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Majin Buu

From The Codex


Innocent Buu, usually just called Buu, is the first form of Majin Buu seen in the Dragon Ball series. He is the result of Kid Buu absorbing Grand Supreme Kai.

He is the main antagonist for the Majin Buu Saga.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Innocent Buu’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

The fat version of Majin Buu is the result of Ultra Buu's absorption of Grand Supreme Kai, the supreme ruler of all Kais. The merging of the juvenile and immature Kid Buu with the benevolent and innocent Grand Supreme Kai resulted in a childlike carefree being who, despite his behavior, possesses power that far surpasses that of a Super Saiyan 2 and on par with a Super Saiyan 3. Of note, absorbing Grand Supreme Kai granted Majin Buu the ability to speak fluently, although he usually refers to himself in the third person. Buu became calmer and easier to control after absorbing the Grand Supreme Kai.

However, Buu would become disobedient at times, causing his master Bibidi to seal him inside a magic ball to control him and transport him from planet to planet. Bibidi brought the ball to Earth, which was intended to be his next target. The only remaining Supreme Kai, Shin, waited for this chance, and, before Buu's seal was released, he was able to kill Bibidi. The ball, in which Majin Buu is contained, remained sealed, without being destroyed. Shin and Kibito thought it best to not unnecessarily disturb it and moreover, the only one who could release the seal was the now-deceased Bibidi.

Though seemingly gone, the stories of Buu's rampage continued to spread throughout the universe, striking fear into even the likes of King Cold, who told his son Frieza never to cross Buu.

Dragon Ball Z
Majin Buu (in his fat form) is first introduced during the Babidi Saga. He was released from his Sealed Ball by Bibidi's son, Babidi, thanks to the energy collected from Majin Vegeta and Goku as they were fighting. Despite Babidi's involvement in freeing him, Buu for the most part ignored him, although he quickly accepted him as his master when Babidi reminds him that he can seal Buu back into the Sealed Ball. In addition, he gets angered at Dabura's claims of him being a "bumbling idiot" and proceeds to humiliate him in battle. He is then ordered by Babidi to execute Gohan and Shin.

Thinking quickly, Gohan grabs the Supreme Kai's hand and flies away, hoping he can outrun Buu until they can reach a safe spot. However, Buu swiftly appears right in front of Gohan and mocks him. The Majin swats the half-Saiyan out of the air and into the rocks. Shin looks in shock as Buu begins to menacingly approach him. Shin uses a Kiai to defend himself, but the attack barely pushes Buu back. In response, Buu pummels the Supreme Kai as an injured Gohan watch.

Babidi proceeds to mock Shin for the position he is in and decides to kill the Supreme Kai himself. Just before Babidi can deal the final blow, Gohan swiftly kicks Majin Buu in face, much to the wizard's surprise. Unimpressed, Buu gets back on his feet and proceeds to heal the dent in his face. The cowardly wizard quickly retreats and is frustrated at the delay of the Supreme Kai's death. Gohan looks onto Buu in fear, noticing the attack did not leave any lasting damage. Buu becomes annoyed with Gohan and exclaims that he will die now. Gohan is shocked, but quickly gets angry, preparing to punch the pink monster. Buu quickly fires a large sphere of energy that blasts Gohan into the sky, before eventually flying off too far to be visible to a naked eye. With the last of his strength, the weakened Shin uses his psychic powers to destroy the attack and a beaten Gohan falls down into a nearby forest, unconscious and near death. His sudden decrease in energy causes several characters, like Goku and Vegeta, to mistakenly believe that Gohan was killed by Innocent Buu.

Thinking Gohan is dead, Babidi tells Buu to finally finish off the Supreme Kai. A hungry Buu prepares to turn the Supreme Kai into food, but from the rubble, an injured Dabura returns and throws his spear through Buu's back. Babidi gasps in surprise, truly believing Dabura to be dead after Buu struck him. He then yells at Dabura for daring to attack his father's creation. Dabura informs Babidi that Majin Buu's unpredictable nature is it not to be taken lightly and he will eventually betray the wizard and become a true threat. Dabura says they should stop the creature now while they still have a chance, but Babidi ignores the demon's warnings and scolds him for daring to attack Buu to begin with. However, Buu grabs the spear with no concern and simply pulls it out of his stomach like it was nothing. Dabura is horrified by Buu's near immortality, while the creature heals the hole in his stomach. Majin Buu turns to Dabura with an unfriendly smile, happily exclaiming that Dabura shall be eaten. Dabura futilely attacks Majin Buu, but monster uses his Transfiguration Beam to turn the demon king into a cookie and devours him whole.

Astonished by the creature's power, Babidi praises Buu and orders him to eat the Supreme Kai as well. Before Buu can eat Shin, he is distracted when Vegeta arrives and destroys Babidi's Spaceship. Babidi begins to scream at the loss of his spaceship and scolds Vegeta for his actions. Vegeta turns to Buu and begins to question the Majin, calling him a repugnant blob and ordering him to answer if he was the one who killed Gohan. Not understanding what "repugnant" means, Buu asks his master what the meaning of the word is. Hearing Babidi's explanation, Buu turns his view to Vegeta and begins to anger, letting out bursts of steam from the holes in his head. Screaming that he will kill Vegeta, Babidi congratulates Buu's violent temper and orders him to teach Vegeta a lesson for betraying him. As Buu's ki increases even higher, Vegeta powers up as well. Believing that he will die, Vegeta claims that if he has to go to Hell for fighting this battle, he will be bringing Buu and Babidi with him.

The fallen Saiyan puts up a good fight, managing to cause a noticeable amount of damage to Buu, which leads Buu to realize that he would have to be serious against Vegeta, so he uses Angry Explosion which severely damages Vegeta. Buu tells Vegeta that it's over for him and rips out a chunk of his stomach and stretches it out like gum. While Vegeta is confused by this, Buu shoots an explosive blast from his mouth that the prince just barely dodges, and then throws the piece of his stomach out so that it wraps around Vegeta, immobilizing him. The helpless Vegeta is then tortured by the fat creature. Luckily, Vegeta is saved through the intervention of Trunks and Goten. Despite Trunks' attempts to convince his father that by fighting together, they would win, Vegeta knocks both Trunks and Goten out. After sharing one last conversation with Piccolo, Vegeta decides to sacrifice himself in order to defeat Majin Buu for good. He blows himself up in a last-ditch effort to kill the Majin, and the explosion leaves Buu reduced to tiny pieces.

Later, Piccolo returns to the aftermath of the explosion, and prepares to finish off an injured Babidi, only to discover Buu's regeneration is virtually limitless and he returns to life from the broken pieces. Piccolo quickly escapes before Buu can finish healing. Babidi, near death from Piccolo's earlier attempt to kill him orders Buu to heal his body. Buu then reluctantly heals Babidi, after the wizard again threatens him with sealing him back into the Sealed Ball. Together, he and Babidi go on a rampage throughout Earth searching for Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo for their individual parts in almost ruining Babidi's plan and telepathically threatening the people to give up them up. While Buu is content causing mass destruction, he is quietly annoyed with Babidi's constant complaining and insults.

Their rampage is later interrupted by Goku, who intends to halt Majin Buu from destroying West City, as Trunks needs to find the Dragon Radar there. Babidi shows his surprise, believing Vegeta had killed Goku in their battle and thanks him for his part in reviving Majin Buu. Goku compliments Buu on his unmatched power, admitting that both he and Vegeta were wrong to underestimate him. Babidi immediately changes the subject, demanding to know the whereabouts of Piccolo, Trunks and Goten. Goku naturally refuses but offers them both a firm warning: The three in question will show themselves, but only after completing their training to defeat Buu, so they both should wait until then. Buu and Babidi both laugh loudly at the idea. The wizard refuses to listen and once again demands their presence, or else they'll kill more people.

Anticipating this, Goku prepares to stall Buu. Babidi orders his minion to kill him like Vegeta. Buu, however, doesn't listen and laughs to himself. Babidi yells at him and Buu frustratingly complies. Goku takes notice of Babidi's cruel treatment toward his servant and asks Buu why he still obeys the weak wizard and listen to his constant, demeaning insults. Buu himself pauses and begins to ponder on Goku's point. Intimidated, Babidi threatens Buu with sealing him away back in his cocoon prison, but Buu retorts and says Babidi will not do that, because Goku could easily kill him without Buu in the way. Babidi feels threatened by Buu's growing intelligence, however, Buu wishes to kill Goku anyway and obeys Babidi's demand, but only for the enjoyment of killing good guys.

Goku takes his time by showing Majin Buu the Super Saiyan transformations. First, Super Saiyan 1, Super Saiyan 2, and then decides to finally reveal the latest form: Super Saiyan 3 transformation. As Goku manages to overpower Buu when they start their fight, Majin Buu still treats the battle as playing, healing every wound Goku gives him. Goku and Buu both manage to land decent attacks on each other, as Buu uses attacks he has learned from other Z Fighters, including Vegeta. Buu even learns the Kamehameha technique after watching Goku use it only once. As Buu and Goku continue their enormous struggle, Goku fires an attack towards Buu, but Buu manages to deflect it back to the nearby city, completely destroying it. Throughout the fight, whenever Goku manages to get the upper hand on Buu, either by throwing him into the city or evading one of his attacks, Babidi gives Buu a harsh scolding, calling him insulting names. Buu eventually orders Babidi to be quiet, and Goku realizes that despite obeying Babidi's orders, Buu completely hates his master. Goku halts their fight after Trunks successfully finds the Dragon Radar. When Buu asks Goku to fight again, Goku informs Buu that in two days there will be another strong fighter to face Buu and give him a challenge. Majin Buu remembers this throughout his transformations and awaits this fight. Before he leaves, Goku tells Majin Buu to stop taking orders from Babidi, considering their enormous difference in strength and power.

Right after Goku leaves, Babidi insults Buu for not finishing him off, calling him names, which pushes Buu over the edge. Majin Buu turns on Babidi, strangling him to ensure he can't say the incantation for the Sealing Spell, before murdering him by decapitating him with a punch. After this, he cheers in joy and dances to celebrate his freedom. Not knowing what to do now that Babidi is dead, Buu proceeds to continue his murderous rampage, this time out of fun, where he destroys city after city. During his rampage, Buu meets a girl he is interested in, but after she is unwilling to accept him, he turns her into candy and eats her. Later, Buu meets a blind boy named Tommy. Upset that Tommy does not run away scared, Buu heals the boy. However, the boy still treats Buu with kindness. In return, Buu brings a carton of milk (in fact, an old man he turned into a carton of milk) for Tommy.

A day later, he is challenged by Gotenks and quickly defeats him. He then builds a house made out of humans and animals he turned into clay, where he meets Mr. Satan who attempts numerous times to kill Buu through poison, explosives and even physical assault, all of which fail so miserably that Buu does not even realize that they are assassination attempts. Mr. Satan eventually gives up and begins performing maid services for Buu such as cooking for him and giving him baths. During this time, Gotenks returns as a Super Saiyan to challenge Buu to a rematch, however, the arrogant fusion wasted too much time prior to his arrival, and quickly defuses into Goten and Trunks, who hastily retreat.

While he is living with Mr. Satan, Buu finds a hurt dog by the side of the road and brings it to Mr. Satan, perplexed at why it was not running away from him. Mr. Satan tells him that the dog is hurt, so in response, Buu heals him with his magic. The dog, who he names Bee, becomes the first creature to show affection to Buu and the first creature Buu shows genuine love for, such as licking him. This causes Mr. Satan to stop trying to kill Buu and instead try to find out why he murders people. Buu tells him that he just does it because Bibidi and Babidi told him to destroy. Mr. Satan tells him that killing people is actually wrong, which surprisingly shocks Buu, who then promises never to do any harm again.

After taming Buu, it seemed that the world is saved by Mr. Satan. All is well until the two gunmen Van Zant and Smitty arrive with the goal of taking on Buu and shoot Bee as he is playing with Buu. This causes Buu to become more enraged than he has ever been, but this anger is quelled by Mr. Satan's disposing of the two gunmen and taking Bee back to Buu to be healed. The situation seems fixed as Buu rebuilds his house in the shape of Bee and Mr. Satan resumes his maid tasks. Buu now seems fully changed, playing with Bee and even asking Mr. Satan to sit and eat with him. Mr. Satan even destroys the fake pictures of Buu defeated that he had taken. This lasts until the gunman who shot Bee returns and shoots Mr. Satan in the chest. Buu is able to heal him but the pain of losing his best friend is so great that he struggles to control his anger. Buu weakly tells him to run far away with the puppy, or they'll die. Mr. Satan doesn't understand, and Buu yells at him to hurry. Mr. Satan runs off with the Bee, as an angry Buu releases steam that forms into a giant cloud overhead. Finally, Buu loses control of his anger, and splits into Good Buu and Evil Buu.

General Information

Name: Majin Buu, Innocent Buu, Good Buu, Evil Buu, Fat Buu

Origin: Dragon Ball

Sex: Male

Age: Over Hundreds of Millions of Years Old (It is noted that Majin Buu has "existed since time immemorial"[1], predating the likes of Beerus and the Kais)

Classification: Alien

Species: Majin

Occupation: None

Status: Alive (Good Buu is the only one to remain alive of all the Buu's, with Son Goku noting to Vegeta to let him live)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (Buu is a cold, heartless being that has killed millions of humans with him noting he hates good guys, doing all of this killing purely because it's fun and he was told that's the only way to have fun), Chaotic Good as Good Buu (Was told by Mr. Satan he should not be killing people in which he agreed to, but after Mr. Satan is shot, his anger swells up within him and pops out as another body, splitting him into the good buu and evil buu)

Codex Statistics

Key: Innocent Buu | Evil Buu | Good Buu

Grade: B | B | B

Tier: At least 6-C. Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast | At least 6-C. Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast | At least 6-C. Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Power Source: Ki (All beings in Dragon Ball[2][3][4] have ki, the very life force energy of all characters[5], ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even[6] block attacks that would otherwise[7] kill them from[8] raising their guard[9], higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them[10])

Attack Potency: At least Island level (Fought and matched against Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku, who is far superior to Semi-Perfect Cell, who destroyed several islands with several blast). Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast (His strongest charged blast by this point should be superior to Super Perfect Cell's solar kamehameha which is shown that if it succeeded, it would've destroyed the entire planet) | At least Island level (This form is the result of Innocent Buu's power cut in half as he's only Buu's evil half). Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast | At least Island level (As with Evil Buu, he is only half of Innocent Buu's power). Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast

Durability: Unknown (Buu's body is made of special material that allows objects such as guns to pierce him, have his body get dispersed by explosions and for his body to be destroyed by planet explosions, all of which he freely regenerates from), Regeneration makes him difficult to kill | Unknown, Regeneration makes him difficult to kill | Unknown, Regeneration makes him difficult to kill

Striking Strength: At least Island Class | At least Island Class | At least Island Class

Lifting Strength: Class 50 (Is comparable to Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku, who is superior to his Super Saiyan Buu Saga self, who could casually fight while carrying 40 tons) | Class 50 | Class 50

Travel Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Superior to Super Saiyan Son Goku on Namek, who previously in his base form traveled from Frieza's ship over to Vegeta in this timeframe) | At least Massively Hypersonic+ | At least Massively Hypersonic+

Attack Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ | At least Massively Hypersonic+ | At least Massively Hypersonic+

Reaction Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Far Beyond 22nd Budokai Son Goku, who could dodge a mouth blast from Tambourine, which he used to tag the flying nimbus where even post King Kai training Goku used the flying nimbus to make it to the saiyans implying it is at least comparable to his flight speed by then, with Goku being capable of traveling over a million of kilometers in two days which results in these speeds) | At least Massively Hypersonic+ | At least Massively Hypersonic+

Stamina: Essentially Limitless (Noted in the Daizenshuu that Buu doesn't "particularly need energy"[11])

Range: Standard Melee, Interstellar with Ki Attacks and Magic (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun. Buu can telekinetically control all the humans within a city and is heavily implied he could do this to the entire planet if he wanted to)

Intelligence: Below Average Intelligence (Innocent Buu is very naïve and lacks knowledge in many things, with it even being shown in series such as Dragon Ball Super that he can't even past a test)

Powers and Techniques

Chi Manipulation & Ki Manipulation (All beings in Dragon Ball[42][43][44] have ki, the very life force energy of all characters[45], ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even[46] block attacks that would otherwise[47] kill them from[48] raising their guard[49], higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them[50]), Aura (Projection; A users ki aura can exert itself[51] as a weapon to attack[52]. Explosive; Ki users through powering up can form an entire aura around themself, radiating their immense power[53], where depending on their immense strength, can cause them to explode their aura outwards to remove excess ki from themself[54]. Mood Reflection; Goku and Piccolo Jr. with their auras and their stern concentration on each other reflected in their electric auras, even shooting electricity at each other[55]), Emotional Empowerment (It's noted that ki users can receive energy through one cheering them on[56]. Ki users can be greatly increased by their emotions and beliefs, Son Goku explains that Son Gohan needs to remember the time he fought Cell and bring out all of the power he has, this way he can lose to no one[57] where it's shown during the Cell beam clash that he was holding back greatly out of fear of destroying the earth but from being cheered on and using all of his power within him, he was able to overpower Cell[58]), Attack Reflection (All Ki users are able to reflect attacks just by being stronger than their opponent[59]. Examples include, Nappa deflecting a masenko from Son Gohan[60], Son Gohan being able to bounce back the spirit bomb[61], Son Goku deflecting a crusher ball from Jeice[62], Frieza deflecting a Final Burst Cannon from Vegeta[63], Son Goku reflecting multiple death beams back to back from Frieza[64], and Future Trunks being able to completely repel an energy blast with his hand from a Frieza Soldier just by being much stronger than them[65]), Homing Attack (Ki users can create attacks that will home in and chase a target forever[66]), Penetration Damage (Bladed Penetration; Ki users can conjure up a circle of chi that is sharp and can cut through enemies far more powerful then themselves[67][68], along with this they can conjure ki as a means to stab through an opponent[69]), Weapon Creation (Ki users can create energy weapons out of their attacks[70]), Power Absorption & Energy Transferal (Ki users can transfer their ki to others and absorb the ki given to them from others[71]), Attack Nullification (Ki Energy Based; Those with ki can nullify attacks of lesser ki with their ki alone[72][73]. They can also catch and nullify ki attacks around their level through focusing enough[74]), Power Nullification (Ki Energy Based; Through having greater ki, one can nullify the powers done through ki attacks, such as Frieza being able to nullify a hakai ball[75], which fully destroys a target[76], though he is unable to resist a hakai ball from Toppo due to him being stronger[77], this ability however only works on ki, attacks unrelated, characters cannot resist through being stronger, such as how Vegeta, Krillin, & Son Gohan are unable to resist Guldo's psychic powers[78], along with even the likes of Son Goku[79]), Forcefield Creation (Ki users such as Cell can generate forcefields around themselves[80]. These forcefields can be expanded[81], and used to protect others and defend against attacks far higher then the user[82]), Super Armor (Through releasing one's ki, they enter a state known as "Hyper Mode"[83], in this state they do not flinch from weak melee attacks[84]), Self-Destruction (Ki users in Dragon Ball are able to[85] release all of the energy within them[86] to cause a massive[87] self-destruction of energy that normally kills the user and turns them into dust[88] though one can control it to surviving but having no stamina or energy left[89]), Binding (Energy Binding; Ki Users can use their ki to bind targets to objects, making them unable to escape even if they're of equal power[90], however, those stronger than the ki user can easily break out of it[91]), Dreaming Existence (Characters in Shin Budokai have shown to create physical bodies in alternate timelines through dreaming[92]), Non-Standard Interaction (Intangible Interaction; Those with ki can block intangible attacks when they focus and notices them[93]. Space-Time Interaction (3+1-D); Characters can blast space-time distortions to close them[94]), Healing (Healing Singular Targets, Advanced Healing; Ki can be used to heal beings, allowing them to survive even with half their torso[95], it can also heal from near death[96]), Resurrection (Resurrection of the Deceased (Limited); Ki users can resurrect ones heart from death if their ki beams hit their heart, restarting it[97]. Resurrection from Exhaustion; Can heal downed allies to give them ki back, reviving them[98]), Intimidation & Spirit Manipulation (Ki is the manifestation of one’s lifeforce[99], along with the aura giving one the feeling of being crushed[100], exerting fear[101] into the target, sometimes making them incapable of moving as their[102] body is instinctively stuck due to the sheer difference in power[103]), Link Manipulation & Mind Manipulation (Characters can link their ki together and train within each other’s mind enacting in image training[104]), Vibration Manipulation (Seismic Vibration Manipulation; Ki users can transfer their ki into an object and cause it to vibrate and shake greatly[105]. Powerful ki users can cause the very ground itself to shake when they power up[106]), Electricity Manipulation (Unknown Voltage; Powerful Ki users can generate electricity around their aura that can outright electrocute their opponents[107], Goku and Piccolo Jr. showcased being able to utilize their aura as pure electricity during their clash[108]), Weather Manipulation (Powerful Ki users can generate entire storms through merely powering up alone, Nappa used this in order to conjure the electricity from the storm[109]. Goku showcases this when he first turns super saiyan, causing a massive lightning storm in the background[110]), Energy Manipulation (Ki is the latent power in one's body, this latent power allows them to form and create energy from controlling their ki, which can be used to shoot out energy blast[111]), Explosion Manipulation (Ki attacks can create massive explosions[112], or control the ki to set off a huge explosion under the enemy[113], or in front of them[114]), Heat Manipulation (At least 100 C; Ki user's ki attacks produce heat allowing them to cook and grill animals and raw meat[115][116], along with leaving behind steam after the attacks hit an area, showing its latent heat. Ki users electricity aura can burn objects that touch it[117]), Light Manipulation (Ki can be used as a flash of light[118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126], Degisu seeing ki attacks be fired notes that the characters are "firing light from their hands"[127]).

Limited Resistance to Durability Negation (Ki users can focus their energy to localize an object to a specific spot to stop them from attempting to destroy their organs/insides[128]), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Can resist poisons through Forcefield Creation[129])


Nothing notable.

Notable Techniques

  • Flight: The ability to fly with the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast:The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Mimicry: The coveted ability to copy another fighter's technique after seeing it used only once.
  • Absorption: Innocent Buu engulfs a victim completely or using a part of his body to suck the victim into his body, thus gaining their power and abilities.
  • Body Manipulation: An ability that allows the user to freely manipulate his/her own body structure.
  • Regeneration: The ability to regrow certain body parts or cells that have been dismembered or destroyed and replace them with brand new cells, or simply regrouping all of their separated parts back together.
  • Survivability: Like Frieza and Cell, the other iterations of Majin Buu, Buu has the ability to survive anywhere, in any condition without sustenance, even the most horrifying injuries. Combined with his regeneration, Buu's survivability makes him extremely difficult to kill.
  • Transfiguration Beam: This attack can actually change any object besides of chocolate or person into any type of object regardless of their strength. However, upon transformation, strong opponents can retain enough power to attack. The user usually announces what the attack will turn the victim into before using it.
  • Vaporize!: Innocent Buu throws his arms forward and fires a bluish-green energy wave against the opponent. He then charges more power into the energy wave, changing it into a giant energy sphere that blasts the opponent away, inflicting huge damage.
  • Healing: Buu is able to heal users of wounds and diseases. Such as being able to heal broken legs, gunshot wounds, and cure blindness.
  • Telekinesis: A technique that allows the user to manipulate objects and other people with the power of one's mind.
  • III Flash: First, Buu opens his mouth and charges a pink energy sphere with additional streaks of black and pink electricity. Then, he fires the energy sphere from his mouth in the form of a narrow, pink energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a high amount of damage.
  • Potbelly Attack: Buu grabs his belly and yanks off a piece of it, manipulating the skin to turn it into a long cylindrical piece. The skin suddenly comes alive, and he can use it as a weapon.
  • Angry Explosion: Majin Buu crosses his arms on his chest and charges a vibrating pink energy sphere around his body. Then, he looks up and shouts, "Big power!" with a deep voice. Finally, Majin Buu says, "Me mad now!" and unleashes an explosion of pink energy across an incredibly wide range, destroying everything caught in its path.
  • Vanishing Beam: A simple pink, perfectly round beam fired from the palm of the hand.
  • Enjoy Browning: The user fires pink energy spheres from both hands at their opponent.
  • Majin Kamehameha: A powerful Ki blast fired with two hands after concentrating a large amount of Ki.
  • Choke Hold: The hold used by Buu to stop Babidi from using the Sealing Spell.
  • Supre Breath: The user inhales deeply, and then exhales creating a huge gust of wind similar to a hurricane.
    • Flame Shower Breath: First, the user inhales a large amount of air and strongly exhales it, creating a huge gust of wind similar to a hurricane that can level a city.
  • Innocence Express: Innocent Buu yells out "Ready, set, go!" in a humorous way, because he says it very fast. He then charges by running into his target using his whole body. His legs move very fast, making it impossible to see them (only two pink waves are shown). He would eventually slow down.
  • Protective Bubble: Majin Buu conjures a force field bubble around him when the Earth's military forces try to destroy him.
  • Fission: The ability for a single being to split into two different copies of himself, divided more or less equally in terms of power and appearance, but usually share a single lifeline.
  • Explosive Buu Buu Punch: First, Innocent Buu appears in front of the opponent and punches them away. Then, he proceeds to assault the opponent with a nearly endless barrage of more heavy punches, inflicting a large amount of damage.


Standard Tactics: Innocent Buu will do whatever he decides is fun, which for him has shown to be turning people into candy, causing massive explosions, or doing massive breath attacks.



  • Super Buu with Gohan Absorbed's feat in the anime is not scalable to physicals at all, Vegito notes that his power is causing holes that will cause the dimensions to crash into the universe, the actual feat itself is not immedieate and takes a massive amount of time to happen, with Vegito stopping him before he was even close to completing it.
  • No matter what statements are attempted to be used, Kid Buu is not stronger than Super Buu with Potential Unleashed Gohan absorbed. Kid Buu's entire reasoning for being so fearsome is that he is the only Buu unhinged and willing to just destroy everything without a care in the world. When he's first awoken, Son Goku and Vegeta believe they're able to take him, when they noted they stood no chance against Super Buu, Son Goku even notes he would've been able to beat Kid Buu if his SSJ3 stamina didn't drop so quickly. Kid Buu is also noted that every past person he's absorbed or eaten is gone from his body, meaning he lost all of the amplifications received from those. People will also try to say that Son Goku got a masive power boost, but this doesn't make sense as zenkai boost are activated from near death states, which not only has he not had during each of the Buu fights, but also a Zenkai boost has never shown to have that massive of a power boost.
  • Some clips used on the profile come from an anime or movie due to the fact that some abilities Goku use shouldn't function much differently from how they can in canon, along with this sometimes the anime version/video game version of a scene will be used for cleaner visuals. Toriyama himself directly overlooks scenes in the anime and movies and gives Toei the thumbs up[169].
  • The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.


  • Buu's along with Bibidi and Babidi's manga names are most likely references to the magic words the fairy godmother uses in the 1950 film Cinderella, "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo." In Japanese, "Majin Buu" is roughly translated to "mean chief magical being."
  • The "wrapping goo" attack Majin Buu uses on Majin Vegeta (which Goten and Trunks later get him out of) is similar to the Merry-Go-Round Gum attack that Giran used against Goku at the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament in the original Dragon Ball.
  • During Majin Buu's first encounter with Goku, Goku tells him that he is a Saiyan. In the English Dub, Majin Buu tries to say "Saiyan", but it comes out as "Saiya-jin", a reference to the Japanese pronunciation for the Saiyan race.
Toccio the Angel
  • Despite his immature nature, he seems to be able to have a normal memory since he did remember certain things such as Bibidi telling him to destroy planets even though this was millions of years ago, and remembering the promise Goku made him for giving him a good fight.
  • The fat Majin Buu seems to be the only character in Dragon Ball Z who was eaten by one of Buu's various forms and survived as if he was absorbed. In the manga, it was stated by Super Buu that out of all the people he ate, Majin Buu was the only one to receive special treatment, and be absorbed instead of killed.
  • In Budokai 2, Majin Buu says "Die you dummy!" just before he kills Babidi; this quote is not in the series. However, it may be a rewording of "Die, you fool!", which Majin Buu said in the Japanese version of the episode in question.
  • Majin Buu's character design is later reused as the main protagonist in Akira Toriyama's children's book called Toccio the Angel.
  • Majin Buu's vest and pants look similar to the Metamoran style of clothing.
  • In the Toonami: Night of New Years Eve-il, Majin Buu was elected the best villain of the year with a total 46,276 votes.
  • When Majin Buu is in his "Fat" form and stands atop Shin after supposedly defeating him, It is similar to later on when Mr. Satan (Hercule) did this to Majin Buu in order to take a picture, showing to everyone later that he had single handily defeated Majin Buu.
  • In the Mandarin and Funimation dub, both Super Buu and Kid Buu are voiced by two different people whereas in almost every other dub the voice actor remains the same.
  • According to Daizenshuu 1, Innocent Buu was inspired by Akira Toriyama's third editor, Fuyuto Takeda.
  • Buu bears several similarities to a genie. Buu is a magical being that is trapped inside an object, and then freed. Buu's general appearance bears some similarities to a genie. However, unlike a genie Buu does not grant wishes, and only goes back in his egg if he is trapped inside of it.
  • In the first trailer of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Majin Buu is shown on screen and his name is written in English with the Japanese spelling "Boo". In the Japanese home release version, it was changed to the localized anime English spelling "Buu".
  • Evil Buu's voice is high-pitched in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi; this is fixed later on. However, he still only yells and grunts in the Budokai Tenkaichi series despite being able to speak in the series.
    • On a side note, in the remastered release of the Fusion saga, the vocal effect to make his voice sound deeper was removed.
  • Theoretically, Evil Buu and Kid Buu are the same being, as Kid Buu represents the pure Evil Buu (without Piccolo, Gotenks, Son Gohan, and the fat Majin Buu/Supreme Kais).
  • He is the only form of Buu not to display any stretching of his body parts in the manga/anime; however, he has this ability in video games. Also, while still having a pink aura, Evil Buu is the only incarnation of Buu to usually not have pink skin.
  • Evil Buu is also the only form of Buu to never be seen using the Transfiguration Beam. However, as Evil Buu is Majin Buu (he is the evil half of Innocent Buu embodied in physical form), it is very likely Evil Buu can perform the Transfiguration Beam as well.
  • An image depicting the Organization of Babidi in Daizenshuu 4 shows an alternately colored version of Evil Buu with pink skin and red eyes, the same color as the other Buus on that image. The other pictures in that specific section of the Daizenshuu are all colored in pink/red and black and white tones, including members of the Ginyu Force.
  • Evil Buu is also depicted with pink skin in the Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game.
  • Along with his good counterpart, Evil Buu is one of the first Majins known to have been created via fission. In Dragon Ball Online, it is revealed that Good Buu himself would later use fission to create a female companion named Miss Buu whom along Good Buu (who became Mr. Buu), went on to become the preverbal Adam and Eve of the Majin race. In Xenoverse 2, in an alternate timeline Majin Buu creates the Majin family via fission instead. However, these fissions are not evil due to Good Buu's pure heart.
  • In Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, the Devilmite Beam inflicts more damage to Evil Buu than any other version of Buu. This implies that Evil Buu is indeed the evilest of the Buus.
  • Though hesitating (and at one point, refusing) to kill Mr. Satan, and listening to Videl asking him to wait one hour, he did not seem to mind turning Videl into chocolate and eating her later on, although it is unlikely he would have noticed in his feeding frenzy.
  • Unlike most villains, Super Buu is permanently gone as his personality was lost when Good Buu was removed and Kid Buu reincarnated into Uub following his death.
  • Super Buu, along with his pure form, is one of the only villains of the main timeline that killed most of the Z Fighters and most humans, the only exception being Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks (as Gotenks), Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Mr. Satan, Bee, and Dende, however, the six above were killed when his Pure Form blows up the Earth, leaving only the four mentioned above.
    • Coincidentally the Androids of the future killed most of the Z Fighters except Gohan and Trunks, in both cases, Gohan and Future Gohan tried to avenge their friends (present Android 18 was among who fell victim) from the menaces (Super Buu for Gohan and the Androids for Future Gohan), they initially overpowered their opponents first, but they got overpowered themselves, and both are badly injured fighting their respective opponents, and were ultimately killed by the villains (Super Buu's pure form did so by destroying the Earth, taking the unconscious Piccolo, Goten, and present timeline Trunks with the planet), the only differences being that the Androids kill the Z Fighters and later Future Gohan, in the present timeline, even Trunks was killed when Kid Buu blew up the planet, also, Tien and Chiaotzu were killed much later after the others, and Piccolo, Trunks, with the addition of Goten, died with Gohan, along with Tien and Chiaotzu, although they were ultimately revived by the Namekian Dragon Balls (along with the present timeline Androids).
  • Super Buu turned almost all members and supporters of the Z Fighters (except Tien and Chiaotzu) into candy, as even Goku and Vegeta (as Vegito) fell victim as well, although, unlike the others, who were turned into chocolate, Vegito was turned into a coffee flavored jawbreaker and could still move around in his new form. He even developed a new attack, called "pinball attack" to take advantage of his size, beating Super Buu in a comical way until he is forced to turn him back to normal.
    • In the Xenoverse series, the Candy Beam turns all characters into jawbreakers which can move around like Vegito did, though are unable to attack while in candy form, though the user of the Candy Beam is unable to attack them either until they return to normal.
  • Right after he absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo, but before he fights Gohan, they both assume the fighting stances of Goku and Vegeta before their first battle; Gohan taking Goku's, and Buu taking Vegeta's.
  • After absorbing Piccolo and Gotenks, Super Buu tells Gohan "That really hurt, didn't it, Gohan? Facing your fears would have been far less painful". This is what Piccolo said to Gohan during the Saiyan Saga after Tien died while fighting Nappa. Super Buu also refers to Gohan as "Kid", a name Piccolo often addresses Gohan by. This may have been a psychological tactic on Super Buu's part likely influenced by Piccolo's intelligence.
  • Super Buu is sometimes confused with the Huge Majin Buu form the original Majin Buu took after absorbing the South Supreme Kai. Examples of this include Super Buu's biography in the video game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi, which identifies this form as such.
  • In Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road, the good Majin Buu's influence on Super Buu is still seen. After Babidi tries to kill Mr. Satan, Super Buu leaps in front to take the blast and then kills Babidi. While he still menaces the Z Fighters and events ultimately play out similarly to the main timeline from there, it nonetheless depicts the influence that was only seen fleetingly in the main timeline Super Buu. It is also worth noting that this incarnation is technically "Future Super Buu", since the game's events occur in the Future Trunks timeline.
  • In the original FUNimation dub, Super Buu's voice was deepened from the original recordings. The Remastered version kept the voice at its original pitch. In the Kai dub, however, the voice was tweaked to be deeper in pitch from the Z dub.
  • In the Mandarin and FUNimation dub, both Super Buu and Kid Buu are voiced by two different people whereas in almost every other dub the voice actor remains the same.
  • This is the only form Buu did not transform into since it is a fused form of two of his fissions Good Buu and Evil Buu.
  • After training non-stop for the Tournament of Power, Good Buu assumed a slimmed downed version of himself, which almost resemble Super Buu in appearance.
  • After Uub fuses with Good Buu, he buffs up similarly to Super Buu, with his being Kid Buu reincarnated also having parallels to Evil Buu absorbing Good Buu.
  • In the manga, Kid Buu does not have any fingers besides the small index finger, but, in the anime and video games, he has the regular four fingers and a thumb.
  • Kid Buu and Frieza are the only villains seen destroying planets by hitting the planet's core. They are also the only villains to have directly destroyed the Earth, though Frieza's destruction of the Earth was undone by Whis' Temporal Do-Over while the Earth was later restored using the Namekian Dragon Balls.
  • Kid Buu is the only villain in the original manga that Goku actually defeated (and killed) by using the Spirit Bomb.
  • Kid Buu's enlarging his fist to giant size to attack Vegeta is similar to Luffy's Gear Third from One Piece. This isn't surprising the manga's creator Eiichiro Oda is a noted Dragon Ball fan.
  • It is revealed that King Cold knew about Kid Buu as he warned Frieza never to fight with God of Destruction Beerus or Majin Buu. Additionally, Frieza was shocked upon learning Goku had killed the legendary Majin which made him realize how powerful Goku had become, though Frieza's training and acquisition of Golden Frieza allowed him to ultimately surpass Kid Buu.
    • In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Cooler reveals he too was warned by his father to never oppose Beerus or Majin Buu indicating confronting either of them was taboo among the Frieza Clan.
  • In Super Janemba's ending in the arcade mode of Shin Budokai - Another Road, Super Janemba and Kid Buu are shown to be able to understand each other's words, and they even become friends.
    • In Xenoverse 2, Kid Buu and Janemba also become partners in the parallel timeline featured in Parallel Quest 57: "Hell is a Picture?" where they end up turning hell into their playground, only to be confronted by Gogeta and the Future Warrior.
    • In Dragon Ball Fusions, after Janemba is defeated by Tekka's Team, he transforms into Super Janemba and performs EX-Fusion with Kid Buu creating their EX-Fusion Janembu.
  • In Xenoverse 2, it is revealed by Good Buu when he offers to train the Majin Future Warrior to help them unlock their Pure Majin form, he warns them that there is a risk they may lose their "heart" if they try to achieve it which if it occurred would cause them to effectively turn into another incarnation of Kid Buu. However, the Future Warrior manages to retain their heart allowing them to transform into their Pure Majin form at will while maintaining their personality and sanity.
  • In Shin Budokai - Another Road, as a joke, the World Tournament Announcer understands all of the sounds Kid Buu makes as words, which surprises and confuses Vegeta and Goku.
  • In the Mandarin and FUNimation dub, both Super Buu and Kid Buu are voiced by two different people whereas in almost every other dub the voice actor remains the same.
  • In some of the fan-subbed Dragon Ball Z episodes from the 90's, Kid Buu is referred to as Pure Evil Boo, even though the only Majin who is pure evil is Evil Buu.
  • In Dragon Ball GT, when Kid Buu makes a cameo appearance, his eyes are white despite them being red originally.
  • In the original Japanese version, Kid Buu only says one word while fighting Good Buu being "die!".
  • In World Mission, Chronoa's flashback shows Kid Buu invading a planet during one of his many rampages during the period of history between Time Immemorial and 5 Million Before Age making it the first time said period history was actually depicted on-screen in any media.
    • Ironically, Kid Buu ends up unintentionally fixing a minor alteration to history caused by the Time Patroller Sealas who had defied Chronoa to save a boy from being attacked by the Pure Majin. This makes Kid Buu the only known villain to have corrected history altered by a member of the Time Patrol.

Battle Records


  1. "Majin Boo & Co.
    How did Bibbidi make Majin Boo? What process was there, what were Boo’s ingredients, etc… Though in the manga Kaiōshin said that Bibbidi made him, the truth is that one called “Boo” was not actually created by Bididi, but has existed since time immemorial. He cycled between rampages and long hibernation. During numerous iterations of this cycle, he absorbed the evil elements of mankind, becoming steadily more violent. Bibbidi merely knew the means of calling Boo from out of his long slumber. Since the current Boo is a slightly different life-form due to the changes brought about when the evil Boo was expelled, it’s not known whether he’ll still go into long hibernation."
  2. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  3. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  4. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  5. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  6. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  7. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  8. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  9. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  10. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  11. Majin Boo is invincible, but where does he get his energy from? It can’t be from all that candy he eats, can it…?
    He doesn’t particularly need energy. It’s just that he likes candy.
    *By the way, since the bad Boo was pure evil, he was easily purified in the afterlife, and was able to be reincarnated as Oob right away.
  12. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  13. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  14. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  15. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  16. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  17. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  18. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  19. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  20. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  21. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  22. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  23. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  24. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  25. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  26. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  27. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  28. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  29. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  30. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  31. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  32. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  33. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  34. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  35. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  36. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  37. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  38. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  39. Dragon Ball Super Episode 79
  40. Dragon Ball Super Episode 79
  41. Majin Boo is invincible, but where does he get his energy from? It can’t be from all that candy he eats, can it…?
    He doesn’t particularly need energy. It’s just that he likes candy.
    *By the way, since the bad Boo was pure evil, he was easily purified in the afterlife, and was able to be reincarnated as Oob right away.
  42. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  43. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  44. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  45. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  46. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  47. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  48. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  49. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  50. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  51. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 48
  52. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 49
  53. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  54. Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan Scene
  55. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  56. Translations Archive Dragon Ball Super Exciting Guide: Story Volume
  57. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  58. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  59. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  60. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  61. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  62. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  63. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  64. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  65. Dragon Ball Z Frieza-Android Interlude
  66. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  67. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  68. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  69. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  70. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  71. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  72. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  73. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  74. Dragon Ball Z Episode 231
  75. Dragon Ball Super Episode 95
  76. Dragon Ball Super Episode 59
  77. Dragon Ball Super Episode 125
  78. Dragon Ball Frieza Saga
  79. Dragon Ball Xenoverse Take Back History and Your Body
  80. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  81. Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
  82. Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
  83. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Pratice Chapter 9
  84. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Hyper Mode
  85. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  86. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  87. Dragon Ball Z Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
  88. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  89. Dragon Ball Super Episode 126
  90. Dragon Ball Z Kai The Final Chapters Episode 24
  91. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  92. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
  93. Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
  94. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
  95. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  96. Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
  97. Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
  98. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Parallel Quest No.01 Being a Time Patroller
  99. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  100. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  101. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  102. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  103. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  104. Dragon Ball Z Episode 39
  105. Dragon Ball Z Episode 171
  106. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  107. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  108. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  109. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  110. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 47
  111. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  112. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  113. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  114. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  115. Dragon Ball Z Episode 162
  116. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 82
  117. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  118. Dragon Ball 22nd Budokai Saga
  119. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  120. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  121. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  122. Dragon Ball Z Android Saga
  123. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  124. Dragon Ball GT Baby Saga
  125. Dragon Ball GT Super 17 Saga
  126. Dragon Ball Super
  127. Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1
  128. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  129. Dragon Ball Super Episode 98
  130. "Majin Boo & Co.
    How did Bibbidi make Majin Boo? What process was there, what were Boo’s ingredients, etc… Though in the manga Kaiōshin said that Bibbidi made him, the truth is that one called “Boo” was not actually created by Bididi, but has existed since time immemorial. He cycled between rampages and long hibernation. During numerous iterations of this cycle, he absorbed the evil elements of mankind, becoming steadily more violent. Bibbidi merely knew the means of calling Boo from out of his long slumber. Since the current Boo is a slightly different life-form due to the changes brought about when the evil Boo was expelled, it’s not known whether he’ll still go into long hibernation."
  131. Dragon Ball Z Episode 273 "The Innards of Buu"
  132. Dragon Ball Z Episode 273 "The Innards of Buu"
  133. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  134. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  135. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  136. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  137. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  138. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  139. Dragon Ball Super
  140. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  141. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  142. Dragon Ball Super
  143. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  144. Dragon Ball Super Episode 27
  145. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  146. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  147. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  148. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  149. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  150. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  151. Dragon Ball Super
  152. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  153. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  154. Dragon Ball Super
  155. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  156. Dragon Ball Super Episode 27
  157. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  158. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  159. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  160. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  161. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  162. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  163. Dragon Ball Super
  164. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  165. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  166. Dragon Ball Super
  167. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  168. Dragon Ball Super Episode 27
  169. "What work do you do on the films, Sensei?
    I check the plot and script that gets sent to me from Toei Animation. I also do some character designs and touch-ups, as well as altering the names and such."