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Shadow Kirby

From The Codex
Articles About Kirby
Main Continuity Main Universe - Team Kirby - Mirror Universe
Alternate Media Kirby of the Stars - Smash Bros.


Shadow Kirby (also referred to as Mirror-world Kirby) is the clone of Kirby that exists in the Mirror World, debuting in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. He also appears in Kirby: Triple Deluxe as the final boss of the Kirby Fighters sub-game, and as an unlockable "palette" in Kirby Fighters Deluxe.

At the beginning of Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Kirby and Shadow Kirby believe each other to be enemies. Shadow Kirby appears once in each of the mirror world's areas to attack Kirby, and if Kirby defeats him in combat, he will drop a random power-up, such as an Invincibility Candy or a 1UP.

However, Kirby discovers Shadow Kirby wants his world to be saved just as much as Kirby wants his own world to be saved, so they ally with each other to take down the one true villain: Dark Mind.

During the fight with the final boss, Dark Mind, Shadow Kirby will appear if Kirby loses the Master Sword and throw it back to Kirby.

At the end of the game, it is revealed that the only reason Shadow Kirby attacked Kirby is that he just wanted to protect the mirror world and keep any foreign being out of it. Shadow Kirby decides to continue to protect the mirror world after Dark Mind is defeated just in case he returns. His relationship with Dark Meta Knight is not elaborated on.

When encountered, Shadow Kirby will jump out of hiding and proceed to attack Kirby by using a Copy Ability. If Shadow Kirby is not defeated within a short time limit, he will jump back into hiding and not reappear until the player re-enters the level. Notably, the Copy Abilities used by Shadow Kirby use the effects of their respective enemies. For example, when Shadow Kirby uses Fire, the fire stream produced will have the same appearance as that of the fire used by Hot Head.

General Information

Name: Shadow Kirby, Mirror Kirby

Origin: Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

Sex: Unknown (Shadow Kirby's sex is canonically unknown within the Japanese version of the games referring to them by sex neutral pronouns. On the official Twitter account, Kirby dressed up as an Empress doll in Hinamatsuri art in 2017, and he appears together with female characters in Valentine's Day artwork in 2018 and male characters in White Day artwork in 2019)

Age: At least 1000 (Shadow Kirby's age has never been confirmed by Japanese sources. In Japanese, Kirby is introduced as 「若者」 (wakamono), which means a young person. Data of Queen Sectonia notes that she contains data spanning elements of creatures of at least 1000 years. She began to discard her true form and possessing others after having her mind twisted by the Dimensional Mirror Taranza gifted her, which could only have it's corruption ability after the events of the Amazing Mirror, which would imply Amazing Mirror has a 1000 year timeskip)

Classification: Shadow of Kirby, Mirror-World Kirby, Guardian of the Mirror World

Species: Unknown

State of Being: Regular

Occupation: None

Affiliations: Mirror World, Kirby

Enemies: Dark Mind

Height: 20 cm (Exact same height as Kirby who is canonically about 20 centimeters tall)

Status: Alive

Alignment: Chaotic Good (Noted to be pure like his other self, only being more mischievous. Is noted to be the protector of the mirror world and helped Kirby out in his final fight against Dark Mind)

Codex Statistics

Grade: A

Tier: Low 5-B

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Small Planet level (Potency) (Can harm Kirby who can crack Pop Star in half with splitting the earth in half being calculated at this level)

Durability: Small Planet level

Striking Strength: Small Planet Class (Potency)

Lifting Strength: At least Stellar (Comparable to Kirby who at the end of Dream Course Kirby puts all the stars back into the sky, should be comparable to King Dedede who stole all the stars in the sky, on separate occasions, Kirby is implied to have put all the stars back in the sky at the end of tilt and tumble) | At least Stellar

Travel Speed: Unknown

Attack Speed: Faster Than Light (Can tag Kirby, who is comparable in speed King Dedede who stole all the stars in the sky before nighttime which was calculated at this. Kirby can also keep up with Meta Knight who traveled from the Galaxy's End to Pop Star, which is at the edge of the universe, in 8 seconds, which was calculated at this), Higher with the Warp Star (The Warp Star can fly past 53 galaxies in a few seconds, which was calculated at this. Flies to another galaxy in under a second, which was calculated at this)

Reaction Speed: Faster Than Light

Stamina: Peak Human (Should have the same stamina as Kirby who fought Queen Sectonia through the night), Limitless as Ghost Kirby (Can still do actions even at 0 health)

Range: Below Standard Melee (Shadow Kirby is 20 centimeters tall), Higher with Inhale, Extended Melee with Super Inhale (Can inhale trees)

Intelligence: Genius Intelligence (Should have the same intelligence as Kirby who can build a space rocket in seconds, and has been noted to be a fast learner at avalanche, with him beating King Dedede and Meta Knight at avalanche)

Knowledge: Grandmaster level (Should have similar skill to Kirby, who can defeat trained warriors with thousands of years of experience like Meta Knight. Could go on an entire adventure without needing copy abilities and using his natural skills. Can defeat a clone of himself with the exact same copy ability along with hoards of his clones. It is noted by a Waddle Dee soldier that Kirby is good at every battle. Even with Dedede trying to increase the difficulty of the clones, with the machine making stronger Kirby's, he could keep beating the Kirby clones. Meta Knight notes that the Kirby clones are pathetic compared to Kirby. With Kirby then defeating Meta Knight in battle. Afterwards he beat King Dedede's strongest team by himself. Could fight and defeat Kirby clones while also fighting Dededestroyer Z.

Powers and Techniques


Warp Star, any copy ability Kirby has.

Notable Techniques

As a shadow of Kirby, Shadow Kirby would have all of his innate techniques and abilities, including:

Kirby inhales everything he can!
~ Kirby Star Allies loading screen
  • Inhale: Inhale is Kirby's signature technique. By taking a deep breath Kirby is able to suck objects into his mouth like a vacuum, which stretches to fit large objects. Kirby can then swallow the object or enemy that is in his mouth to absorb it, or spit it out as a star to attack. Inhale is a great defense as well as an attack. Inhaling seems to have no effect on excessively large or heavy objects, such as a boss, though Kirby has displayed being able to inhale some of them after defeating them, so this could be chalked up as a resistance. Another inconsistent part about inhale is the ability to inhale underwater, Kirby in most games cannot inhale underwater and must use his technique, the water gun. It could potentially be attributed to Game Mechanics that Kirby can't inhale underwater or seen as him not wanting to.
    • Super Inhale: In Kirby & The Amazing Mirror and Kirby: Squeak Squad, after Kirby inhales for a while, his inhale becomes a Super Inhale. The Super Inhale has slightly more range and strength, allowing him to inhale Large Enemies, Large Star Blocks, and Heave Ho Blocks.
  • Hover: Kirby sucks in air to puff up, he can then waves his arms around to float into the air, allowing him to fly indefinitely. He can float on water while puffed up. Releasing the accumulated air he sucks in allows him to use the air gun technique.
    • Air Gun: The Air Gun is a technique used by Kirby. First Kirby flies, inflating themself, and then exhale, puffing out a ball of air that will damage most regular enemies and some large enemies. It can also be used to destroy Star Blocks and in Kirby's Adventure, has shown to destroy Ability Stars.
    • Headbutt Attack: In most games, Kirby's jump off the ground can be used as a headbutt attack. Its effects differ between games: Primarily, the attack allows Kirby to destroy Star Blocks by hitting them from underneath. In certain games, however, Kirby is able to damage enemies with it as well. Foes with a lot of health in Kirby Super Star/Kirby Super Star Ultra often require a few headbutts to defeat. Enemies in Kirby's Dream Land 3 are defeated with one headbutt and enemies in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards are defeated with two. Kirby deals the most damage when he has just left the ground and is most vulnerable at the peak of his jump.
  • Water Gun: The Water Gun is used by the Kirby underwater; if Kirby is using a Copy Ability that cannot be used underwater, he will perform the Water Gun move instead. The move is a short-range blast of water that may be aimed in one of four directions; up, down, left or right. Depending on the game, the move will either be a one-shot blast or will be an indefinite stream of water/bubbles.
  • Star Spit: The Star Spit is an ability used by Kirby that turns an enemy or object into a star. To star spit, Kirby must inhale an enemy, then press the attack button to spit them out as a star-like projectile. If Kirby inhales two enemies, it becomes more powerful. In most games, Kirby is capable of inhaling more enemies, resulting in a more powerful shot. In Kirby: Squeak Squad, if Kirby inhales three or more enemies, it becomes even more powerful. If Kirby inhales enough enemies in Kirby's Return to Dream Land, the star he spits becomes twice as large as him. In Kirby's Blowout Blast, when Kirby inhales enough enemies, the star he spits becomes a powerful shot called a Blaster Bullet.
    • Blaster Bullet: The most powerful form of the star spit technique, requiring Kirby to inhale a huge group of enemies.
  • Copy Ability: Copy Abilities are powers that Kir can gain in various ways, the most known way is Kirby using his inhale technique and swallowing the enemy, gaining their techniques. Something interesting to note with copy abilities are that an enemy that Kirby swallows won't necessarily give him all the attacks that an enemy can perform in gameplay. For instance, Bonkers, can throw explosive coconuts, but the ability he grants, Hammer, doesn't allow Kirby to throw coconuts implying that when Kirby swallows the enemy he gains their best skill and not all of their skills. Conversely, sometimes Kirby can do moves that the enemy cannot, showing the abilities he mimics are performed better by him then the enemy. It should also be noted that Kirby gaining copy abilities through inhaling will cause him to lose them if he takes enough damage. The other way Kirby can gain copy abilities is through Copy Essence Deluxe where Kirby can naturally gain copy abilities without inhaling an opponent, he can also keep the abiliites permenantly this way, no matter how much damage he takes.
  • Summoning: Kirby has summoned various different objects and allies on his adventure such as:
    • Warp Star: Can summon the warp star which serves as Kirby's primary mode of transportation in the series, allowing him to travel quickly between areas.
    • Dyna Blade: Can summon Dyna Blade for a powerful attack.
    • Gators: Can summon an army of Gators to attack all enemies.
    • Cell Phone: In Kirby and the Amazing Mirror Kirby can use his cell phone to call the other 3 Kirbys which will heal some health in contact with Kirby and will assist him in the tasks he's doing.
  • Creation: Kirby can sacrifice his copied ability to summon a "Helper", which is the being he may have used to gain his copied ability, now assisting Kirby in his adventures or battles.
  • Duplication: Kirby can split himself into many (though usually just three) Kirbys. He usually does this to dance at the end of a boss fight, to compete against himself in minigames, or to mark his distance in his end-of-level goal games. He has been shown to create up to 6 other Kirbys. It should be noted however, that he usually uses items such as the sparkling stars to duplicate himself, though in games such as Planet Robobot he can naturally duplicate without an item.
  • Power Absorption: Shown in Kirby's Dream Course and Kirby Canvas Curse. Kirby throws himself at the enemy and will steal his abilities when touching him.
    • Power Transferral: Also shown in Kirby's Dream Course, he can exchange abilitiy with another enemy.
  • Heroic Heart: The heroic heart is the name of the star that popped out of Kirby when he was split into ten by Necrodeus' scepter during the events of Kirby Mass Attack. As the heroic heart's name suggests, it is Kirby's own heart. The heart is seen communicating its thoughts with the remaining Kirby after his first encounter with Necrodeus - it is likely that Kirby has to make conscious effort to follow its direction simply because he has been separated from it. Despite being called a heart, the Heroic Heart is very clearly Kirby's spirit, it's not a physical, tangible object and can move wherever and go through walls.
    • Telekinesis: With his Heroic Heart, he can telekinetically move his body around.
  • Ghost Kirby: Unlike the copy ability, when defeated, Kirby transforms into a Ghost Kirby, although instead of only being a light blue, each Ghost Kirby retains its normal colors. Ghost Kirby can attack non-ghosts to deal slight damage and, more importantly, return back to life with some health restored; getting defeated after being revived results in a progressively longer period before the Kirby transforms into a ghost. Ghost also has a few more techniques to attack with, in addition to vanishing.
    • Attack: Kirby slaps with one of his hands. If charged, he will slap twice with one of his hands.
    • Tackle: Kirby dashes forward while performing a headbutt.
    • Vanish: Kirby vanishes, becoming invisible and being unaffected by attacks and hazards.
    • Possession: Kirby can control the possessed enemy. Pressing X causes Kirby to destroy the possessed enemy and allows him to act freely again.
    • Absorption: Kirby puts the possessed target(s), and anyone they are holding, under his cloak, absorbing them. Kirby can absorb life energy from other targets to regenerate back a physical form.
  • Crouching: Kirby crouches, squashing his body and making himself an even smaller target less likely to get hit by foes bigger than himself or of his same size.
    • Slide: Slide is one of the most basic moves in the Kirby series. It does little damage, but can defeat some weaker enemies in one hit. In essence, if Kirby has no power available and needs to deal fast damage to a foe, the slide attack is better than nothing.
  • Guard: Guarding is Kirby's only defensive action without a copy ability. Kirby assumes a defensive posture until the button is released. While guarding, Kirby takes no damage from weak attacks and minimal damage from stronger attacks, in addition to retaining his ability and not getting knocked off the ground. Enemies that come in contact with a guarding Kirby also take minimal damage.
  • Space Jump: Kirby can transform into a star and warp to one's location. Normally helpers do this to keep up with Kirby.
  • Sharing: Kirby and another can share food with each other to restore health in a motion that resembles kissing. This is done by one character touching a recovery item, and touching the other within the next few seconds.
  • Dodge: Acrobatically twirls to one side or in place to dodge attacks.
    • Air Dodge: Twirls to dodge attacks in the air.
  • Team Attack: A technique Kirby can access to with a Star Ally. In Return to Dream Land when piggybacking an ally, they can briefly charge energy to use a special attack, the more allies charging energy the more powerful the attack will be. The form of the attack depends on the ally below, which is shooting it. Kirby launches a giant compilation of air forward that can pass through enemies, its size depends on the number of allies charging energy. Kirby & all other allies in-game (Meta Knight, King Dedede, and Bandana Dee) can use their Team Attack to push back and warp the waves of space that were consuming interstellar parts of Another Dimension.


Standard Tactics: Like Kirby, if Shadow Kirby does not have a copy ability their opening move is inhale.

Weaknesses: Taking too much damage causes him to lose any copy ability, this is removed with copy essence deluxe.

Battle Records
