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Void Standards

Void Feats can grant you up to one of the highest speed ratings on the system, going from Faster Than Light to Extra-Temporal Speed. There are controversial applications behind this standard, however, leading to standards being necessary to assess whether or not a feat of this caliber matches the standards needed to acquire the speed rating. This article will highlight information regarding the basic functions of timeless void feats.
When determining a character's speed, the formula used is the following:
- Speed = D/T
In a timeless void, the value of "T" would be equivalent to 0, as the flow of time in this realm would be nonexistent. Traversing such a place would be impossible for characters with finite speeds. The idea of reaching Faster Than Light speeds, where time slows down to a dead stop where space and time essentially do not exist at the speed of light itself.
For true voids, one's that are essentially areas made before the creation of the universe, or lack everything, and are true "spaces" of nothingness, this would grant Extra-Temporal speed, as the concept of distance and speed no longer apply here.
Most series do not acknowledge such a feat as something that would take an infinite amount of speed to accomplish, and it's constantly portrayed as a one-off action occurring for the sake of the plot. In that case, the feat is to be discarded as an Outlier or a Plot-Induced Stupidity.
In order for any given series to be upgraded based on these feats, their universe should meet, at minimum, a few of these criteria:
- The realm should be consistently and reliably described as timeless by knowledgeable characters who can be confirmed not to be lying or bluffing.
- The realm should display characteristics a realm without time would be expected to have, such as the lack of a visible passage of time, unless this is Cinematic Time.
- Although not necessary per se, and not entirely accurate either, the characters who traverse it being described as "outside of space-time" or "outside of time" would be supporting evidence.
A simple way to look at it is to divide each one of the timeless realms in fiction in "Types":
- Type 1: "False" Voids: Voids that supposedly lack time but are completely contradicted to be such.
- Examples: The World of Void in Dragon Ball Super, The Realm of Darkness in Kingdom Hearts.
- Type 2: "Timeless" Voids: Voids that are stated to be timeless and are explicitly shown to be such. They have many properties that would come with timelessness to the extent that it is undeniable they would qualify for either Speed of Light or Faster Than Light speed depending on the interpretation. As movement within 0 time is akin to the ideas that movement at the speed of light essentially has no time pass from perspective.
- Type 3: "True" Voids: Voids that are true voids, they lack any true form of existence, not only being timeless, but lacking anything. These are normally realms that exist before the creation of the universe or realms outside of the universe. Essentially this is Personal Nonexistence. The speed tier given for moving within a void like this is Extra-Temporal as you are moving a plane with no concepts or distance.
- Examples: Rift Between Time in Sailor Moon, The Void of the Evil Realm in The Legend of Zelda
See also