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From The Codex
Articles About Vados
Media Dragon Ball Super - Dragon Ball Super Manga
Lord Champa hasn't behaved any better, Grand Leader; just look at the shape he's in. I tell him it's affecting his performance, and I work so hard to give him nutritionally balanced meals, but he throws the plates on the ground, and tells me I'm a terrible cook. Oh, it breaks my heart, sire!
~ Vados to Zeno


Vados is the attendant and martial arts teacher of the God of Destruction of Universe 6, Champa and a supporting character in Dragon Ball Super. She is a daughter of the Grand Minister and the elder sister of Whis.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Vados’ story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

Long ago, Champa and Beerus get into a fight because Beerus eats the single Puff-Puff fruit on their birthday cake. While they are fighting, Vados is questioned by her brother, Whis, wondering if she intentionally set off the situation by putting only one Puff-Puff fruit on their cake. Vados and Whis decide to end the fight by chopping Champa’s and Beerus’ necks because the fight could have destroyed the universe at the rate they were going. Champa and Beerus decide never to fight one-on-one again but have food showdowns instead.

For decades, Champa has been looking for the Super Dragon Balls. In all of his searches, he was able to find six of the Super Dragon Balls.

God of Destruction Beerus Saga
In the manga of Super, in Universe 7, Vados and Champa show up and notice that Beerus is awake. She and Champa try to stay anonymous while Beerus is fighting on King Kai's planet. Vados and Champa notice that Beerus is moving and are heading towards a planet. Vados is with Champa when he's destroying planets and they collecting huge orbs that no one has found. Vados are sensed by Old Kai and Kibito Kai and spot them through the crystal ball Old Kai made. Champa and Vados go to the Sacred World of the Kai. Champa asks them if they heard their conversation but they tell him that they didn't hear a thing. Even though they don't believe them, Champa and his attendant leave and return collecting the orbs.

Vados and Champa are in space then they encounter Guarana's ship. Guarana and his crew has found a huge orb which Champa wanted. Vados watches Champa blow up Guarana's ship, then they leave. Vados warns Champa of Beerus noticing what he is doing. Champa agrees and tells her that they're going home and he'll give Beerus a gift.

Golden Frieza Saga
Vados and Champa are in Universe 7 looking for a specific planet and destroying the ones they don't find useful. Vados warps to a planet, knocking Sorbet's Spaceship out the way. Vados is ordered to destroy it but she insisted that Champa should do it. After Champa gets angry, Vados destroys the planet, even knowing that it wasn't the one they were looking for. They continue their search for the planet they are looking for.

Universe 6 Saga
Vados and Champa reach Beerus' Planet. Vados tells Goku and Vegeta that she is Whis' older sister and that she is a little stronger than he is, Whis, however, disagrees. Vados also tells them that Champa is Beerus' twin brother and that he is the God of Destruction of Universe 6. It is explained by Whis to them that Universe 7 and Universe 6 are twin universes, equaling 13. Vados was told by Champa to search for their universe's Earth while he and Beerus have a food duel. She finds it and tells everyone that the Earthlings have been driven to extinction due to war. Champa declares a Tournament of Destroyers over having the Universe 7's Earth using five warriors from their respective universes.

After Whis explains why Beerus and Champa don't fight anymore, the rules for the tournament are discussed. The rules are that if Champa wins, he will use the Super Dragon Balls to switch the universes' Earth. To Vados' surprise, she knows that Goku has knowledge of the Dragon Balls. If Beerus won, then Champa will give the six balls he had but Beerus would have to find the last one on his own. The tournament will be held on the Nameless Planet in five Earth days at 10 a.m. Vados and Champa leave Beerus' planet after this.

Vados and Champa are on the Nameless Planet arranging the arena. Vados asks Champa if he's picked his team, and he responds that he notices that Goku and Vegeta are Saiyans and that he needs Saiyans for his team. The day of the tournament, Vados is on the Nameless Planet waiting for the arrival of Universe 7's team. Once they arrive, Vados commences the writing exam to be eligible to compete in the tournament. Vados says the exam is ten basic questions to test their basic intelligence and they are given ten minutes but you must receive a 50 or higher to participate. After the time is up, Vados reveals everyone except for Majin Buu is able to compete, leaving the tournament five-on-four.

The tournament begins with the first match between Botamo and Goku. Vados is surprised to see Goku moving at an unbelievable speed, going beyond her expectations of him. Botamo is beaten by Goku by a ring-out because Goku could not deal damage to Botamo. The next fighter for Universe 6 is Frost, going up against Goku. When Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan against Frost, Vados seems surprised of seeing this, implying she doesn't know about Super Saiyans.

"Future" Trunks Saga
Champa and Vados make another return to Universe 7 and end up on Earth where Vados and Whis referee a baseball match between members of Universe 6 and 7. When Beerus and Champa begin to lose their temper and confront one another, their angel attendants step in to put a stop to their battle before their Universes are in jeopardy.

Sometime later, Goku has Whis ask Vados if she can hire Hit to assassinate him, due to being bored and wanting a challenge. While watching Goku fight Hit on Earth with Champa, she explains to him some of Hit's peculiar abilities. After the battle ends the truth regarding the entire ordeal is revealed and the two return to their own Universe.

Universe Survival Saga
Vados appears with Champa at the Tournament of Power preliminaries, watching the Zeno Expo between Team Universe 7 and Team Universe 9. During the God of Destruction meeting, Vados is the only one who is defending Goku, saying that without him, all eight universes in the Tournament of Power would have been erased without a second chance, only for everyone to ignore her. During the Tournament of Power, she remains mostly silent. After Universe 9 is erased, Vados sarcastically says goodbye to Champa, annoying the latter. She also says that his warriors would have to fight better in order to survive. During Hit and Dyspo's fight, Vados remains mostly silent, however she notes that she was able to see Dyspo's movements.

After Team Universe 6 and their universe were erased, Vados decided to sit with her brother Whis, Beerus and the Universe 7 drop-outs in their spectator bench section. After the Grand Minister reduces the bleachers to a smaller size, Marcarita questions Vados' sitting with Universe 7, to which she declared that “With Universe 6 gone, I thought I’d make myself at home with Universe 7.”

General Information

Name: Vados

Origin: Dragon Ball Super

Sex: Female

Age: Over 75 million years old (Vados is older then Beerus, who notes he wiped out the dinosarus a while back[1])

Classification: Angel of Universe 6

Species: Angel

Occupation: Guide Angel Attendant of Champa

Status: Alive

Alignment: Lawful Neutral (The angels role is to guide and teach Gods of Destruction to master their destructive capabilities while also serving them as their personal attendants. Angels are bound by laws that prevent them from directly fighting threats)

Codex Statistics

Grade: S (As an Angel, she is beyond all God of Destructions, including Beerus, the strongest being in Universe 7)

Tier: At least 4-B

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Power Source: Ki (All beings in Dragon Ball[2][3][4] have ki, the very life force energy of all characters[5], ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even[6] block attacks that would otherwise[7] kill them from[8] raising their guard[9], higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them[10])

Attack Potency: At least Solar System level (Vados is comparable to her brother Whis, who is the strongest being in universe 7, being beyond Beerus in strength, who noted with his power that he would destroy the entire solar system[11])

Durability: At least Solar System level, Higher with Guard Up (Ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard), Lower with Ki Control (Higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them)

Striking Strength: At least Solar System Class

Lifting Strength: At least Class 50 (Far superior to Son Goku from Dragon Ball Super whose superior to his Buu Saga era self, who could casually fight while carrying 40 tons)

Travel Speed: At least Relativistic controllable speed (Far superior to Super Saiyan Gotenks who flew around the earth a few dozen times in this time frame), Speed of Light with Warp (Warp allows Vados to transport between realms and separate areas in the universe in a short timeframe. Her brother Whis can use warp to travel to King Kai's planet in the otherworld in around 26 minutes and 44 seconds, which is in a completely separate body of space)

Attack Speed: At least Relativistic

Reaction Speed: At least Relativistic (Superior to Ultra Instinct -Omen- Goku)

Stamina: Superhuman (Should be comparable to Vegeta who stood thinking for three days without showing any signs of tiring or growing hungry)

Range: Standard Melee, Multi-Supercluster with Ki Attacks, Shock-waves (Comparable to Goku whose shockwaves spread across the universe and reached the Kaioshin Realm, otherworld, and more). At least Multi-Universal with Clairvoyance (Her staff should be comparable to Whis' where he has used his staff to show Beerus past events of the Dragon Bal history[12], including alternate what-if timelines[13])

Intelligence: Unknown Intelligence

Knowledge: At least Master level (Vados is the trainer of the God of Destruction Champa, teaching him all of his skill, and trained him to be the strongest in Universe 6)

Powers and Techniques

Chi Manipulation & Ki Manipulation (All beings in Dragon Ball[14][15][16] have ki, the very life force energy of all characters[17], ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even[18] block attacks that would otherwise[19] kill them from[20] raising their guard[21], higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them[22]), Aura (Projection; A users ki aura can exert itself[23] as a weapon to attack[24]. Explosive; Ki users through powering up can form an entire aura around themself, radiating their immense power[25], where depending on their immense strength, can cause them to explode their aura outwards to remove excess ki from themself[26]. Mood Reflection; Goku and Piccolo Jr. with their auras and their stern concentration on each other reflected in their electric auras, even shooting electricity at each other[27]), Emotional Empowerment (It's noted that ki users can receive energy through one cheering them on[28]. Ki users can be greatly increased by their emotions and beliefs, Son Goku explains that Son Gohan needs to remember the time he fought Cell and bring out all of the power he has, this way he can lose to no one[29] where it's shown during the Cell beam clash that he was holding back greatly out of fear of destroying the earth but from being cheered on and using all of his power within him, he was able to overpower Cell[30]), Attack Reflection (All Ki users are able to reflect attacks just by being stronger than their opponent[31]. Examples include, Nappa deflecting a masenko from Son Gohan[32], Son Gohan being able to bounce back the spirit bomb[33], Son Goku deflecting a crusher ball from Jeice[34], Frieza deflecting a Final Burst Cannon from Vegeta[35], Son Goku reflecting multiple death beams back to back from Frieza[36], and Future Trunks being able to completely repel an energy blast with his hand from a Frieza Soldier just by being much stronger than them[37]), Homing Attack (Ki users can create attacks that will home in and chase a target forever[38]), Penetration Damage (Bladed Penetration; Ki users can conjure up a circle of chi that is sharp and can cut through enemies far more powerful then themselves[39][40], along with this they can conjure ki as a means to stab through an opponent[41]), Weapon Creation (Ki users can create energy weapons out of their attacks[42]), Power Absorption & Energy Transferal (Ki users can transfer their ki to others and absorb the ki given to them from others[43]), Attack Nullification (Ki Energy Based; Those with ki can nullify attacks of lesser ki with their ki alone[44][45]. They can also catch and nullify ki attacks around their level through focusing enough[46]), Power Nullification (Ki Energy Based; Through having greater ki, one can nullify the powers done through ki attacks, such as Frieza being able to nullify a hakai ball[47], which fully destroys a target[48], though he is unable to resist a hakai ball from Toppo due to him being stronger[49], this ability however only works on ki, attacks unrelated, characters cannot resist through being stronger, such as how Vegeta, Krillin, & Son Gohan are unable to resist Guldo's psychic powers[50], along with even the likes of Son Goku[51]), Forcefield Creation (Ki users such as Cell can generate forcefields around themselves[52]. These forcefields can be expanded[53], and used to protect others and defend against attacks far higher then the user[54]), Super Armor (Through releasing one's ki, they enter a state known as "Hyper Mode"[55], in this state they do not flinch from weak melee attacks[56]), Self-Destruction (Ki users in Dragon Ball are able to[57] release all of the energy within them[58] to cause a massive[59] self-destruction of energy that normally kills the user and turns them into dust[60] though one can control it to surviving but having no stamina or energy left[61]), Binding (Energy Binding; Ki Users can use their ki to bind targets to objects, making them unable to escape even if they're of equal power[62], however, those stronger than the ki user can easily break out of it[63]), Dreaming Existence (Characters in Shin Budokai have shown to create physical bodies in alternate timelines through dreaming[64]), Non-Standard Interaction (Intangible Interaction; Those with ki can block intangible attacks when they focus and notices them[65]. Space-Time Interaction (3+1-D); Characters can blast space-time distortions to close them[66]), Healing (Healing Singular Targets, Advanced Healing; Ki can be used to heal beings, allowing them to survive even with half their torso[67], it can also heal from near death[68]), Resurrection (Resurrection of the Deceased (Limited); Ki users can resurrect ones heart from death if their ki beams hit their heart, restarting it[69]. Resurrection from Exhaustion; Can heal downed allies to give them ki back, reviving them[70]), Intimidation & Spirit Manipulation (Ki is the manifestation of one’s lifeforce[71], along with the aura giving one the feeling of being crushed[72], exerting fear[73] into the target, sometimes making them incapable of moving as their[74] body is instinctively stuck due to the sheer difference in power[75]), Link Manipulation & Mind Manipulation (Characters can link their ki together and train within each other’s mind enacting in image training[76]), Vibration Manipulation (Seismic Vibration Manipulation; Ki users can transfer their ki into an object and cause it to vibrate and shake greatly[77]. Powerful ki users can cause the very ground itself to shake when they power up[78]), Electricity Manipulation (Powerful Ki users can generate electricity around their aura that can outright electrocute their opponents[79], Goku and Piccolo Jr. showcased being able to utilize their aura as pure electricity during their clash[80]), Weather Manipulation (Powerful Ki users can generate entire storms through merely powering up alone, Nappa used this in order to conjure the electricity from the storm[81]. Goku showcases this when he first turns super saiyan, causing a massive lightning storm in the background[82]), Energy Manipulation (Ki is the latent power in one's body, this latent power allows them to form and create energy from controlling their ki, which can be used to shoot out energy blast[83]), Explosion Manipulation (Ki attacks can create massive explosions[84], or control the ki to set off a huge explosion under the enemy[85], or in front of them[86]), Heat Manipulation (Ki user's ki attacks produce heat allowing them to cook and grill animals and raw meat[87][88], along with leaving behind steam after the attacks hit an area, showing its latent heat. Ki users electricity aura can burn objects that touch it[89]), Light Manipulation (Ki can be used as a flash of light[90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98], Degisu seeing ki attacks be fired notes that the characters are "firing light from their hands"[99]).

Limited Resistance to Durability Negation (Ki users can focus their energy to localize an object to a specific spot to stop them from attempting to destroy their organs/insides[100]), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Can resist poisons through Forcefield Creation[101])


  • Angel Attendant's Staff: Like her brother and the other Attendants of the Gods of Destruction, Vados possesses a Staff which can be used for a variety of functions. In Xenoverse 2, Vados can channel her ki into it to fire Ki Blasts and launch her various Destruction Concerto Energy Sphere techniques. She also uses it as part of her Destruction's Conductor.

Notable Techniques

  • Flight: The ability to fly with the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast: The most basic form of Energy Attack. In Xenoverse 2, Vados can fire Ki blasts from the tip of her Staff.
  • Immortality: As an Angel, Vados can only be killed if she is "eradicated" - which will only occur if she violates the Angel laws.
  • Autonomous Ultra Instinct: As an Angel, Vados is always in the Perfected Ultra Instinct state.
  • Warp: A transportation technique used to travel anywhere she wishes.
  • Divination: Vados is capable of using her staff to look anywhere in the universe. Like her brother, she will close one eye while using the other to focus on looking through her staff as shown when she was looking for Universe 6's Earth.
  • Strike of Revelation: A chop to the neck used by Vados to knock down Champa during his battle with Beerus.
  • Time Rewind: Like her brother Whis, should be able to rewind time.
  • Energy Shield: Vados is able to create an extremely large and powerful energy shield that can last for over five days. It was strong enough to resist ki blasts from Champa without a scratch.
  • Matter Manipulation: Vados possesses matter manipulating powers, able to create an arena, food stands filled with food, portraits of Beerus and Champa, audience stands, and even a breathable atmosphere (which would require manipulation on the molecular level) on the Nameless Planet.


Standard Tactics: As an Angel, Vados is not allowed to fight at full power and rarely allowed to fight unless it's training a student. Though she should have similar tactics to most other dragon ball characters which is using hand to hand combat along with ki attacks.



  • Like the other Gods of Destruction and Angels, Vados is named after an alcoholic drink, in her case calvados.
  • Given that her power has been said to be superior to her brother's (or is at the very least in the same league as him power wise), she is likely the strongest known female character in the Dragon Ball series, although this is without knowing the power of other female angel attendants.
  • Vados is the only angel attendant to wear shoes that contrast the others, being white heels. She is also the only female attendant so far to wear all white heels.


Before discussing 2-C Dragon Ball Super, please read this blog.

Battle Records


  1. Dragon Ball Super Episode 3
  2. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  3. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  4. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  5. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  6. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  7. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  8. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  9. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  10. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  11. Dragon Ball Super Episode 8
  12. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Story Mode
  13. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero What-If Story Modes
  14. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  15. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  16. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  17. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  18. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  19. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  20. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  21. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  22. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  23. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 48
  24. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 49
  25. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  26. Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan Scene
  27. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  28. Translations Archive Dragon Ball Super Exciting Guide: Story Volume
  29. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  30. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  31. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  32. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  33. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  34. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  35. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  36. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  37. Dragon Ball Z Frieza-Android Interlude
  38. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  39. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  40. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  41. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  42. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  43. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  44. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  45. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  46. Dragon Ball Z Episode 231
  47. Dragon Ball Super Episode 95
  48. Dragon Ball Super Episode 59
  49. Dragon Ball Super Episode 125
  50. Dragon Ball Frieza Saga
  51. Dragon Ball Xenoverse Take Back History and Your Body
  52. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  53. Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
  54. Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
  55. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Pratice Chapter 9
  56. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Hyper Mode
  57. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  58. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  59. Dragon Ball Z Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
  60. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  61. Dragon Ball Super Episode 126
  62. Dragon Ball Z Kai The Final Chapters Episode 24
  63. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  64. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
  65. Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
  66. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
  67. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  68. Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
  69. Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
  70. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Parallel Quest No.01 Being a Time Patroller
  71. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  72. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  73. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  74. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  75. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  76. Dragon Ball Z Episode 39
  77. Dragon Ball Z Episode 171
  78. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  79. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  80. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  81. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  82. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 47
  83. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  84. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  85. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  86. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  87. Dragon Ball Z Episode 162
  88. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 82
  89. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  90. Dragon Ball 22nd Budokai Saga
  91. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  92. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  93. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  94. Dragon Ball Z Android Saga
  95. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  96. Dragon Ball GT Baby Saga
  97. Dragon Ball GT Super 17 Saga
  98. Dragon Ball Super
  99. Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1
  100. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  101. Dragon Ball Super Episode 98
  102. Dragon Ball Super Episode 3
  103. Dragon Ball Super Episode 10
  104. Dragon Ball Super Episode 18
  105. Dragon Super Episode 23
  106. Dragon Super Episode 23
  107. Dragon Super Episode 23
  108. Dragon Ball Super Episode 27
  109. Dragon Ball Super Episode 29
  110. Dragon Ball Super Episode 29
  111. Dragon Ball Super Episode 29
  112. Dragon Ball Super Episode 29
  113. Dragon Ball Super Episode 32
  114. Dragon Super Episode 52
  115. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Story Mode
  116. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero What-If Story Modes
  117. Dragon Ball Super Episode 131
  118. Dragon Ball Super Episode 95
  119. Dragon Ball Super Episode 10
  120. Dragon Ball Super Episode 102
  121. Dragon Ball Super Episode 98
  122. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  123. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga