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From The Codex

Even if we Reploids are destined to join the scrap heap when that evolutionary step does come about...We still have to fight... Not only against Mavericks, but against our own destiny as well.
~ Zero


Dr. Wily's magnum opus, Zero was one of the very first robot that later would be considered a reploid during 20XX, Wily had plans for him to suprass the likes of Proto Man, Bass and of course his main enemy, Mega Man. Unfortunately for Wily, Zero had a progamming error that made him extremely agressive, due to this, Wily forced himself to seal his masterpiece for over a century.

100 years later, Zero was awoken by a group of Maverick Hunters. once he woken up, he slayed the entire front of them without any ploblem, after that, he confronted the Maverick Hunter leader at the time, Sigma. Their battle was on equal and Sigma could fight off with Zero without worry, until Zero slashed his arm off and started to beat up Sigma. before Zero could finish him, a W sign appeared on his head, causing him extreme pain. Sigma took this opurtinity and punched his gem on his head, knocking Zero and infecting Sigma with the Maverick Virus, which would result in him transformming into a malicious leader.

Zero was then brought to Dr. Cain at Sigma's request, who analyzed him. Upon awakening again, Zero became docile and had no memories of his previous actions. He was placed under Sigma's supervision. Zero did not show any more signs of Maverick behavior and, putting his impressive strength to good use, was enlisted into the Maverick Hunters' 17th Elite Unit where there he became the best friend of Dr. Light's final creation, X.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-C | 2-C

Name: Zero

Origin: Mega Man

Gender: Male

Age: 200 Years Old by Mega Man Zero

Classification: Reploid

Attack Potency: Complex Universe level (Is capable of consistely fighting off with Sigma, who is also capable of fighting on par with X. Defeated Colossus Sigma, who created a parallel reality outside the universe which dissapeared after he was defeated. Fought with Lumine, who was also capable of creating an alternative realm which included a sun which was entirely destroyed when Lumine was defeated. Fought on par with Omega with X during the Elf Wars, who by simply appearing created the entirety of Cyberspace which is a distorted version of the Real World. On par with X, which X Era self should be immensly superior to Copy X, which Zero knew was just a pathetically weak version of the Original X which fought alongside him in the Maverick Wars) | Complex Universe level (Should be just as comparable as before. Capable of equally fighting face-to-face against Omega Zero, his original body, who was much stronger than all of Omega's previous forms and destroyed him for good)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Travel Speed: Massively FTL (Undoubtely faster than Duo, who is capable of traveling through galaxies while doing his job and could potentially travel across the universe in his job to destroy the Evil Energy. His teleportation is also this fast. Can keep up with the Dark Elf and characters amped by it), higher via Power Ups | Massively FTL, higher via Power Ups

Combat Speed: Massively FTL (Can consistely fight Dark Elf users such as Omega and Elpizo. The Dark Elf could eliminate the Sigma Virus at this speed casually, which resulted in speeds over 2.4 Sextillion times the speed of light), higher via Power Ups | Massively FTL, higher via Power Ups

Reaction Speed: Massively FTL (Capable of reacting to characters which were shown to be capable of keeping up with him), higher via Power Ups | Massively FTL, higher via Power Ups

Lifting Strength: Class Z (Far stronger than Copy X, who could fight his Zero Era self) | Class Z (Comparable to Elpizo, who created a microscopic black hole)

Striking Strength: Complex Universal | Complex Universal

Durability: Complex Universe level (Capable of tanking attacks from First Form Omega, X, Sigma and Vile) | Complex Universe level (Survived attacks from Omega at his peak)

Stamina: Limitless


Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Sword and gun Combatant (Zero is with no doubts one of the most skilled fighters in the entire Mega Man verse, learning quickly new skills and mastering them in seconds), Extrasensory Perception (Capable of seeing the Maverick Virus and Cyber Elves), Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Power Nullification via ZERO Shift (The ZERO Shift is capable of nullifying enemies attacks) , Time Stop (With Dark Dizzy's ability, Zero can stop time and lock enemies for an amount of time), Self-Healing (Via Sub Tanks, E-Cans and Cyber Elves), Non-Physical Interaction (Scaling to X, who is capable of damaging the Sigma Virus and later in the games, he is shown to be capable of interacting the Cyber Elves, even capable of damaging them), Teleportation, Intangibility, Afterimage Creation and Duplication (Zero is capable of creating intangible dopplegangers of himself to attack the foe), [[BFR] (Can teleport away his enemies), Light Manipulation (With Rekkouha, he summons thousands of burning lights from the sky to destroy his opponent. Can also do the same with Tenshouha), Matter Manipulation (Zero is capable of transforming and manipulating his Z-Saber so that it can turn into different elements, can attack the opponent on a sub-atomic scale via Absolute Zero and can turn Enemies into weak Mettaurs), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2, can breath in underwater and space), Regeneration (High-Mid; Should be somewhat comparable to X, who can regenerate from being blown to pieces), Absolute Zero, Darkness Manipulation (Capable of using darkness element attacks), Elemental Manipulation (Fire, Water, Air and Earth), Reactive Power Level, Statistics Amplification (Via Parts, Chips and Cyber Elves), Weapon Creation (Shown here), Power Mimicry (Has the same learning system as X. Capable of copying attacks with Zero Knuckle), Limited Invulnerability and Aura on his "Awakened Zero" state (on this state, he gains a menacingly red aura and sometimes can become invulnerable to normal attacks), Soul Manipulation (can damage the foe's with "Soul energy" and can affect the soul of the opponent), Vibration Manipulation (With Hadangeki), Flight (Demonstrated here. Can fly with his AZ armor), Creation (Zero is capable of creating projectiles out of his Z Saber), Acrobatics (Zero has been shown to be extremely acrobatic, such as climbing walls, rolling in the air while attacking and more), Summoning (Capable of summoning small robotic dragonflies to assist him. can summon attacks out of the sky), Metal Manipulation (With Rakukojin), Energy Manipulation and Projection (Zero can launch multiple energy attacks), Explosion Manipulation (With Bakuejin), Accelerated Development, Forcefield Creation and Attack Reflection via Guard Shell (With Guard Shell, Zero can create a forcefield which reflects attacks), Electricity Manipulation, Surface Scaling (Capable of climbing up on top walls and can attack enemies from there), can also negate forcefields via Zero Breakthrough, Vehicular Mastery (Is shown to be extremely good of controlling vehicles this has been shown to be undoubtely the case several times through the series. Can ride spaceships easily), Dimensional Travel (Could travel to the Cyberworld to fight Cyber Peacock and then return back to the real world), Ice Manipulation (which is colder than Absolute Zero), Heat Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Expert Martial Artist (Learned to do moves such as the Hadouken or the Shoryuken), Danmaku (Zero has been repeatedly shown to be capable of creating several attacks at all once)

Standard Equipment:


  • Z-Saber: The Z-Saber (ゼットセイバー Zetto Seibā), also written as Z Saber and Z-Sabre, is Zero's main weapon to slice through his opponents in half. It is a powerful saber with a green (blue in some artworks from the Mega Man X series) energy blade. Zero receives the weapon in Mega Man X2 after he was remodeled by the X-Hunters, and has appeared in every chronological game since. Zero performs most of his techniques with the Z-Saber, his most recurring techniques being a rising slash, a downward stab, a dashing thrust or slash, and a rolling slash.

  • Z-Buster: Similar to the X-Buster, the Zero Buster (Z-Buster for short) is a chargeable cannon embedded in Zero's arm(s). It can fire regular shots as well as Charge attacks. Similar to the Buster Upgrade of X's armor from Mega Man X2, Zero's Z-Busters can be linked to each other to fire two Charge Shots one after the other; however, they do not combine. When Zero became a fully playable character in Mega Man X4, his Z-Buster was completely removed due to game balancing, but it was re-introduced in Mega Man X5; in this game, it was only available if the game was started with Zero. However, its usage was stripped down drastically.
  • V-Hanger: The V-Hanger is obtained after defeating Wind Crowrang in Mega Man X7. It is a set of two purple-bladed beam daggers. Besides allowing Zero to use Souenbu by throwing boomerangs, the V-Hanger allows him to do a fast five-slash combo. The attack reach of the daggers are half as long as the regular Z-Saber.
  • D-Glaive: Also known as the Durga Glaive, this is a pole weapon that allows for longer-ranged attacks. It appears in both Mega Man X7, gained after defeating Splash Warfly, and Mega Man X8, where it can be constructed from a Rare Metal found in Dark Mantis' stage. The version in X7 is slow and just noticeably longer than the Z-Saber, but allows for the special move Suiretsusen. In X8 it can be spun over Zero's head to strike repeatedly, and its range has been greatly extended to two-and-a-half times that of the Z-Saber.
  • B Fan: Also known as the Bashou Fan (『芭蕉ファン "Banana Fan"), this is a pair of fans offering high attack and defense capabilities. Zero can stand still with this weapon that creates an energy shield around him that can deflect low-damage projectile shots. It appears in Mega Man X8. Learning the Rekkyodan technique will power-up the fans, allowing them to reflect shots back at the enemies by hitting them with the weapon.
  • Titan Breaker: this is a super-powerful heavy hammer that can break through enemies' barriers. Using Juuhazan with this weapon can even destroy some obstacles & platforms. It appears in Mega Man X8. However, this weapon is capable of only one slow slamming attack. The reach of this weapon is the same as the Z-Saber.
  • K Knuckle: Also known as the Kaiser Knuckle, this is a pair of brass knuckles that appear in Mega Man X8. Equipping them grants Zero access to the special techniques used by Ryu and Ken from the Street Fighter series. The weapon's range is almost non-existent as Zero has to come up close to attack enemies making it easier to get hit, however the attack power is the same as T Breaker. The main flaw of the K Knuckle is that it cannot break through enemy barriers due to it lacking the three hit combo ability for Zero to break through enemy barriers.
  • 'Σ Blade: The Σ Blade is the weapon Sigma uses in Mega Man X8, and it can be obtained by either completing the game, or by entering a code on the title screen and then buying it in the R&D Lab. It is a giant sword with legendary attack power, and it can easily break enemies' barriers. In addition, equipping this weapon will reduce special weapon energy usage by half automatically.
  • Soul Blade: A metal blade tied to Zero's vitality, growing in potency based on how damaged he is.
  • Black Zero: An upgrade that turns Zero's armor black, its effects vary across the series, but it always increases Zero's speed and power and often provides a boost to his defense as well. The sole exception to this is in Mega Man X8, where it halves Zero's defense instead.
  • Absolute Zero: An armor resembling a bat or a vampire, it drastically increases all of his parameters, doubles his attack power, allows him to fly, and allows him to tear through virtually any forcefield with his bare hands. As a trade-off, his ability to use any of his Saber or Buster weapons is sealed, but he gains access to his Calamitous Arts, imbuing all of his attacks with the chill of absolute zero and the ability to vanish and teleport to his foes.

Intelligence: Zero is an extremely dangerous and fast foe to any of his opponnents, where he trained for multiple years fighting against Mavericks and became leader of the Maverick Hunters, leading them to defeat Mavericks. With skills of hundred of years, he is capable of even fighting the most dangerous enemies he can fight with no fear, with him being one of the most skilled swordmen in the whole series.

Weaknesses: None Notable | None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Learning System: Similarly to X and his Variable Weapon System, Zero is able to gain access to new attacks by defeating foes in combat. Unlike X, Zero rarely copies the attacks of his opponents but instead creates new attacks based on his opponent's affinities. For example, defeating Web Spider allowed Zero to develop the Raijingeki, a powerful stab with the Z-Saber that's charged with electricity. Due to the fact that these tend to be sword techniques inherent to Zero rather than copied weapons, the majority of them do not require additional Weapon Energy and thus can be used as often as Zero likes.
  • Sougenmu (Twin Phantasms): Zero generates a duplicate of himself out of Soul Energy that can directly damage his foes by imitating his attacks. However, it fades after a short period of time and thus must be reused to continue the effect.
  • Soul Body: Zero is able to unleash holograms of himself to directly attack his opponent, rushing at his foes to damage them. In addition, he can create an intangible clone of himself that can strike enemies but cannot be struck back while preventing the actual Zero from taking damage until he chooses to end the technique. This ability is powerful enough to incapacitate X after their lengthy duel at the end of Mega Man X5.
  • ZERO Shift: Zero's exclusive Force Metal in Mega Man X: Command Mission, it completely nullifies attacks that would only leave glancing or minor damage.
  • Dark Hold: A weapon copied from Dark Dizzy, Zero freezes time around him, slowing all foes and opposing projectiles to a standstill, leaving Zero free to attack as he pleases.
  • Time Stopper: Zero fires a round from his Buster Shot that freezes the target in time should any part of them (including equipment and clothing) make contact with it, rendering them helpless.
  • Rakukouha (Falling Phoenix Crusher) and Messenkou (Destroying Glint): Zero charges energy in his fists and slams the ground, causing an eruption of energy projectiles all around him in a fan pattern. The two attacks are virtually identical except for the fact that the Rakukouha deals more damage per projectile while the Messenkou hits additional times on top of being completely unblockable. He is also able to use a stronger version called Shin Messenkou (True Destroying Glint) which sends a wave of larger projectiles vertically to the ceiling instead.
  • Rekkoha (Rending Light Supremacy): Similarly to the Rakukouha and Messenkou, Zero charges up energy in his fist before slamming the ground, causing extremely damaging beams of light to erupt all around him, destroying all but the strongest of foes instantly. At his strongest he can use this attack infinitely, only with a brief pause in between attacks.
  • Ittou Ryoudan: Genmurei (Cleaving in a Single Strike: Phantasm Zero): Zero leaps into the air with a spin before launching a massive wave of energy that is nearly impossible to dodge. It is powerful enough to destroy X in one shot even with the protection of the Ultimate Armor. When in his "Awakened" form he can fire this attack infinitely while remaining completely invulnerable any attack X can muster, rendering it incredibly difficult to fight, much less hurt Zero while using this attack. He can fire up to two of these per swing in a slight fan pattern, causing the waves to separate and cover a wider area.
  • Cyber-Elves: Cyber Elves are sentient computer programs made of pure energy. They have the ability to rewrite the information of Cyber Space to erase chosen enemies from existence, completely recharge Zero's Energy, boost his physical capabilities, absorb oncoming projectiles, stun enemies, slow time to a crawl, halve the target's effective combat endurance and durability, and turn foes into relatively helpless Mettaurs.

Key: X Era | Zero Era

Note: For a full list of all Zero's abilities and techniques he can do, it can be seen here.

Battle Records

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
