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From The Codex
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"Mature Content" |
This character or verse has mature themes and concepts, thus those of young age are ill-advised to look through these. |

“ | "You are possessed by violent imaginative numina. You feel as if you can bend this entire continuum to your will. You can do anything!" | „ |
~ Narration |

“ | You transform into an absolutely grotesque monster. | „ |

“ | "GPI: Fondly regard creation." | „ |
“ | Godhead Pickle Inspector thinks you should just relax and have fun, and not worry too much about it. | „ |
~ GPI recapping confusing events in the story |
“ | One of your duplicates decides to achieve deity status. He now resides as the serene, omnipotent master of all realities. Godhead Pickle Inspector will no longer respond to any user commands other than "GPI: Fondly regard creation." | „ |
~ The Narrator |
“ | You are now Pickle Inspector. | „ |
~ Introduction |
Pickle Inspector is a somewhat socially awkward acquaintance of both Problem Sleuth and Ace Dick. He first appears in page 131, seen in his office while Problem Sleuth is spying on him. While he is physically rather weak, his enormous Imagination stat is quite useful in the imaginary universe, where he can conjure candy-based weaponry and transform himself in various ways, resulting in a plethora of alternate Pickle Inspectors with varying but still very powerful abilities.
Powers and Stats
Tier: High 8-C, higher with IMAGINATION. 1-B with Maxed out IMAGINATION | At least High 8-C | 2-C, likely 2-A | At least 2-C, likely 2-A | At least 1-B, likely higher
Name: Pickle Inspector | Godhead Pickle Inspector (GPI)
Origin: Problem Sleuth
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Human? Acquaintance of both Problem Sleuth and Ace Dick | Omnipotent master of all realities
Attack Potency: Large Building level+ (Despite his insignificant VIM, he should still scale to Problem Sleuth, although to a lesser extent. His female counterpart was able to deal minor damge to Mobster Kingpin), higher with IMAGINATION (Can create weapons to fight off beasts and even one shot them). Transverse level with Maxed out IMAGINATION (One of Pickle Inspectors duplicates decided to casually achieve deity status, becoming Godhead Pickle Inspector; an omnipotent master of all realities who is the supreme being of all of MSPA) | Large Building level+ (Easily dispatched a lesser beast who previously tanked multiple buildings thrown with telekinesis and slayed Problem Sleuth and Ace Dick earlier on. Killed several duplicates of Pickle Inspector with eye lasers, the same ones who were shown capable of morphing into the Candy Mecha) | Complex Universe level, likely High Multiverse level+ (Much stronger than the Candy Corn Vampire and Gummy Worm Zombie. His sniper rifle can wound DMK as fast as he could regenerate) | At least Complex Universe level, likely High Multiverse level+ (Wiped out Demonhead Mobster Kingpin's last health bar in his second form. Copied himself infinitely, forming the particles that make up the universe, past, present, and future, becoming one with creation) | At least Transverse level, likely higher (Rules over everything in MS Paint Adventure as he described in the narrative to being an "Omnipotent" master of all realities, who holds all of creation on one of his flowers, putting him above the likes of Lord English and the MSPA Reader. Is seen as a transcendent being, even from the eyes of Andrew Hussie and became free from his influences. Easily repaired all of creation when it was ripped apart by DMK)
Dimensionality: 3-D | 3-D | 3-D | 4-D | Ad-Infinitum
Travel Speed: Unknown | Unknown | Below Average (One of the slowest characters in the comic. Due to his incredibly low speed stat, he moves several inches per minute) | Extra-Temporal (Should be comparable to DMK. Became the Universe) | Extra-Temporal
Combat Speed: FTL (Comparable to Problem Sleuth) | FTL | Extra-Temporal with his Sniper rifle | Extra-Temporal | Extra-Temporal
Reaction Speed: FTL | FTL | FTL | Extra-Temporal (Narrowly dodged one of DMK's attacks) | Extra-Temporal
Lifting Strength: Below Average Human (Due to his extremely low VIM, he has struggled to do something such as pushing a safe closed). Class 100 via Telekinesis (Tore down a building and threw it at a beast with a simple hand gesture) | Unknown | Universal (Has a tremendous amount of VIM that should make him comparable to Fiesta Ace Dick) | Extra-Temporal | Extra-Temporal (Holds all of creation that is contained within his flowers)
Striking Strength: Large Building class | At least Large Building class | Complex Universe class | At least Complex Universe class | At least Transverse class
Durability: Large Building level+. Complex Universe level, likely High Multiverse level+ via IMAGINATION (Can conjure up candy armor that are undamaged by DMK's attack) | Large Building level+ (Able to take hits from the Candy mech) | Complex Universe level, likely High Multiverse level+ (Survived hits from one of DMK's summons. Can tank hits from DMK) | At least Complex Universe level, likely High Multiverse level+ | At least Transverse level (Was never harmed nor impeded by anything after his ascension to godhood. Only ever showed discomfort when his beautiful creation was harmed, which he immediately fixed)
Stamina: Superhuman+ (His journey lasted months and hasn't shown to be needing things such as food and sleep) | Superhuman+ | Superhuman+ | Limitless | Limitless
Range: Standard melee range. Hundreds of meters with weapons. Complex Universal to Transversal via IMAGINATION | Standard melee range, higher with Lvl 48 Disconcerting Ogle | Complex Universal, likely High Multiversal (Split himself apart infinitely and made up the Universe' Space-Time), potentially Transversal (Was able ascend to GPI's level before becoming the Universe) | Transversal
Resistance to Space-Time Manipulation (Is completely fine after Space-Time was ripped apart by DMK), Perspective Manipulation (Unaffected by Ace Dick's incapability of using IMAGINATION, which as a results turns the universe around him into a non-sentient messed up and poorly drawn world)
Resistance to Gravity Manipulation, Absorption, Reality Warping. Void Manipulation, and Space-Time Manipulation (Unaffected by the pull of BHMK)
Standard Equipment: Tea set, Hair Pin/Machine Gun (Although it's too heavy for him to lift physically), PEZ Uzi, Handgun/Keys | None notable | Sextant/Sniper rifle | The Deus Ex Sewing Machina
Intelligence: Genius, likely far higher (Was able to easily solve "Weird Puzzle shit" in a single scene, which usually takes "hundreds of Pages" to solve, to the point where cheat codes are needed to skip pass that area in the game. Has a vast amount of IMAGINATION in which it roughly correlates with the characters intellect. Pickle Inspector is incredibly versatile with his IMAGINATION, with it assisting him in combat and difficult situations. Bested Death in a game of Wizard's Sudoku) | Animalistic (Is a bloodlusted beast) | Cosmic (Became the universe and made up its entire history and timeline.) | Omniscient (Created and rules over all of MSPA and is described to be an omniscient deity)
Weaknesses: Suffers the same weakness as Problem Sleuth. Has low VIM. Cannot enter the physical plane as your imaginary self. Seems to be a bit of a pacifist and will not immediately resort to violent options unless necessary. | Is a bloodlusted beast that isn't capable of much thought | Suffers from Frankenstein slowness | Temporal Replicollision is a suicide attack | Doesn't take direct action unless his creation is being destroyed
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- AGGRESS: A physical attack using whatever weapons are on hand. Aggressing is a basic attack, and requires no special items or extra equipment. Any character may Aggress with anything they have on them, including guns, makeup, cleaning supplies, paint, scythes, tea, childhood toys or just their fists.
- ABSCOND: Abscond is a technique used to leave a battle. If the incoming assault from your enemies is too tough to handle, choosing Abscond may be your only viable option. Abscond is not foolproof, and can sometimes fail in specific battles.

Disconcerting Ogle
Learned after | Defeating a beast |
Pickle Inspector can weaponize his constant ogling to accomplish different things.
- Level 5 - PI stares at somebody who is flipping the fuck out until they calm down. Used on the Weasel Emissary.
- Level 48 - PI shoots deadly lasers from his eyes. Used by Monster Pickle Inspector against three other imaginary PI duplicates.

After defeating Monster Pickle Inspector, PI learns a new type of ogle, the Disquieting Leer. While PI never uses the leer, Fluthlu possesses the Level 77 version and uses it against Problem Sleuth. Fluthlu shoots a laser from his eye that, if deflected into an ethnic cheer mural, turns the mural's characters into hideous monsters that emerge from the artwork and attack Fluthlu's enemy.

Combat operandi
Pickle Replicsimile

If he possesses a great amount of Imagination, Pickle Inspector can create a number of imaginary duplicates of himself, allowing him to explore every possible method of defeating an enemy. He uses the Level 8 version of the operandi while fighting a beast, splitting him into eight separate bodies.
Abstracted Thought
Learned after | Defeating Monster Pickle Inspector |
Using Abstracted Thought, Pickle Inspector can divide his consciousness between his real body and one of his imaginary duplicates, giving him the ability to perform actions in reality and the imaginary realm at the same time.
Demonhead Mobster Kingpin possesses the Level 49 version of the ability and uses it during the final battle.
Temporal Replicsimile
Learned after | Defeating Monster Pickle Inspector |

This variation on Pickle Replicsimile lets Pickle Inspector split his imaginary self into two duplicates, one that travels to the past and one that travels to the future.
PI first uses the ability so that the past self could travel back in time and solve a complex puzzle in the control room. The future duplicate later shows up during the Demonhead Mobster Kingpin fight and uses the ability again in order to dodge DMK's Vexatious Glower, creating past-future and future-future duplicates.

After all four temporal copies die, they are summoned by Godhead Pickle Inspector for a special mission. Each begins to perform Temporal Replicsimile Ad Infinitum, splitting themselves into smaller copies that themselves duplicate in a never-ending chain. These "part-pickles" soon occupy every location at every point in time, becoming the elementary particles that all matter is made up of: the result of the PIs' constant duplication is the creation of the universe itself.
Comb Raves
Anchors Away
A Level 4 Comb Rave, Anchors Away involves Pickle Inspector (in his Tootsie Roll Frankenstein form) throwing the Chicago Overcoats anchor at an enemy. He planned on using it against Demonhead Mobster Kingpin, but this is prevented when Mobster Kingpin smashes PI's suckle receptacle and replaces it with one of his own, letting DMK perform the Comb Rave Fill 'Em with Daylight. In hindsight, PI realizes that Anchors Away is actually a useless attack, since he is fully capable of throwing the anchor without performing a Comb Rave.
Temporal Replicollision

A Level 7 Comb Rave, Temporal Replicollision is a cooperative attack involving Past-Future Pickle Inspector and Future-Future Pickle Inspector. PFPI and FFPI each take half of the available Jocuse Honey and perform a Half Rave Maneuver - PFPI's is called Large Hadron Part-Pickle Acceleration, and FFPI's is called Large Hadron Anti-Part-Pickle Acceleration, but the only actual difference between the maneuvers is their names. The porthole windows are rearranged into two closed circuits of three portholes each, and PFPI and FFPI travel through one of the circuits at near-light speed.
Once they have attained the required speed, the circuits are repositioned next to the targeted enemy and the two part-pickles are launched towards the target, colliding into each other and sacrificing their lives to generate a massive explosion. As a side effect, a Higgs Bonehead is created by the explosion and appears briefly near its location before dissipating into nothing.
Used against Demonhead Mobster Kingpin.

Gambit Schema: The Gambit Schema is a special transforming maneuver, which can be activated by carving the necessary pattern into the Schema Pumpkin. It increases a character's power, and changes their stats of Vim, Pulchritude, and Imagination and introduces Speed, Defense, Flicker, and Ripeness.
Flicker: This meter represents how much damage the character could take while in their Gambit Schema.
Ripeness: This meter represents how rotten the Schema Pumpkin is and thus how much time remains of that characters Gambit Schema until it expires.
- Tootsie Roll Frankenstein: Tootsie Roll Frankenstein is one of the three Gambit Schemas used to grant Team Sleuth (in this case, Pickle Inspector) some fantastical powers. A schema pumpkin is required, and two tootsie rolls to complete the transformation. While under this schema, Pickle Inspector is granted an enormous amount of strength, mediocre defense, but an overwhelmingly debilitating Frankenstein Slowness stat. The majority of the time the Pickle Inspector has spent in this Gambit Schema he has been busily going his usual rate of 6 feet per year to reach objects to interact with, giving him not much chance to execute Combat Operandi or Battle techniques. Fortunately, the completed Sextant allowed him to cause incredible amounts of damage while not having to move.

- Deus Ex Sewing Machina: The Deus Ex Sewing Machina is the weapon of choice for Godhead Pickle Inspector. When Demonhead Mobster Kingpin used his Comb Rave: Fill 'Em With Daylight, tearing the imaginary universe in half, GPI performed the only useful action in his entire history as a deity (other than creating the entire universe) by sewing the universe back together with the Machina and an extraordinarily long length of power cord. The needle for the Sewing Machina is the Ham Needle. Because the thread used to restore the universe is the fan's power cord, it now spans the length of the universe - meaning that though power has been restored to the fan, the time it will take for power to reach the fan and complete the circuit is approximately 18 billion years. Twice. This term is incredibly appropriate as the term "deus ex machina" was created when referring to how a playwright would lower a god (Deus) onto the stage via a crane (machina) and magically resolve the conflict. In this situation a god (head) magically resolves the conflict with his sewing machine.
Key: Base | Monster Pickle Inspector | Tootsie Roll Frankenstein | Part-Pickles | Godhead Pickle Inspector
Battle Records
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: