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Scott Pilgrim (Video Game)
From The Codex
Articles About Scott Pilgrim
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Scott Pilgrim | Graphic Novel - Movie - Video Game - Anime |
“ | Scott Pilgrim |
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~ The game's intro |
Scott Pilgrim is the main protagonist of the video game, Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game (Recently rebranded as Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game: Complete Edition). In the game's prologue, Scott Pilgrim meets and instantly falls in love with Ramona Flowers, leading to the two dating soon after. Unfortunately for them however, Ramona's evil ex-boyfriends threaten to ruin their relationship out of spite. Together with Ramona, alongside Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, Knives Chau, and Wallace Wells, the team must travel the mysterious land of Toronto Canada and beat the evil exes.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Scott Pilgrim’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
World One
The team continues to progress around the street, even near large holes in the street that Scott and co must avoid. As they fight more waves of enemies, a bus will drive by foreshadowing Lucas Lee as the next boss battle. Shortly after making their way through the neighborhood, Scott and crew arrive at the park where they continue to fight hipsters of varying levels of skill sets, challenging them further in their journey. After traversing the park, they encounter a subspace door at a house that allows Scott and co to make their way to the entrance of the shopping district. Here they buy various snacks and foods to enhance their stats. If Scott and crew choose to progress further without taking the subspace door, they will progress past several buildings where new enemies will ambush them. After defeating the waves of enemies, the characters will have reached the shopping district where, besides the occasional enemy, is a safe area where Scott and friends can buy snacks and food, along with some powerful items if they can pay off Scott's late fees. Once they leave the shopping district, the characters will make their way under a bridge in their pursuit to the Rockit Club, where Wallace's Mystery Shop can be found (on the panel with a graffiti star on it), and some more enemies both on the walkway and the road (cars will occasionally drive by as a hazard to both Scott and the enemies). After defeating the new foes in the tunnel, the characters will get caught in a severe snowstorm forcing Scott and co to go through a conveniently placed subspace door. After traveling through subspace, the characters reach The Rockit just after Crash and the Boys finish "Last Song Kills Audience". Suddenly, Matthew Patel smashes through the ceiling, attempting to hit the characters, his attack is easily blocked, and Patel is knocked back, starting the first boss battle. After Scott and friends successfully defeat Matthew Patel who, upon his defeat, cracks with light pouring out and drops $2.10 in change. World Two
After fighting the paparazzi and making their way further, the characters will wander into a set when filming starts, where Johns will run pass and explode, after that, the Scott and friends will face an array Aliens and Raxzillas, before the motion capture suit wearing Camerons jump out of the green screen and run pass the set, and are easily defeated before filming ends. After the first screenplay, the characters will see Lucas Lee trying to disarm a nuclear warhead which Scott and co must quickly destroy lest it blow them up. Successfully destroying it prevents the cast from taking any damage, and Lucas Lee runs to the next room. Following on from this, Scott and co will enter a temple-like area, where the characters will have to use a key to open a gate and advance to the next area. The next room has giant stone balls rolling vertically down the cave room that the characters must avoid. Scott and friends must once again find a key to move on to the next room. In the next room, Lucas Lee can be found trying to break open a chest and will run off as soon as he sees the cast arrive, leaving you to fight three Raxzillas. A large statue blocks the exit that must be destroyed in order to progress. The characters will then return back outside and wander once again into a set and have to avoid the exploding Johns again and battle more Aliens and Raxzillas. Once again, Camerons will pop out of the green screen and run past the set, ending the shooting and allow the cast to continue forth. Moving on past the set, the characters come across Lucas Lee's car that must be destroyed quickly whilst also fighting a couple of Paparazzi. Upon succeeding, the car becomes immobile and Lucas Lee will burst the door open and quickly run off. The cast finally catches up with Lucas, who has found enough time to smoke. After discarding his cigarette, Lucas stands up, ready to fight his opponents alongside several skateboarders. After being bested in combat, Lucas Lee will attempt to escape by grinding the Casa Loma stair rails, but fail in the process leading to him incinerating his own body and bursting into coins. Afterwards, his Mithril Skateboard is dropped and left as an item to be collected, but none of the characters can use it, so it disappears. World 3
Making their way to the right side of the stage, Scott and co are approached by security alongside enemy hipsters, which they must defeat to progress further to the stage. After defeating more waves of enemies, Scott and co confront Envy Adams, who laughs at the crew before noticing her band member Lynette Guycott walking out of the women's restroom alongside Todd Ingram. Angered, Envy calls the two up to stage and begins fighting with Lynette, before the two engage in combat with Scott and co. After their defeat, Envy Adams forms a rain cloud above her head and melts away, while Lynette Guycott loses her Bionic Arm which explodes and teleports away. Both of the women drop change on their death. Todd Ingram calmly walks over to Scott and co and uses his vegan powers on his bass guitar to create a massive vegan explosion. The characters are knocked into the backstage rooms where they must destroy the walls quickly to avoid taking huge damage from Todd's vegan blast, who is chasing the cast through the air. Once the characters reach the end of the chase scene, Todd will engage Scott Pilgrim in a bass battle (a reference to Guitar Hero and volume three) with the characters taking it seriously, and hitting Todd over the head with a bass. Angered by this, Todd will use his vegan powers to throw the characters outside where the real fight will begin. After the characters defeat Todd Ingram, his body will expand into various vegan foods, and explode into a plethora of organic matter, a potential callback to Akari's Tetsuo after he begins mutating at a rapid pace. The party will be rewarded with change and an extra life. World Four
Scott and co then must fight their way through various enemies in order to reach the back of the street car, where Roxanne slices the top of the vehicle for the team to climb out of. Scott and friends fight through even more enemies in order to reach the front of the bus to confront Roxanne. After cleaving through waves of enemies, Roxanne teleports behind the cast and slices the street car in two, causing the vehicle to crash into a The Frying Tengu. After crashing into the building's front wall, Scott and friends are ambushed by ninjas who block their path. Defeating them allows Scott and co to move on into the kitchen area. In the kitchen, enemies lit on fire began rushing the team in an attempt to ignite them. Scott must defeat them without catching on fire by either the enemies, or the stoves. Progressing further leads them to a mini game where Scott and co must destroy all wooden training posts in time. Moving forward further, the team reaches Frying Tengu's shop where they can quickly get snacks and food to heal and increase their stats. Outside the shop, more enemies block the way, with the floor having several holes that any character can fall through. Further on, the characters will reach an area where giant balls will come towards them that Scott and co must avoid. In the same area, there is a Subspace door that'll move the characters onto the next section of the stage, Chengu Gardens. If the characters carry on, they'll reach a section where some Hanzos will disguise themselves as background statues. Once defeated, the characters will move on to the adjacent gardens. After fighting some enemies, the team will come across two idle Hanzos (this is where the characters will come out if they used Subspace). Defeating the Hanzos allows Scott and co to move on further into the gardens. Further on from here, the characters will reach a small pond with a bridge built over it, where a Hanzo stands waiting for the cast to arrive. After fighting even more deadly ninjas, the characters will reach another Subspace door, giving them access to a Subspace highway identical in design as the one Ramona fought Roxie in in Volume 4. Leaving Subspace, the characters will wind up in Ramona's back garden, where Ramona's Hammer can be found and used. Moving up the garden, Roxanne will appear to finally challenge the cast to a battle. Roxanne uses a combination of quick sword slices and kick attacks, Roxanne can also change her sword into a whip (in reference to her movie counterpart) for an unblockable attack. Roxie can also teleport and reappear to catch the characters off guard. Once Roxie takes enough damage, she'll teleport and create four unattackable clones of herself who run around and use unblockable attacks before disappearing. When Roxie is defeated, she'll get sliced in half, and explode into a cascade of woodland creatures, just like in the books, unlike the books, these animals can be collected and will give the team money. World Five
At the very start, there is a subspace door that leads to a high school hallway, likely in reference to Scott and Kim's high school. Taking the subspace door skips several battles that they would've faced had they taken the normal route through the apartment room. Facing off against dressed up foes, Scott and co must defeat at least one wave of enemies before progressing further into Julie's apartment. Upon making their way to the end of the building, a small robot model attacks the team in an ambush, engaging in a mini-boss akin to Envy Adams and Lynette Guycott's boss battle. Defeating the robot opens the doors, leading to the outside balcony. This is the first time the party sees Gideon Graves, who is inside the building watching Scott and co make their way outside. Walking to the right on the balcony, Scott and friends will make their way to Scott's parents' barbecue shop, where they can purchase snacks and food. Further to the right past the shop, Scott and co will cross a wooden plank over to the fire escape of the neighboring building. As the team steps on the platform, massive robot arms begin attacking the fire escape, destroying each layer until the crew make their way to the top of the building. At the top of the building, the team gets to see the full scale of the Twins' maximum size robot. The Twins' robot will fire missiles in close range, spew out fire over the building, swipe at Scott and co with its arms, and fire a supermassive laser from afar. Destroying both arms leads to the destruction of the robot, leading to the Twins ejecting the head capsule and flying off to the Dragon's Den. In the Dragon's Den, Scott and co will need to walk down a long corridor littered with various enemies and obstacles including snakes, flame traps, metal balls, and spikes. Once Scott and co reach the door with the two Katayanagi Twins statue in front of it, putting the statue together opens the door and leads to the Katayanagi Twins' chambers. Once face-to-face with the Katayanagi Twins, the two will laugh at Scott and co before engaging with them in combat. The Twins are unique in that they work as two separate entities who can combine their power to perform powerful attacks. If one of the twins falls in combat, the other will revive them from unconsciousness. Upon their defeat, the twins will morph into black and white dragon heads respectively before disappearing. The two twins will drop change each. World Six
The level starts out in the same park as world one, only now it's broad daylight, and the snow has mostly melted, and is overwhelming with stronger enemies and wildlife previously not seen in World One. After defeating the foes in the park, Scott and co go into the woods, instead of going down into the shopping district. After some walking, the team come across a stone statue that they must destroy in order to get a gate key. While getting the key to the gate, Scott and co are attacked by the wildlife and small elves with money bags. On the pathway to the gate, a secret shop can be found leading to a vacant house with Mobile inside, who will sell the team healing herbs and training to learn a powerful move for each character. Going up some steps and fighting more woodland creatures, the characters will reach an area where NegaScott will make several objects fall from the sky and potentially hit the team. More elves will appear and can be hit for more coins. Further on, the characters will reach a gate that can be opened with the key obtained earlier, taking them to what appears to be an old graveyard. The graveyard starts with fairly normal enemies that Scott and crew must defeat to progress. Soon after progressing further into the graveyard, zombies will rise and attack the crew. Scott and co must defeat the zombies without falling into their graves and avoiding falling rocks. Defeating them allows the team to progress even further into the graveyard and face Nega Scott directly. Nega Scott is essentially Scott Pilgrim but with dark-based attacks. He will use various close range attacks and a projectile to overwhelm Scott and crew, and as he gets weaker, he'll begin summoning zombies. After his defeat, Nega Scott will simply smile and vanish into purple mist, dropping change for the team. World Seven
After fighting through four waves of enemies, Scott and co will make it into the Chaos Theatre, where Gideon Graves waits for their arrival. Upon seeing the team, he will transform into a buffer version of himself named Super Gideon Graves. He will fight using strong physical attacks, an invincible one-winged form (in reference to iconic villain Sephiroth from the Final Fantasy series), and jumping up to throw down meteors at the team. Defeating Gideon Graves doesn't defeat him like a traditional boss, and instead enters his second phase, where he'll remove his shirt and pull Scott and crew into his Subspace (done via the star on his chest which pulls the cast into Subspace directly). Gideon's subspace is a dark space with blue platforms that will occasionally have blood fall on them. In the background, eyes watch the team as they progress further into subspace whilst fighting flying heads. As Scott progresses further, they will eventually find clouds to jump on that lead to a stone platform, where Gideon stands. Stuck in the clouds is the Power of Love longsword, the most powerful weapon in the game. After obtaining the blade, Scott and friends face Gideon directly, who has transformed into Giga Gideon Graves. Giga Gideon is an amalgamation of all the evil exes. The first layer of Giga Gideon consists of the previous exes firing homing lightning spheres. After defeating the first layer, Giga Gideon will lower himself to face Scott and co. directly. Giga Gideon will fire red skulls and lightning bolts as projectiles, and will punch the team and the stage as he takes more damage to the heart. After defeating Giga Gideon, the subspace will begin to shake, and Scott and crew are thrown out of Subspace and back to the Chaos Theatre. Gideon Graves takes this opportunity to run away, with Scott and friends hot on his trail. Scott and crew follow Gideon Graves to the Techno Base, where they proceed down a long corridor with several waves of enemies, consisting of small robots first seen in World 5, and muscle bombers. In later waves, they will face Absymbels, Bee-0s, and turrets. The combination of these three prove especially difficult due to their ranged weaponry and small demeanor. The last wave of enemies consist of genetically created Albertas and Wrights. The former has an electrical baton used to shock Scott and co., and the latter flies in the air firing electrical projectiles. Near the end of the corridor, Scott and friends will encounter the final shop of the game, where they can buy powerful items. After entering the purple doorway, Scott and friends enter a room which appears to be based upon Ramona's Subspace. From the other side of the room, Gideon stands up from his throne (that quickly transforms into a colony of Bats), ready for the final fight. Gideon Graves will use his Pixel Katana to fire pixel-like wave projectiles and slice up Scott and co. Although not much, Gideon is an incredibly fast foe with long ranged attacks, making him the toughest fight Scott and co have faced up to this point. Defeating him reveals the Gideon Graves fighting to be a perfect robot created by the real Gideon, and the entire room was an illusion. Gideon is seen on the right side of the room controlling a monitor. He quickly jumps to the middle of the room and falls on his knees begging for forgiveness. Punching him once ends the boss fight with Gideon exploding into a black goo-like substance. His defeat leads to the destruction of the entire Chaos Theatre and Techno Base, ending the heroes' journey and the League of Evil Ex Boyfriends once and for all. |
Codex Statistics
Key: Level 1-2 | Level 3-6 | Level 7-Epilogue
Tier: Low 8-C, Higher with Stat Boosts | 6-A, Higher with Stat Boosts | At least 6-A, possibly High 6-A, Higher with Stat Boosts
Name: Scott Pilgrim
Origin: Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game
Sex: Male
Age: Likely 22 (Should be based on his movie counterpart)
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Scott and friends must defeat Ramona's evil ex boyfriends, who actively cause problems for Scott, Ramona, and the people of Toronto. Although Scott Pilgrim is implied to have similar faults and moral issues to his movie counterpart [Further implied by his non canon ending], these traits are never addressed as issues for his friends, and are moreso human flaws he overcomes at the end of the game with Ramona's help)
Classification: Human, Musician, Professional fighter
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Small Building level (Defeated Matthew Patel in combat with relative ease and dwarfs basic grunts who can completely incinerate people), Higher with Stat Boosts (Various items can greatly increase the stats on Scott) | Continent level (Defeated Todd Ingram who punched the same two holes in the moon like in the comics), Higher with Stat Boosts | At least Continent level, possibly Multi-Continent level (Defeated Gideon Graves who, like his movie counterpart, has the Pixel Katana which grants a seven times boost in all offensive stats), Higher with Stat Boosts
Durability: Small Building level (Can tank attacks from Matthew Patel), Higher with Stat Boosts (Various items can greatly increase the stats on Scott) | Continent level (No-selled a vegan nuke from Todd Ingram and could fight Roxy Richter), Higher with Stat Boosts | At least Continent level, possibly Multi-Continental level (Could tank meteors being thrown by Gideon Graves, and later could tank attacks from his Pixel katana)
Striking Strength: Small Building Class, Higher with Stat Boosts | Continent Class, Higher with Stat Boosts | At least Continent Class, possibly Multi-Continent Class
Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Can throw six grown men with ease. Scales to Ramona who can easily swing her Giant Hammer around) | Class 5 (Can push large stone statues with a punch and could overpower the Katayanagi Twins' robot) | At least Class 100 (Can lift entire cars with ease. Scales to Gideon who can throw meteors from space)
Travel Speed: Peak Human | Peak Human, likely Massievly Hypersonic Flight Speed (Flew above the clouds with Ramona Flowers, which should be comparable to Gideon Graves flying into orbit in a few seconds) | Peak Human, Massively Hypersonic Flight Speed
Attack Speed: At most Relativistic+ (Preformed a 130-hit combo in seconds and can parry flashes from a camera at point blank), Higher with Stat Boosts (Various items can greatly increase the stats on Scott) | At most Relativistic+ (Bested Todd in combat, who was able to move to the moon at these speeds. Could also parry Todd Ingram's lightning attacks at point blank), Higher with Stat Boosts | At least At most Relativistic+ (Defeated Gideon Graves with the Pixel Katana, and scales to Nega Scott who could take over the universe in a short timeframe in a non canon ending)
Reaction Speed: At most Relativistic+, Higher with Stat Boosts | At most Relativistic+, Higher with Stat Boosts | At least At most Relativistic+, Higher with Stat Boosts
Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight armies of enemies for days on end and still be in peak condition to fight the evil exes. Fought a countless number of zombies for an extended period of time)
Range: Standard Melee physically, Extended Melee with special attacks, Several of Meters with the Power of Love, Tens of Meters with projectile weapons, Multiversal with Subspace Manipulation (The size of subspace expands this large)
Intelligence: Genius Intelligence (Is incredibly skilled in combat and can utilize anything around him to his advantage. Is superior to Nega Scott who could rule the universe)
Powers and Techniques
All previous powers and abilities to an unknown extent. Abstract Existence (Idea, Primordial Source), Regeneration (Low-Godly; Subspace avatars are avatars of pure cognition[1] of one's true self and by extension can be restored by the true form at will[2]), Immortality, Supernatural Resilience, and Unconditional Time Travel (Life and Death Immunity; Concepts such as death are irrelevant to subspace avatars/dwellers as even if one dies[3] they will just be sent into subspace[4], with spirits being able to freely pass through and from Subspace. Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; All damage done to a subspace avatar means nothing to their true self. Someone like Scott could lose his limbs in subspace and be cut in half and would still be perfectly fine[2][5]. Reliance; True Self/Person; As the creation(s) in subspace ultimately have no major consequences on the real world self, the subspace avatar can be endlessly created[2]. Even if subspace itself is destroyed[5], the true self can simply restore it as well. Subspace avatars are avatars of pure cognition[1] created by one's true self and by extension can be restored by the true form at will[6], regardless of the damage they succumb to[2]) Alternate Replacements (Due to Subspace being an entire space-time continuum directly tied to the user's mind[7] mind subspace is therefore directly linked to the user's entire life, allowing for numerous versions of the same being to exist simultaneously[5]. Furthermore, psychic energies can traverse through the timestream to the present era, further suggesting that mental figments of one's past self can travel through the timestream), Acausality (Irregular Causality; Subspace is a different space-time where all rules are different (including death[4]), thus it should by extension be a different system of causality), Enhanced Perspective Manipulation and Observation (Unconscious Manifestation and Conscious Manifestation; Perception is Law. People, items, and Mind Subspace itself are based on the nature of the person's mind, therefore, however, a person imagines Subspace is how it will appear. A good example is Scott's Dream Desert[8]: this location is repeatedly used as a metaphor for Scott's loneliness but also is his projected image of Subspace at that time which Ramona is able to pass through[8]), Law Manipulation (One’s subspace operates under their rules[9] and systems[6] which can extend even to the real[10] world[11] with characters like Gideon affecting Ramona’s Subspace), Reality Warping and Mind Manipulation (Mindshifting; While Mind Subspace allows for others' own projected images of themselves to take on other forms[5], the individual whom the Subspace resides in retains all power and control within said mind. Through this, the character can shape themselves and Subspace to their liking all through their thoughts, perspectives, and desires), Power Nullification (A user of Subspace can completely nullify any connection an opponent has in that Subspace, regardless of if they're more powerful or not. This is how Ramona was able to expel Gideon despite him being a master of Subspace and able to manipulate it inside anyone's mind[5]), Dimensional Travel and limited Possession (Subspace users can unconsciously and consciously enter their subspace avatars[7], even after dying[5]), Power Manifestation (Gideon Graves was able to create the Glow from subspace[5] and use it to directly counter mind subspace[5])
Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar
- Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar: The guitar Scott uses to perform alongside his band, Sex Bob-omb. The guitar can be used as both a blunt weapon (As shown in World 3 in Scott's encounter with Todd Ingram in their bass battle), and a musical instrument with combat-based abilities (Such as summoning a spiritual yeti).
Optional Equipment
Notable Techniques
Attack | Description | Move Type | Level Learned |
Perform a quick attack with weak damage output. Can be stringed along in a combo. | Fast Attack | ||
Perform a slow, but powerful attack. Can easily juggle opponents in the air. | Strong Attack | ||
Attack whilst performing a dash to deal more damage than regular Fast and Strong Attacks. | Fast and Strong Attack | ||
Attack enemies behind you with either a Fast Attack, or Strong Attack. | Fast and Strong Attack | ||
Counter by blocking right before taking a hit to become immune to the attack, and strike back. | Block | ||
Attack incapacitated enemies with a Fast Attack. | Fast Attack | ||
Grab nearby enemies and quickly throw them forward. | Strong Attack | ||
While sprinting, throw items currently in hand with far more damage output then normally. | Strong Attack | ||
When near enemy, grab them and unleash a flurry of attacks in quick succession. | Fast Attack | ||
Quickly perform an additional attack after a Fast Attack. | Fast and Strong Attack | ||
Quickly cartwheel out of harm's way while blocking. | Block | ||
While airborne, dive down to land on top of enemies and bounce off their heads. | Strong Attack | ||
When near incapacitated enemies, perform an assualt of attacks with high damage output. | Strong Attack | ||
While in the air, perform a spin attack that acts as a pseudo-double jump and damages foes. | Jump | ||
While holding an object, repeatedly hit enemies with the item for large amounts of damage. | Fast Attack | ||
While in free fall, recover in the air to prevent incapacitation. | Jump | ||
Differs between each character. Engulfs Scott in a pillar of flames that launch opponents into the air. | Strong Attack | ||
Differs between each character. Allows Scott to quickly lunge forward, launching opponent a great distance. | Strong Attack |
Standard Tactics: Scott will usually rely on his skill in hand-to-hand combat whilst also uning any and all potential weapons in the area to his advantage. He can also use his guitar for combat.
Weaknesses: None notable.
For further explanation of subspace, read this blog.
Battle Records
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together, 2007, Chapter 20
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, 2010, Chapter 32
- ↑ Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, 2010, Chapter 36
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, 2010, Chapter 35
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, 2010, Chapter 37
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together, 2007, Chapter 23
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, 2004, Chapter 2
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, 2004, Chapter 1
- ↑ Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together, 2007, Chapter 20
- ↑ Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness, 2005, Chapter 12
- ↑ Free Scott Pilgrim, 2006, Bonus