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Helios (God of War)

“ | Behold the glory of Helios! | „ |
Helios was the Olympian Titan God of The Sun and Guardian of Oaths. He is a major character God of War: Chains of Olympus and a major antagonist in God of War III. Helios is one of the strongest Gods, since he is the sun itself. He is only surpassed by Poseidon, Hades, Zeus and Ares.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Helios’ story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
General Information
Name: Helios
Origin: God of War: Chains of Olympus
Sex: Male
Age: Over thousands of years old (The Great War between the Olympians and the Titans happened thousands of years ago)
Classification: Olympian God, Titan, God of the Sun
Species: God
Occupation: None
Status: Deceased (Had his head ripped off by Kratos)
Alignment: Initially Lawful Neutral (Like other gods, did not fully interfere with the affairs of the mortal world), Chaotic Evil after being consumed by Fear (Was consumed by the evils placed inside of Pandora's Box, infecting him and turning him to the dark evils)
Codex Statistics
Grade: S
Tier: High 6-A
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level (Holds the primordial fire, which is the flame that spawnned all others, with Helios' power being used to destroy the world pillar in Chain of Olympus, with the destruction of the world pillar ending all of existence and returning the world back to a primordial chaos, with the God of War world being a large flat disc. Fought in the great war against the titans, with them defeating titans like Atlas, who is also slightly stronger than Cronus, who fought and defeated Uranus, who is among the group of Primordials that forged the earth and overtime created the universe in their great battle along with Cronus' birth itself letting time come into existence)
Durability: Multi-Continent level
Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Class
Lifting Strength: Class E (Like the other gods should be at least comparable to Atlas who holds the world pillar, with the destruction of the world pillar ending all of existence and returning the world back to a primordial chaos, with the God of War world being a large flat disc)
Travel Speed: Faster Than Light (Comparable to Zeus, who with a mere fraction of his powers allows his warriors to run at the speed of light), Higher with Sun Chariot
Attack Speed: Faster Than Light (Comparable to gods that can tag Kratos, who can tag Pollux and Castor, who are faster then the Redeemed Warrior, even with the Essence of Hyperion, which allows one to travel at the speed of light through opening a Hyperion portal)
Reaction Speed: Faster Than Light
Stamina: Superhuman+ (Fought in the Great War against the titans for hundreds of years without tiring)
Range: Standard Melee, At least Stellar (Helios maintains the the sun in the sky), possibly Universal with Light Manipulation (Illuminated the entire underworld, along with using the primordial fire, the fire that created light in the entire universe)
Intelligence: Unknown
Knowledge: Grandmaster level (Fought in the great war against the Titans and won, reigning supreme as the new rulers of the world. Keeps the Primordial Nyx banished to retreat from the night-skies)
Powers and Techniques
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Wields his sun shield, which can block attacks and deflect them), Magic (Noted by Mimir the powers of the gods in the Greek Pantheon use powerful magic), Accelerated Development (Passive; Physical Stats and Abilities. As Olympians grow older they grow far more powerful), Abstract Existence (Physical, Primordial Source; All gods embody different concepts[1] of reality[2], with their deaths causing the concepts they embody to be affected, such as the death of Helios depriving Greece of the sun), Astral Projection (Should scale to other gods who can create an astral form to speak to Kratos), Immortality (Ageless; Gods are eternal beings that are ageless and can never die from age. Life and Death Immunity; As stated by Gaia Kratos losing his godly powers was described as him "rendered mortal, "vulnerable to the arms of death", meaning gods are not bound by death. Noted during God of War 1 that the only way to kill Ares was to get Pandora's Box), Supernatural Resilience (Gods can surivive lethal wounds and continue fighting), Regeneration (At least Low-Mid; Comparable to other gods who can regenerate from being stabbed through the stomach, leaving a massive hole), Fate Protection (The Sisters of Fate control destiny and plot out the fate of one's entire life), Conceptual Manipulation (The Sun Shield harbors the power of Helios who holds the primordial fire, which is the flame that spawnned all others. Can harm various gods and titans all who embody different concepts of reality, with their deaths causing the concepts they embody to be affected), Flight (Uses his sun chariot to fly across the sky), Fire Manipulation & Heat Manipulation (Holds the primordial fire, which is the flame that spawnned all others. With the Sun Shield, has an aura of heat around it), Light Manipulation (Illuminated the entire underworld, along with using the primordial fire, the fire that created light in the entire universe. Kratos can use his light to stun enemies even without eyes), Weapon Creation (Can throw the Sun Shield away can create a new one), Extrasensory Perception (With his Fire Horses, the minute his horses were awoken, they immediately knew where their master was and led Kratos to him), Non-Standard Interaction (Abstract Interaction and Metaphysical Interaction; Should upscale from a fully depowered Kratos who can fully kill souls, which means he is destroying all four parts of the soul, which explained by Mimir, include form, direction, mind, & luck).
Resistance to Metaphysics Manipulation (Soul Manipulation), Conceptual Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation & Probability Manipulation (As explained by Mimir, include form, direction, mind, & luck, thus for one to affect Helios with any of these abilities, they must affect his soul), Disease Manipulation (Hermes death released disease across the world that gods were unaffected by)
- Sun Chariot: In God of War series, the Chariot of Helios is seen in two forms. The first form is a giant temple where he lives alongside his servants. It included his throne room, a room for each of the Fire Steeds and a great hall that housed the statue of Eos alongside the portal to her place in Caves of Olympus. The second form is seen after Kratos awakened the Fire Steeds: a much smaller, flying Chariot led by the three horse gods of winds. In God of War: Chains of Olympus, the giant Helios' Chariot is actually his own temple, in which Kratos had to awaken the Fire Steeds to find their master. When he did, they led him into the Underworld where Helios was being held. In God of War III, Helios summons his chariot and jumps on it to stop Gaia and the other Titans from climbing Olympus. He flies over Gaia's shoulder, and blocks Kratos' path by setting a fallen tree aflame, before aiding his fellow Olympians by blinding the Titans with his fireballs. It is interesting to note that only three horse gods are clearly visible during Helios' attacks, probably due to all of them being infused with it. Helios' Chariot appears one final time in Olympia, where the God of the Sun is riding it to fight the Titan Perses. Kratos shoots down his Chariot with a ballista. With the Chariot heavily damaged, Helios loses control and ends up in Perses' palm. The fiery Titan closes his fist, wounding Helios and throwing him far into the city. The Chariot and the steeds are presumably destroyed, if not by the Titan, then by their master's death at the hands of Kratos.
- Sun Shield: The Sun Shield is an object of the Gods used to block attacks and return projectiles. Kratos obtained the Shield within the Temple of Helios.
Notable Techniques
- Light Manipulation: In addition to his physical attributes, Helios, being the sun god, naturally has control over different aspects of the sun, such as fire or more specifically sunlight; He also displays the ability to unleash an incredibly bright light from his body which he could use to utterly blind his enemies and even illumine even the most darkest of places (as demonstrated by Kratos using his decapitated head as a makeshift lantern). His solar powers are so strong that they can even forcefully banish Nyx, a Primordial Goddess.
- Pyrokinesis: He was shown to be able to hurl massive blasts of light at his foes that would explode in fiery glory that proved to be very effective when he is seen battling Perses at different points in the game.
- Sun Shield: The Sun Shield is an object of the Gods used to block attacks and return projectiles. Kratos obtained the Shield within the Temple of Helios.
- Helios Reverse: Reflects an attack before being hit.
- Helios Reflect: Reflects projectiles to do a powerful counterattack.
- Helios Flash: After a parry, counter with a quick strike. This attack can cut heads of enemies and give a small orb blue for magic for one head.
- Helios Offensive: After a parry, counter with a heavy overhead attack.
Standard Tactics: Helios fights with his sun chariot, throwing light blast at the enemies.
Weaknesses: Nothing notable.
- He is voiced by Dwight Schultz in Chains of Olympus and by Crispin Freeman in God of War III, where his face is modeled after Freeman's.
- In Chains of Olympus, Helios' abduction led to the disappearance of the Sun from the sky. In God of War III, Kratos killed Helios by ripping his head off, causing the sun to be blocked by dark clouds, and an endless torrent of rain to pour down, then followed by thunderstorms and tornadoes. In the demo version however, after Kratos rips Helios' head off, the sky seems to have been spared from any changes.
- Despite Helios' major role in Chains of Olympus, he does not make any actual appearances until the post-credit cutscene, and is only shown from the knees-down.
- Helios has unique blood as his blood possesses golden sparkling sunlight. This is seen after Helios was wounded by Perses.
- Right in front of Helios, while lying wounded on the rooftop, lies the Sun Shield Kratos used in Chains of Olympus, which can be retrieved as a Godly Possession.
- In a form of cruel irony, Helios' death actually did lead Kratos to Zeus, since the Spartan used the god's head as a lantern to light his way through Olympus.
- The Evil that infected Helios is most likely Deceit, since he lied to Kratos about The Flame of Olympus.
- Even though appearing in very few mythology stories, he was still regarded as the sun god, with the Colossus of Rhodes being built in his image on the eponymous island, where he was worshiped and said to be born.
- Helios and his sisters, Eos and Selene, are cousins of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia, since Hyperion and Cronos were brothers.
- In the God of War II ending cutscene, where Zeus gathers his fellow Gods to face Kratos' threats, Helios's appearance is slightly different. He gains a helmet in God of War III and his armor is brighter.
- Similar to Athena, Helios once sided with Kratos, aiding him in his quest to stop Persephone. They later turned against him when Kratos sought to kill Zeus after being betrayed. Though Athena after her death would eventually help Kratos destroy Zeus even if it was clear she was infected by Greed.
- In one of the "Making of..." videos for God of War Ascensions multiplayer, a model for an armored man bearing a shield can be seen in front of the fifth pillar. It is believed this may have been Helios but it unknown why he was cut from the game.
- If one looks carefully, Helios appears to have the edges of a sun tattoo showing over his breast-plate, and on his arms and legs.
- Ironically Kratos had blocked the sun and killed the same God who he had saved and had restored the sun in Chains of Olympus.
- When Kratos uses Helios' Head, the faint screams of the God can still be heard coming from the decapitated head. A possible conclusion from this is that Helios is somehow still alive as a disembodied head which may also explain how his head is still able to create sunlight whereas the other gods' powers become inert after death.
- Helios and Hera are currently the only antagonists and only Gods who did not have a battle with Kratos they were already weakened by a Titan and drinking respectively by the time they were found.