Resistance to Elemental Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation & Hell Manipulation (Naturally resists his own element, which is the black element), Black Hole Creation (Survives being around Black Holes), Metaphysics Manipulation (Soul Manipulation; Like others in verse, can dodge his soul being taken out of him when the enemy uses hell soul)
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Lynx (Chrono Cross)
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Lynx is one of Serge's main nemeses in Chrono Cross. He is also one of the last boss fights before the Dragon God and Time Devourer.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Lynx’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
He is the biological emissary of the FATE supercomputer. Lynx was shaped from Serge's father, Wazuki; when Wazuki took Serge to be healed by the Frozen Flame in Chronopolis, he was corrupted by its emanations and subsequently was subject to mind control by the FATE supercomputer. Since the Prometheus Circuit locked FATE's access to the Frozen Flame, FATE shaped Lynx with the objective of killing Serge and restoring the connection. Total control was achieved in 1010 A.D., the year in which FATE had Wazuki attempt to drown his son. Regardless of whether it succeeded in either dimension, this effectively wiped the last remnants of Wazuki's mind and care for Serge, allowing him to be physically reconfigured to resemble the panther demon that attacked Serge in 1006 A.D. Lynx had a sentience and personality out of his own apart from FATE; he became sadistic and manipulative, motivated only to achieve his goal while sating his own sick desires in the process. In Another World, FATE reasoned that Serge would cross the dimensions in 1020 A.D.; Lynx was called back to set up events that would take advantage of this face. He was sent abroad to Porre and home to Viper Manor in order to play the two parties to set up FATE's plan; he was joined by Harle around this time, who accompanied him. FATE grew impatient in 1015 A.D., and sent Lynx to Lucca's house to abduct the famous scientist and use her to disengage the Prometheus Circuit. Lynx set fire to the entire orphanage, nearly killing all the children in the process. Lucca eventually did not acquiesce to his desires, and probably died as well. A young Kid developed a scathing hatred of the man, who she remembered from the fire. Lynx then continued to pique both Porre and the Acacia Dragoon's curiosity concerning the Frozen Flame; by 1020 A.D., Porre stood ready to invade, and the Acacia Dragoons were at Lynx's beck and call. His plan was to lure Serge to Fort Dragonia, and then undertake a ritual to switch bodies with him. This would fool the Chronopolis defense system into thinking Lynx was Serge. He tried to capture the boy early on after Serge raided Viper Manor, but this proved unsuccessful. Knowing that Serge would follow him to the fort anyway, he withdrew with the Dragoons and made preparations. When Serge came, he stabbed General Viper in the back and undertook the ritual; after its completion, he stabbed Kid as well, though he later spared her and adopted her as his new traveling companion. He then somehow sent Serge into the Temporal Vortex, and returned to Chronopolis while wreaking havoc on the way. He anticipated Serge's return, and launched an offensive on the boy and his friends at Hermit's Hideaway. He was thwarted by Fargo, who escorted Serge to safety. Lynx then lay in wait at Fort Dragonia in Home World, where he battled the boy once again, duly retreating after his defeat. He kept Kid with him as he returned to Chronopolis; there, he waited for a final showdown with Serge. His close proximity to the FATE computer allowed him to be reshaped into a horrific and terrible adversary, but even in this form, he was vanquished by the young boy along with the FATE supercomputer. His last words mentioned that he was not supposed to die, in effect revealing that he was not privy to the full scope of Project Kid as planned by Belthasar. This marked the end of Lynx, whose state in death was a far cry from the loving, ordinary father Serge once knew. |
General Information
Name: Lynx, FATE, Wazuki
Origin: Chrono Cross
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown (17 with Serge in his body)
Classification: Arbiter of FATE
Species: Human (Formerly), Panther
Occupation: None
Status: Deceased (Killed by Serge and his party once he fused with FATE)
Alignment: Initially Neutral Good (Initially Lynx was Wazuki, Serge's father who was a loving father trying to save his son from his poison), Chaotic Evil upon becoming an arbiter of FATE (After viewing the Frozen Flame he saw a vision of his son Serge dying causing him to lose his sanity and turn into an arbiter of FATE, changing into a panther and attempting to drown his son Serge, killed Lucca, and many more horrible acts)
Codex Statistics
Key: Lynx | FATE
Tier: High 6-A | 2-C
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level (Killed Lucca, who with Crono defeated Lavos whose awakening caused destruction to the entire planet, making a bleak future, which turned the sky black which relates to atmosphere destruction, which ranges from 10^26 joules to 10^29 joules depending on the type of atmosphere destruction) | Universe level (Can cast moves such as Forever Zero, which sends one to an alternate universe with multiple galaxies in the background that is all completely erased into nothingness, with the description for it even saying “all things will become eternal nothingness)
Durability: Multi-Continent level | Universe level (Can tank ForeverZero)
Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Class | Universe Class
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Comparable to Serge physically who can move this gigantic shell out of the way), Class 1 with Telekinesis (Can lift a giant block of stone and drop it on the enemy with the stone being this heavy) | At least Superhuman, Class 1 with Telekinesis | At least Superhuman, Class 1 with Telekinesis
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Is a black panther hybrid) | Superhuman
Attack Speed: Unknown (Could tag Lucca who can tag Lavos who flew to Earth from a distant star system in around 20 seconds. Lucca can also tag Queen Zeal who exists in the black omen which flows across all temporal dimensions and transcends space-time, existing outside of the flow of time itself. Along with the black omen being stated to “straddle time”) | Unknown (Fought Serge who shouldn’t be that far off from his end game self)
Reaction Speed: Unknown | Unknown
Stamina: Superhuman (Serge was capable of doing the same stamina feats in Lynx’s body. Serge is capable of traveling across the world, climbing up the cliff side of viper’s manor while fighting multiple monsters and having boulders fall down on him all the while being pushed back down by water), Limitless with Vigora (Temporarily stops Serge’s stamina from decreasing)
Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee with Scythe, Varies from Several Meters to Kilometers with Elements (Many elements either beams that can be shot or causing storms from the sky), Universal with stronger Elements (Forever Zero sends the target to an alternate universe and fully destroys it, UltraNova pulls the target into outer space (or possibly an alternate dimension) causing a massive explosion), Multiversal+ with FATE’s abilities (FATE governs the fate of all infinite timelines, with the cosmology reaching this size)
Intelligence: Genius Intelligence (An incredibly skilled warrior that leads the Porre army, able to fight with the likes of Serge who can defeat general Viper in combat who is superior to his 3 generals in skill. Intelligence and magic are interchangeable in the verse, withLynx being an incredibly skilled spell caster), Higher with Elements (Can use elements such as genius to increase his intelligence making his magic attacks more powerful, can strengthen one’s mind with StrongMinded)
Powers and Techniques
Blue Elements: Water Manipulation & Ice Manipulation (Via Aquabeam, aquaball, deluge, icelance, iceblast, iceberg), Healing (With cure, curse plus, cureall), Purification (With medicine), Power Nullification (With Anti Red, which nullifies all red element attacks), Statistics Amplification (With nimble, amps up evasion vigora, which stops one’s stamina from decreasing), Statistics Reduction (With numble, lowers evasion), Elemental Manipulation (Can set the entire field to blue)
Red Elements: Fire Manipulation & Magma Manipulation (With fireball, firepillar, magma bomb, magma burst, inferno), Earth Manipulation & Vibration Manipulation (Can generate a volcano to come out), Healing (With tablet), Purification (With ointment), Power Modification (With recharge, restores all previously used elements), Power Nullification (With Anti Blue, which nullifies all blue element attacks), Statistics Amplification (With strengthen, raises one’s attack. With ninety-nine, raises their accuracy to 99%), Statistics Reduction (With weaken, lowers one’s attack), Elemental Manipulation (Can set the entire field to red)
Yellow Elements: Telekinesis (With uplift, lifts a boulder into the air and slams it on the opponent), Electricity Manipulation (With electrojolt, electrobolt), Earth Manipulation (With upheaval), Vibration Manipulation (With Earthquake), Weather Manipulation (With thundastorm), Purification (With Brace), Healing (With Capsule), Power Nullification (With Anti Green, which nullifies all green element attacks), Statistics Amplification (With HiRes, which amplifies one’s defense), Statistics Reduction (With LoRes, which lowers one’s defense. Nullifies physical attacks with physnegate), Elemental Manipulation (Can set the entire field to yellow)
Green Elements: Information Analysis (With info scope, gives the health of an enemy), Air Manipulation (With bushwhacker), aero saucer, aero blaster, tornado), Plant Manipulation (With bushbasher carnivore), Healing (With heal, heal all, healplus, ), Purification (With antidote), Power Nullification (With Anti Yellow, which nullifies all yellow element attacks), Statistics Amplification (With eagleeye which raises hit%), Statistics Reduction (With bay eye which decreases hit%), Elemental Manipulation (Can set the entire field green)
White Elements: Light Manipulation & Energy Manipulation (With photon ray, photon beam, holy light), Summoning (Can summon meteorites with meteorite, meteor shower), BFR & Explosion Manipulation (With ultranova), Purification (With whiteout, purify, panacea), Healing (With recoverall, holyhealing), Power Nullification (With Anti Black, which nullifies all black element attacks), Statistics Amplification (With magnify, increases elemental damage by 1.5x), Statistics Reduction & Mind Manipulation (With weak minded, lowers magic defense through lowering one’s mind. MagNegate, nullifies all magic), Resurrection (With revive and fullrevival).
Resistance to Mind Manipulation
(With strong mind, amplifies one's mind to gain magic defense amplifications)
All previous powers and abilities, Fate Manipulation (The observation of many made supercomputer's such as FATE once they sealed away the dragon gods become literal gods of fate in the world, directly called the goddess of fate, with characters even noting fate itself is dead once they killed FATE with Water Dragon backing it up stating that FATE has fallen and died, Miguel directly states that FATE is the one that governs and controls everyone’s lives, even Serge’s meeting with Miguel was predestined. Noting that these events are all a part of the grand game of the gods and goddesses. The Water Dragon makes note of the “eternal chains of fate”, and correlates this to the goddess of fate, along with the water dragon noting that FATE controls the fate of the world), Sealing/Power Nullification (FATE sealed the frozen flame’s power, sealed away the reptite’s fortress, and sealed away the Dragon God’s powers), Information Analysis (FATE can analyze across infinite timelines to learn about beings), Memory Manipulation (Fate controls the memories of those across timelines. FATE can control the brains of the humans who they come into contact with through the records of fate), Cosmic Awareness (FATE can observe 2 parallel worlds, along with other worlds it observes, such as the Radical Dreamers world), Law Manipulation, Erasure & Non-Existence Erasure (Space-Time Erasure & Conceptual Erasure; During the adventure of Chrono Cross FATE has made it where if Serge at all dies he will be completely erased, not even being allowed to be born within reality. FATE used it’s powers to erase a nonexistent timeline beyond the dimensions), Heat Manipulation & Energy Projection (With Heat Ray, shoots an energy beam of concentrated heat), Darkness Manipulation, Breath Attack & Energy Manipulation (With Dark Energy, shoots a beam of dark energy out of its mouth hitting all party members)
Scythe, The Frozen Flame | Lynx
Standard Tactics: Lynx will use a mere shadow of himself for the opponent to fight and wear themselves out with, in which he will spawn more shadows to attack while using various different black element spells. | FATE will manipulate fate into it’s favor, in battle it will use heat ray, dark energy, freefall, diminish, gravitonne, and other black elemental attacks.
Weaknesses: Has an innate weakness to the white element.
Read here for the in-depth cosmology of Chrono.
Battle Records