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Articles About Zamasu
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Present Zamasu
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Media | Dragon Ball Super - Dragon Ball Super Manga |
Future Zamasu & Goku Black
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Media | Dragon Ball Super - Dragon Ball Super Manga |
Merged Zamasu
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Media | Dragon Ball Super - Dragon Ball Super Manga - Dragon Ball Heroes |

“ | You give corruption far too much credit, evil does not inform good. It sullies it, like how the Babari sullied their world with violence, or how that arrogant Goku sullied this sacred ground by swinging his fists at a God. Mortals receive the divine gift of intellect, the potential for wisdom, but they misuse it to destroy the beauty of creation. Mortals do not succumb to evil, they are the evil. They create it, and spread it with minds they shouldn't possess. How can we call ourselves gods if we watch this plight and do nothing to stop it? | „ |
Zamasu is the Supreme Kai apprentice serving the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu. He is also the former North Kai of Universe 10.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Zamasu’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Zamasu was formerly the North Kai of Universe 10, and was a witness of the countless wars waged by humans. He was chosen by Gowasu to be his successor, based on his fighting talent. Zamasu was happy about it, and promised to do his best for universal peace. Future Trunks Saga
Shortly afterwards, Zamasu reluctantly fights Goku after Gowasu instructs him to do so, stating that it's part of Zamasu's training. Goku turns into a Super Saiyan 2, much to Gowasu's and Zamasu's surprise. During their battle Goku, Whis, and Beerus feel Zamasu's ki, saying it is very similar to Black's. Goku then overpowers Zamasu, defeating him in battle. Goku offers his hand but Zamasu reacts with hostility before being reprimanded by Gowasu. After they leave, the fight only furthers Zamasu's hatred for mortals, now thinking they are dangerous. However, Goku notes his ki is not quite the same as Black's. However, Whis is convinced that Zamasu and Black are in fact the same person not only due to their ki but the fact that he felt the same coldness in his heart that he felt from Black. Zamasu and Gowasu become aware of creatures on the planet Babari while sitting for tea. Zamasu advocates for the destruction of the creatures, only to be rebuked by Gowasu who asserts that it is the place of the God of Destruction to carry out that act and not his. Gowasu then shows Zamasu the Time Ring, explaining its function to him and Zamasu also learning that one cannot travel back to the past with them. Gowasu prepares for the two to depart to the future of Babari though mentions that Zamasu cannot go since he is only an apprentice and not a Supreme Kai, before passing Zamasu an earring and allowing him to be one for the time being. Zamasu puts the earring on the ear corresponding to Gowasu's to ensure the pair do not fuse and denies interest in merging with him for the time being. The two fist bump and say "1000 years", transporting into the future of Babari where a fight breaks out between the planet's denizens, Zamasu concluding their continued existence would ensure no peace. Observing the Babarians with Gowasu, Zamasu views them as accomplishing goals with brute force and a disregard for laws or justice. A Babari attacks them, Zamasu repelling it a short distance away from them with his hand and goes against Gowasu's wishes by slicing the creature in half, killing it. Returning to their planet, Zamasu returns the earring to Gowasu upon the latter's request and later prepares tea, rebuking his mentor's claim that they can learn from mortals, instead reasoning that they cannot learn given the example the Babari set. Gowasu tries explaining justice is meant to counteract evil but Zamasu forwards that mortals have used knowledge to dirty their world and that the ones with knowledge are evil. Gowasu warns that he must calm himself and that the Gods should also learn, Zamasu leaving to fetch Gowasu more tea and thinking non-interventionism is a crime with a smile on his face. Later, while watching the fight of Universe 6 and 7 tournament on GodTube with Gowasu, Zamasu sees the Super Dragon Balls. Zamasu, curious to why the Gods of Destruction would be fighting over the Super Dragon Balls, asks Gowasu what they are. Gowasu explains to Zamasu that they are orbs that can grant any wish, much to Zamasu's surprise. Also while watching the tournament, Zamasu sees Goku covered in godly Ki and much to his anger as he wonders how mere mortals could achieve this kind of power. He heads to Zuno's planet and asked them to know more information about the Super Dragon Balls and Goku, which a flustered Zuno complies to. Later in the anime version, Zamasu re-appears in Universe 10 with Gowasu's tea, apparently calm despite the appearance of Goku, Beerus, Whis and Shin. Zamasu apparently manages to see off his guests and reunites with Gowasu. After confirming their suspicions of Zamasu's true intentions, Goku, Shin, Beerus and Whis head out to protect Gowasu and make him realize Zamasu's currently evil nature. Though shocked by how much they know about what he thought and planned, he is undeterred and attempts to attack Goku with an energy blade. However, Beerus intercepts him and erases his existence afterwards, putting an almost instantaneous end to the once prodigious Supreme Kai apprentice. Gowasu speaks his name as he seemingly laments that his apprentice had to pay a price to learn of his wrong ways. In the manga version, Beerus and Whis head to see Zamasu and Gowasu without Goku or Shin. |
General Information
Name: Zamasu
Origin: Dragon Ball Super
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Alien
Species: Shijin
Occupation: Kai, Apprentice Kai
Status: Deceased (Was erased from existence by Beerus[1])
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Zamasu views mortals as a threat to the universe that destroy the balance and thus his plan is to wipe out all mortals in order to return peace to the universe)
Codex Statistics
Tier: At least 6-C, Up to 5-B with Strongest Charged Blast
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least Island level (Zamasu briefly sparred with Super Saiyan 2 Goku, who noted that Zamasu's energy was similar to when he fought Beerus and Goku even notes Zamasu might become as strong as Beerus someday[2]. This scales to post-Battle of Gods Goku who absorbed the Super Saiyan God into him[3], and is far beyond his Buu Saga self, who was unimpressed by Dabura's power, who he compared to Perfect Cell, who is far superior to his Semi-Perfect form, who destroyed several islands with several blast), Up to Planet level with Strongest Charged Blast (His strongest charged blast by this point should be superior to Super Perfect Cell's solar kamehameha which is shown that if it succeeded, it would've destroyed the entire planet)
Durability: At least Island level, Higher with Guard Up (Ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard), Lower with Ki Control (Higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them)
Striking Strength: At least Island Class
Lifting Strength: Class 50 (Comparable to Son Goku, who is superior to Buu Saga Super Saiyan Son Goku, who could casually fight while carrying 40 tons)
Travel Speed: At least Relativistic (Far superior to Super Saiyan Gotenks who flew around the earth a few dozen times in this time frame. Superior to Super Saiyan Goku on Namek, who previously in his base form traveled from Frieza's ship over to Vegeta in this timeframe)
Combat Speed: At least Relativistic
Reaction Speed: At least Relativistic (Should be relative to base Post Black Arc Son Goku, who fought against a pre-Tournament of Power Son Gohan, who fights against a parasite called Watagash, who escaped Jaco and flew from an unknown location in the universe to Earth in a short timeframe[4], which results in these speeds)
Stamina: Superhuman (Should naturally have similar resilence and stamina to other Dragon Ball characters due to his constant training with Gowasu, could fight with Son Goku for a brief period of time, only being stopped by Gowasu. Should be comparable to Vegeta who stood thinking for three days without showing any signs of tiring or growing hungry)
Range: Standard Melee, Multi-Supercluster with Ki Attacks, and Shock-waves (Comparable to Goku whose shockwaves spread across the universe and reached the Kaioshin Realm, otherworld, and more), Cross-Universal with Kai Kai (All Supreme Kais can teleport with kai kai to different universes[5])
Intelligence: Genius (Noted that Zamasu's energy was similar to when he fought Beerus and Goku even notes Zamasu might become as strong as Beerus someday. Was seen as a worthy enough pupil to become an apprentice of the Supreme Kai Gowasu)
Powers and Techniques
- Potara: After killing Gowasu, Black took his former master's Potara earrings, allowing him to use the full capacities of a Supreme Kai. Upon meeting his future counterpart, Black gave him an earring.
- Time Ring: Retaining his godly ki as a Kai and wearing an earring of a Supreme Kai, Black is able to wield a Time Ring, which allows him to travel through time and even alternate realities, he used it to get to Future Trunks' timeline, but relinquished possession of it to his future counterpart.
Notable Techniques
- Flight: Zamasu is capable of flight using his ki.
- Kiai: An invisible ki blast technique that pushes the opponent away. This was used against a Babarian before performing Instant Severance.
- God Split Cut: Zamasu concentrates ki around his hand and then uses it like a sword to slice opponents.
- Instant Severance: Zamasu uses this move to kill a Babarian on Babari. It is named in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, where it appears as an Ultimate Skill for his future timeline counterpart.
- Heavenly Arrow: A variation where the blade can be extended somewhat or fired as a blast at long-range in rapid succession.
- Energy Blade: Zamasu concentrates ki around his hand to create a blade which he uses to slice at the opponents. Zamasu can use several variations of this technique. One of Zamasu's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Planet Bomb: An Energy Ball technique where Zamasu creates a huge Energy Sphere similar to the Big Bang Attack.
- Kai Kai: The ability to teleport where one desires, Zamasu's proficiency enables him to even traverse into different universes.
Standard Tactics: Zamasu will employ hand to hand combat along with ki attacks.
- Standard Ki Weaknesses: Due to the nature of ki draining stamina and energy, Dragon Ball characters ki usage requires them to usually use their higher levels of energy in short bursts, using a large amount of ki overtime can greatly weaken them to the point that characters far lower then them can actually harm them with attacks. Taking large amounts of damage can greatly deplete a ki users attacks, making it where attacks that would otherwise kill massively weakened characters, only pushes them back. Despite some ki users being able to reach to higher tiers such as planetary through charged attacks or techniques, they have not shown to be able to tank planets themself being destroyed, with attacks that have destroyed several planets in the series always killing the character. Even characters such as Majin Buu's body cannot withstand the energy of a plant exploding.
- Unique Weaknesses: Zamasu is extremely arrogant and doubts mortals capabilities.
- Some clips used on the profile come from an anime or movie due to the fact that some abilities from ki use shouldn't function much differently from how they can in canon, along with this sometimes the anime version/video game version of a scene will be used for cleaner visuals. Toriyama himself directly overlooks scenes in the anime and movies and gives Toei the thumbs up[19].
- The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.
Before discussing 2-C Dragon Ball Super, please read this blog.
- Zamasu's name may have come from the Japanese verb zamasu (ざます), which translates as "to be." It shares the same naming scheme with his former master, Gowasu.
- Zamasu is the second person to be promoted from the position of Kai to the position of Supreme Kai, although he was only Supreme Kai temporarily.
- Zamasu was shown to have a pet of his own as a Kai; a small winged pig, similar to King Kai, with his pet monkey Bubbles. Interestingly, both Zamasu and King Kai were their Universes North Kais.
- Zamasu's outfit in the anime shares the same color scheme as Shin's in the manga.
Battle Records
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 53
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 13
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 73
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 55
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 162
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 82
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 231
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 95
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 125
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 98
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 53
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 55
- ↑ The Kaiōshin possess the power of “creation”, which provides stars/planets and life-forms the impetus to be born. The one who possesses the opposing power, and authority, of “destruction”, is the God of Destruction. Through the repetition of destruction of stars/planets continually increasing in numbers, and the birth of new stars/planets, the balance of the entire universe is maintained.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 59
- ↑ "What work do you do on the films, Sensei?
I check the plot and script that gets sent to me from Toei Animation. I also do some character designs and touch-ups, as well as altering the names and such."