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Dark Mind
From The Codex
Articles About Dark Matter Army
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Leaders | Zero - 0² |
Dark Matter Army | Dark Matter - Clone - Miracle Matter - Dark Nebula - Dark Mind |
Dark Mind is an evil entity that serves as the main antagonist and final boss of Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. Dark Mind is a mysterious figure who wants to conquer the Mirror World, so he corrupted it with his evil. Meta Knight found that this would threaten Dream Land, so he went to the Mirror World. However, he found himself defeated and imprisoned by his evil counterpart, Dark Meta Knight. It was then up to Kirby and his newly-born clones to save Dream Land and the Mirror World, so they ended up there.
General Information
Name: Dark Mind
Origin: Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Dark Matter Being
Species: Dark Matter
State of Being: Regular
Occupation: None
Enemies: Kirby, Shadow Kirby, Meta Knight
Status: Deceased (Killed in battle by Kirby)
Alignment: Neutral Evil (Dark Mind's plans were to conquer the mirror world)
Codex Statistics
Grade: A
Tier: Low 5-B
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Small Planet level (Potency) (Can harm Kirby, who can crack Pop Star in half with splitting the earth in half being calculated at this level)
Durability: Small Planet level
Striking Strength: Small Planet Class (Potency)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Travel Speed: Faster Than Light (Comparable to Dark Matter who traveled past several galaxies while chasing after Ribbon which was calculated at this)
Attack Speed: Faster Than Light (Kept up with Kirby while he was riding on the Warp Star)
Reaction Speed: Faster Than Light
Stamina: Likely Limitless (Should be comparable to Dark Matter, who is a cloud-like object that seems to have no true organic parts asides from its eye)
Range: Standard Melee, Several Meters with Energy Projection, Planetary with the HyperZone (The Hyper Zone’s clouds spread across the entire planet, with Dark Matter being confirmed to control those clouds), Planetary, possibly Stellar with Dark Star (Implied to be a star, though due to Kirby 64 naming regular planets stars this might be the same case for Dark Star), Multi Supercluster with Corruption (Corrupted the Mirror World), Multi Supercluster with Spatial Manipulation (Can flip space upside down)
Intelligence: Unknown Intelligence
Knowledge: Expert level (A member of the army of Dark Matters, who have orchestrated attacks on Pop Star twice, and Ripple Star once, with them learning from their previous failure and attempting to hide within the possessed Queen without the main cast finding out, with the Crystal Shards being the only reason they did)
Powers and Techniques
- Mirrors: Mirrors that allow him to travel in and out of the mirror world, along with using it for a variety of different attacks.
Notable Techniques
- Energy Attacks: His main attack in his cloaked form is firing a large number of stars in wave or stream formations or constantly teleporting around.
- Star Drop: Drops stars in corners that later home in on the opponent.
- Mirror Swing: Swings his mirrors around in a circular pattern that have the opponent take damage if they come into contact with it.
- Mirror Shapeshifting: If attacked when his core is not exposed, he will shatter into glass.
- Bomb Drops: Drops large bombs whose explosions reach the whole screen if not promptly destroyed.
- Laser Reflection: Aligns the mirrors in the corners of the stage, where he fires a single laser shot which can reflect in different directions, though the mirrors may also follow to reflect the laser at the opponent.
- Enemy Summoning: The mirrors will crisscross the stage before one of them drops three random enemies onto the ground.
- Beam Attack: Sometimes he will fire a large beam from his eye and fire it in various ways: in bursts at set locations, bursts aimed at the opponent, or a long-lasting beam that he sweeps across part of the arena.
- Screen Flip: He will flip the screen upside down, potentially disorienting the opponent.
Standard Tactics: Dark Mind has shown to modify the powers of and corrupt an entire universe first handedly, when getting into a fight he has two forms. Dark Mind's first form has two mirrors orbiting him and a core below his cloak. His main attack in this form is firing a large number of stars in wave or stream formations or constantly teleporting around.
Dark Mind is fought more than once, and as phases go on, he becomes more erratic and he gains new attacks, such as dropping stars in corners that later home in on Kirby, swinging his mirrors around in a circular pattern, shattering into glass if attacked when his core is not exposed, and dropping large bombs whose explosions reach the whole screen if not promptly destroyed.
Dark Mind will open his cloak for all his attacks: although Dark Mind is always vulnerable, he will take much more damage, Defeating Dark Mind in the first three battles will cause him to shatter, but the fourth defeat will cause him to explode violently and glow white as his cloak vanishes.
After each of the first three battles, Kirby is placed in a rest area, usually with a few enemies.
The second form is the most important battle against Dark Mind; he starts out as a giant ball with a vertical-slit eye and grows enormous in a red, gaseous area. Dark Mind uses a variety of attacks, many of which involve his mirrors.
One attack has Dark Mind slowly floating down the screen with the mirrors moving in a lemniscate pattern around him, circling them around in various directions (e.g the ground, mid-air or moving alongside them). After performing this attack, he will have two additional follow-up attacks. The first one aligns the mirrors in the corners of the stage, where he fires a single laser shot which can reflect in different directions, though the mirrors may also follow to reflect the laser at Kirby. Alternatively, the mirrors will crisscross the stage before one of them drops three random enemies (UFOs being the rarest) onto the ground.
Sometimes Dark Mind will prepare a large beam from his eye and fire it in various ways: in bursts at set locations, bursts aimed at the player, or a long-lasting beam that he sweeps across part of the arena. He is also capable of flipping the screen upside down, potentially disorienting the player, though the input buttons work as normal. He is also capable of dropping the screen-engulfing bomb that he used in the previous phase.
After this form is defeated, Dark Mind shuts his eye and starts to shrink.
Now in a smaller, unstable, fireball-like form, Dark Mind retreats into the sky. Dark Mind shoots out barrages of stars from his eye and trying to ram Kirby.
Weaknesses: The Dark Matter's main weakness is love and joy, with those things creating a weapon that can harm it. The Rainbow sword can reflect some of its attacks.
- Dark Mind's second form does not give contact damage, unlike most enemies and bosses (including his first form).
- Dark Mind's second form resembles Ghroth, a lovecraftian monster from Cthulhu Mythos created by the author Ramsey Campbell. Co-incidently enough, it also resembles the Zelos Force from the Gradius series.
- Dark Mind's first form appears to have four eyes and as two faces, but on closer inspection, the "face" resembling Nightmare is actually a sort of crown worn by him, with his true face residing under it.
- An armor set based on his helmet and mirror weaponry appears in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe.
- The final boss of Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, King D-Mind, is also based on Dark Mind.
- The music that plays during the latter half of the battle against King D-Mind contains a remix of Dark Mind's theme.
- When playing as Dark Meta Knight and fighting Morpho Knight in Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go!, Dark Mind’s second phase theme is remixed along with the regular boss theme from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.
- One of Void's forms in his second phase references Dark Mind's second form, in that his body turns orange and grows in size. He then moves on the ground with "mirrors" rotating around him before rotating 90 degrees and firing a laser which is reflected several times.
- Dark Mind is the only boss that uses Marx's cutter attack as a counterattack, not a normal attack.
- Dark Mind's battle works in a similar, but opposite, manner to Nightmare's battle. Nightmare starts with an orb-like form that requires shooting to defeat him before going into his second phase in which Nightmare protects its vulnerable body with his cloak. Dark Mind starts with a cloaked form that protects its vulnerable body before going into its second phase that requires shooting to defeat it.
- Dark Mind's second form resembles Dark Matter and Zero from Kirby's Dream Land 3; this more then likely means he's the mirror world version of the Dark Matter species.
Battle Records