“ | I want you to assassinate me with a method that brings a smile to your face, one that you can take pride in. You're more than capable of that. | „ |
~ Korosensei to his students |
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“ | I want you to assassinate me with a method that brings a smile to your face, one that you can take pride in. You're more than capable of that. | „ |
~ Korosensei to his students |
“ | I won't kill you. Unless you're worth killing, that is. | „ |
~ The Reaper to his captures |
Korosensei is the homeroom teacher for Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, and the central character and main antihero of Assassination Classroom.
Tier: At least 9-A | 8-B, 7-C with White Energy, Low 5-B via Antimatter Self-Destruction
Name: Real name unknown. Code-named "The Reaper" | Nick-named "Korosensei"
Origin: Assassination Classroom
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Human, Assassin | Artificially Modified Human, Teacher
Status: Dead
Alignment: Chaotic Good ()
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least Small Building level (Could effortlessly overpower his protégé, who was a match for Karasuma) | City Block level (Could create a giant tornado with this much energy), Town level with White Energy (Blasted away transformed Yanagisawa and The Reaper with an explosion this powerful), Small Planet level via Antimatter Self-Destruction (Could destroy 70% of the Earth. However, the odds of this happening are less than 1%)
Durability: At least Small Building level | Small Town level (Took hits from The Reaper, who could turn a skyscraper to dust), City level with Absolute Defense Form (Claims that not even a nuclear bomb could leave a scratch on him)
Striking Strength: At least Small Building level | Unknown (One of his weaknesses are his weak punches), higher (Using his full body)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 5, possibly Class K (Should be comparable to Karasuma) | Unknown
Travel Speed: At least Supersonic (As the world's greatest assassin, should be superior than the likes of Karasuma) | Hypersonic+ (Has a top travel speed of Mach 20, which goes on to stay that way even when his time ends in the series. Despite being slower, could somewhat keep up with a rocket ship flying at Mach 23) [note 1]
Combat Speed: At least Supersonic | Supersonic+, possibly Hypersonic+ (He usually only moves up to Mach 3 in small spaces, but the narrator has admitted it's possible for him to move at Mach 20 in non-travel displays)
Reaction Speed: At least Supersonic | Supersonic+, possibly Hypersonic+
Stamina: At least Very High (Should be comparable to Karasuma) | Superhuman (Flew through 30 countries, for the extent of a school-day, with barely any time to rest between stops)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Thousands of Meters with guns | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with tentacles, Hundreds of Meters with energy beams
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius: (Korosensei consistently shows that he's above the brightest minds in the world. For example, Yanagisawa is a genius who's study and research defies all natural laws and was several steps beyond the limits of modern science. Yet, Korosensei's intelligence was stated to exceed that of Yanagisawa's, to the point that Korosensei was able to completely understand his research just by glancing at his computer and could manipulate Yanagisawa so that he could become even stronger. Even managing to memorize every problem set in the existence of Japan during his spare time)
All previous, True Flight/Spaceflight, Natural Weaponry and Elasticity (Tentacle life form), Large Size (Type 0; about 3 meters tall), Size Manipulation (As shown here), Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; completely made out of anti-matter), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; able to survive in space), Underground Mobility (Can move underground by eating dirt beneath him), Regeneration (Low-Mid. Can regenerate lost limbs), Healing (Healed Kaede using her cells and his own energy), Rage Power and Berserk Mode (Can go berserk mode if he loses control of his rage), Empowerment (Via various emotions), Body Control and Shapeshifting (Can grow arms, change his size,and make a drill out of his tentacles), Damage Reduction (With shedding his skin), Camouflage (Can change his skin into any color, utilized for expressing emotionsas well as disguise and camouflage), Vibration Manipulation (Heated Kaede's cells with molecular vibration), Explosion Manipulation (He explodes as he transformsand re-transforms from his abolute defense form), Corrosion Inducement (Whatever goes into his body dissovles), Fungus Manipulation (Grew a mushroom on his head), Adhesive Manipulation and Matter Fusing (His mucus has a glue-like usage and he can fuse materials), Surface Scaling (As shown here), Self-Crystallization (With Absolute Defense Form), Antimatter Energy Manipulation and Projection (By channelling a portion of his innerantimatter energy to his tentacleshe can generate beam attacks), Fire/Temperature Manipulation (Tentacles can burn/melt things within themselves), Thread/Hair Manipulation (Capable of manipulating string-like "miniscule" tentacles,which were shown to work on a molecular and cellular level,invisible to surveillance camerasand the eyes of The Reaper), Enhanced Senses (Can detect even the tiniest of changes in temperature, light, sound, and smell), Sound Manipulation (Can emit sound waves), Afterimage Creation (His speed allows him to seemingly copy himself dozens of times using after-imagery.Each individual after-image can maintain a widely-different tasks both individuallyand simultaneously without confusing themselves), Transformation (Is able to transform into Absolute Defense Form,later gained ability to transform into a liquid like state where he can fit through any space while retaining most of his abilities), Fourth wall awareness (As shown here), Self-Destruction (Once the division of cells stops, his body will explode, destryoing the planet along with it.However, it has been proven that the chances are minuscule at best), Blood Absorption (Can suck others' blood), Acid Manipulation (Able to produce acid from his tongue), Energy Absorption (Able to absorb energy), Limited Density Manipulation (Can change the density of his mucus to seal and block firearms), Limited Weather Manipulation (Can create tornadoes)
All previous, Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Poisons do not have any effect on him, except changing his appearance), Pain Manipulation (Throughout the series, he constantlyshot himself, got sliced, took great hits, yet showed no signs of pain), Electricity Manipulation (Yanagisawa states electricity won't work on him), Air Manipulation (Due to way his tentacles is,he is immune to pretty much all effects of air), Temperature Manipulation (Can survive in cold places where his students freeze to deathor in places where people need heavy clothing to survive, as well as space itself.Yanagisawa was incapable of stopping him even though his lab had extreme temperatures,tanked actual fire with no real response in his fight with Kaede), Cosmic Radiations (Can survive in space)
Guns, knives and poisons | None notable
Conscious Reading: The human consciousness has wavelengths, looking into the vibration of the target's mind, you can sense their breathrate, line of sight, their facial expression and critical openings in their defenses. The user gets an image in their head, being able to see if their target's face is bright or dark. When they look light, they are off guard, but when they look dark, they are on guard. Using this, the user can read the target's intention and predict their attacks before they can give it off.
Molting: A once-a-month occurrence, Korosensei can shed his skin. and use it as a protective membrane either on himself or another individual, protecting them from being hurt even from grenade explosions.
Superhuman Senses: Despite being a smiley face emoji, Korosensei still has his sensory organs. He has a strong enough smell to smell a bomb hidden in a giant pudding, can smell the sent of his students on a mountain in the distance, can smell his students eating chocolate in a forest, and can smell the scent of an assassin in an airport kilometers away. His sight is so good that he can spot a beetle on a tree and see Karasuma and The Reaper's fight many meters away by zooming in his eyes. Finally, his hearing is so good that he can hear and recognize the sound of each of his individual student's footsteps many meters away.
Superhuman Digestion: Korosensei can coat his tongue with his digestive acids, which are strong enough to melt shoes on contact and melt metal bullets.
Water Absorption: Upon contact with water, a tentacle will absorb it like a sponge and swell up, and thus its mobility will be hindered. This can be partially negated if his mucus is used to turn it into a gel.
Mucus: His mucus can do more than just negate his water absorption. It also allows him to fly silently, can stop bullets, and can replace human cells perfectly.Standard Tactics:
Weaknesses: None notable | List of all of his noted weaknesses, government made material that can bypass his durability, gets slower when his body absorbs water, loses 20% of his speed per tentacle he loses, his reaction speed slows down when he's psychologically shaken up, isn't good at adapting to changes in the environment, and is completely immobile in his Absolute Defense Form.