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Dark Pit

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Dark Pit

And I am Dark Pit, servant to no other but myself!
Just making sure Pandora's powers don't go to waste!
~ Dark Pit after absorbing Pandora's powers


Dark Pit (ブラックピット) is a major character in Kid Icarus: Uprising. He is the flawed, incomplete clone of Pit created by the Mirror of Truth. He serves as a rival to Pit, clashing with him multiple times throughout the game. He is currently an officer in the Forces of Nature.

Dark Pit first started out hating Pit for ripping off his look, but later learned of the great war and malice the gods were causing and put his differences aside and fought alongside Pit to ensure light prevails against darkness. Afterwards, he returns to being a rival towards Pit.

Prior to the Rewind Spring, Dark Pit actually had the capability of flying without any restrictions due to absorbing Pandora's remaining power.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 6-B, higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | At least High 6-B, higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | At least High 6-B with the Lightning Chariot

Origin: Kid Icarus

Sex: Male

Age: Physically a teenager, chronologically around 3 years old at the end of Uprising Classification: Officer of the Forces of Nature, Pit's flawed doppelgänger

Attack Potency: Large Country level (Is Pit's dark reflection and regularly fights him. Comparable to Pyrrhon who spun the Aurum Brain around), higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | At least Large Country level (Fought alongside Pit in the Chaos Vortex) higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | At least Large Country level with the Lightning Chariot (Effortlessly broke through Palutena's barrier and pierced through Hades' chess causing him great pain)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Travel Speed: Subsonic, likely higher on foot (Can run up walls), Massively FTL+ while amplified by Pandora's powers (Like Pit, Dark Pit can fly out to the Galactic Sea in seconds) | Subsonic, likely higher on foot, Massively FTL+ with Pandora's powers | Massively FTL+ with the Lightning Chariot (The Lightning Chariot is regarded as one of the fastest mounts in the universe)

Combat Speed: Massively FTL+ (Was able to blitz Pit on one occasion and regularly fights with him), higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | Massively FTL+ (Like Pit, should be able to dodge attacks from Phosphora) higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | Massively FTL+ with the Lightning Chariot

Reaction Speed: Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Pit) higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | Massively FTL+ (Can pilot the Lightning Chariot like Pit and scales to Phospora) higher with Accelerated Development and Pandora's powers | Massively FTL+ with the Lightning Chariot

Lifting Strength: At least Class P (Is comparable to Pyrrhon who spun the entire Aurum Brain around), likely Class E with Telekinesis (Should scale to the gods such as Poseidon who can split the entire ocean down the middle) | At least Class P, likely Class E with Telekinesis | Class E (Staggered Hades briefly)

Striking Strength: Large Country Class | At least Large Country Class | At least Large Country Class

Durability: Large Country level (Endured an onslaught of attacks from Pit) | At least Large Country | At least Large Country level in the Lighting Chariot

Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight hundreds of enemies in the Chaos Vortex), Limitless through specific blessings from Viridi | Low Multiversal with the Lightning Chariot (Can create portals between separate dimensions)

Range: At least Kilometers (The Wolf Claws, a weapon with lower range than other weapon types, can create explosions this big), Low Multiversal with Cosmic Awareness and blessings from Palutena (Can communicate with Palutena and Viridi between the main universe and Chaos Vortex. The Chomp Trap can transport opponents into a universe of pain) | Low Multiversal with the Lightning Chariot

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Limited Flight, Divine Magic, Weapon Mastery (Has mastered several classes of weapons and obtained hundreds of weapons over his journey in uprising), Vehicular Mastery (Can pilot and master various vehicles such as the Lightning Chariot upon just getting them), Telepathy, H2H Proficiency, Acrobatics (Can perform dodge maneuvers such as rolls, somersaults, and other acrobatic stunts), Stealth Proficiency and limited Invisibility (Scales to Pit who escaped the Underworld Prison while the guard numbers were low. Further enhanced my Stealth Claws, which have invisible blades), Social Influencing (Pit can haggle with various shopkeepers to lower the price of their products for him which Dark Pit should scale to. Along with this, Pit's rally cry encourages his foes to support his efforts), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Is aware of The Player and their world), Divine Blessings and Immortality (Type 1, 4, 6, and possibly 8. Dark Pit, along with other angels and gods, doesn't age without outside influence. If Dark Pit dies, Palutena or Viridi will resurrect him shortly afterwards. Pit and Palutena have even referenced several of the past deaths Pit experienced in the first game. Scales to Pit who can survive catching on fire and still persist even after his wings are burned off. Dark Pit refers to him and Pit  as two sides of the same coin, and if one falls, so does the other. [Likely not combat applicable]), Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Does not need oxygen to breathe), Sheer Will and Possession (Through willpower alone, he can possess another's body), Acausality Negation (Type 3. Killed the Chaos Kin whose origins resides in the Chaos Vortex, a dimension with irregular laws and physics), Regeneration Negation, Immortality Negation, and Soul Manipulation (Type 3, 6, and 7. Low-Godly. Can kill Hewdraw, whose head can live despite lacking a body and even regenerate their entire body back. Can kill Underworld troops, who are made from souls effectively destroying the soul in the process and characters like Medusa and Hades), Time Manipulation and Time Travel (Can save and load to return at any previous events. Check notes for further elaboration),Adaptation (Pit went from having his stamina and power drained by Monoeyes to being too divine for them to even touch. Has adapted to various status effects), Extrasensory Perception, Non-Physical Interaction, and Lower-Dimensional Manipulation (Can see and use grind rails while nobody else can. Can interact and kill Sinistews, which are beings who reside in a one-dimensional universe), Cosmic Awareness (Dark Pit heard the explosion of Hades' heart from the Underworld. Hades' stomach is an entirely separate space-time continuum from the Underworld. Can communicate with other characters from the Chaos Vortex), Accelerated Development (Dark Pit grows stronger through the more foe's he fights. Pit could also fight previous bosses without the aid of all three Sacred Treasures), Telekinesis (Can unconsciously levitate Guardian Orbitars, which circle Dark Pit's body even without the need to summon or control them and damage foe's nearby), Summoning (Can summon Viridi's troops), Poison Manipulation (The Viper Blade and Scorpio Staff can inflict poisonous debuffs), Danmaku, Fire Manipulation (Through various weapons such as the Wolf Claws), Water Manipulation and Ice Manipulation (Through weapons such as the Aquarius Blade, he can mold water into sharp blades and freeze his opponents), Petrification (With the Stone Card, he can apply petrification through any of his weapons), Electricity Manipulation and Paralysis Inducement (The Electroshock Arm and Phosphora Bow have electrical properties that paralysis struck opponents), Can cause foes to shake uncontrollably with the Bluster, Mind Manipulation (The Fairy Orbitars confuse foe's when hit), Attack Nullification (Various weapons nullify incoming attacks from damaged foes), Light Manipulation (The Optical Blade has the uncanny ability to glow within the dark), Curse Manipulation and Corruption (The Gaol Blade is made from the same curse that corrupted Lord Gaol into a slave of evil), Animal Manipulation (Can summon bats with the Thanatos Staff), Enhanced Movement (Weapons such as the Brawler Claws slightly boost the wearer's movement speed), Barrier Creation (Dark Pit can backflip with the Pandora Claws to create a protective barrier in front of him), Durability Negation and Lifeforce Drain (The Great Reaper Palm cuts an opponent's life in half), Weather Manipulation and Air Manipulation (The Babel Club creates a violent storm to continuously hit enemies), Earth Manipulation (Can fire massive destructive rocks with the Cragalanche Cannon), Resistance to Magic, Extreme Heats (Can fight in the Underworld and inside Volcanoes with the power of cooling), Extreme Colds (Like Pit, Dark Pit can traverse in colder areas), Transmutation and Petrification (Pit resisted Medusa's petrifacation magic that turned everyone in Angel Land into stone statues and pillars. Can break out of being petrified), Life Force Absorption and Paralysis Inducement (Is too divine to have his life force absorbed and is no longer paralyzed when hit by Monoeyes), Status Effect Inducement, Poison Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, and Limited Velocity Manipulation (Can quickly recover from these status effects), Void Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (Despite the Reaper's scythe being capable of ripping out the victim's soul, this has no effect on Dark Pit. Hades can render a soul nonexistent when he eats it, which had no effect on Pit when he was eaten. Souls in Kid Icarus are just another material that lack any personality. When Pit was sealed in a ring, his body lacked a soul and was completely mindless, but still able to fight. The Collin had their soul removed by Medusa but could still fight which Dark Pit should scale to), Mind Manipulation (Foe's such as Cacaws attack with a piercing noise that damages the brain, which does minor damage to Dark Pit. The Aurum Brain was unable to take control over Pit despite his close range to the it which hacked and mind controlled Pyrrhon), BFR (Type 2 and 3. Can escape the Sinistew's pot, which is a one-dimensional universe), Law Manipulation and Physics Manipulation (Despite the Chaos Vortex not being governed by the physical laws of the regular universe, Dark Pit is unaffected by the lack of those laws), Space-Time Manipulation and Immense Pain Tolerance (The Chomp Trap bends both space and time which Dark Pit tanks like regular attacks), One Hit Kill (Before ever dying, Pit, along with all other divine beings, can enter Crisis Mode, preventing them from being one-shot in the first place), and Black Hole Creation (Can survive inside the black hole with no negative effects)

Enhanced Flight (Can fly for five minutes before Dark Pit's wings burn up), Information Analysis (Viridi can give info on bosses Dark Pit fights. Pit has shown extended knowledge of the foes he fights in smash and how to beat them which Dark Pit should be comparable to. Dark Pit's reticle can automatically lock on to foes and detect weakpoints in them), Teleportation and Dimensional Travel (Viridi can teleport Dark Pit out of battle and from being incapacitated. Dark Pit can teleport around with the Warp power), Statistics Amplification, Statistics Reduction, and Possible Law Manipulation (The Fiend's Cauldron changes the difficulty of a mission for Dark Pit by manipulating the stats, numbers, rewards, and overall difficulty of a mission, which is referenced by Palutena in Pit's first mission and Hades post-credits), Clairvoyance (Viridi can see through Dark Pit's Laurel Crown to divine his settings, which allows her to inform Dark Pit of nearby opponents, treasure, hazards, and other obstacles. Dark Pit has a green arrow from Viridi that points him to his objective), Viridi can nullify/remove curses or status effects off Dark Pit after a brief period, Chain Manipulation and Movement Negation (Palutena can chain an opponent's legs preventing them from moving to help Pit, which Viridi should be capable of), Summoning (Viridi can summon grind rails only Dark Pit can see and interact with and various other things to help Dark Pit in combat), Healing (Viridi can grant food and other healables to Dark Pit on his journey even when her powers are being blocked off by other gods. Can quickly heal when in a pinch with Health Recovery Power), Statistics Amplification (Can amplify his stats with several powers]. Powers can be further amplified in potency the greater rarity they are), Transformation (Can turn into an missile that explodes on impact with the Angelic Missile power), Transmutation (Can fire a shot that transforms enemies into idols. Dark Pit can turn opponents into Eggplants or Tempuras through their respective bombs or by modifying his attacks), Fire and Explosion Manipulation (Can summon a sphere of explosive flames with the Explosive Flame power), Black Hole Creation (Creates a miniature black hole that pulls foes in with the Black Hole power), Attack Reflection (The Reflective Barrier power creates a wall that bounces back any projectiles that hit it), Light Manipulation (Hurts the enemy with a ray of damaging light through the Heavenly Light power), Self-Destruction (The Spite power allows Dark Pit and others to explode and damage any nearby opponents), Power Modification (Dark Pit can enhance his base attacks in several ways), Death Manipulation (Can instantly kill anyone Pit strikes with the Instant Death power), Power Nullification and Power Stealing (Dark Pit can steal one's power rendering them powerless for a short time and can plant a beacon that disrupts opponent's powers when they get near), Life Manipulation (Can make it to where any incoming damage heals Dark Pit instead with the Libra Sponge power), Vacuum Manipulation (Can use Item Vacuum to pull in items similarly to the Black Hole power), Perception Nullification (Can render an opponent completely blind for a short while with the Darkness power), Invulnerability (Can temporarily stay invulnerable with the Brief Invincibility power), Enhanced Invisibility (Can turn completely invisible in the middle of combat), Plant Manipulation (Throwing a Demon Vine bomb causes a small area of thorny vines to grow and trap the opponent), Space-Time Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, and BFR (The Chomp Trap traps the opponent in a dimension of pain that warps space and time),Purification (Can now remove status alignments without Palutena's help with the Effect Recovery power), Purification (Can now remove status alignments without Viridi's help with the Effect Recovery power), Greater Resistance to Status Effect Inducement, Poison Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Petrification, Mind Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, and Limited Velocity Manipulation (The Aries Armor power boosts Dark Pit's durability a small amount and makes him completely immune to Status Effects)

All previous powers now to a greater extent plus all of Pandora's powers. Unrestricted Flight (Pandora's powers give Dark Pit unlimited flight), Rage Power, Creation (Pandora created the Labyrinth of Deceit), Illusion Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Type 1, 2, and 3. Pandora's labyrinth is filled with mind-trickery and illusions that confuses even Palutena and is so realistic that Pit can't even tell what's real or not. Some of Pandora's illusions even bend space), Teleportation (Can teleport at will), Passive Power Nullification (Pandora's powers cancel out and nullify Palutena's when they're active), Spatial Manipulation and Limited Reality Warping (Pandora built her Labyrinth in a space pocket which was hidden by the Reapers. Can bend space to make hallways longer than what they appear), Danmaku and Fire Manipulation (Can fire a barrage of purple homing flames), Explosion Manipulation (Can fire several small bombs that explode on impact), Vacuum Manipulation (Can create a whirlwind of air that pulls in foes), Energy Manipulation, Attack Reflection and Forcefield Creation (Can create a mirror that acts as a reflective barrier that modifies projectiles to home in on opponents)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Can breathe in space). Space Flight, Space-Time Manipulation, (Can break through space and time to enter entirely separate universes), Dimensional Travel and Portal Creation (Can create tunnels in space-time to make travel quicker. Possibly was responsible for the wormhole they used to get down to Earth), Energy Manipulation, Danmaku, Electricity Manipulation, (Can fire purple bolts of lightning), Fire Manipulation (Can fire flaming projectiles), Light Manipulation (Forms a trail of light when running), Resistance to Gravity Manipulation, Biological Manipulation & Cosmic Radiations, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, and possibly Soul Manipulation and Void Manipulation (Survived in Hades' dimension without any negative side effects)

Standard Equipment: Blades, Staffs, Claws, Bows, Palms, Clubs, Cannons, Orbitars, Arms, Pandora's powers, and the Lightning Chariot

Intelligence: Unknown academically (Although he is a copy of Pit who is seen as uneducated by the other gods, Dark Pit is far more serious and acts less naïve than Pit), At least Genius, likely higher (Being a copy of the original Pit, he is just as skilled in combat as he is)

Standard Tactics:

As a clone of Pit, he uses the same strategies only without the five minute restraint on his flight. He will keep a safe distance and overwhelm his opponents while additionally using the environment around him to his advantage.

Dark Pit will use the Lightning Chariot's speed to blitz his opponents and travel through space and time as a means to gain some distance from the opponent. Additionally, the Lightning Chariot has projectiles it can fire if they are matched in speed by the foe.

Weaknesses: Being a copy of Pit, he shares most of the same flaws as him. Unlike Pit, he can fly without restriction while in possession of Pandora's powers | None Notable

Key: Pre-Timeskip | Post-Timeskip | Lightning Chariot

Note: Due to Sakurai being the prime developer for both Kid Icarus Uprising and Super Smash Bros., we can take Pit and co's abilities and dialogue as a secondary canon for Kid Icarus's lore since Palutena's guidance stays relative to Kid Icarus's story and even further fleshed it out.

Note 2: Saving and loading in Kid Icarus can be active once characters get a game over, or wish to return to prior points in the timeline. Saving has been mentioned by several major characters. If the game ends for the current playable character, they can simply come back. A "game over" doesn't only stop at a death. A game over can also be the characters making the wrong choices, getting trapped in a separate universe, possessed, and incapacitation (such as falling forever in an endless void or left completely helpless). This ability can be used passively and across multiple incarnations of the characters. Do also note that a player canonically exists, so saving and loading is not a stretch.

Note 3: Despite Dark Pit being regarded as an imperfect copy of Pit, this only refers to his refusal to join the Underworld army or side with Pit during Medusa's invasion (As an angel, it is his duty to serve the gods/goddesses). He otherwise has the same physical stats and powers as the regular Pit and is regarded as such by the gods.

Battle Records

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Discussions (Link For Mobile Users):

Discussion threads involving Dark Pit