Solar Man is a Robot Master from Mega Man 10. He has the ability to create ultra-high temperature artificial sunlight, using it to attack by shooting energy straight out of the top of his head. He is also able to block and absorb attacks with his artificial sunlight to increase the power of his attacks.
Solar Man worked in an artificial sunlight research facility before he went berserk from Roboenza. Since he and his coworkers spend so much time cooped up in the lab, he developed his own “Solar Workout” plan which is slowly gaining recognition.
Alignment:Lawful Good (Initially worked in an artificial sunlight research facility, developing his own "Solar Workout" plan, and following the laws of robotics), Chaotic Evil once corrupted by Roboenza (Corrupted by the Roboenza virus which made him go berserk and try to attack anyone he sees)
pseudo-Suns: pseudo-Suns that he creates on top of his head that he uses his "solar blaze" attack with.
Notable Techniques
Solar Blaze: Solar Blaze is Solar Man's special weapon in Mega Man 10. It is a fire projectile that splits apart and launches two fire waves to the left and right after a set period of time or after hitting an enemy or surface, which look like two Fire Storm blasts. It is effective against enemies that cannot be attacked from the front, like Shield Attackers, and can hit two enemies between Solar Man. It can be used to break some blocks. The Solar Blaze is quite slow if it is allowed to move the full distance before it splits apart.
Standard Tactics: Solar Man will use his solar blaze attack.
Weaknesses: Weak to Pump Man's water shield. If his data is corrupted, he will be incapable of coming back.
Solar Man apparently has no visible head in his sprite, along with red hands instead of white, and his feet are also red instead of white.
Due to color limitations, his eyes in his mugshot are orange instead of green like in the artwork.
Solar Man's weapon, the Solar Blaze, seems to be a combination of both of Pharaoh Man's weapons: the Pharaoh Shot and the Pharaoh Wave. Like the first, it is a sun-type attack that is thrown by the player. However, it cannot be charged like the Pharaoh Shot. Instead, it can split, sending two fire waves forward and backward from the splitting point, much like the Pharaoh Wave.
Solar Man is the first Robot Master who originally invented an exercise program prior to being turned evil by Dr. Wily in some way or another (Roboenza in Solar Man's case), the second being Bounce Man who was stolen and reprogrammed by Wily.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat? A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all.
↑Q. The shots that the Rockbuster fires from the hand, what are those exactly? A. The Rockbuster on the arm fires something called a “Solar Bullet”, essentially emitting a compressed form of solar energy that’s very powerful.
↑Weapon: Transforming Rockbuster, fires a solar bullet
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat? A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all.
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑Dr. "I’m Always" Right Breaks It Down Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat? A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all.
↑Q. The shots that the Rockbuster fires from the hand, what are those exactly? A. The Rockbuster on the arm fires something called a “Solar Bullet”, essentially emitting a compressed form of solar energy that’s very powerful.
↑Weapon: Transforming Rockbuster, fires a solar bullet
↑Power Source/ R.S. Power Reactor (Micro-sized) Right Solar Power Pile Dr. Right-made Solar Energy Generator
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
↑By swapping out the program data of all the robots Dr. Wily has constructed, this robot is able to adapt other robots’ moves as its own. With the powers of all robots combined into one, this is truly one dreadful robot.
↑This all-purpose robot can take on the same abilities of every other robot merely by switching its program data. Still, if it just copies the powers of robots that Rockman has already been able to defeat, one might expect for Rockman to overcome them again…
↑Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does? A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do. Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way.
↑PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD. Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”. “GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace. Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”… –However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!