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Kid (Chrono Cross)

From The Codex
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Articles About Schala
Different Timeline Versions Chrono Trigger - Radical Dreamers - Chrono Cross
I have been waiting an eternity... just for this very moment...~ Meaninglessly hurting one another... The disappearing life-forms... The words that become deleted... The thoughts that become buried... The pool of cells that slowly evaporate... The echoes of consciousness that slowly fade... Love to hate... Hate to love... Why are we born? Why do we die? Evolution? The '"survival of the fittest?"' What is there to be achieved from harming one another... killing one another... The '"eggs"' that we call planets... And the innumerable '"spermatozoa"' which gather around these that we call life-forms... When one of those countless seeds inseminates a planet, a new universe is born. But until that occurs, hundreds of millions of years will pass, and innumerable life-forms will be born, then die... That is the be-all and end-all. Everything exists for that one moment. All so that the universe can evolve into the next dimension... Does that make us all just pawns? Are each of our short lives nothing but a cheap sacrifice just so the one chosen life-form can be born? No. That is not the case! Each and every one of us has a chance of becoming that one chosen life-form which inseminates a planet. Yes, it could be '"you"'... Genes and environment... Each of us tries to do his best under the limited conditions we are each dealt. Each life-form that attempts to eke out a decent life for itself forms a link in the golden chain that leads to the creation of a new universe. If one link is missing, there will be no future. There is no such thing as a useless life-form... No such thing as a pawn! Every single thing in the whole of nature is perhaps just dreaming a dream of '"life"'... All of them are also perhaps nothing more than a dream dreamt by the planet before it is born. Oh, but yes... Eventually all dreams will return to Zurvan... to the sea of dreams... Serge...! Don't go yet, Serge...!!! It's alright. Everything is alright now. Time, which has been divided, will be unified again now. The time for farewells has come... You will lose all memory of this whole adventure and return to your own time. But this time, you will be able to live your own life! We alone do not have the power to heal the world's woes, or to solve all its mysteries. And yet, even then... It was bloody good knowing ya, mate! Thanks for being born '"you,"' Serge! I guess now's the time to say, '"see ya later, mate!"' But... I'll find ya... Sometime, somewhere... I'm bloody sure of it! No matter the time period, no matter the world ya live in, I'll find ya! I'm sure... I am sure I will find you...
~ Schala to Serge and party after being released from the Time Devourer and Kid

s farewell to Serge


Kid, otherwise known as Schala's daughter-clone, is a swashbuckling, gritty thief with a penchant for radical action and serves as Chrono Cross main heroine. In the English version, she speaks with an Australian or British Cockney accent and includes many colloquialisms, such as "bugger" and "mate", from those dialects in her speech. She can be recruited when you first meet her at Cape Howl, if refused she is recruited at Termina.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Kid’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

Kid is Schala's daughter-clone sent into modern time. She was born in the year 1004 A.D. when Schala, bound to the Time Devourer, feared her mind would become increasingly consumed by hatred. She gave the baby her Pendant and sent her to the modern world; there, she was found by Lucca and subsequently adopted. Lucca soon established an orphanage and brought in other children; she also continued her scientific research, attempting to perfect the construction of Time Eggs. She gave a Time Egg prototype to Kid, and also provided her with an Astral Amulet, a wooden, magical pendant inside a purple pouch bearing the crest of Zeal. Lucca somehow discovered Kid's heritage as Schala's daughter-clone and composed a letter for her to read in the future when she would possibly know about her heritage as well. Kid developed a playful pirate accent while in Lucca's care; Lucca sought to make her a proper lady, but Kid had her own fun way of speaking. Tragedy befell the girl when, around the year of 1015 A.D., Lynx and Harle sacked the orphanage and burned it to the ground. Kid managed to survive; she was scarred by the event and swore to get revenge on Lynx. She took up thievery, developing a nasty reputation and inspiring the urban legend of the Radical Dreamers, a fierce group of raiders.

Kid's story here becomes complicated; sometime after the year of 1015 A.D., she was contacted by Belthasar, given instructions to go back in time to 1010 A.D. and save a young boy from drowning. Kid accomplished the feat of going to Opassa Beach and travelling back through history. Her act of time travelling caused the Home World dimension to emerge and split off from the real history of the world, Another World. As a result, history was rewritten. Kid's history was slightly altered so that she met Serge after he crossed the dimensions days before she was given the instructions to time travel. She caught wind of the order given to the Acacia Dragoons by Lynx to apprehend a "Ghost-Boy at Cape Howl; she came upon Karsh and Serge and proceeded to help Serge battle Karsh into returning to the manor. Her personality was revealed to Serge; she was rough, adventurous, and wilful. Kid then accompanied Serge to Termina, where the two decided their best course of action would be to infiltrate Viper Manor. This plan went awry during a confrontation on the overlook; Kid took Riddel hostage with a knife to her neck to avoid capture. However, Lynx was able to poison Kid with Hydra poison in the ensuing chaos; Kid fell over the balcony with the others, landing safely below beyond the Viper Manor Bluffs. The party retreated to Guldove, where the full effect of the poison activated in Kid's body. Kid was bedridden with the poison and she gave Serge her Astral Amulet for safekeeping.

Depending on events, Serge found the Hydra Humour and gave it to her, or Norris administered some while passing through. Whatever the case, the party sojourned to Fort Dragonia to confront the Dragoons. Lynx initiated the ceremony to switch bodies with Serge and after the transformation was complete, Lynx, now with Serge's body, stabbed Kid with her own dagger, mortally wounding her though it would be revealed later he saved her in order to keep up the guise of being Serge. Lynx did not kill her, instead opting to use mind control to pit Kid against her former friends. The two attacked Hermit's Hideaway after Riddel's rescue from Porre; Fargo was able to thwart the offensive by rescuing Serge with the S.S. Invincible. Afterward, Lynx and Kid entered Chronopolis and waited for Serge to arrive. While Serge made his way through the time fortress, Lynx put Kid to sleep in preparation for the battle with Serge; after it concluded, Kid came to and was stupefied to find the Frozen Flame hovering above her. Harle cautioned her not to touch it, as she could potentially cause great destruction. Kid did experience a moment of startling lucidity at this point, relating a brief history of Chronopolis. She then collapsed, while the Frozen Flame was stolen by the Dragon God. Her mind regressed to the painful memories incurred by the orphanage fire. She was taken to Hermit's Hideaway in Another World; while Serge examined her, Masa & Mune and Doreen recognized her as being a derivative of Schala, and used their power (probably in conjunction with Kid's incomplete Time Egg) to send Serge back in time. There, Serge saved many children and comforted Kid. Back in 1020 A.D., she finally emerged from her coma.

Kid noted that she was physically fine due to the effects of Schala's pendant, which "rewinds" her personal time when she is in danger. Luccia then told Kid that she had a letter from Lucca waiting for her at her lab in Viper Manor. Kid read it, nearly tearing up; she asked the others to leave the room while she contemplated Lucca's fate. She then rejoined the party, taking a brief time out to talk to Nikki about the Magical Dreamers, whose name had been given to him by Lucca. Serge and his crew launched an assault on Terra Tower; after it fell, she spoke with the Ghost Children of Opassa Beach. There, her full history was revealed by the ghost Lucca; Kid rejected her status of being Schala's daughter-clone, declaring that she was her own person. She then championed Serge to go to the Darkness Beyond Time and free Schala.

Although not directly stated, it is heavily implied that with Schala finally being free, she and Kid are able to merge back into a single person once again. This first becomes apparent when Schala suddenly starts alternating between Kid's and her own manner of speaking, where she promises Serge that she will find him again no matter what. The signature at the end of an entry in her diary recalling her adventure reads Schala "Kid" Zeal, indicating that both of them have embraced the other's identity. Her appearance remains the same after they merge although she takes on a more feminine appearance. During the end credits sequence, she is shown wandering around the modern world searching for "Serge", followed by an image of her standing on a beach with a red bow in her hair. On her desk, she keeps what appears to be a wedding photo where she is seen with a man whose face is hidden.

General Information

Name: Kid, Schala

Origin: Chrono Cross

Sex: Female

Age: 16

Classification: Thief, Mysterious Traveler

Species: Human

Occupation: Leader of the Radical Dreamers

Status: Alive

Alignment: Chaotic Good (Kid is essentially the archetype of a thief with a heart of gold, while she may seem to only care for herself, she has on various ocassions shown to deeply care for others, such as when she pretended to hold Rydel hostage but promised that no harm would come to her, and when Lynx attempted to attack her she pushed Rydel out of the way even though she was originally a hostage. She has also saved Serge without even knowing who he was purely because she felt he was being dealt with misjustly. Kid was even willing while poisoned to give Serge her most prized amulet to help him out on his journey, even if Serge doesn't choose to save her from her poison, she has no problem rejoining him on his journey and letting him use her amulet), Chaotic Neutral when Mind Controlled by Lynx (Is mind controlled by Lynx into focusing purely on her revenge and caring about no one else)

Codex Statistics

Key: Viper’s Mansion | Pre-Vortex | Post-Vortex | Pre-FATE | Post-FATE

Grade: B | A | S | S | S

Tier: 9-B | High 6-A | 2-C | 2-C | At least 2-C, 2-A+ through Merging with the Chrono Cross

Cardinality: Finite | Finite | ℵ0 | ℵ0 | ℵ0

Dimensionality: 3-D

Power Source: Elements

Attack Potency: Wall level (Potency) (Comparable to an early game Serge, helped him fight with an early game, Karsh, Solt, and Peppor. Serge can use elements such as uplift to telekinetically pull out a rock formation and drop it on someone hard enough to where it destroys the rocks and the enemies can tank it. Can defeat fake doors and defeat giant robots) | Multi-Continent level (Potency) (Fought Lynx, who killed Lucca, who with Crono defeated Lavos whose awakening caused destruction to the entire planet, making a bleak future, which turned the sky black which relates to atmosphere destruction, which ranges from 10^26 joules to 10^29 joules depending on the type of atmosphere destruction) | Universe level (Potency) (Kid was treated as a threat to Lynx Serge who can cast moves such as Forever Zero, which sends one to an alternate universe with multiple galaxies in the background that is all completely destroyed into nothingness, with the description for it even saying “all things will become eternal nothingness) | Universe level (Potency) (Far stronger than before, comparable to Serge who was able to defeat a Lynx fused with FATE) | At least Universe level (Potency) (Fought Time Devourer Lavos, who exists in the darkness beyond time and was going to destroy everything from there), Multiverse level+ through Merging with the Chrono Cross (Merged all of the cosmology with the Chrono Cross into a new dimension)

Durability: Wall level (Can tank falling boulders, can tank enemies using the uplift element on him) | Multi-Continent level | Universe level (Can tank ForeverZero) | Universe level | At least Universe level (Took attacks from Time Devourer Lavos, who exists in the darkness beyond time and was going to destroy everything from there)

Striking Strength: Wall Class (Potency) | Multi-Continent Class (Potency) | Universe Class (Potency) | Universe Class (Potency) (Far stronger than before, comparable to Serge whose able to defeat a Lynx fused with FATE) | At least Universe Class (Potency) (Fought Time Devourer Lavos, who exists in the darkness beyond time and was going to destroy everything from there)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Physically comparable to Serge who could move this gigantic shell out of the way), Class 1 with Telekinesis (Can lift a giant block of stone and drop it on the enemy with the stone being this heavy) | Superhuman, Class 1 with Telekinesis | At least Superhuman, Class 1 with Telekinesis | At least Superhuman, Class 1 with Telekinesis | At least Superhuman, Class 1 with Telekinesis

Travel Speed: Peak Human | Superhuman (Can keep up with party members who can keep up with Lynx, a black panther hybrid) | Superhuman | Superhuman

Attack Speed: Superhuman (Comparable to Poshu who moves as fast as a regular dog), Speed of Light Attack (With Photon Ray, shoots a bright laser beam at the enemy) | Unknown: Undefinable (Can tag Lynx who can tag Lucca who can tag Lavos who flew to Earth from a distant star system in around 20 seconds. Lucca can also tag Queen Zeal who exists in the black omen which flows across all temporal dimensions and transcends space-time, existing outside of the flow of time itself. Along with the black omen being stated to “straddle time”) | Unknown: Undefinable | Unknown: Undefinable (Likely not far off from her end-game counterpart) | Unknown: Undefinable (Can move and tag Time Devourer Lavos in the darkness beyond time, a higher dimensionless hierarchal realm beyond the regular multiverse where there is no beginning or end. Can move in the Bend of Time, a plane beyond time)

Reaction Speed: Superhuman | Unknown: Undefinable | Unknown: Undefinable | Unknown: Undefinable | Unknown: Undefinable

Stamina: Superhuman (Kid is capable of traveling across the world, climbing up the cliff side of viper’s manor while fighting multiple monsters and having boulders fall down on him all the while being pushed back down by water), Limitless with Vigora (Temporarily stops Kid’s stamina from decreasing)

Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee with Knives, Varies from Several Meters to Kilometers with Elements (Many elements either beams that can be shot or causing storms from the sky), Universal with stronger Elements (Higher level elements should be comparable to elements such as Forever Zero which sends the target to an alternate universe and fully destroys it, UltraNova pulls the target into outer space (or possibly an alternate dimension) causing a massive explosion), Multiversal+ with the Time Egg (The time egg enables Kid to go beyond space-time to enter the Darkness Beyond Time), Multiversal+ with Chrono Cross (Merged all the universes with the Chrono Cross into a higher dimension)

Intelligence: At least Average Intelligence, Higher with Elements (Can use elements such as genius to increase her intelligence making her magic attacks more powerful, can strengthen one’s mind with StrongMinded)

Knowledge: Expert level (A capable fighter who could easily break into Viper Manor and take down many of the guards, who are well-trained soldiers, could defeat both Viper and Lynx back to back)

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Human Achievements (In one of the endings becomes a skilled percussionist apart of Nikki’s band), Weapon Mastery (Has access to an assortment of different daggers she can use in combat), Acausality (Irregular Causality; Kid and everyone is now unbound by fate after they killed FATE), Subjective Reality & Observation (Unconscious Manifestation; In the world of Chrono Cross the world is stabilized by the observations of the one who views it with each world having it's own observer, along with this in one's dream exists truth, the observation of many made supercomputer's such as FATE once they sealed away the dragon gods become literal gods of fate in the world), Dreaming Existence (Everyone in existence is born from a dream and returns to dreams, with them borrowing the power of Lavos to materialize those dreams[1], dreams are a the manifestation of reality itself and every single thing is dreaing the dream of "life" itself and those things are just a dream of the dream of the planet where all things return to Zuran, the sea of dreams), Time Travel (Schala’s pendant protected Kid via rewinding time and sending her back to an immediate past where she was safe, removing all wounds from her), Non-Standard Interaction (Can attack enemies in the dead sea like Miguel, the dead sea is a non-existent timeline where nothing ages and nothing goes away, existing in “Res nullius”. Along with being directly stated by Lucca’s spirit that they no longer exist in the timeline), Transmutation, Statistics Amplification, & Statistics Reduction (Through the use of techs Kid can warp the element field into her element, strengthening her attacks and defense along with this she can make the opposite element take even more damage and have their attacks come off weaker, along with this she can also strengthen her own resistances), Elemental Manipulation (Kid naturally uses the powers of elements to fight), Stealth Mastery (Techs such as pilfer allow Kid to steal an item from an enemy without them even noticing, can sneak around the heavily guarded Viper Manor), Weapon Creation & Curtain Fire (With RedPin can create multiple daggers with her element and throw multiple of them at all enemies hitting them with a barrage of daggers), Energy Projection (With Hotshot, Kid uses the weapon created by Lucca to shoot a powerful energy blast at the opponent).

Resistance to Elemental Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, & Heat Manipulation (Naturally resists her own element, which is the Red Element, inflicting things such as fire and burns), Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Void Manipulation (Can move, fight, and act within the Darkness Beyond Time, where there is no beginning or end, a place where all timelines, existent or non-existent go to feed Lavos’ strength), Absorption (It is stated that Lavos needed to kill Serge first before he could absorb with him, which should apply to everyone else fighting with Serge), Black Hole Creation (Survives being around Black Holes), Metaphysics Manipulation (Soul Manipulation; Like others in verse, can dodge her soul being taken out of her when the enemy uses hell soul), Fate Manipulation (After killing FATE, Kid makes mention that destiny and fate itself is dead, with all characters having to make their own destiny)


Name Attack Hit% Special Effects
Ivory Dagger +6-7 29%
Bronze Dagger +8-9 30%
Iron Dagger +11-12 31%
Mythril Dagger +14-15 31%
Denadorite Dagger +18-19 32% Extra damage to Matter-type enemies
Prism Dagger +24 33%

Notable Techniques

  • Techs: A series of abilities unique to every user. Every playable character in Chrono Cross has three different techs that they can use, and the colors of techs correspond to the user's innate element; in Kid's case, red.
    • Pilfer: Kid runs up to the enemy and tries to steal an item from them.
    • RedPin: Kid creates multiple daggers and throws all of them at once to attack multiple enemies at once.
    • HotShot: Kid uses a weapon created by Lucca to shoot a powerful energy beam at the enemy.

Elements: Elements are the foundation of existence in the Chrono universe, and everyone and everything has their own element color. This color determines the nature of the person or object, as well as their innate ability. There are six elements in total, with Kid's innate element being Red. This means that she is resistant to red element attacks and receives a bonus when casting red elements, but takes increased damage from blue elements.

  • Red: The element color associated with Fire and Lava, and counterpart to Blue. This is Kid's main element, letting her use advanced Red elements that others cannot.
    • Tablet: A consumable element that recovers a small amount of HP.
    • Turn Red: Turns the attribute of foes and allies red, changing their weakness.
    • Fireball: Hurls spheres of flame at an enemy.
    • Ointment: A consumable element that heals red status effects, including burns,
    • Magma Bomb: Launches a volley of fireballs at enemies.
    • FirePillar: Burns the enemy in a pillar of flames.
    • Strengthen: Temporarily increases Kid's attack power.
    • Weaken: Temporarily weakens the foe's attack power.
    • Magma Burst: Makes lava gush out from beneath the foe.
    • Red Field: Changes the attribute of the field to red.
    • Inferno: Heats the air to a burning hot temperature.
  • Blue: The element color associated with Water and Ice, and counterpart to Red.
    • Turn Blue: Turns the attribute of foes and allies blue, changing their weakness.
    • Cure: Heals a small amount of HP.
    • Aqua Beam: Blasts the foe with a high-pressure water stream.
    • Medicine: A consumable element that heals sickness.
    • Ice Lance: Hurls an icicle spear at a foe.
    • Cure Plus: Heals a medium amount of HP.
    • Aqua Ball: Hurls a large sphere of water at an opponent.
    • Nimble: Increases Kid's speed and evasion.
    • Numble: Decreases a foe's speed and evasion.
    • Ice Blast: Freezes a foe in a cage of ice.
    • Blue Field: Changes the attribute of the field to Blue.
    • Deluge: Inundates enemies in icy-cold floodwaters.
  • Green: The element color associated with Air and Nature, and counterpart to Yellow.
    • Turn Green: Turns the attribute of foes and allies green, changing their weakness.
    • Bushwhacker: Slices the foe with a cloud of whirling leaves.
    • Antidote: A consumable element that heals poison.
    • Heal: Restores a small amount of HP.
    • Aero Saucer: Throws out blades of razor-sharp air to slice the enemy.
    • Bush Basher: Encases the foe in a cage of thorny brambles.
    • HealAll: Restores a medium amount of HP.
    • Eagle Eye: Increases Kid's accuracy.
    • Ba tEye: Decreases a foe's accuracy.
    • Aero Blaster: Shoots a sonic blast at a foe that may inflict Afraid.
    • Green Field: Changes the attribute of the field to Green.
    • Carnivore: Devours foes with a huge Venus Flytrap.
  • Yellow: The element color associated with Earth and Lightning, and counterpart to Green.
    • Turn Yellow: Turns the attribute of foes and allies yellow, changing their weakness.
    • Uplift: Cuts out and drops a block of stone on a foe.
    • Brace: A consumable element that heals sprains.
    • Electro Jolt: Shocks foe with an electrical discharge.
    • Capsule: A consumable element that restores a medium amount of HP.
    • Upheaval: Impales foes with spears of shattered earth.
    • Hi-Res: Temporarily increases Kid’s defense.
    • Lo-Res: Temporarily lowers an enemy's defense.
    • Electro Bolt: Hurls a lightning bolt down on opponents.
    • Yellow Field: Changes the attribute of the field to Yellow.
    • Earthquake: Crushes foes beneath giant stone pillars.
  • Black: The element color associated with Shadow and Space, and counterpart to White.
    • Turn Black: Turns the attribute of foes and allies black, changing their weakness.
    • Gravity Blow: Blasts a foe away with a sphere of pure gravity.
    • Black Out: A consumable element that removes black status effects.
    • HellSoul: Removes the soul from an opponent's body, inflicting instant death.
    • Gravitonne: Crushes foes in a supergravity field.
    • Genius: Temporarily increases Kid's magic power.
    • Imbecile: Temporarily decreases the foe's magic power.
    • Hell Bound: Sends the enemy into hell, preventing them from being revived.
    • Revenge: Shifts Kid's status effects onto the enemy.
    • Free Fall: Drops a foe from the sky at supersonic speed.
    • Nostrum: A consumable element that restores a large amount of HP.
    • Diminish: Temporarily halves all elemental damage.
  • White: The element color associated with Light and Life, and counterpart to Black.
    • Turn White: Turns the attribute of foes and allies white, changing their weakness.
    • Revive: Revives a fallen ally.
    • Photon Ray: Shoots a bright laser beam at an opponent.
    • White Out: A consumable element that removes white status effects.
    • Meteorite: Summons a comet onto an unsuspecting foe.
    • Recover All: Heals all allies for a medium amount of HP.
    • Anti Black: Seals black elements, preventing foes from using them.
    • Photon Beam: Bombards the enemy with an extra-powerful laser.
    • Panacea: A consumable element that removes all status effects.
    • Purify: Removes all status effects.
    • Strong Minded: Temporarily increases Kid's magic defenses.
    • Weak Minded: Temporarily reduces a foe's magic defenses.
    • Meteor Shower: Hurls several large asteroids at foes.
    • Full Revival: Revives a fallen ally and heals all their HP.
    • Holy Light: Creates a holy circle which damages foes and annihilates undead.
    • Holy Healing: Restores all of an ally's HP and removes their status effects.
    • Magnify: Temporarily increases the damage of elements.
    • Mag Negate: Temporarily nullifies a foe's magic attacks.
    • Ultra Nova: Creates an explosion of high-density energy.
    • Unicorn: Summons a unicorn, whose prayer increases the defense and magic defense of all allies on the field.
    • Saints: The ultimate White Element. Summons an army of angels that attacks all foes and heals all allies.


Standard Tactics: Kid is generally a wildcard due to being an RPG character, though it should be assumed she’d use her innate elements abilities along with what’s most helpful for the scenario.

Weaknesses: Has an innate weakness to blue elemental attacks. Changing the elemental composition of the battlefield will make her elemental attacks weaker. Ozzie’s pants inflict status effects on her.

Note: This is Kid from Chrono Cross, for the Kid from Radical Dreamers click here.


Read here for the in-depth cosmology of Chrono.



  1. [Young Woman]
    Beings that are born of dreams, must
    return to them...
    The power of Lavos can make hopes
    and dreams come true...
    [Young Woman]
    Born of dreams, returning to dreams......
    Beings such as that exist as well.
    At times, human prayers and desires borrow
    the power of Lavos-sama and materialize.

Battle Records