“ | Yeah! I know! I gotta believe!! | „ |
~ Scott Pilgrim to himself |
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Articles About Scott Pilgrim
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Scott Pilgrim | Graphic Novel - Movie - Video Game - Anime |
“ | For messing with my head... with Ramona's head... for the league of evil ex-boyfriends... for the good of all mankind... I'll punish you! | „ |
~ Scott Pilgrim to Gideon Graves |
“ | Yeah! I know! I gotta believe!! | „ |
~ Scott Pilgrim to himself |
“ | Ramona, I'm in love with you.
... And I know we can make this relationship work. |
„ |
~ Scott Pilgrim to Ramona Flowers |
“ | Gideon... I think I understand you, man.
... And now I have to kill you. |
„ |
~ Scott Pilgrim to Gideon Graves |
Scott William Pilgrim is the eponymous central protagonist of the Scott Pilgrim series and is the bass player in the band Sex Bob-omb (and later Shatterband). He is 24 years old and is the boyfriend of Ramona Flowers. In order to date Ramona, Scott must defeat her seven evil exes.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Scott Pilgrim’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Early Life
Scott was born in Peterborough, Ontario, and moved to Northern Ontario at the age of 16. On his first day at St. Joel's Catholic High School, Scott got into a fight with three older boys, Scott lost the fight and was brought to the principal's office. Whilst waiting outside, Scott met Lisa Miller, and over the next couple of days, Lisa constantly bothered Scott, and eventually became his friend. Whilst at St. Joel's, Scott met Kim Pine, who was signed up as his partner for a presentation in history class, and the two became friends, to which Kim seemed less than pleased due to believing that Scott would slack off and make her do all the work. Lisa planned to form a band with Scott in order to "transcend [their] class status" and become cool, however, Scott pointed out that there was only two of them and that the duo was lacking a drummer. Later at a school band concert, Scott noticed that Kim was playing the drums for the band, prompting them both to consider asking her to join their band. On a Monday, Scott arrived at school to find various students unconscious on the floor, Lisa arrives, revealing to Scott that a bunch boys from Benvie Tech High School, known as the Benvie Tech Boys, came, kidnapped Kim, and beat everyone up. Scott then rushes to Benvie Tech in order to save Kim, and his history presentation. Scott battled through Benvie Tech, effortlessly defeating the Benvie Tech Boys and finally reached their leader on the rooftop, Simon Lee, who had chained up Kim, keeping her prisoner. Scott fought Simon, and eventually defeated him, kicking him off the edge of the roof. Scott then held hands with Kim and told her that he thought they should be dating. Kim revealed she shared his feelings for her, and Scott then asked Kim if she wanted to join his band, Kim agreed to both, and the two shared a kiss. This event was later revealed to be a false memory implanted by Gideon Graves, and in reality, Simon was just some nerdy kid who briefly dated Kim before Scott punched him in the face out of a fit of jealousy. In the following weeks, Scott enjoyed his time in high school, performing at St. Joel's Lunchapalooza with the band, named Sonic & Knuckles, and spending time with Kim, however, this came to a sudden end when Scott's family moved to Toronto, leaving Kim behind. It is eventually revealed that Scott didn't tell Kim about this, and he, in fact, told Lisa Miller, causing a rift between the two. University
Some considerable time later, Scott met Knives Chau, a seventeen-year-old high schooler, whilst on a bus with her mother, and the two started dating, the primary reason being that Scott found the relationship easy and simple as all he did was ride the bus with her and talk about school. Despite Scott's attitude and questionable dating, Scott had an increasing sense of loneliness. Whilst dating Knives, Scott had an unusual dream about a mysterious girl he'd never met before, causing him to become distracted when on dates with Knives, Scott then saw the girl at a library, further distracting him. Later on, Scott and his friends went to a party at Julie's and Scott saw the girl again, removing any doubt that she wasn't real, Scott then tried, rather unsuccessfully, to chat her up. Failing, Scott promised to leave her alone forever, and then secretly stalked her until she left the party, afterwards, Scott asked various party members about her to try and find some information about her, he discovers that her name is Ramona Flowers, and that she is a delivery girl for the online retailer, Amazon. The next day, Scott orders some CDs from Amazon.ca in order to get another chance at meeting Ramona, unaware of the fact that it was a Saturday and that the CDs wouldn't ship until Monday and completely forgetting about his pseudo relationship with Knives. Whilst on the computer, Scott received an unusual E-mail about an upcoming fight, Scott however, dismisses the message and deletes it on the grounds of being boring. Meeting Ramona Flowers
The Seven Evil Exes
Whilst on the train back home, Ramona revealed that she has Seven Evil Exes and that Scott must defeat each Ex in order to date her, to which Scott casually agrees, Scott then asked if Gideon was one of the Evil Exes, causing Ramona to become angered and making her head Glow. Breakup with Knives Chau
As Scott and Ramona's relationship continued, Ramona revealed a little more about her past life including her relationship with Lucas. Later on in the week, Scott travelled to Casa Loma with Wallace to confront Lucas Lee, who was filming his latest movie there. Upon meeting Lucas, Scott became star struck and asked Lucas for his autograph as opposed to fighting him, leaving Scott vulnerable and allowing Lucas to punch Scott to the ground and then throw him into the side of the castle, causing Scott to pass out. When Scott woke up, Lucas offered him a break and the two talked about his relationship with Ramona, causing Lucas to cry, Lucas then offered Scott the opportunity to throw the fight as long as Scott gave Lucas all his money, Scott instead called Lucas a sell-out, angering him. Scott quickly got out of the situation by goading Lucas into performing a grind trick on a nearby grind rail, Lucas accepted, but near the end of the trick, Lucas accumulated too much speed, and burst into flames, making Scott victor by default. After "defeating" Lucas, Scott received roughly fourteen dollars and a Mithril Skateboard, which Scott was unable to use as he lacks skateboard proficiency. Lee's Palace
Later on, Scott unwillingly went to Lee's Palace with Ramona and the rest of his friends to see The Clash at Demonhead perform. When the band started their gig, Ramona revealed that Todd, the band's bassist and current boyfriend of Envy, is, in fact, her third Evil Ex-boyfriend, Todd Ingram. After the performance, Scott and his friends were invited backstage by Envy Adams. During an awkward gathering, Scott, angered by Todd's arrogance and cockiness, attacked Todd. Todd avoided this attack, and his hair began to stand on end and his eyes began the glow. Todd then managed to telekinetically throw Scott through a wall of Lee's Palace. After this, Envy revealed that Todd is a Vegan, which grants him psychic powers. After a small bout, Envy arranges to conclude the battle the next day at Honest Ed's. The next day, Scott, Todd, Envy, and others met up at Honest Ed's. Envy then revealed the rules of the battle, which is to race through Honest Ed’s, emerge on the other end, and defeat each other. The race started, and the two went inside Honest Ed's. Whilst there, Scott and Todd suffered from sensory overload due to the masses of items available, the full effects of which were partial blindness, hallucinations, and mental instability. Eventually, Todd lost control of his mental powers, and caused Honest Ed's to implode, stopping the battle at the tie. Eventually, the night of Sex Bob-omb's performance arrived, and the band got on stage to perform. In an attempt to gain popularity, all three members dressed in black and promised to make the audience "think about death and get sad and stuff." However, before the band could play, Scott leaped off of the stage to intervene in a fight between Ramona and Envy that started whilst the band was preparing. After this, it was revealed to Envy that Todd had been cheating on her with the Clash at Demonhead's drummer Lynette. Outraged, Envy attacked Lynette and Todd, the latter of whom retorted by offensively using his vegan powers on Envy, claiming immunity to moral boundaries due to his rock star status. The vegan
The next day, Scott talked to Envy as she left home after the ordeal involving Todd. Although Scott hoped to gain some kind of closure to their relationship, all he got was an awkward goodbye as Envy departed for the airport. Despite being let down by this, Scott is reassured by Ramona, who announced that Scott only had four more exes to defeat in order to be Ramona's official boyfriend. Getting it together
Back in Toronto, Scott and Stephen helped Kim move into a new apartment with her friend Hollie, whilst there, Stephen noticed Hollie's roommate, Joseph, who had a recording studio in his room, prompting him to want to record an album for Sex Bob-omb. As Scott and Ramona's relationship continued to grow, Scott began to ask more about Ramona's personal life, such as her age. However, Ramona remained secretive, refusing to tell Scott how old she was. Reunion with Lisa Miller
In the following morning, Scott has a Zelda-esque dream when Ramona bumped into him. When Scott complained about Ramona's constant dream invasion, Ramona suggested that Scott should get a job so he wouldn't oversleep and thus Ramona wouldn't invade his dreams whilst working. Scott then spent the day asking his various friends whether there was any available job at their workplaces. When Scott arrived at No-Account Video to ask Kim, Kim took Scott to The Happy Avocado, Stephen's workplace, as there was dishwashing job available there. Despite being reluctant to take the job offer, Scott eventually agreed to take the job. On the way back, Scott and Kim are attacked by a guy with a samurai sword who cut straight through a passing streetcar to reach them. Scott, terrified by the man's presence, opened a door to the subspace highway, allowing the two to escape. Confused by the encounter, Kim left Scott, claiming she had to go. In the following days, Sex Bob-omb continued to record their album and spend their nights at Sneaky Dee's with the rest of their friends, practicing less and less to the dismay of Young Neil, who began to feel that his friends were abandoning him. On their way back home from these nights, Ramona began to casually ask Scott about Lisa and if he had any romantic feelings for her, to which Scott denied. The next morning Scott and Wallace travelled to the office of their landlord, Peter who wished to have a meeting with them. Whilst there, Peter, revealed that the lease for their apartment was up and that they would have to leave or pay month to month to continue living there. The two, dumbfounded by their current predicament, left each other and Scott went to face his first day of work at the Happy Avocado. After his day at work, a tired Scott started to make his way back home when he got attacked by a mysterious black blur. Scott managed to attack the blur, revealing it to be a female ninja, who Scott had succeeded in punching in the boob. After leaving Scott with a cryptic message, the mysterious ninja woman left, leaving Scott confused. That same night, the group performed the usual routine of recording at Hollie's apartment and eating at Sneaky Dee's. With Ramona absent, Lisa asked Scott to walk her home and whilst doing so, Lisa made a drunken pass at Scott, which he turned down. Back at his apartment, Scott talked to Wallace about their situation regarding the apartment, Wallace suggests that Scott move in with Ramona, to which Scott is uncertain of. The fourth ex
After the fight, Scott talked to Ramona about the situation regarding his apartment and Ramona, rather reluctantly, agrees to let Scott move in with her. As Lisa began to spend more time around with Scott and the gang, Ramona began to grow suspicious of Lisa's feelings towards Scott. Ramona eventually confronts Scott about this, leading to an argument which resulted in Ramona leaving Scott to go back to her place alone. Scott then went back to his apartment, where he was greeted by Wallace and some guy having sex. Wallace then proceeded to tell a mentally scarred Scott that he was fired from his job and that he couldn't stay the night. Scott then walked around the neighborhood, unsure where he'll stay until he rummages through his pockets and realised he had Lisa's number, which he had received earlier. With no other option, Scott called Lisa so he could spend the night. Whilst at Lisa's sister's apartment, Lisa confessed that she still had feelings for Scott and that she had been intentionally dressing provocatively for Scott. The two then talk about high school and how they never expressed their feelings towards each other, and Lisa throws herself at Scott, suggesting they should have a relationship. Scott then blacks out and, after having a dream representing his torment which was invaded by Roxie, awakes with no recollection of what happened. Lisa reveals that Scott confessed his love of Ramona to Lisa. After Scott heard this, he realized how important the relationship was to him and Scott immediately set off to reconcile with Ramona. However, before doing so, Scott went back to the Happy Avocado to get his job back, which he succeeds in doing, despite wearing the same shirt from the day before. After completing his shift, Scott went to Second Cup to get a free coffee from his sister only to find Knives Chau working there. As Scott is about to leave, he notices the man who attacked him earlier, who Knives casually reveals is her dad. Knives then explains to Scott that her dad's brain must have cracked open to be replaced by, "a purely mechanical engine of revenge" after he discovered that Knives dated a white guy. Knives' dad then spotted Scott and gave chase. Scott attempted to lose Mr. Chau through Subspace; however, upon landing in Subspace, Scott found himself him Ramona's head, where she was being held as a slave for a mysterious figure in glasses. When Ramona noticed Scott, she freaked out, and forcibly removed him from Subspace, while Ramona was initially angry about this, she calmed down after she realized it wasn't his fault and told him to forget what he saw. Scott then admitted that he spent the night at Lisa's, making Ramona believe Scott was in love with Lisa. However, before Scott had time to deny this, it was revealed that Roxie spent the night at Ramona's. Seeing this disorientated Scott and cause his head to Glow just as Ramona's had previously. Scott then wandered off and came across a Shadowy Doppelganger of himself. Scott, repulsed by the figure, charged straight through it and went back to Ramona's apartment. There, Scott came across Mr. Chau, who had followed Scott through Subspace. Scott ran through Ramona's apartment, not wanting to fight Mr. Chau because he had a sword. Scott made his way to the bathroom, and in pursuit of Scott, Mr. Chau bumped into Roxie who, believing Mr. Chau to be an assassin sent by Gideon to complete Roxie's mission, attacked him. Whilst fighting Mr. Chau, Roxie came to the conclusion that Scott is just a pussy who can't fight his own battles. After hearing this, Scott man's up to tell Ramona he loves her. Doing so gave Scott over 9,999 experience points, causing Scott to level up and earned the Power of Love. Now possessing a sword of his own, Scott confronts Roxie and defeated her in a mid-air clash, slicing Roxie in two and causing her to burst into a group of furry woodland critters. After this, Scott apologizes to Mr. Chau for dating his daughter. Mr. Chau accepts, signified by a bow, showing that Scott had earned his respect. Sometime later, Scott moves into Ramona's apartment and the two enjoy the rest of summer. Saying goodbye to Lisa, Ramona also reveals to Scott that she is 24 and that her birthday is January the first. Death of the Katayanagi Twins
Wallace revealed information on Gideon Graves to Scott. Kim revealed that her and Hollie's relationship had also been strained, due to Kim's boyfriend Jason cheating on her with her roommate, and Young Neil had become even more of a dick, replying to questions in a frustrated and sarcastic tone as well as smoking. Scott spent the night at Kim's place. They made arrangements so Scott could casually walk in while Kim and Ramona were talking, which turned out to work. Kim drew attention to Ramona's head glowing, the first time anyone had done so. But when they went to look in a mirror, it had stopped. When at another one of Julie's parties, the Twins got Scott into fighting a Super Fighting Robot, a battle which he won. Scott went on to get drunk on tequila with Kim and Ramona. Scott and Ramona got home to their apartment where they had sex and afterward, Ramona asked Scott if it was true that he cheated on her with Knives Chau. After some persuasion, he confirmed this. Ramona's head started glowing again and Scott worried aloud that she might break up with him. Ramona was obviously disappointed in Scott for not being who she believed him to be and said that he was just another evil ex-boyfriend waiting to happen. The following morning, Scott woke up to see that Ramona was no longer in their bed, although he quickly realized she was only in the shower. He picked up a phone call from Kim saying she needed help, and he left the building. He found that the Twins had caught Kim in a cage. They worked together so they could fight him more effectively. It seemed like Scott was losing, so Kim tricked Scott into believing Ramona texted her saying she believes in him in order to motivate him. It worked and Scott successfully defeated both Twins. When Scott got back to the apartment, he found Ramona who had cut off her hair. Scott told Ramona that he loved her no matter what, but Ramona started crying and said goodbye to Scott before using the Glow to teleport herself out of the room. Scott accidentally locked himself out of the apartment not long after. Scott slept at Stephen's and then at Kim's again. Ramona's cat also ran away, and Scott kept trying to lure it into coming back, but without success. Scott also talked to Wallace again and got to meet his new mystery boyfriend, Mobile. Gideon Graves' fatal warning
Scott ended up getting a new apartment paid for by his parents. His brother also visited him, and Scott mistook him for Gideon due to the fact that he wore glasses. He read the note Ramona left Gideon earlier, saying she is leaving him, but Scott couldn't figure out why Ramona never sent him the note. Scott also got a phone call from someone he couldn't figure out who it is. The person revealed that he was Gideon, asking Scott when it would be convenient for him to die. Breakup of Sex Bob-omb
Scott also met Envy Adams at another party and tried to put the moves on her, but it didn't go very well. He asked her if she wanted to get back together or just have casual sex, which she didn't take very seriously. From his conversation with Envy, he gathered that his memories of their past relationship may not be entirely correct. Scott encountered Gideon but fled. Ramona's cat also came back and spent the night in Scott's bed. Encouraged by Wallace, Scott went on a "wilderness sabbatical" to Kim's parents in order to cleanse his mind. He and Kim took a walk in the forest and while they were talking, Scott suddenly kissed her, and she kissed him back but stopped it rather quickly. She also reminded him that he did not remember exactly what it was like when they dated, specifically the details concerning Scott moving to Toronto, and how he beat up Simon Lee. Scott's head started glowing and Negascott emerged from the bushes. Scott tried to fight Negascott, but Kim told him that if he kept forgetting his mistakes, he would only make them again. He also started thinking about Ramona. This resulted in Scott merging with Negascott and getting his proper memories back. Scott then returned to Toronto. Chaos Theatre
Ramona also appeared at Chaos Theatre from Scott's head and Gideon revealed his evil plans to freeze her along with his other ex-girlfriends, awaiting the day when they would all go out with him. Gideon caused everyone's heads to start glowing. During the battle with Gideon, Scott and Ramona argued, and Gideon revealed that he had written a drunken rant on Craigslist which had resulted in the League of Evil Exes. Ramona tried to escape by using The Glow again, but it failed since Gideon ran her through with his sword. Gideon explained the true nature of his invention, the Glow, and what his and Ramona's relationship had been like. Scott used Subspace to travel to Ramona's head, where a far more powerful Gideon awaited him. However, Scott managed to headbutt Gideon, giving him the Glow. Gideon sliced Scott apart, but Ramona told him that even though part of her still belonged to him, the other ones were finished with him, summoning clones of her past selves. This convinced Gideon to get out of Ramona's head, but as he was about to attack Scott once they were back at Chaos Theatre Ramona let her Subspace Suitcase take the blow instead. The bag exploded and Ramona earned the Power of Love. Scott suddenly realized how his incapability of handling relationships well was similar to Gideon's, which earned him a new sword, The Power of Understanding. Gideon revealed he had built a sword into Envy's dress in case of emergency and started fighting the others. Ramona managed to disarm him however and together, she and Scott defeated him. Scott also patched things up with Envy, even though Gideon had briefly been her boyfriend. Scott and Ramona explained to some of their friends what had happened during the battle, and what Ramona had been doing when she left Scott, which turned out not to be much. Scott suggested they try to "hold on" and give their relationship another shot. Ramona was doubtful since she thought she couldn't change, but Scott told her it just took practice. Later life
Scott started a new band with Kim, named Shatter Band. They tried playing to "the only two people who could ever be their fans", Knives and Neil, but they did not like it since they had developed taste. The new band went on playing to Scott's cat anyway. Knives said goodbye to Scott before leaving. Then, Scott arranged a meeting with Ramona, where they agreed to try again with their relationship. They took the door to Subspace and jumped together. |
Grade: B | B | A
Tier: At least High 10-B, Higher with Willpower | At least 9-C, likely 8-A, Higher with Willpower | Varies from High 10-B to 9-C to 8-A, Higher with Willpower
Name: Scott William Pilgrim
Origin: Scott Pilgrim
Sex: Male
Age: 16 to 18 in high school, 19 to 22 during college
Classification: Human, Canadian, student at St. Joel's Catholic High School, student at the University of Toronto, Best fighter in the Province
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Scott is selfish and rude towards people[1]. He punched Simon Lee for no reason other than he was dating Kim Pines[2] and didn't even tell Kim Pines he was moving to Toronto later[1]. Despite this, he still cares for his friends and family in his own angsty way)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least Above Average Human level (Despite merely being a high schooler, he could fight several large teenagers[1]), Higher with Willpower (Even while being beat down and feeling emotionally defeated, he empowered himself and one-shotted the Katayanagi Twins[3]) | At least Bone level (Would go on to become the best fighter in the Province at age nineteen), likely City District level (Stated by both Young Neil and Stephen Stills to have punched a man around the planet[4], though it is unclear when this was performed), Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level (Has a subspace avatar that he can unconsciously make as strong as he wants[5]), Higher with Willpower
Durability: At least Above Average Human level (Fought with a group of jocks, with the end result leaving him bruised[1]), Higher with Willpower (Despite being physically beat down by the Katayanagi Twins, he regained the strength to keep fighting and powered through the pain[3]) | At least Bone level (Endured through the All-Ontario Fighting Tournament which had some of the best fighters in the Province), likely City District level (Had the physical endurance to punch a man across the Earth[4]), Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level (Has a subspace avatar that he can unconsciously make as tough as he wants[5]), Higher with Willpower
Striking Strength: At least Above Average Human Class, Higher with Willpower | At least Bone Class, likely City District Class, Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human Class to Bone Class to City District Class, Higher with Willpower
Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely Peak Human (Shouldn't be much weaker than his college self), Higher with Willpower | Peak Human (His later self juggling Matthew Patel was seen as standard from the likes of Stephen Stills and Kim Pines[1]), Higher with Willpower | At least Peak Human, likely Unknown: Undefinable (Scales to other beings such as Lis who can move dresser drawers that are far larger than universes)
Travel Speed: Athletic Human, Higher with Willpower | Athletic Human, Higher with Willpower | Unknown (Distance works differently in Subspace[6]), Higher with Willpower
Attack Speed: Superhuman (Shouldn't be much slower than his college self), Higher with Willpower | Superhuman (His later self performing a 64-hit air combo on Matthew Patel was seen as standard from the likes of Stephen Stills and Kim Pines[1]), Higher with Willpower | At least Superhuman, Higher with Willpower
Reaction Speed: Superhuman, Higher with Willpower | Superhuman, Higher with Willpower | At least Superhuman, Higher with Willpower. Can't be blitzed while in subspace due to the way space-time works[6]
Stamina: High (Fought in the All-Ontario Fighting Tournament and regularly gets into fights with multiple opponents)
Range: Standard Melee physically, Hundreds of Meters with Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar (Can use his bass guitar to fire soundwaves, to which sound can travel nearly 340 meters), Multiversal with Subspace Manipulation (The size of subspace expands this large)
Intelligence: Average Intelligence regularly (Is far sterner and more serious at this point, but still has a light-hearted side to him), Genius Intelligence in combat (He's considered the best fighter in the Province[7] and has defeated numerous foes. Won the All-Ontario Fighting Tournament when he was nineteen-years old)
Grade: B | A
Tier: At least 8-A, Higher with Willpower | Varies from High 10-B to 9-C to 8-A, Higher with Willpower
Name: Scott William Pilgrim
Origin: Scott Pilgrim
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Classification: Human, Canadian, Member of Sex Bob-omb, Best Fighter in the Providence
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Scott is a selfish and arrogant person who unintentionally damages those around him. He cheated on Ramona Flowers and Knives Chau because he was too scared to confront the latter and break up with her)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least City District level (Can harm and defeat Matthew Patel who can casually bust through warehouse roofs[7]. Stated by both Young Neil and Stephen Stills to have punched someone around the world[4], which would get these results), Higher with Willpower (Even while being beat down and feeling emotionally defeated, he empowered himself and one-shotted the Katayanagi Twins[3]) | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level (Has a subspace avatar that he can unconsciously make as strong as he wants[5]), Higher with Willpower
Durability: At least City District level (Tanked being thrown into Casa Loma by Lucas Lee whilst off guard[8]), Higher with Willpower (Despite being physically beat down by the Katayanagi Twins, he regained the strength to keep fighting and powered through the pain[3]) | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level (Has a subspace avatar that he can unconsciously make as tough as he wants[5]), Higher with Willpower
Striking Strength: At least City District Class, Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human Class to Bone Class to City District Class, Higher with Willpower
Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human (Can casually juggle Matthew Patel in the air[7] and should be comparable to Lucas Lee) likely Class 1 (Scales to Ramona Flowers who can tear a large metal beam into multiple pieces[9]), Higher with Willpower | At least Peak Human, Higher with Willpower | At least Peak Human, likely Unknown: Undefinable (Scales to other beings such as Lis who can move dresser drawers that are far larger than universes), Higher with Willpower
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Moved fast enough to leave a trail of dust behind himself, Higher with Willpower | Unknown (Distance works differently in Subspace[6]), Higher with Willpower
Attack Speed: Superhuman (Performed a 64 hit air combo on Matthew Patel), Higher with Willpower | At least Superhuman, Higher with Willpower
Reaction Speed: Superhuman, Higher with Willpower | Superhuman, Higher with Willpower. Can't be blitzed while in subspace due to the way space-time works[6]
Stamina: Superhuman (Fought Matthew Patel mid-performance and didn't even break a sweat[7])
Range: Standard Melee physically, Tens of Meters with Forcefield Creation and Power Nullification, Hundreds of Meters with Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar (Can use his bass guitar to fire soundwaves, to which sound can travel nearly 340 meters), Multiversal with Subspace Manipulation (The size of subspace expands this large)
Intelligence: Below Average Intelligence regularly (Has grown much softer and naïve after his breakup with Envy Adams. He does still act serious when he needs or wants to be), At least Genius Intelligence in combat (He's considered the best fighter in the Province and has defeated numerous foes. Fought and easily out skilled Matthew Patel who has been trained in martial arts since middle school[7])
Grade: A | A
Tier: 6-A, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | Varies High 10-B to 9-C to 8-A to 6-A, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower
Name: Scott William Pilgrim
Origin: Scott Pilgrim
Sex: Male
Age: 23 in Volume 3-4, 24 in Volume 5
Classification: Human, Canadian, Member of Sex Bob-omb, Best Fighter in the Providence
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Continent level (Fought and made Todd Ingram, who had previously made a large hole in the moon[10] twice[11], bleed[12]. Despite never being able to get many hits in on Todd with his vegan powers in use, Todd has still consistently shown the need to avoid Scott's hits even while using his vegan powers[13][14]), Higher with the Power of Love (Gained a "level up" and was able to defeat Roxanne Richter in a single blow[15]), Even Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level to Continent level (Has a subspace avatar that he can make as strong as he wants[5]), Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower
Durability: Continent level (No-selled an enraged Todd Ingram's psychic nuke[16]. Took constant punishment from Todd Ingram throughout their several fights[12]), Higher with Power of Love (Gained a "level up"[15] and was able to endure an onslaught of attacks from the Katayanagi Twins[3]), Even Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level to Continent level (Has a subspace avatar that he can make as tough as he wants[5]), Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower
Striking Strength: Continent Class, Higher with Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human Class to Bone Class to City District Class to Continent Class, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower
Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human, likely Class 1 (Much stronger than before[17]), Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least Peak Human, likely Unknown: Undefinable (Scales to other beings such as Lis who can move dresser drawers that are far larger than universes), Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Faster than before), Higher with the Power of Love (Moved faster than the eye could track), Even Higher with Willpower | Unknown (Distance works differently in Subspace[6]), Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower
Attack Speed: At most Relativistic (Has consistently tagged Todd Ingram and even hit him once[12], to which Todd's jump to the moon was this fast), Higher with Power of Love (Completely blitzed Roxanne Richter after obtaining the Power of Love[15]), Even Higher with Willpower | At least At most Relativistic, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower
Reaction Speed: At most Relativistic, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least At most Relativistic, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower. Can't be blitzed while in subspace due to the way space-time works[6]
Stamina: Superhuman (Could fight the Katayanagi Twins whilst hungover)
Range: Standard Melee physically, Extended Melee with the Power of Love (The Power of Love is a longsword), Tens of Meters with Forcefield Creation and Power Nullification, Hundreds of Meters with Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar (Can use his bass guitar to fire soundwaves, to which sound can travel nearly 340 meters), Multiversal with Subspace Manipulation (The size of subspace expands this large)
Intelligence: Below Average Intelligence regularly, At least Genius Intelligence in combat (He's considered the best fighter in the Province and has defeated numerous foes), likely Higher (Fought and bested both Roxanne Richter[15], a trained half-ninja, and the Katayanagi Twins who are prodigy inventors and skilled martial artists[3])
Grade: A | S | S
Tier: 6-A, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least 6-A, Higher with the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower | Varies High 10-B to 9-C to 8-A to 6-A, Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower
Name: Scott William Pilgrim
Origin: Scott Pilgrim
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Classification: Human, Canadian, Member of Sex Bob-omb, Best Fighter in the Providence, Master of Subspace
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral prior to accepting Negascott (Scott is lazy and a shut-in due to his breakup with Ramona Flowers. He sseks comfort in casual sex with his three past exes), Chaotic Good after accepting Negascott (Scott now realizes how destructive and toxic he is, and is seeking to make amends for the past and grow as a person by overcoming Gideon Graves)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Continent level, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least Continent level (Fought evenly with Gideon Graves[18] who is far superior to the previous evil exes[17] and was hinted at having the power to nuke the entire west coast[19]), Higher with the Power of Understanding (Gained a level up and killed Gideon Graves alongside Ramona Flowers[20]), Even Higher with Willpower | Varies from City District level to Continent level (Has a subspace avatar that he can make as strong as he wants[5]), Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower
Durability: Continent level, Higher with Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least Continent level (Endured slices from a Power of Love-amped Gideon Graves[21]), Higher with the Power of Understanding (Could easily clash with Gideon[20]) | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level to Continent level (Has a subspace avatar that he can make as tough as he wants[5]), Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower
Striking Strength: Continent Class, Higher with Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least Continent Class, Higher with Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower | Varies from Above Average Human Class to Bone Class to City District Class to Continent Class, Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower
Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human, likely Class 1, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least Peak Human, likely Class 1 (Much stronger than before), Higher with the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower | At least Peak Human, likely Unknown: Undefinable (Scales to other beings such as Lis who can move dresser drawers that are far larger than universes), Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower
Travel Speed: Superhuman, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least Superhuman (Faster than before), Higher with Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower | Unknown (Distance works differently in Subspace), Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower
Attack Speed: At most Relativistic, Higher with Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least At most Relativistic, Higher with Power of Understanding (Landed multiple killing blows on Gideon faster than perceivable[20]), Even Higher with Willpower | At least At most Relativistic, Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower
Reaction Speed: At most Relativistic, Higher with the Power of Love, Even Higher with Willpower | At least At most Relativistic, Higher with the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower | At least At most Relativistic, Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower. Can't be blitzed while in subspace due to the way space-time works
Stamina: Superhuman (Even whilst bleeding out through multiple deep wounds, he still fought evenly with Gideon)
Range: Standard Melee physically, Extended Melee with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding (Both weapons are longswords), Tens of Meters with Forcefield Creation and Power Nullification, Hundreds of Meters with Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar (Can use his bass guitar to fire soundwaves, to which sound can travel nearly 340 meters), Multiversal with Subspace Manipulation (The size of subspace expands this large)
Intelligence: Below Average Intelligence regularly, At least Genius Intelligence in combat (He's considered the best fighter in the Province and has defeated numerous foes), likely Higher (Fought and bested Gideon Graves who is considerably more skilled than the likes of Roxanne Richter in armed combat)All previous powers and abilities to an unknown extent. Abstract Existence (Idea, Primordial Source), Regeneration (Low-Godly; Subspace avatars are avatars of pure cognition[28] of one's true self and by extension can be restored by the true form at will[29]), Immortality, Supernatural Resilience, and Unconditional Time Travel (Life and Death Immunity; Concepts such as death are irrelevant to subspace avatars/dwellers as even if one dies[27] they will just be sent into subspace[18], with spirits being able to freely pass through and from Subspace. Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; All damage done to a subspace avatar means nothing to their true self. Someone like Scott could lose his limbs in subspace and be cut in half and would still be perfectly fine[29][21]. Reliance; True Self/Person; As the creation(s) in subspace ultimately have no major consequences on the real world self, the subspace avatar can be endlessly created[29]. Even if subspace itself is destroyed[21], the true self can simply restore it as well. Subspace avatars are avatars of pure cognition[28] created by one's true self and by extension can be restored by the true form at will[30], regardless of the damage they succumb to[29]) Alternate Replacements (Due to Subspace being an entire space-time continuum directly tied to the user's mind[31] mind subspace is therefore directly linked to the user's entire life, allowing for numerous versions of the same being to exist simultaneously[21]. Furthermore, psychic energies can traverse through the timestream to the present era, further suggesting that mental figments of one's past self can travel through the timestream), Acausality (Irregular Causality; Subspace is a different space-time where all rules are different (including death[18]), thus it should by extension be a different system of causality), Enhanced Perspective Manipulation and Observation (Unconscious Manifestation and Conscious Manifestation; Perception is Law. People, items, and Mind Subspace itself are based on the nature of the person's mind, therefore, however, a person imagines Subspace is how it will appear. A good example is Scott's Dream Desert[5]: this location is repeatedly used as a metaphor for Scott's loneliness but also is his projected image of Subspace at that time which Ramona is able to pass through[5]), Law Manipulation (One’s subspace operates under their rules[32] and systems[30] which can extend even to the real[13] world[24] with characters like Gideon affecting Ramona’s Subspace), Reality Warping and Mind Manipulation (Mindshifting; While Mind Subspace allows for others' own projected images of themselves to take on other forms[21], the individual whom the Subspace resides in retains all power and control within said mind. Through this, the character can shape themselves and Subspace to their liking all through their thoughts, perspectives, and desires), Power Nullification (A user of Subspace can completely nullify any connection an opponent has in that Subspace, regardless of if they're more powerful or not. This is how Ramona was able to expel Gideon despite him being a master of Subspace and able to manipulate it inside anyone's mind[21]), Dimensional Travel and limited Possession (Subspace users can unconsciously and consciously enter their subspace avatars[31], even after dying[21]), Power Manifestation (Gideon Graves was able to create the Glow from subspace[21] and use it to directly counter mind subspace[21])
All previous powers to a greater extent. Penetration Damage (Physical Penetration; Being a longsword, the Power of Love is naturally designed for slicing and piercing into foes), Statistics Amplification (Increases the stats of the user[15]. This stat boost allowed Scott Pilgrim to beat Roxanne Richter when he previously couldn't[15]. Ramona Flowers blitzed Gideon Graves with the X-Strike which cut him multiple times in presumably a single strike[20]), Accelerated Development (Leveling; Physical Stats, Skills, and Abilities; The Power of Love gives the user a "level up"[15], granting the likes of Scott Pilgrim increased stats and skill that allowed him to best Roxanne Richter[15]), Willpower Manipulation (The Power of Love increases "guts" and "will", which gave Scott Pilgrim the confidence boost to beat Roxanne Richter[15]), Morality Manipulation (The Power of Love increased Scott Pilgrim's "heart" stat, giving him the courage to fight his own battle against Roxanne Richter and confront Mr.Chau[15]), Healing and Restoration (The Power of Love can heal the users wounds and restore them to their peak[20]), Fire Manipulation and Aura (Pyrokinesis; The Power of Love is encased in an aura of fire[15]), Enhanced Mind Manipulation (The Power of Love excels and is designed to defeat subspace enemies)
All previous powers to a greater extent. Penetration Damage (Physical Penetration; Being a longsword, the Power of Understanding is naturally designed for slicing and piercing into foes), Statistics Amplification (Increases Scott Pilgrim's stats, allowing him to one-shot Gideon alongside Ramona Flowers[20]. Blitzed Gideon Graves with the X-Strike which cut Gideon multiple times in presumably a single strike[20]), Accelerated Development (Leveling; Physical Stats, Skills, and Abilities; The Power of Understanding gives Scott Pilgrim a "level up", granting him increased stats and skill that allowed him to beat Gideon Graves[20]), Willpower Manipulation (The Power of Understanding increases Scott Pilgrim's "guts" and "balls" giving him the motivation to finally defeat Gideon Graves[20]), Creation and Cloth Manipulation ("Unlocked" a new T-shirt for Scott Pilgrim once he leveled up[20]), Restoration and Regeneration (Mid-Low. The Power of Understanding restored Scott to his prime and allowed him to heal his wounds from Gideon's sword slashes[20]), Electricity Manipulation (Electricity Surge; Melee attacks with the Power of Understanding creates a small area of sparks around the opponent[20])
Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003 Bass Guitar
Extra Life
Power of Love
Power of Understanding
Articles About NegaScott
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Scott Pilgrim | Graphic Novel - Movie - Video Game - Anime |
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NegaScott Profile | ||||||||
Background NegaScott is a reappearing character throughout the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels. NegaScott is Scott Pilgrim's alter ego and dark side and represents his forgotten past mistakes. He was born after Scott was infected by The Glow prior to volume four. Though NegaScott doesn't appear that often in the series, he can be considered a major character because of what he represents.
Statistics Key: Regular | Subspace Avatar Grade: A | A Tier: At least 6-A | Varies High 10-B to 9-C to 8-A to 6-A Name: NegaScott, Scott William Pilgrim (Full name) Origin: Scott Pilgrim Sex: Male Age: 23 in Volume 3-4, 24 in Volume 5 Classification: Alter Ego, Dark Manifestation, Glow Manifest Status: Deceased (Was absorbed by Scott Pilgrim in Scott's Finest Hour) Alignment: Chaotic Evil (Is the embodiment of Scott's flaws and shortcomings as a person and viciously attacks Scott when given the chance) Dimensionality: 3-D Attack Potency: At least Continent level (Is a dark reflection of Scott Pilgrim, who fought and made Todd Ingram, who had previously made a large hole in the moon twice, bleed in volume three) | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level to Continent level (Has a subspace avatar that he can make as strong as he wants) Durability: At least Continent level (Scuffled with Scott Pilgrim and naturally upscales from the previous evil exes) | Varies from Above Average Human level to Bone level to City District level to Continent level (Has a subspace avatar that he can make as tough as he wants), Higher with the Power of Love and the Power of Understanding, Even Higher with Willpower Striking Strength: At least Continent Class | Varies from Above Average Human Class to Bone Class to City District Class to Continent Class Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human, likely Class 1 | At least Peak Human, likely Unknown: Undefinable (Scales to other beings such as Lis who can move dresser drawers that are far larger than universes) Travel Speed: Superhuman (Kept up with Scott Pilgrim) | Unknown (Distance works differently in Subspace) Attack Speed: At least At most Relativistic (Like Scott, NegaScott can land multiple killing blows on Gideon faster than perceivable) | At least At most Relativistic Reaction Speed: At least At most Relativistic | At least At most Relativistic. Can't be blitzed while in subspace due to the way space-time works Stamina: Superhuman (Scales to Scott Pilgrim who, even whilst bleeding out through multiple deep wounds, still fought evenly with Gideon Graves) Range: Standard Melee physically, Tens of Meters with Forcefield Creation and Power Nullification, Multiversal with Subspace Manipulation (The size of subspace expands this large) Intelligence: Below Average Intelligence regularly, at least Genius Intelligence in combat (As a reflection of Scott Pilgrim, he is comparable to Scott in this regard, who is considered the best fighter in the Province and has defeated numerous foes), likely Higher Powers and Abilities Has all the powers and abilities of Scott Pilgrim which includes: Resistance to Severe Pain (Able to take multiple sword slashes from Gideon Graves while arguing with Ramona Flowers. Took a brutal beating from the Katayanagi Twins), Mind Manipulation (Can survive inside Honest Ed's without breaking down which even a trained psychic like Todd Ingram couldn't do. Should naturally resist conventional mind manipulation as his mind harbors subspace), Sleep Manipulation (Despite listening to Crash and the Boys' song "Last Song Kills Audience", which forces people asleep, Scott was not affected by it), Electricity Manipulation and Sound Manipulation (No-selled Todd's electrical shock and bass soundwaves with no notable injuries), Extreme Colds (Lives in Canada and can traverse through a blizzard), Transmutation (Doesn't turn into money upon dying to Gideon Graves), Irreversible Damage (Even when being attacked and killed in Subspace by Gideon Graves, neither Scott or Ramona died in the real world), Resistance to Sealing, Corruption, Memory Manipulation, and Power Nullification (After accepting and absorbing Negascott, the Glow's mental warfare abilities were nullified), Plot Manipulation and Existence Erasure (Type 2 and 3 [Plot Manipulation]. Type 4 [Existence Erasure]. Characters are unaffected by the events in the plotline being altered and erased entirely), Perspective Manipulation, Observation, Law Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, and Subjective Reality (Type 2 and 3. Even after being re-infected with the Glow, severing his connection to Subspace, he was still able to overpower Gideon for a brief moment) All previous powers and abilities to an unknown extent. Regeneration (Low-Godly. Subspace avatars are avatars of pure cognition of one's true self and by extension can be restored by the true form at will), Avatar Creation (Subspace avatars are avatars of pure cognition of one's true self and by extension can be restored by the true form at will), Immortality (Life and Death Immunity; Concepts such as death are irrelevant to them as even if one dies they will just be sent into subspace. Even spirits can freely pass through and from Subspace. All damage done to a subspace avatar means nothing to them, Scott could lose his limbs in subspace and be cut in half and would still be perfectly fine), Alternate Replacements (One's subspace is directly linked to their entire lives, allowing for numerous versions of the same being to exist simultaneously. Furthermore, psychic energies can traverse through the timestream to the present era, establishing further that mental figments of one's past self can travel through time), Acausality (Irregular Causality, Unknown; Subspace is a different space-time where all rules are different (including death), Enhanced Perspective Manipulation and Observation (Type 2 and 3. Perception is Law. People, items, and Mind Subspace itself are based on the nature of the person's mind, therefore, however a person imagines Subspace is how it will appear. A good example is Scott's Dream Desert: this location is repeatedly used as a metaphor for Scott's loneliness but also is his projected image of Subspace at that time which Ramona is able to pass through), Law Manipulation (One’s subspace operates under their rules and systems which can extend even to the real world with characters like Gideon affecting Ramona’s Subspace), Reality Warping and Mind Manipulation (While Mind Subspace allows for others' own projected images of themselves to take on other forms, the individual whom the Subspace resides in retains all power and control within said mind. Through this, the character can shape themselves and Subspace to their liking all through their thoughts, perspectives, and desires), Power Nullification (A user of Subspace can completely nullify any connection an opponent has in that Subspace, regardless of if they're more powerful or not. This is how Ramona was able to expel Gideon despite him being a master of Subspace and able to manipulate it inside anyone's mind), Dimensional Travel (Can enter his avatars at any point if he so desires even after death), Power Manifestation (Gideon Graves was able to create the Glow from subspace and use it to directly counter mind subspace) Light Manipulation and Empowerment (The Glow causes anyone infected with it to have their heads spontaneously glow when under emotional tension. Characters like Scott Pilgrim have been able to use the Glow to empower himself), Energy Manipulation (Gideon was able to fire energy beams of the Glow out at multiple targets), Sealing and Mind Manipulation (Type 2 outside of Subspace, Type 1 in Subspace. The Glow is described as a weapon of "emotional warfare" that seals you within your own mind subspace to face your issues), Creation and Duplication (Those inflicted with the Glow will have a dark alter ego manifest of themselves that reflects their insecurities), Empathic Manipulation and Corruption (Type 2 and 3. The Glow corrupts the mind of the inflicted to act very bitter and irregular towards people), Memory Manipulation and Duplication (The Glow allowed Gideon to manipulate and alter the memories of Scott Pilgrim. The Glow caused multiple incarnations of Ramona Flowers to exist in her head based on the parts of her that belonged to herself and Gideon), Teleportation and Dimensional Travel (Ramona Flowers was able to "ride" the glow between subspace and reality. This also allows her to teleport wherever she wants), Power Nullification and Existence Grounding (Scott was able to use the Glow to depower Gideon to his base form self, reducing his Subspace control enough for Ramona to overpower his influence), Enhanced Perspective Manipulation, Observation, Law Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, and Subjective Reality (Type 2 and 3. The Glow allowed Gideon to take hold of Ramona Flowers' mind subspace and become "all powerful" to his liking) Statistics Amplification, Accelerated Development, and Willpower Manipulation (Other; Intelligence. Can buy consumable products like soft drinks, which can increase a number of specific stats of Scott's)
Notable Techniques Innate Techniques
First level up
Subspace Abilities
With the Glow ![]() Described as a powerful weapon of "emotional warfare", the Glow manipulates the Subspace inside the minds of those it infects, causing them to become overwhelmed by their personal issues. The Glow suppresses positive emotions such as friendship and love, and simultaneously enhances negative feelings like suspicion, jealousy, and self-loathing. As such, the Glow can be used to poison or destroy people and their relationships. It also makes a person more susceptible to Gideon's manipulations. Gideon demonstrates this when he uses the Glow to make Scott and Ramona argue during the final battle. It appears that the Glow can lie "dormant" inside the mind of an infected person after the effects of their initial exposure wear off, as evidenced by Ramona's (and later Scott's) frequent episodes of spontaneously sporting the Glow throughout the series. The Glow is triggered by intense emotional moments, like in Volume 5 when Ramona is faced with the prospect of Scott having cheated on her with Knives, and is also experienced by Scott in Volume 6 after Kim points out the mistakes he made while they were dating in high school (namely beating up Simon Lee and leaving for Toronto without telling her), however the Glow's effects can also be activated without even while the likes of Scott and Ramona are both thinking straight and clear. The effects of the Glow on the infected subject vary depending on the subject's level of mental stress and trauma, but the only way to get rid of it permanently is for the inflicted to actually come to terms with his or her personal issues. Despite this, it is possible to still have the Glow and experience its effects even after coming to terms with these issues, like how Scott was reinfected with the Glow after facing NegaScott. While Gideon is able to spread the Glow via touch, he can also fire it at people in a projectile form as demonstrated when he sprays the crowd at Chaos Theatre with it in the final book. Other Standard Tactics: Like Scott, NegaScott primarily uses his martial arts experience to best his opponents in hand-to-hand combat. Unlike Scott however, NegaScott will use his illusionary mastery to confuse his targets and manipulate darkness to conceal himself before rushing the opponent. Weaknesses: As NegaScott is essentially an evil version of Scott, he has no remorse for those he attacks. |
Mithril Skateboard
Subspace Suitcase
Innate Techniques
First level up
Second level up
Supspace Abilities
With the Glow
Described as a powerful weapon of "emotional warfare", the Glow manipulates the Subspace inside the minds of those it infects, causing them to become overwhelmed by their personal issues. The Glow suppresses positive emotions such as friendship and love, and simultaneously enhances negative feelings like suspicion, jealousy, and self-loathing. As such, the Glow can be used to poison or destroy people and their relationships. It also makes a person more susceptible to Gideon's manipulations. Gideon demonstrates this when he uses the Glow to make Scott and Ramona argue during the final battle. It appears that the Glow can lie "dormant" inside the mind of an infected person after the effects of their initial exposure wear off, as evidenced by Ramona's (and later Scott's) frequent episodes of spontaneously sporting the Glow throughout the series. The Glow is triggered by intense emotional moments, like in Volume 5 when Ramona is faced with the prospect of Scott having cheated on her with Knives, and is also experienced by Scott in Volume 6 after Kim points out the mistakes he made while they were dating in high school (namely beating up Simon Lee and leaving for Toronto without telling her), however the Glow's effects can also be activated without even while the likes of Scott and Ramona are both thinking straight and clear.
The effects of the Glow on the infected subject vary depending on the subject's level of mental stress and trauma, but the only way to get rid of it permanently is for the inflicted to actually come to terms with his or her personal issues. Despite this, it is possible to still have the Glow and experience its effects even after coming to terms with these issues, like how Scott was reinfected with the Glow after facing NegaScott. While Gideon is able to spread the Glow via touch, he can also fire it at people in a projectile form as demonstrated when he sprays the crowd at Chaos Theatre with it in the final book.
Standard Tactics: Scott primarly uses his martial arts experience to best his opponents in hand-to-hand combat. He will also draw the Power of Love or Power of Understanding if fighting an opponent who wields a sword. If he feels like he can't win or gets too scared, he will enter Subspace to fight there.
Weaknesses: Sometimes dumb, lazy and stubborn and tends to ignore his own flaws rather than improve himself. However, the latter issue is one Scott has learned to accept in the form of NegaScott by Volume 6, Scott's Finest Hour, removing that weakness. Does not like hitting girls and is normally completely against it. Though once he gains the Power of Love, he is willing to do it.
For further explanation of subspace, read this blog.
Any arguments regarding Vegan Todd and Regular Todd being different tiers have been completely explained here, along with various other arguments regarding the scaling of Todd Ingram.
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