwave Generation and Aura (Big can cause shock waves with Body Press which gives off a purple aura), Fire Manipulation (With Big Fishing, Big swings a burning, oversized red lure around in a circle), Spin Dash (Big can perform a spin dash), Homing Attack (Big can perform the homing attack), Status Effect Inducement (Big can induce the Distracted status effect with Battering Ram and Big can induce the Stunned status effect with Lure Whip), Healing (With Feel No Pain lets Big regenerate up to 50% for a few rounds, regenerating from stab wounds and such), Poison Manipulation (With Froggy Poison Big sends Froggy to kiss his opponents, damaging and poisoning them), Summoning and Undodgeable Attacks and (With Froggy Rain, Big asks Froggy to summon his friends, who will then drop down on the opponents. This move is unavoidable and damages all enemies present), Social Influencing and Damage Reduction (With Taunt Big attracts one foe's attention away from his friends and induce the Fortified status effect onto himself, which reduces incoming damage).

Resistance to Extreme Colds (Can run around inside of an ice cavern with no issues), Vacuum Manipulation (Resisted being pulled into a mysterious hole causing a massively powerful vacuum)


This dropdown contains the equipment for Big.


Name Character Description Effect

Boxing Gloves
All excluding robots Super tough gloves provide the maximum fighting edge. Slightly increases damage. Power +1
Attack +1

Cloth Gloves
All excluding robots Casual, stylish and comfortable. Attack +1

Cursed Gloves
All excluding robots A prototype combat glove. Tough to control, but very powerful. Very greatly increases damage. Power +6
Defense -2
Attack -2

Golden Gloves
All excluding robots A master crafted combat glove without peer, a rare artifact. Slightly increases damage. Power +1
Attack +2
Defense +2

Gritty Gloves
All excluding robots All-around tough gloves for tough customers. Moderately increases armor, moderately increases damage. Power +2
Armor +2
Defense -2

Lucky Gloves
All excluding robots Durable, yet agile gloves soaked in clover juice. Attack +1
Luck +2

Mirror Gloves
All excluding robots Made with flexible metal, these shiny gloves boost combat prowess. Moderately increases damage. Attack +1
Defense +1

Polymer Gloves
All excluding robots Gloves made with durable polymers. Slightly increases damage and armor. Power +1
Armor +1

Power Gloves
All excluding robots Infused with power, these gloves hit hard but can be tricky to handle. Greatly increases damage but reduces attack. Power +5
Attack -2

Rubber Gloves
All excluding robots Light and smooth gloves for faster reaction. Moderately increases damage. Power +2
Attack +2
Defence +1

Sparkly Gloves
All excluding robots Light and dazzling, these gloves tingle with energy. Greatly increases damage. Power +3
Attack +1

Work Gloves
All excluding robots More durable gloves to pack extra punch. Slightly increases damage. Power +1


Name Character Description Effect

Alloy Slippers
Amy, Big, Cream Modern footwear made from very durable material. Moderately increases armor. Armor +3
Defense +1

Light Slippers
Amy, Big, Cream Casual, stylish and comfortable. Slightly increases armor Armor 1
Defense +1

Nimble Slippers
Amy, Big, Cream Light, agile slippers for quick feet. Slightly increases armor. Armor+1
Defense +2

Spiked Slippers
Amy, Big and Cream Aggressively styled footwear. Slightly increases armor. Armor +1
Power +2

Tough Slippers
Amy, Big, Cream Heavy duty slippers for outdoor use. Greatly increases armor but reduces defense. Armor +4
Defense -2


Accessories are equipment that can provide a variety of different effects, such as increasing stats or providing buffs.

Name Character Description Effect

Angel Amulet
All A mystical amulet with the inexhaustible power to put the fallen back on their feet. Automatic revive with 1 HP, once during a battle

Earth Ring
All A ring infused with earthquake force. Earth damage to basic attacks

All A wrist device able to boost its wearer's energy levels. Lowers PP cost of all POW Moves by 1. Reduces the PP cost of POW Moves by 1

Ice Ring
All A ring infused with the power of subzero cold. Gives Ice damage to basic attacks. Adds Ice damage to basic attacks

Immunity Idol
All A mystical charm with the inexhaustible ability to make one immune to afflictions. Causes characters to become immune to negative status effects

Kron Hammer
All A rock hammer infused with ultimate combat power. Very greatly increases damage. Power +10

Lightning Ring
All A ring infused with the power of raw lightning. Gives lightning to basic attacks. Adds Lightning damage to basic attacks

Nocturne Blade
All A blade infused with ultimate martial skill. Attack +4

All A medical kit that recovers 1 POW Point at the end of each round of combat. Regenerates 1 PP for the wielder at the end of each round

All A wrist device able to regenerate the wearer's health over time. Regenerates 5% of maximum HP per round. Regenerates 5% of maximum HP at the start of each round

Spooky Charm
All A mystical charm likely to cause fear in one's enemies. Foes flee more often. Increases probability of enemies attempting to flee

Voxai Teleporter
All A teleporter infused with ultimate agility. Defense +4

Water Ring
All A ring infused with the power of tidal fury. Gives Water damage to basic attacks

Wind Ring
All A ring infused with the power of a hurricane. Gives Wind damage to basic attacks

Zoah Shield
All An energy shield infused with invulnerability. Greatly increases armor. Armor enhanced


Name Description Effect

A curative elixir that removes all bad status effects from one team member. N/A

Bug Spray
A potent pesticide for pesky critters of the insect variety. Weakens insects

Clover Juice
Made with an extract capable of boosting ones luck for short periods. Luck +10

Crazy Beans
Boosts you in unpredictable ways. Try them and see what happens! N/A

Cure All Spray
A large dose antidote able to remove status ailments from all team members at once. N/A

Health Leaf
The leaf of a plant known for its healing effects. HP +100

Health Root
The root of a plant known for its healing effects. HP +250

Health Seed
The seed of a plant known for its healing effects. HP +50

Immunity Booster
A vaccine effective in preventing debilitating symptoms for short periods. N/A

Iron Tonic
Made with medicine capable of toughening the skin for short periods. Moderately increases armor. N/A

Med Emitter
An alien device that produces an energy pulse that heals all party members. HP +250

POW Candy
A refreshing formula that invigorates mind and body. PP +5

POW Drink
A refreshing formula that invigorates mind and body. PP +50

A refreshing formula that invigorates mind and body. PP +10

Prune Juice
Made with an extract guaranteed to improve combat abilities for short periods. Attack +10

Psychic Water
A rare concoction capable of providing heightened premonition for short periods. Defense +10

Revival Ring
A ring with the power to put the fallen back on their feet. Revives one KOed team member. HP +10%

Refresher Wave
An alien device that produces an energy pulse that invigorates all party members. PP +50

Ring of Life
A ring with the power to put the fallen back into fighting shape. Revives one KOed team member. HP +100%

Rock Salt
A rare earth extract capable of raising one's raw strength for short periods. Moderately increases damage. N/A

Speed Bar
Made with medicine capable of boosting one's reflexes for short periods of time. Speed +10

Quest Items

Name Location Description

Beam Cannon
Modified version of the Weapon Part A non-lethal weapon created to banish the Marauders without harming them.

Chaos Emerald 1
Kron Colony One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.

Chaos Emerald 2
Zoah Colony One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.

Chaos Emerald 3
N'rrgal Colony One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.

Chaos Emerald 4
Voxai Colony Alpha One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.

Chaos Emerald 5
Voxai Colony Alpha One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.

Chaos Emerald 6
Nocturne One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.

Chaos Emerald 7
Nocturne One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.

Green Hill Zone
Central City
A device used by the Marauders to keep in touch with their base.

Eggman Detector
Modified version of the scanner A device that detects Eggman's electronic signature.

Eggman Device
Green Hill Zone A device built by Eggman. It doesn't seem to do anything.

GUN Official
Blue Ridge Zone "Please, no time to talk. I must return to Station Square. I'm very important, you know!"

Little Boy
Green Hill Zone "Thanks so much for saving me, Sonic! Please take me home to Central City!"

Nocturnus Tech
Kron Colony
Zoah Colony
N'rrgal Colony
A piece of Nocturnus Clan technology so advanced that even Tails can't figure out its function.

Pattern Generator
Upgraded from the Eggman Device A device that generates code patterns that interfere with energy fields.

Precursor Tablet
Kron Colony A stone tablet covered in strange writing.

Prized Stapler
Salesman Sal in Green Hill Zone A stunningly beautiful device, when you really look at it.

Blue Ridge Zone "My dad isn't really crazy, just old. He'll be glad to see me, I know."
Weapon Part Metropolis A part needed for Eggman and Tails to create their ultimate weapon!

N'rrgal Shipment
N'rrgal Colony A crate filled with N'rrgal Sweat. Ew!

Kron Payment
Kron Colony The payment for the N'rrgal Sweat delivery, addressed to the N'rrgal Trader.

Notable Techniques

  • Battering Ram: Battering Ram is a POW move used by Big in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. When performing this move, Big walks up in front of his target and stands still for a short moment. He then charges forwards while launching several rapid, scratching-like jabs in front of him, and slams head-on into his opponent, before retreating.
  • Feel No Pain: Feel No Pain is a POW move used by Big in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. When performing this move, Big uns up in front of his enemies and does a short, but excited jump into the air, while putting his right fist up, allowing himself to get fired up about the battle. When landing, Big releases small yellow sparks around himself and moves quickly back into his team position, with yellow crosses emitting from him. From there, Big becomes so oblivious from excitement of the battle that he hardly take notice when he is attacked.
  • Froggy Poison: Froggy Poison is a POW move used by Big in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. When performing this move, Big walks in front of his opponent, with Froggy on him. Big then deploys Froggy, who is send flying through midair, onto the opponent. Froggy then kisses the opponent, infecting him/her with a harmful poison, and Big retreats to his team position.
  • Froggy Rain: Froggy Rain is a POW move used by Big in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. When performing this move, Big runs up in front of the opposing enemies, with Froggy in his left hand. Big then asks Froggy to summon his friends, before throwing Froggy up into the air with his left hand, and making a hasty retreat back to his party. As soon as Big is out of range, a rain of green and yellow-eyed frogs like Froggy starts falling down from above on top of the enemies.
  • Lure Whip: Lure Whip is a POW move used by Big in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. When performing this move, Big moves up in front of his opponent and casts out the line on his fishing rod to catch the opponent on it. Once the opponent is caught on the line of his fishing rod, Big reels it in, resulting the opponent tripping, before Big returns to his team position.
  • Taunt: Taunt is a POW move used by Big in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. When performing this move, Big runs up in front of a chosen opponent. Big then turns around and shows his buttocks to his opponent, while mockingly slapping them twice with his left hand, provoking his opponent to attack only him, before falling back to his team again and reinforcing himself for incoming attacks.


Standard Tactics: Big will use his fishing rod and body press to defeat his opponent. Along with his POW attacks.

Weaknesses: Big is rather dimwitted.

Note: In Sonic Chronicles, "attack" and "defenese" are not how powerful and durable one is, but rather, how much accuracy the user has and the level of their evasion.

Note 2: Sonic Chronicles is considered completely non-canon by Sega.

Battle Records