Dive Man is a Robot Master created by Dr. Cossack with the AI functions of a miniaturized submarine. When Dr. Wily forced Dr. Cossack to work for him, Dive Man was modified for combat against Mega Man in Mega Man 4. His Special Weapon is the Dive Missile - special Homing Missiles that he can launch from his chest, much like torpedoes on a submarine. These were originally designed to catch fish, but are adapted to home in on nearby opponents and explode, working equally well both in the air and underwater. Due to a design mistake, Dive Man can also attack by launching himself forward like a torpedo, ramming into his foes to do major damage.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Dive Man’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!
Mega Man 4
Dive Man is one of the eight bosses. He attacks by firing three Dive Missiles and by erratically launching himself to crash into Mega Man. While the missiles can be destroyed easily, his launch attack has to be avoided by jumping over him. It's hard to tell which attack he is doing as he always folds his arms before attacking.
His weaknesses are the Skull Barrier and the Dust Crusher. The Skull Barrier destroys his missiles without needing of shooting them, although the barrier will destroy upon hitting a missile, while the Dust Crusher does the same, but can't achieve on hitting several missiles and still making to hit Dive Man. The Skull Barrier will defeat him in seven hits; the Dust Crusher, in ten.
Mega Man III
Dive Man is one of the four bosses fought in the Wily Castle. His strategy is similar to Mega Man 4.
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
Dive Man is one of the six bosses from the "Rescue Roll!" course. He is weak to the Thunder Beam (likely due to how dangerous it is to mix electricity and water).
Rockman Strategy
Dive Man and Aqua Man team up with Capricorn in the "Arctic Glaciomarine" in Kazakhstan on Dr. Wily's orders. Later, he appears in a chemical plant alongside Astro Man and Yamato Man.
Alignment:Lawful Good (Initially developed with the AI functions of a small submarine and will follow the laws of robotics), Lawful Evil when reprogrammed by Dr. Wily (Reprogrammed by Dr. Wily to help him take over the world and destroy Mega Man)
Homing Torpedoes: Stocked with homing torpedoes inside his body that he can shoot out at the opponent at any time.
Notable Techniques
Dive Missile: Dive Missile is Dive Man's Special Weapon. It fires amphibious homing missiles that can lock onto nearby targets, chasing them down before striking. It was originally used to catch big fish before being remodeled for combat.
Standard Tactics: Dive Man will launch himself at the speed and power of a torpedo and shoot out homing torpedoes at the opponent.
Weaknesses: His weaknesses are Skull Man's skull barrier and Dust Man's dust crusher. If his data is corrupted, he will be incapable of coming back.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat? A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all.
↑Q. The shots that the Rockbuster fires from the hand, what are those exactly? A. The Rockbuster on the arm fires something called a “Solar Bullet”, essentially emitting a compressed form of solar energy that’s very powerful.
↑Weapon: Transforming Rockbuster, fires a solar bullet
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat? A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all.
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑Dr. "I’m Always" Right Breaks It Down Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat? A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all.
↑Q. The shots that the Rockbuster fires from the hand, what are those exactly? A. The Rockbuster on the arm fires something called a “Solar Bullet”, essentially emitting a compressed form of solar energy that’s very powerful.
↑Weapon: Transforming Rockbuster, fires a solar bullet
↑Power Source/ R.S. Power Reactor (Micro-sized) Right Solar Power Pile Dr. Right-made Solar Energy Generator
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑By swapping out the program data of all the robots Dr. Wily has constructed, this robot is able to adapt other robots’ moves as its own. With the powers of all robots combined into one, this is truly one dreadful robot.
↑This all-purpose robot can take on the same abilities of every other robot merely by switching its program data. Still, if it just copies the powers of robots that Rockman has already been able to defeat, one might expect for Rockman to overcome them again…
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!