This character or verse has mature themes and concepts, thus those of young age are ill-advised to look through these.
The room above is a busy speakeasy. The clients boisterously enjoy illicit libations.
There is a bust of the speakeasy's owner, the MOBSTER KINGPIN. He is obviously the scourge of this pseudo-prohibition era universe. Nobody fucks with him.
~ Narration
''A savvy mug like you is sure to stash his hard earned cabbage in gin mills and rumrunning. You're never without supply.
You imbibe a great volume of SUGAR FREE CANDY LIQUOR.
Your IMAGINATION soars''
~ The Narration
Dark Matter Mobster Kingpin has slipped under his SCHWARZSCHILD RADIUS and collapsed to become Black Hole Mobster Kingpin. Nothing can escape his gravitational pull. Not even light, no matter how slowly and steadily it attempts to crawl out of his gravity well.
~ Narration
Enraged by the downfall of your demonhead, you give that corset one last tug. Your MASS soars to an insane multiple of one GOOGOLPLEX.
Through the inscrutable extra-spatial crannies and fissures within the singularity, you undergo another bizarre transmogrification.
It's DMK's third and final face. He is more fearsome than ever, with THREE HEALTH METERS, and a deadly BLACK HOLE VERSION OF HIS NON-IMAGINARY SELF pulsing on top of his HAT.
In addition to which, he is completely invulnerable to all physical attacks, and has no weakness to increases in BLOOD SUGAR or EMOTIONS. He is only susceptible to damage caused by righteous fires of charisma, but it is doubtful there is any hero in the cosmos bold enough to wield them.
OH. He also regenerates any quantity of damage he suffers instantaneously.
Mobster Kingpin is the antagonist of Problem Sleuth, although he can be controlled similarly and has the same types of stats as Problem Sleuth and the other protagonists. He is the ruler of the city, and his influence is seen in most aspects of Problem Sleuth. He is the one responsible for locking up the protagonists from the real world which is behind the Megaton Door, presumably, as he starts out with the key to it in the office.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least High 8-C. 2-C with Maxed out IMAGINATION | 2-C | Likely 2-C | 2-C | At least 2-C
Name: Mobster Kingpin | Dark Matter Mobster Kingpin, Black Hole Mobster Kingpin | Demonhead Mobster Kingpin
Lifting Strength:Class G (Can lift the Megaton key, which weighs a megaton) | Universal (Absorbed Fiesta Ace Dick, who can physically flip the Universe upside down) | Extra-Temporal | Extra-Temporal | Extra-Temporal
Striking Strength: At least Large Building level | Complex Universe level | Complex Universe level | Complex Universe level | At least Complex Universe level
Stamina:Superhuman+ (His journey lasted months and hasn't shown to be needing things such as food and sleep) | Limitless | Limitless | Limitless | Limitless
Range: Standard Melee range. Universal with his ship. Complex Universal via IMAGINATION | Complex Universal | Complex Universal | Complex Universal | Complex Universal
Standard Equipment: Megaton Key that can turn into brass knuckles | None Notable | None Notable | Black Hole Mobster Kingpin
Intelligence:Genius (Easily tricked FAD when he was chasing him down. Should be comparable to Team Sleuth)
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to attacks if he has high blood sugar | DMMK and BHMK do not traditionally attack | Weak to emotions (At least for Face 1 and 2) and "the burning fires of charisma". If his health bars are destroyed, a tiny pod of himself will spring out, should it die, so will DMK
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
AGGRESS: A physical attack using whatever weapons are on hand. Aggressing is a basic attack, and requires no special items or extra equipment. Any character may Aggress with anything they have on them, including guns, makeup, cleaning supplies, paint, scythes, tea, childhood toys or just their fists.
ABSCOND: Abscond is a technique used to leave a battle. If the incoming assault from your enemies is too tough to handle, choosing Abscond may be your only viable option. Abscond is not foolproof, and can sometimes fail in specific battles.
Running Numbers allows Mobster Kingpin to randomly alter his IMAGINATION, PULCHRITUDE, and VIM stats by throwing a pair of dice into the air. When fighting Hysterical Dame and Nervous Broad, he uses the technique and receives maxed-out Vim, the result he had hoped for.
Demonhead Mobster Kingpin can perform the Level 1000 version of Running Numbers, Roll for Dextrosity.
Hit the Mattresses
Hit the Mattresses automatically rebalances Mobster Kingpin's stats so that Pulchritude is maxed. MK [ uses] the technique while fighting the female alter egos so he can have enough Pulchritude to use Send in the Clowns.
Whenever Belly of the Whale is used against him, Mobster Kingpin can deploy Extortion to send that business right back at his enemy and swallow them instead. Used against two different Ace Dicks: once against Lil' Ace Dick and once against Fiesta Ace Dick.
Hooched-Up Bootlegger
By imbibing a large quantity of sugar-free candy liquor, Mobster Kingpin can give himself a huge amount of IMAGINATION. He uses the technique to make his imaginary self powerful enough to descend into demonhood, becoming Demonhead Mobster Kingpin. This is similar to when one of Pickle Inspector's Imaginary duplicates ascended to Godhood when his IMAGINATION maxed out, becoming Godhead Pickle Inspector.
Combat operandi
Send in the Clowns
Using his status as hero of the Clown Kingdom, Mobster Kingpin can open a portal that shoots a stream of clowns at his enemies. Used against Lil' Ace Dick.
Insulin Shot
The Insulin Shot operandi injects Mobster Kingpin with multiple doses of insulin, lowering his Blood Sugar back to zero while simultaneously restoring him to full health. Used after he escapes from the afterlife.
Type 2 Diabeat-down
Mobster Kingpin can channel his patron spirit, Wilford Brimley (an actor famous for his diabetes awareness advocacy), and deliver a series of devastating punches that send his enemy flying, leaving them unconscious. Used against Hysterical Dame.
Battle techniques
Level 1000 Running Numbers: Roll for Dextrosity
After his first form is defeated, DMK uses this variant of the Running Numbers technique to roll 1,000 loaded sugar dice that all come up in his favor. The dice roll causes jetstreams of dextrose to enter his body and treat his hypoglycemia, permanently curing his diabetes and eliminating high Blood Sugar as a way of weakening him.
Vexatious Glower
DMK casts an unsettling look at his target, distracting them, then shoots an eye beam at them. Used against Problem Sleuth.
Once his final form is defeated and his Fetal Seedpod is exposed, DMK defends it against the Demimonde Semigoddess's angel army by attacking them with a Defensive Glower.
Combat operandi
Level 49 Abstracted Thought
A higher level version of Pickle Inspector's Abstracted Thought. Used at the beginning of the final battle it allows Mobster Kingpin and Demonhead Mobster Kingpin to operate independently of each other. Unlike its lower level equivalent, it does not require the use of replicsimiles.
Cinder Ablockalypse
To perform Cinder Ablockalypse, DMK accelerates the cinder blocks in his defensive barrier through the porthole windows at near-light speeds. The windows then ascend into the air, rapidly spin, and quickly crash back down, raining cinder blocks down upon DMK's foes.
Using his status as hero of the ClownKingdom, DMK can temporarily replace himself with the Clown Pontificate, who wields the Hamper of the Jaded Fool's Ennui jack-in-the-box. By turning the crank, the Pontificate causes a flood of clowns to pour out of the bottom of the Hamper and land on DMK's foes.
DMK sends out his thorny flagella to molest his targets in a humiliating manner. Four levels of the attack are used during the battle:
Level 1 - Attacks a single target. Used against Ace Dick.
Level 10: Apeshit Bramblefuck - Expands the attack range to multiple targets. used against AD, Problem Sleuth, and Pickle Inspector.
Level 20: Snugglebarb Pricklepoke - Used against PI and Zombie Ace Dick.
Level 99 Coddletech: Thornswoggle - A black Brier of Cruelty is deployed over DMK's face, serving as both an extra defensive layer and as offensive tentacles that can grab enemies and put them in a sleeper hold. Used against PS and PI.
When Team Sleuth is in their nautical-themed guises, DMK can revert the detectives back to normal by pressing down on their hats.
Fill 'Em with Daylight
After Mobster Kingpin smashes Pickle Inspector's suckle receptacle and replaces it with his own, DMK is able to perform a Comb Rave. Fill 'Em with Daylight instantly kills everything within its effect radius, and as a side effect, the attack is so powerful that it tears the universe in half.
Ladder to Hell
During his final incarnation, as the Sepulchritude-powered Problem Sleuth starts to destroy his health bars, DMK uses Ladder to Hell to generate an enormous quantity of new health bars. The ability is so named because the long line of health bars literally breaks through the ground and terminates in Hell itself.