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I, Straizo will show you no mercy.


Straizo is a secondary ally to Jonathan Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood. He is a Hamon disciple of Tonpetty and a acquaintance of Will Anthonio Zeppeli and Dire. He would come to aid Jonathan by Will's request through a letter.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency Straizo returns as an antagonist who becomes a Vampire who seeks to kill Joseph Joestar.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Straizo's story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

Pre-Phantom Blood (1838-1888)
Straizo was born sometime in the year 1868 and in his twenties would become a Ripple disciples under master Tonpetty. During his training he would meet Dire and Will Anthonio Zeppeli.

Phantom Blood (1888-1889)
In 1888 Straizo along with Dire and Tonpetty would receive letter from Will requesting their aid to defeat the Vampire Dio Brando and his Stone Mask. They three would travel to Windknight's Lot the town where Dio was located. Once they arrived at the town at the zombie infected town they would meet Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon, two of Will's allies. Speedwagon would explain to the group that Will had died earlier when he sacrificed his life to save Jonathan during a battle. Straizo and his allies would team up with Jonathan and Speedwagon and make their way to Dio's castle. Once inside the castle Straizo, Tonpetty, and Speedwagon would fight off Dio's zombies while Dire and Jonathan would fight Dio. During the battle Straizo would witness Dio's vampirism first hand and would admire his power.

Pre-Battle Tendency (1889-1938)
Straizo would raise the child Erina Joestar had saved from the night of Jonathan's death. The child would be named Elizabeth and would be trained in Hamon under Straizo's wing. Straizo would also train others in Hamon succeeding Tonpetty as the head of his Hamon clan. Sometime in the early 1920s Straizo would help Speedwagon investigate the suspicious death of George Joestar II. They would find out the truth that George was killed by a zombie who was his commanding officer and would tell George's wife Elizbeth the truth as well. Sometime later Straizo would learn of Joseph Joestar's Hamon use to save Speedwagon during hostage situation. In 1938, Speedwagon would learn of the existence of a Pillar Man along with multiple Stone Masks. He would contact Straizo, who would give Elizbeth now known as Lisa Lisa the Red Stone of Aja and then bring his Hamon disciples with him to a meet up spot with Speedwagon.

Battle Tendency (1938)
Straizo and his Hamon disciples would meet up with Speedwagon and take an airplane to Mexico, the location of the cite where they would find various stone masks and the inactive Pillar Man. While investing the cite Straizo would ask a question about how Joseph was doing, bringing up how he is aware he used his Hamon to save Speedwagon. Speedwagon would question why Straizo was bringing up Joseph but before he could get an answer Straizo would kill his disciples in front and then attack Speedwagon, greatly injuring his head with a kick. Straizo would explain to Speedwagon that he is tired of growing older by the day and will use the Stone Mask to become a Vampire like Dio. Straizo would read Speedwagon's notes about the Pillar Men and then use the blood of Speedwagon to activate to Stone Mask turning himself into a Vampire. Straizo, believing Speedwagon had died from blood lost would dump his body near the Rio Dada River.

Once in New York Straizo would attempt to stalk Joseph at a diner while he was eating. Joseph seeing Straizo would go outside to investigate what he was doing. Once he figured out he was a Vampire Joseph blasted him with a tommy gun sending him flying into the diner. Joseph would try to attack Straizo with his Hamon but would be unable to harm him as he was using a special scarf that conducted Hamon which protected him from Joseph's attacks. Joseph would then plant grenades on Straizo to blown him up flee but Straizo would survive to explosion through his Vampire regeneration. Joseph realizing he had no other chose deiced to run away from the Vampire. Why Joseph was fleeing Straizo would kidnap a women and use her as a hostage once he caught up with Joseph. The two would battle on top of a Brooklyn Bridge with Joseph defeating Straizo. Before he could be killed by Straizo would tell joseph of the existence of the Pillar Men and would activate his Hamon to kill himself stated he rather die young then wither away as an old man.

General Information

Name: Straizo

Origin: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood

Sex: Male

Age: 25 in Phantom Blood (Is the same age as Robert E.O Speedwagon, who was born on October 16th, 1863[1] making him 25 during Phantom Blood which takes place in 1888), 75 in Battle Tendency (It is the year 1938, 49 years since Jonathan Joestar's death, who died on February 7th, 1889)

Classification: Hamon Master

Species: Human | Vampire

Occupation: Hamon Teacher | None

Status: Deceased (After being defeated by Joseph Joestar, Straizo killed himself)

Alignment: Initially Neutral Good (Straizo helped aid Jonathan Joestar in his quest to defeat Dio Brando and would later adopt Elizbeth Joestar when her parents where killed), eventually became Chaotic Evil (As Straizo grew older he began to fear his aging which lead him to killing his own disciples and betraying Robert E.O Speedwagon in order to become a Vampire. As a Vampire Straizo came after Joseph Joestar in order to kill him and would take a woman hostage, ripping one of her teeth out during their battle)

Codex Statistics

Key: Human | Vampire

Tier: 9-B | 9-B, Higher with his leg strength, Even Higher with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Wall level (Potency) (Should be comparable to Dire, who can harm Jonathan Joestar, who was unharmed by a punch from Tarkus, who can reduce metal armor to scarps and is superior to his human self, who can spilt a rock in half) | Wall level (Able to burrow his fingers within metal. Vampires are stated to be able to greatly harm Joseph Joestar, who was able to withstand being launched into metal with enough force to break it, can crack a part of a pillar by throwing clackers at it, withstood jumping off a horse carriage traveling at 60 MPH, and withstood being smashed through a broken horse carriage. Superior to Dio Brando, who can casually burrow his fingers within brick, cut several policemen in half, bend and snap a thick iron spear with ease, smash through the Joestar Mansion's roof, causally burrow his fingers within stone, dig through a stone pillar, crush a metal cross and was noted to be five times stronger than the combined power of Pre-Deep Pass Overdrive Jonathan Joestar and Will Anthonio Zeppeli, the latter of which being able to can spilt a rock in half and destroy brick. Jonathan notes Dio is on a completely different level then himself during the fire. Dio was able to easily break an enraged Jonathan's bones during the fire. Dio is stronger than his Stardust Crusaders self, who can redirect Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash with enough force to destroy the roof of a car and can punch Jean Pierre Polnareff with enough force to send him flying into a wall destroying it in the process. Dio should be superior to newly formed Vampires and developing Vampires, who can break stone floors, punch large carters into walls which requires this much energy to do, and break stone walls by punching small dogs at them. Dio is superior to his minions, who can throw a carriage with enough force to destroy the roof of a tunnel), Higher with his leg strength (Vampires' leg strength is three times more powerful than the strength of their fists, allowing them to destroy four centimeter thick steel. Vampires like Dio Brando, can casually break through the wall through just walking on it and can kick away Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash with enough force to destroy to top of a building. Dio was able able to break an enraged Jonathan Joestar's ribs with a kick), Even Higher with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (Can use Space Ripper Stingy Eyes which can easily harm Jonathan Joestar and Joseph Joestar. Space Ripper Stingy Eyes can slice through a pillar)

Durability: Wall level (Should be comparable to Dire who took a took from Jonathan Joestar), Higher by concentrating Hamon (By concentrating Hamon into a specific part of their body, Hamon users can resist being pierced by pressurized oil, knifes, spikes) | Above Average Human level (Vampires' Durability in JoJo do not scale to their Attack Potency)

Striking Strength: Wall Class (Potency) | Wall Class, Higher with his leg strength

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Should be comparable to zombies. Should be comparable to Dio Brando. Should be comparable to Jonathan Joestar, who can pull back and lift Tarkus, who is far bigger than Jonathan, who is 195 centimeters tall. Jonathan also is able to break off a steal chain, and lift an anvil) | Superhuman (Superior to Dio Brando, who bend and snap a thick metal spear. Should be superior to zombies, whos' strength are monstrous and are far beyond a humans with zombies being able to through a ship buoy with enough force to smash a human skull along with zombies being able to casually carry large metal weapons while jumping around)

Travel Speed: Superhuman (Went through similar Hamon training to Will Anthonio Zeppeli, who can disappear from Pre-Hamon Jonathan's sight and then appear in front of him. Should be comparable to Jonathan Joestar) | Superhuman (Superior to Dio Brando who was said to be as fast as a leopard, who moves at around 36 mph)

Attack Speed: Supersonic (Should be comparable to Dire who can tag Jonathan Joestar. Blitzed several Hamon users) | Supersonic, Far Higher with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (Can use Space Ripper Stingy Eyes which can blitz Jonathan Joestar)

Reaction Speed: Supersonic | Supersonic (Superior to Dio Brando, who's weaker self can react to Star Platinum, which can stop a bullet from hitting Jotaro Kujo)

Stamina: Superhuman (Went through similar Hamon training to Will Anthonio Zeppeli, who early in his Hamon training he was able to run dozens of Li without need for catching his breath. Masters Hamon which can allow it's users to go long periods of time without food, drink, or rest and run for hundreds of kilometers with ease) | Superhuman (Vampires are able to fight with lethal injuries)

Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee to Several Meters with Hamon (Hamon users can use their Hamon to extend their limbs. Hamon users can create blades of liquid sharper than scalpels and can shoot them from their mouth. Hamon users can shoot Hamon through walls to attack their opponents. Hamon users can shoot Hamon through water to hit their opponents from large distances. Hamon users can use metal to send Hamon towards their opponents. Hamon users can Hamon infused bubble to attack their opponents) | Standard Melee, Several Meters with Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (Space Ripper Stingy Eyes can reach this far)

Intelligence: Genius Intelligence (Went through similar Hamon training to Will Anthonio Zeppeli, who trained in Hamon for decades and learned from those who had five thousand years of history behind their methods. Will Taught Jonathan Joestar how to properly use his Hamon. Jonathan Joestar is able to defeat Bruford, who completed the 77 Rings challenge that has only been completed by five knights, which requires those who partake in it to fight seventy seven knights in a row while having to carry more weight each battle. Will Knew how to minimize the damage he took when an attack that would hit him from any direction was about to injure him. Became an expert in Hamon)

Powers and Techniques


  • Hamon Conducting Scarf: Straizo wears a scarf that can conduct Hamon better than any human could. This allows him to be protected against any Hamon attacks.

Notable Techniques

  • Hamon: Hamon, also know as Ripple is life energy that produces the same type of energy waves as the sun. These waves are created by breathing in a special way that allows the user to use the energy produced by blood flow throughout the body. Hamon can be used to amplify the user's strength, heal wounds and diseases, send energy through objects, walk on water, and more. Hamon is especially good at harming Vampires as it is their main weakness. Straizo became a master of using hamon being able to use it to slow his aging and would use it to kill himself when he was a Vampire.
    • Overdrive: A basic form of attacking using ripple to amplify his attacks to a superhuman degree.


Standard Tactics: Straizo passively amplifies himself with his Hamon and will use its abilities when they are best suited during combat. | Straizo will try to finish his opponent off quickly with his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes.

Weaknesses: If he can't breath he will eventually run out of Hamon. If Straizo were to use Ultimate Deep Pass Overdrive he will rapidly age until he becomes an old man. If A Hamon user's Hamon unable to connect with its target, the target will be unaffected. A way to prevent Hamon from connecting is by freezing the users way of attacking with it before it could reach it's target. Straizo fears aging into an old man. | Used the Stone Mask to become a Vampire making him unable to use Hamon without killing himself. Straizo isn't fully aware of his vampiric capabilities. Vampires are weak to sunlight. As Hamon energy is identical to that of the Sun's, Vampires are weak to it. Destroying a Vampire's brain causes them to die. Flash freeze does not work on fire and will be melted if fire falls on the frozen part.


  • Straizo's name is a reference to the English rock band Dire Straits
  • After the release of JoJo's 52th chapter in January 1988, a fan of the series sent a letter to series creator, Hirohiko Araki bawling over Straizo's death. Her letter would be published in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency's 5th Volume in the reader submission section, where the writer of the letter would refer to Straizo as "Suto-sama". The letter would become popular on Japanese forums and would result in serval memes being made using the letter as a format.

When translated into English the letter states the following:

NOOO! Suto-sama is dead!

"I'll make a Suto-sama doujin & Suto-sama fan club!" I thought to myself, and yet... Sniffle... What a cruel fate for such a beautiful man... Ahhh!

Uuuurgh... You're a meanie... Hmph!! It's only been two weeks since I sent you that postcard saying "It's finally Straizo's time!" Whyyy, whyyyy?! It's already over?! You're lying, right?! I can't believe it.... To have that pathetic JoJo kill him!! That's such a fall compared to Dio!! He's coming back to life, right? Right? Right? ......I'm gonna cryyy... He was frighteningly apathetic (even though he's from the country! Hmph!) and I loved him so much!! Suto-samaaaa! I hate it that you're deeaaaaad!! You're a hippo, sensei! Waahh!

P.S. In WSJ 1988 Issue #1-2, the young lady was too close!!


  1. JoJo 6251, Pg.148


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