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Nobu Akiyama
From The Codex
“ | Nobu is a troubled teenager with a dark past. His old highschool was sucked into the UNderworld, where he and his fellow students battled hordes of demons led by the Demon Lord, Hazama. However, Nobu and a demon-possessed girl named Yumi managed to claw their way back to the Surface World, hoping to start new lives at new schools. But it isn't long before Nobu uncovers a government conspiracy to raise Hell on Earth, and he and Yumi are once again forced to face their worst nightmares... | „ |
~ Intro to Shin Megami Tensei Kahn |
Nobu Akiyama is the name given to the male protagonist of the Shin Megami Tensei if... manga. Nobu follows similar events to the original Shin Megami Tensei if... with Ideo Hazama beingt he demon lord and him needing to break the seal in order to return back to the demon world, however his story differs as he teams with Yumi. Nobu and Yumi are the only students left alive after the incident.
In Shin Megami Tensei Kahn, the sequel to the manga adaptation of if..., the male protagonist is called Nobu. Following the events of the manga, he has transferred to a new school, but has attracted attention from Thorman and Gotou for his connection to the incident in Karukozaka High School and the Demon Summoning Program he carries. He is framed for the death of his mother and forced to go on the run, reuniting once again with Yumi Shirakawa and the now-human Pixie. After Tokyo is flooded, he is taken to the future where he confronts the reincarnation of Hazama.
Key: Shing Megami Tensei if... | Shin Megami Tensei Kahn
Tier: 10-A, 8-C to 2-A with Observation & Willpower. Far higher with Observation & Willpower | 8-C. Far higher with Observation & Willpower
Name: Nobu Akiyama
Origin: Shin Megami Tensei: if... Manga
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (After the dramatic toll taken on Nobu by dealing with the entirety of Shin Megami Tensei if... and seeing his mom died before his eyes, he cared nothing about what happens to the people and was motivated purely be revenge)
Classification: Human, Demon Summoner
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Athelete level (Shows athletic prowess in his battles, can wield swords and knives and use them in battle), Building level (Capable of killing a demon with a regular knife and taser due to Nobu and Yumi's observation. Low level demons should be comparable to demons who have access to Bufu skills, which can completely freeze opponents, and Agi skills, which can vaporize humans) to Hyper Multiverse level with Observation & Willpower (Fought and killed Ideo Hazama, who is the ruler of the Expanse, a realm that transcends the past, present, and future of the multiverse, of which there are infinite universes). Far higher with Observation (Observation can be used to massively amplify one's stats, such as when the early game Shin Megami Tensei 1 protagonist was amplified to be able to fight with all the other end game protagonists and fight Stephen. With it's power being noted by Stephen to give humans the potential to exceed the Axiom) & Willpower (A characters willpower in SMT allows them to increase greatly in strength allowing them to harm enemies they couldn't even scratch before and survive attacks that would have originally kill them, the will of one's friends and allies around them can invigorate one to become far more powerful then before) | Building level (Consistently noted to no longer be human and can survive things regular humans cannot, caapble of now sensing and fighting off demons with his own strength. Easily beat down thugs). Far higher with Observation & Willpower
Durability: Athelete level, Building level (Observation allows one to survive attacks from demons that are on levels far beyond their own) to Hyper Multiverse level with Observation & Willpower. Far higher with Observation & Willpower | Building level. Far higher with Observation & Willpower
Striking Strength: Athelte Class, Building Class to Hyper Multiverse Class with Observation & Willpower. Far higher with Observation & Willpower | Building Class. Far higher with Observation & Willpower
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Can casually lift and swing a longsword around, even doing jumping attacks with it) | Unknown
Travel Speed: Athletic Human | Athletic Human
Combat Speed: Athletic Human, cannot be blitzed by Extra-Temporal beings due to Observation. Extra-Temporal with summoned Demons | Extra-Temporal
Reaction Speed: Athletic Human, cannot be blitzed by Extra-Temporal beings due to Observation (Observation allowed Nobu and Yumi to move within The Expanse, a place that transcends the past, present, and future of the multiverse). Extra-Temporal with summoned Demons (Demons are natural residents of The Expanse, a place that transcends the past, present, and future of the multiverse) | Extra-Temporal (Can react to demons, who are natural residents of The Expanse, a place that transcends the past, present, and future of the multiverse)
Stamina: Above Average (Can take lots of punishment from his fights before needing to be healed by his Pixie)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Sword, Cross-Dimensional with Demons (Demons passively create adecoherence field, that is essentially a special dimension of quantum fluctuation that they exist in, where humans cannot see them, and can attack from there. Demons can also create mirage realms, that shroud an entire area in mist, with them being able to attack from inside said illusion without being capable of being attacked back, requiring the user to go inside of their illusion to fight them)
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Able to utilize the demon data within the floppy disk in order to summon the demon Pixie, being capable of summoning and understanding a demon without a COMP. With Yumi, made it back alive from the Demon Realm which was seen as incredible by Ideo Hazama)
Powers and Abilities
Standard Equipment
- Knife: Standard knife used to fight off demons.
- Sword: A far stronger sword used to fight off stronger demons and eventually kill Ideo Hazama.
- Pixie: In chapter 2 of the manga Nobu and Yumi decide to test out a floppy disk they had gotten, this floppy disk contains the Demon Summoning Program that they then use to summon a pixie, this pixie heals Nobu and then continues to help Nobu and Yumi throughout the rest of the manga. Pixie returns in Kahn with a human sized body to help Nobu, she acts as the main heroine in this manga.
- Angra Mainyu: A demon recruited by Nobu who wants revenge of Ideo Hazama for betraying his people and sealing him away.
Standard Tactics: Nobu will go for attack with his sword, or using a gun in combat against an opponent. He can also use hand to hand combat if needed. While doing this, his Pixie will buff him or heal him from damage, while Angra helps in battle.
Weaknesses: Nothing notable.
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 7, Chapter 2 "A deafening explosion broke Nakajima's concentration. A star-mark-adorned F-14 jet divebombed, slicing through the clouds. Nakajima all of a sudden found himself hovering over a battlefield. Below him was a hair-raising sight. An unbelieveably large lump of flesh, a hideous tower of raw meat, was slowly writhing. Its pale green, transparent gelatinous membrane was greedily expanding at its base. Several long black rivers flowed into it. No, what looked like black rivers were actually the hair of the people heading toward the tower. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people tore off their clothes and proceeded forward completely naked. Rapid explosions echoed through the air. The SDF's F14 jets scrambled from the 7th fleet were attacking, targeting the top of the tower so as to minimize injury to the humans below. A rain of bullets from an attack helicopter's machine guns sprayed through the air. Though that ammunition was capable of penetrating tank armor, it was absorbed without any resistance into the body of the ever-expanding otherworldly creature, as if it was laughing at the pathetic attack. It was almost as if it was trying to prove that any attacks against it would be futile."
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 7: Chapter 6, " Accompanied by the glittering of the stars, unending empty space surrounded Nakajima. Below his feet, the endlessly spinning shining blue globe looked up at him. It took him a few moments for him to realize that he was floating in outer space. Nakajima unfolded his arms. In them, he held the Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, emitting a strand of light in the blackness of space. Its blade twinkled and throbbed, as if responding to the tens of thousands of stars. Suddenly, a sinister psychic wave hit Nakajima from behind. It appeared as if Izanami's robe had given him the power to survive and move about in the vacuum of outer space. Swinging his sword, Nakajima slowly turned around, and found his field of vision dominated by an open, gaping red maw. It was that of an incomprehensibly enormous serpent. Though the demon had only possessed a temporary form on the surface of the earth, the natural effect of powerful magnetic field that had forced him into space had given Set a complete body. Star Scorpion's 60-foot-long solar cells spread out like wings. Now a giant snake, Set's pale green scales glimmered as he coiled around the beautiful yet functional satellite lying in dead orbit. It looks like the insignificant humans had enough knowledge to summon me into this empty space. The voice echoed in Nakajima's mind. But the humans will soon know their folly in thinking that they have banished me. Pulling this satellite down with me to the surface is an easy task. And that is not all. Have a look at all the demons that were summoned here into space! Beside Nakajima, several pale glowing things that looked like hoods floated aimlessly. Soon, they will take on bodies and seek safe haven on Earth. The end of the age of the foolish humans' dominion over the earth will not be long now. Nakajima, whether or not you intended, you have become the knight that blows the trumpet signalling the beginning of the apocalypse. The only path remaining for you is to cast aside your humanity and work for me. It would be a shame to kill you. Think it over. Ignoring Set's call, Nakajima focused all of his anger onto the sword he held directly in front of him. The environment of outer space that had given the demon a body had also removed all restrictions on the divine power he had been granted. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, now an immensely long coil of light, drew an arc like that of a whip emitting red light, and came down onto the body of the enormous serpent. Fool, you do not value your life. Set lurched forward. Weaving away from the enormous serpent's attacking fangs, Nakajima was enveloped by a miasma like ice. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi had already produced many pale sparks striking the body of the serpent coiled around the satellite. Yet the tough scales showed no sign of injury. Not only that, but the ugly faces and disgusting tentacles of materializing new demons floated like ghosts in the space around him. The noisy voices of the demons amplified like they were advancing down on Nakajima."
- ↑ Note: Demons normally showing these contradictions is due to the observation of humanity affecting them.
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 5: Chapter 4, "RAUIERE!" Yomotsu-Shikome tried to tell him something in a foreign tongue. She could sense that this intruder possessed a power much different and far greater than the human tomb robbers that had foolishly wandered in before. If possible, she wanted to repel him without having to fight. Caught off guard, Loki stood still and narrowed his jet-black eyes, as if sizing up the power of this new arrival. Then, he started to walk forward calmly, an arrogant smirk on his face.
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 5: Chapter 2, "At that time, Loki swiftly entered Shirasagi Mound, and was standing before the passageway that Nakajima had passed through earlier. "Just you wait, Nakajima. Soon, I will defile your precious woman before your very eyes before devouring you whole." With a twisted smile on his face, Loki transformed himself into an amorphous blob and oozed into the tunnel. Loki descended the passageway that took Nakajima hours to traverse in mere minutes. Soon the blob of flesh made a squishing sound as it dropped to the stone floor of the plaza before the burial pathway. At that instant, its outer membrane hissed and gave off smoke as it started to melt. "Damn you!" Loki quickly transformed back into his bronze body, and kneeling on the ground, let loose a terrible howl. Most likely, he could not stand the chemical reaction that took place when his protoplasmic body came into contact with the mercuric sulfide. Even now, the one gelatinous place of his body between his eyes throbbed and pulsated. Gritting his teeth and standing, Loki stared solemnly at the crimson burial road."
- ↑ "Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 7: Chapter 6,However, he could not stop fighting. As minor demons from Set's world continued wriggling while trying to enter the Assiah world, an unmistakably familiar voice echoed in Nakajima's mind. Nakajima! I'm here! Aim for here! Yumiko! Is that you!? The instant Nakajima heard the voice, the Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi regained a shine like a nova as it tore through the air. Stab your sword in the direction of my voice! Nakajima quickly noticed a pale, white, phosphorescent glow on a part of the enormous serpent's scale-encased body. Yes, I'm inside the demon! If we attack from inside him and outside him at the same time, we might be able to defeat Set... Led by Yumiko's voice, Nakajima stabbed his blade toward the phosphorescent glow. But an instant before the tip reached it, the tail of the giant snake forcefully knocked the blade aside and sent Nakajima flying far back. Flipping over and regaining his composure, robe fluttering behind him, Nakajima saw the rolling form of Set uncoiling, as if swimming through the vacuum. Foolish girl! To think you would let me know that you still live! Now I no longer have to depend on this irritating machine!
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 2: Chapter 2, ""I made it back to Toyoashihara..." His lips trembled with relief. Opening his arms wide, the youth took a deep breath of the humid air, pursed his lips forcefully, turned around, and sat down. For a while, he stared at the form of the grotesque woman chasing him, then shook his head sadly and closed his eyes. The youth started to meditate. When the woman had gotten within reach of a stone's throw, his body seemed to float slightly in midair for a moment, and then there was a huge undulation in the atmosphere. As if a huge invisible power had been released, the earth shook, and the fissure that appeared directly beneath the youth spread to the surrounding moutains, and countless rocks started to fall on the path. As the woman stopped, a giant boulder rolled in front of the path in front of her eyes, sealing it off. "Izanagi! I will come to you! Even if it takes hundreds or thousands of years!" The sound of the woman's bitter cries rose from beyond the towering pile of earth. "Forgive me, Izanami..." Plugging his ears with his hands, the youth staggered into the wetlands, the tall reeds rising even above his height."
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 7, Chapter 2 "A deafening explosion broke Nakajima's concentration. A star-mark-adorned F-14 jet divebombed, slicing through the clouds. Nakajima all of a sudden found himself hovering over a battlefield. Below him was a hair-raising sight. An unbelieveably large lump of flesh, a hideous tower of raw meat, was slowly writhing. Its pale green, transparent gelatinous membrane was greedily expanding at its base. Several long black rivers flowed into it. No, what looked like black rivers were actually the hair of the people heading toward the tower. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people tore off their clothes and proceeded forward completely naked. Rapid explosions echoed through the air. The SDF's F14 jets scrambled from the 7th fleet were attacking, targeting the top of the tower so as to minimize injury to the humans below. A rain of bullets from an attack helicopter's machine guns sprayed through the air. Though that ammunition was capable of penetrating tank armor, it was absorbed without any resistance into the body of the ever-expanding otherworldly creature, as if it was laughing at the pathetic attack. It was almost as if it was trying to prove that any attacks against it would be futile."
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 7, Chapter 2 "A deafening explosion broke Nakajima's concentration. A star-mark-adorned F-14 jet divebombed, slicing through the clouds. Nakajima all of a sudden found himself hovering over a battlefield. Below him was a hair-raising sight. An unbelieveably large lump of flesh, a hideous tower of raw meat, was slowly writhing. Its pale green, transparent gelatinous membrane was greedily expanding at its base. Several long black rivers flowed into it. No, what looked like black rivers were actually the hair of the people heading toward the tower. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people tore off their clothes and proceeded forward completely naked. Rapid explosions echoed through the air. The SDF's F14 jets scrambled from the 7th fleet were attacking, targeting the top of the tower so as to minimize injury to the humans below. A rain of bullets from an attack helicopter's machine guns sprayed through the air. Though that ammunition was capable of penetrating tank armor, it was absorbed without any resistance into the body of the ever-expanding otherworldly creature, as if it was laughing at the pathetic attack. It was almost as if it was trying to prove that any attacks against it would be futile."
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 7: Chapter 6, " Accompanied by the glittering of the stars, unending empty space surrounded Nakajima. Below his feet, the endlessly spinning shining blue globe looked up at him. It took him a few moments for him to realize that he was floating in outer space. Nakajima unfolded his arms. In them, he held the Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, emitting a strand of light in the blackness of space. Its blade twinkled and throbbed, as if responding to the tens of thousands of stars. Suddenly, a sinister psychic wave hit Nakajima from behind. It appeared as if Izanami's robe had given him the power to survive and move about in the vacuum of outer space. Swinging his sword, Nakajima slowly turned around, and found his field of vision dominated by an open, gaping red maw. It was that of an incomprehensibly enormous serpent. Though the demon had only possessed a temporary form on the surface of the earth, the natural effect of powerful magnetic field that had forced him into space had given Set a complete body. Star Scorpion's 60-foot-long solar cells spread out like wings. Now a giant snake, Set's pale green scales glimmered as he coiled around the beautiful yet functional satellite lying in dead orbit. It looks like the insignificant humans had enough knowledge to summon me into this empty space. The voice echoed in Nakajima's mind. But the humans will soon know their folly in thinking that they have banished me. Pulling this satellite down with me to the surface is an easy task. And that is not all. Have a look at all the demons that were summoned here into space! Beside Nakajima, several pale glowing things that looked like hoods floated aimlessly. Soon, they will take on bodies and seek safe haven on Earth. The end of the age of the foolish humans' dominion over the earth will not be long now. Nakajima, whether or not you intended, you have become the knight that blows the trumpet signalling the beginning of the apocalypse. The only path remaining for you is to cast aside your humanity and work for me. It would be a shame to kill you. Think it over. Ignoring Set's call, Nakajima focused all of his anger onto the sword he held directly in front of him. The environment of outer space that had given the demon a body had also removed all restrictions on the divine power he had been granted. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, now an immensely long coil of light, drew an arc like that of a whip emitting red light, and came down onto the body of the enormous serpent. Fool, you do not value your life. Set lurched forward. Weaving away from the enormous serpent's attacking fangs, Nakajima was enveloped by a miasma like ice. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi had already produced many pale sparks striking the body of the serpent coiled around the satellite. Yet the tough scales showed no sign of injury. Not only that, but the ugly faces and disgusting tentacles of materializing new demons floated like ghosts in the space around him. The noisy voices of the demons amplified like they were advancing down on Nakajima."
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 2, Chapter 4 "The last demon to appear called himself Set, correct?" "Yes, that's right." "While it's too dangerous to try and conjecture the state of affairs in the demon world based on our own knowledge of this one, my theory is that the demon world is like a colloidal conglomeration of countless mini-universes, each centered around a powerful demon. Most likely, with Loki's death, the mini-universe in contact with Japan or Tokyo vanished, and Set's mini-universe entered to take its place. Demon summoning is just opening a contact point between the two worlds at the same time."
- ↑ Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 4: Chapter 5 " Isma had realized that the bizarre life form that had torn itself out of Ohara's belly was a temporary body for Set, who had been planning to take form by possessing Loki's child. According to his theory, summoning a demon via a computer would require creating a magnetic field with which to summon the demon and the processing of the demon's data to be materialized, both of which would have to be done at virtually the same time. If the magnetic field was weak, the point of connection between the demon's world and the Assiah world would narrow, constraining the amount of data that could be processed. On the other hand, no matter how powerful the magnetic field was, unless the digital data could be processed quickly and concisely, the demon would never be able to take form. It was quite possible that even a supercomputer would not be able to handle the massive amount of data that would be needed to materialize a high-ranking demon. Despite that fact, the high-ranking demon Set was able to to take form in the Assiah world, even if it was only in a makeshift body. Something must have added a great deal of power in setting up the necessary magnetic field for a summoning; this in turn would ease the restraints on the data processing. Isma was convinced that something was Yumiko. Most likely, the high concentration of biological Magnetite within her body had been a major player in creating the magnetic field for the summoning. The divine constitution that she had inherited from Izanami was nothing but a giant retention of that highly concentrated Magnetite. While meager in comparison to that of Yumiko, ordinary humans also retained some biological Magnetite. If enough of it was collected, it might be able to create a permanent overlap of the Atziluth and Assiah worlds entirely. Therefore, having already formed a contract with Set, Isma borrowed his power to summon many people and attempt to create a tower of human flesh. And everything was proceeding just according to plan. Even know the heavens split with a terrible thundering, and Set's most powerful servant, the great serpent Typhon, reared its head into the air as if slithering from behind a black curtain, knocking over the Soga Forest's trees as it went. "Typhon, welcome. Breathe deeply and take in the air of the Assiah world." Isma looked kindly at the enormous snake. "Take a look, your first victim awaits in the shadow of that tree." As Isma pointed to the copse where Officer Nimura was, Typhon vanished beyond the trees. Meanwhile, Set had transformed into a gigantic, vile pillar of flesh, his sinister, red glowing eyes at its peak darting all around the area. Typhon's presence is proof that the demon world Set rules is starting to meld with the Assiah world. Now all that remains is to gather more biological Magnetite and solidify the connection... Isma's eyes shimmered even brighter with madness."
- ↑ 6/8 resistance
- ↑ 5/8 resistance
- ↑ 5/8 resistance
- ↑ 5/8 resistance
- ↑ 6/8 resistance
- ↑ 1/8 resistance
- ↑ 6/8 resistance
Battle Records