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Knowledge is the facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. While similar to Intelligence, knowledge and intelligence are quite different. Knowledge is the collection of skills and information a person has acquired through experience, while intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge. Intelligent people are able to pick up on things fast, while highly knowledgeable users cannot but they have a lot of experience and skills they are able to use.
As a hypothetical scenario, has extremely high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence that would theoretically make the perfect warrior but they lose to an average fighter, why is this? This is due to the scenario where the former has very little practical experience and the latter has years of combat training. This is seen in media such as Dragon Ball where characters like Vegeta is a high class saiyan warrior while Son Goku is a low class saiyan warrior but Goku is able to surpass him due to having more willingness to train and learn techniques from others while Vegeta is only willing to train on his own in most cases. This can be similarly attributed to Frieza who is the perfect bred warrior that never trained a day in his life yet still had such immense strength against Goku who needs to constantly train to keep up with the them.
Unlike Intelligence, there are various types and forms of knowledge as it's based off the amount of information one knows. One can have an abundant amount of knowledge in a specific subject but no other subjects. Due to this, there is no real true concrete typing to knowledge, as any experience in itself can be classified as a type of knowledge.
Knowledge levels
Characters that are non-sentient or mindless, they cannot pick up or learn information as they are not able to understand or acquire them due to their state.
Beings, that only possess basic reasoning, awareness, and problem-solving skills. Animals vary in how much knowledge they can acquire due to their limited Intelligence, thus they are spread into Low Animalistic, Animalistic, & High Animalistic depending on the animal.
Characters with no real knowledge that makes them a novice. These characters have not been initiated into any real field and have very little knowledge or information on things.
Characters that are essentially "initiated" into the field, being introduced to certain knowledge and skills.
Regular Journeyman
Characters that are at intermediate levels. They are normally considered reliable, but not outstanding.
These characters have had knowledge in a field for a while longer than a standard journeyman, but still are not elite enough to reach into higher expert levels of knowledge.
Characters that demonstrate high amounts of knowledge in a subject or field. They are normally among the heavily knowledgeable individuals.
Characters that demonstrate immense amounts of knowledge in a subject or field. They can be considered one that can lead and teach others, being among some of the best in the world, though they can be matched by many other masters.
Characters at the very top, are considered the best in their relative world, system, galaxy, or even universe. They are some of the most knowledgeable people around, being normally untouchable to others, very few can actually match them. While these are not objectively the most knowledgeable men in each field, they are famously known and are up there as the smartest men in each field, for a character on this wiki to get Grandmaster level in this field they would at least need to be on the same level as people mentioned here:
- Science: Isaac Newton
- Swordsman: Miyamoto Musashi
- Martial Artist: Bruce Lee
- Gun Wielders: White Death (Simo Häyhä)
- Pilots: Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen)
- Strategist: Hannibal Barca
- Generals: Genghis Kahn
The highest level of non-omniscient knowledge, character knows almost everything of the cosmological settings of the universe or multiverse. Unlike Cosmic Intelligence where the user can instantly pick up anything essentially having Cosmic Awareness, cosmic knowledge means they have a vast amount of cosmic information stored in their brain, being able to access it at any time.
Character is in a state of having all knowledge, or in other words, knowing everything. They know everything that their opponent is going to do before they do it, and exactly what to do to win any fight. However, knowledge of other fictions is not a requirement for omniscience, so a character that knows everything about their own fictional franchise is considered to be omniscient in a versus thread.
Examples: The Axiom (Megami Tensei)
Additional terms
At least
Should be used to denote the lower intelligence cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate. Usually listed for characters that have shown to be an intelligence level superbly casually.
At most
Should be used to denote the higher intelligence cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate. Usually listed for characters that have put all their effort into the intelligence feat.
Should be used to list a hypothetical intelligence level for a character, but inconclusive due to uncertainty. Probability of said hypothetical statistic should be favourable.
Should be used to list a hypothetical intelligence level for a character, but inconclusive due to uncertainty. Probability of said hypothetical statistic should also be indeterminate.
- "Experience" is a very vague term that is honestly an overrated ideal, various characters have many decades of experience yet don't seem that much more skilled then someone just starting off, an example of a character like this is this character from Shrek who claims to have over a thousand years of experience yet his martial arts moves are greatly lacking and he does flying headbutts. Being around for a long time could grant one more experience in their field, but if they don't show it then there's no reason to assume an amount of time they've been alive matters.