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tag, with an entire game revolving around traveling through space[9] and as robots do not require food[10], sleep or sustenance), Inorganic Physiology (Non-Living Objects; Robot Masters are highly developed robots in the fields of robotics. Robot Masters have a "consciousness" though it is different from the standard humans consciousness as it's at the level of a "cognitive circuit" embedded inside each one of them[11]), Rage Power (When Robot Masters are damaged to about half their health, they become invulnerable for a few seconds and perform more powerful attacks), Invincibility Frames & Forcefield Creation (When robots in Mega Man are hit, they have periods of invulnerability where they cannot take damage for a few seconds. This is shown to exist in verse as there are chips that amplify this ability such as Double Barrier and Extend), Absorption (Robot Masters[12][13][14] are built in with[15] usages of solar energy to charge their bodies and use their weapons essentially limitlessly[16]), Teleportation (Pseudo), Transformation, Light Manipulation, Intangibility (Phasing/Elemental), Transmutation (Transformative Arsenal) & Battlefield Removal (Application Based; All robot masters naturally display teleportation through teleporters interplanetary distances[17], they do this through transforming into a beam of light, they can use this in the middle of combat to turn intangible and phase through attacks. They can also transform others into a beam of light and send them to other places with the teleporter, essentially removing them from the battlefield), Consciousness Transferal (Robot Masters can transfer their consciousness into other bodies and machines, with characters like Doc Robots having the Robot Masters programs and data directly installed with them, essentially acting as a more powerful body[18][19]), Divine Protection (After defeating ViA■ and destroying the Robot Destroy Program within him, The Player was able to fully correct the Deep Log in its entirety. However, Via says The Player's story isn't over and RiCO repeats this and says that there will be future program errors in the Deep Log for them to correct and it would be insecure for her alone to manage it alone. Therefore to solve this problem that can happen in the future, RiCO will summon The Player in order to correct any irregular data in the Deep Log as she did in the start of the game), Supernatural Resilience (Robot Masters can survive wounds such as being cut in half, with ones such as Proto Man calling it merely "just a scratch", being able to come back just fine after teleporting away to be repaired), Immortality (Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; All robots "true existences" exist in their data, thus as long as their data is stored they can be remade or come back if their data is specifically "SAVED". With data further being explored through here), Regeneration (Mid through Cartoon Physics; Can regenerate from being crushed by Mad Grinder. Should scale to all the other Robot Masters who all regenerate after being flattened in Mega Man Powered Up. Mid-Godly as their Data Forms; In Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha, Rockman Shadow's data comes out of his deceased body and regenerates a new body at the very end post-credits of the game. In Mega Man Xtreme, Sigma was trying to reproduce the past data of several mavericks in the mother computer to bring havoc to the world's peace and the only way the past data of previously defeated Mavericks from X1 and X2 could be stopped is if X goes inside as his data form. Inside the Mother Computer, X defeats Vile's data form along with the data forms of a bunch of mavericks he has previously defeated. However, despite defeating their data form, their data is still are able to come back for the rematches at the end of the game along with Vile being back in the hard mode's post game story. Despite destroying Vile's data twice, he was still able to come back and better than ever in Mega Man X8. In Mega Man ZX, Omega's soul data along with flashes of the past battle in Zero 3 are trapped in area O and even after defeat, he can come back without limit even after obtaining Model OX which contains his soul data. With data further being explored through here), Resurrection (Repeated Resurrection, Resurrection of the Deceased; Robots that are fought and defeated are able to be brought back as long as they still have their data, with this also extending to reploids being able to come back for rematches. With data further being explored through here), Non-Standard Interaction (Conceptual Interaction & Abstract Interaction; Can directly interact with, harm, and destroy a robots data, which all robots "true existences" rely on their data, thus as long as their data is stored they can be remade or come back if their data is specifically "SAVED". All data resides in the deep log of each game's data and information of the Mega Man Franchise and many other Capcom franchises, with it being stated that data makes up the characters' personality, memories are data pieces that can be used to materialize hunter programs and also have the feelings of the characters, their data is even what determines their own canonicity in reality, with all characters being considered data alongside all universes being made of data. With data further being explored through here).
Resistance to Extreme Heats, Extreme Colds, & Weather Manipulation (Robot Masters are made to withstand extreme terrains and weather conditions), Mind Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Despite how active Robot Masters are they do not actually possess the feeling to think, feel, and make decisions of their own as this level of technology wasn't realized until the reploids of the X era. Along with Reploids having something closer to a human soul then any robot Robot Master has. Robot Masters have a "consciousness" though it is different from the standard humans consciousness as it's at the level of a "cognitive circuit" embedded inside each one of them[20]), Cosmic Radiations (All Robot Masters can breathe and survive in space just fine, with an entire game revolving around traveling through space[21]), Information Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Can take hits from characters that can directly interact with, harm, and destroy a robots data, which all robots "true existences" rely on their data, thus as long as their data is stored they can be remade or come back if their data is specifically "SAVED". All data resides in the deep log of each game's data and information of the Mega Man Franchise and many other Capcom franchises, with it being stated that data makes up the characters' personality, memories are data pieces that can be used to materialize hunter programs and also have the feelings of the characters, their data is even what determines their own canonicity in reality, with all characters being considered data alongside all universes being made of data. With data further being explored through here), Plot Manipulation (As data determines one's canonicity in reality and all universes are made of data, one would need to fully change one's data in order to change their narrative. With data further being explored through here), Electricity Manipulation (Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from electricity-based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it), Heat Manipulation & Fire Manipulation (Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from heat and fire-based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it and survive the intense heats), Magma Manipulation (Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from magma based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it), Ice Manipulation & Absolute Zero (Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from ice based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it, even with ice as cold as absolute zero), Gravity Manipulation (3-D; Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from gravity based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it), Black Holes (Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from black hole based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it), Petrification (Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from petrification based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it, with the petrification being potent enough to effect black holes), Acid Manipulation & Corrosion Inducement (Robot Masters are able to tank and survive attacks from acid & corrosive based Robot Masters attacks, even those with a weakness can survive hits from it), Transmutation (Robot Masters and others are unaffected by the effects of the the mystery tank, which turns all weak enemies on screen into extra lives), Space-Time Manipulation (3+1-D) & Battlefield Removal (Dimensional Removal (3+1-D); Robot masters are able to tank and survive attacks from the likes of Centaur Flash, which creates a dimensional distortion where he warps space and sends an opponent into a black hole, with even Robot Masters that have a weakness to it surviving its hits and not being sent into a black hole. Robot Masters can also take hits from Cut Man who can cut through space itself and leave dimensional tears that he can jump in)