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Dark Pit
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Articles About Dark Pit | |
Games | Pit - Dark Pit - Super Smash Bros. |
Cartoons | Captain N |

“ | Out of my way! Coming through! | „ |
~ Dark Pit chasing after the Chaos Kin |
Dark Pit is a major character in Kid Icarus: Uprising. He is the flawed, incomplete clone of Pit created by the Mirror of Truth. He serves as a rival to Pit, clashing with him multiple times throughout the game. He is currently an officer in the Forces of Nature. Dark Pit first started out hating Pit for ripping off his look, but later learned of the great war and malice the gods were causing and put his differences aside and fought alongside Pit to ensure light prevails against darkness. Afterwards, he returns to being a rival towards Pit. Prior to the Rewind Spring, Dark Pit actually had the capability of flying without any restrictions due to absorbing Pandora's remaining power.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Dark Pit's story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Dark Pit first appears in Chapter 5: Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit after being manufactured by the Mirror of Truth just as Dark Pit destroys it. Though Pandora arranged for his creation and intended to have him finish Pit off for her, it turned out the Mirror of Truth cracked in the middle of the process, thus making Dark Pit a free agent. After battling against her, Dark Pit knocks Pit away and absorbs Pandora's remains, obtaining an unlimited Power of Flight in the process.
While Pit and Palutena attempt to navigate Arlon's moon base and disable it, Dark Pit makes a brief appearence as a sort of mini boss. Arlon reveals he called Dark Pit after he mentioned Pit was inside the moon base. This marks the first instance of Dark Pit helping Viridi and the Forces of Nature against Palutena's army. In the aftermath of the Aurum Brain invasion, Pit's soul was sealed in a ring, leaving Dark Pit in a coma-like state for three years. After Pit regains his body, Dark Pit comes to and realizes he and Pit share a special connection. Dark Pit then resolves to save Palutena by borrowing the Lightning Chariot and slamming it into the closing portal to the Chaos Vortex, allowing him and Pit to chase after the Chaos Kin. Though the two manage to defeat it, the Chaos Kin's burnt body made a final attempt on Dark Pit's life, leading Pit to sacrifice his wings to save him. Wanting to help Pit, Dark Pit heads to the City of Souls in order to reach the Rewind Spring while he and the goddesses learn of Hades's true plan. However, upon arriving to his destination, Dark Pit loses his ability to fly when what remained of Pandora emerges from him and uses the Rewind Spring to regain her true physical form. After defeating Pandora, Dark Pit uses the waters to restore Pit's wings, then attempts to fly away but fails, causing Viridi to step in and save him. During the first showdown with Hades, Dark Pit senses Pit is in danger, and once again borrows the Lightning Chariot. After viewing the explosion of Hades's Heart, he sends the chariot bursting through Hades's chest and rescues Pit. Before Hades can capture them, Palutena extracts them and the Lightning Chariot in the nick of time. After Pit defeats Hades, Palutena grants Dark Pit the Power of Flight, allowing him to fly alongside Pit into the sunset. |
Codex Statistics
Key: Pre-Medusa Fight | Pre-Sealing | Post-Sealing
Tier: 7-C, likely 6-C, Higher with Pandora's powers and Adaptation | 6-B, Higher with Pandora's powers and Adaptation | At least 6-B, Higher with Pandora's powers and Adaptation, likely High 6-A with the Lightning Chariot
Name: Dark Pit, "Pittoo" by Palutena and Pit
Origin: Kid Icarus
Sex: Male
Age: Physically a teenager, chronologically around 3 years old at the end of Uprising
Classification: Officer of the Forces of Nature, Pit's flawed doppelgänger
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Dark Pit is mostly independent and self-serving. He only joins those he feels helps achieve his goals more efficiently. Despite this, he is willing to put his differences aside and fight alongside Pit and Palutena for the greater good)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Town level (The Wolf Claws created an explosion this big. Kicked Pit hard enough to knock him on the ground), Likely Island level (Should be comparable to Pyrrhon who considers himself weaker than the other gods, implying he was weaker than Medusa. Pyrrhon amplified the Aurum Hive to create an explosion this powerful), Higher with Pandora's powers and Adaptation | Country level (Scales to Pit who fought Medusa without the Three Sacred Treasures. Medusa recreated the first two towns Pit visited, along with the surrounding area), Higher with Pandora's powers and Adaptation | At least Country level (Fights alongside Pit in the Chaos Vortex who defeated a possessed Palutena who dwarfs gods such as Poseidon who destroyed and sank an entire country), Higher with Pandora's power and Adaptation, likely Multi-Continent level with the Lightning Chariot (The Lightning Chariot shattered through Palutena's barrier and pierced through Hades' chest causing him great pain. The latter god was able to take on the Great Sacred Treasure which should be more powerful than a Reset Bomb)
Durability: Town level (Can wear the Wolf Claws without hurting himself. Fought and endured attacks from Pit), Likely Island level (Should be comparable to Pyrrhon), Higher while using the Super Armor Power (The Super Armor Power briefly increases the durability of the user and nullifies the knockback of strong attacks) | Country level (Comparable to Pit who fought and endured in combat against Medusa without the Three Sacred Treasures), Higher while using the Super Armor Power | At least Country level (Far more durable than before. Can ride the Lightning chariot through Hades' bowels without taking any damage), Higher while using the Super Armor Power
Striking Strength: Town Class, likely Island Class, Higher with Adaptation | Country Class, Higher with Adaptation | At least Country Class, Higher with Adaptation
Lifting Strength: At least Class P (Is comparable to Pyrrhon who spun the entire Aurum Brain around), likely Class E with Telekinesis (Should scale to the gods such as Poseidon who can split the entire ocean down the middle) | At least Class P, likely Class E with Telekinesis | At least Class P, likely Class E with Telekinesis, Class E with the Lightning Chariot (Staggered Hades briefly)
Travel Speed: At least Superhuman (Can run up walls), likely Faster Than Light on foot (Can escape the gravitational pull of black holes), Higher with Super Speed (The Super Speed power can massively increase the ground speed of Dark Pit enough to blitz other opponents), Faster Than Light while amplified by Pandora's powers (Like Pit, Dark Pit can fly out to the Galactic Sea in seconds) | At least Superhuman, likely Faster Than Light on foot, Higher with Super Speed, Faster Than Light with Pandora's powers | At least Superhuman, likely Faster Than Light on foot, Higher with Super Speed, Faster Than Light with Pandora's powers and the Lightning Chariot (The Lightning Chariot is regarded as one of the fastest mounts in the universe)
Attack Speed: Faster Than Light (Was able to blitz Pit on one occasion and regularly fights with him) | Faster Than Light (Like Pit, should be able to dodge attacks from Phosphora) | Faster Than Light
Reaction Speed: Faster Than Light (Can keep up with Pit in combat) | Faster Than Light (Can pilot the Lightning Chariot like Pit and scales to Phosphora) | Faster Than Light
Stamina: Superhuman, Limitless with the Tirelessness Power | Superhuman, Limitless with the Tirelessness Power | Superhuman (Can fight hundreds of enemies in the Chaos Vortex), Limitless with the Tirelessness Power
Range: Standard Melee to Extended Melee physically, At least Kilometers with weapons (The Wolf Claws, a weapon with lower range than other weapon types, can create explosions this big), Multi-Universal with Cosmic Awareness and powers (Can communicate with Palutena and Viridi between the main universe and Chaos Vortex. The Chomp Trap can transport opponents into a universe of pain), and with the Lightning Chariot (The Lightning Chariot can break through space and time, reaching entirely separate dimensions)
Intelligence: Unknown academically (Although he is a copy of Pit who is seen as uneducated by the other gods, Dark Pit is far more serious and acts less naïve than Pit), At least Genius Intelligence, likely Higher in combat (Has mastered several weapon classes after just using them and, as he's a copy of the original Pit, he has the knowledge of leading Palutena's army through several wars even while mindless. Pit and the other gods have hinted at being eons old)
Powers and Techniques
Limited Flight (Can fly for five minutes with the Power of Flight before Dark Pit's wings begin to burn up), Information Analysis (Viridi can provide information to Dark Pit on his opponent's mid-combat. Due to the nature of Kid Icarus as a franchise, Viridi has shown a great deal of knowledge on other Nintendo verses such as Metroid, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda), Law Manipulation (The Fiend's Cauldron can adjust the difficulty of a chapter. This can make fights so easy that the enemy outright refuses to attack back. Each time Dark Pit dies, the Fiend's Cauldron loses some hearts, automatically adjusting the difficulty of a level), Teleportation and Dimensional Travel (Viridi can teleport Dark Pit in and out of battle, along with teleport him back after being incapacitated. Dark Pit can manually teleport himself with the Warp Power), Enhanced Clairvoyance, Precognition, and Radar Sensing (Type 1; By looking through Dark Pit's laurel crown, Viridi can divine his surroundings revealing hidden objects and opponent. Palutena can equip a green tracking arrow which points to Pit's objective), Purification and Power Reversion (Within a short time period, Viridi can remove permanent and lethal status ailments from Dark Pit), Summoning and Creation (Viridi can summon Grind Rails that only Dark Pit see, along with various other items and vehicles), Healing (Viridi can grant food and other recovery-based items for Dark Pit on his journey even when her powers are being blocked off by other gods. Can quickly heal when in a pinch with the Health Recovery Power), Statistics Amplification (Various Power can increase the user's physical stats such as Super Speed, which allows the user to blitz their opponents and the Super Armor Power which slightly increases the user's durability), Transformation and Explosion Manipulation (Can transform into an explosive projectile with the Angelic Missile. Can summon an explosive flame with the Explosive Flame Power, and a landmine with the Land Mine Power), Transmutation and Minor Power Nullification (The Idol Transformation Power turns enemies into idols for Dark Pit to collect. The Eggplant and Tempura Attack transforms the opponent into an Eggplant and/or Tempura with legs, rendering them defenseless and far weaker than before), Energy Manipulation (The Mega Laser Power fires a massive laser in a single direction), Black Hole Creation (The Black Hole Power creates a black hole pulling anyone nearby to its epicenter), Summoning and Plasma Manipulation (Summons shooting starts to rain on opponents with the Meteor Shower Power), Forcefield Creation and Attack Reflection (The Reflect Barrier Power creates a barrier that blocks and reflects all incoming attacks), Light Manipulation (Can summon a light from the heavens that damages all nearby opponents with the Heavenly Light Power), Self-Destruction (Spite allows the user to convert their remaining health into a powerful explosion to damage all nearby opponents), Homing Attack and Information Analysis (Autoreticle, Homing Boost, and Weak-Point Reticle Power lock on, home in more efficiently, and analyze weak points on opponents), Power Modification (Quick Charge, when used, charges Dark Pit's charged attacks far faster and Energy Charge passively builds up energy to amplify the user's attacks), Intangible Attacks (Slip Shot makes Dark Pit's attacks intangible and able to slip through walls), Invisible Attacks (Invisible Shots makes all of Pit's shots invisible even to characters with Enhanced Senses), Poison Manipulation (Poison Attack makes all of Dark Pit's attacks inflict poison on the opponent), Paralysis Inducement (Paralysis Attack makes all of Dark Pit's attacks inflict paralysis on the opponent), Petrification (Petrify Attack makes all of Dark Pit's attacks inflict petrification on the opponent), Velocity Manipulation and Shockwave Generation (Shake and Spin Attack make all of Dark Pit's attacks inflict shake and spin on the opponent), Mind Manipulation (Confuse Attack makes all of Dark Pit's attacks inflict confused on the opponent), Fire Manipulation (Fire Attack makes all of Dark Pit's attacks inflict fire on the opponent), Ice Manipulation (Freeze Attack makes all of Dark Pit's attacks inflict freeze on the opponent), Death Manipulation (Instant Death Attack makes all of Dark Pit's attack instantly kill the opponent), Power Absorption (Power Thief can steal an opponent's powers, making them unable to use them and allowing the user to use them), Reactive Power Level (Libra Sponge increases the user's strength when they take attacks), Darkness Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (Darkness creates a pitch black dome that blinds all opponents within it), Power Disruption (Interference creates a beacon that disrupts the opponent's ability to use powers and see the target's stats), Disease Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, and Paralysis Inducement (The Virus Power reduces the opponent's maximum health and paralyzes them), Invulnerability (The Brief Invulnerability Power allows the user to briefly remain immune to all damage. The Celestial Firework makes the user temporarily invulnerable while using it), Density Manipulation (Lightweight increases Dark Pit's speed by decreasing his weight, making him easier to damage and launch), Invisibility and Intangibility (The Transparency and Playing Dead Power allow the user to become completely invisible and intangible for a fixed amount of time), Analytical Prediction (Can automatically counter attacks before being hit), Vacuum Manipulation (Item Vacuum teleports and pulls in items on the field), Duplication (Double Item doubles the items Pit picks up in battle), Sound Manipulation (Can change the theme of the level with Fortune's Jukebox)
All previous powers plus all of Pandora's powers Unrestricted Flight (Pandora's powers give Dark Pit unlimited flight), Rage Power, Creation (Pandora created the Labyrinth of Deceit), Illusion Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Type 1, 2, and 3. Pandora's labyrinth is filled with mind-trickery and illusions that confuses even Palutena and is so realistic that Pit can't even tell what's real or not. Some of Pandora's illusions even bend space), Teleportation (Can teleport at will), Passive Power Nullification (Pandora's powers cancel out and nullify Palutena's when they're active), Spatial Manipulation and Limited Reality Warping (Pandora built her Labyrinth in a space pocket which was hidden by the Reapers. Can bend space to make hallways longer than what they appear), Curtain Fire and Fire Manipulation (Can fire a barrage of purple homing flames), Explosion Manipulation (Can fire several small bombs that explode on impact), Vacuum Manipulation (Can create a whirlwind of air that pulls in foes), Energy Manipulation, Attack Reflection and Forcefield Creation (Can create a mirror that acts as a reflective barrier that modifies projectiles to home in on opponents)
All of the Lightning Chariot's powers which includes:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Superhuman Speed, Divine Magic, Space Flight, Space-Time Manipulation (3+1-D; Can break through space and time to enter entirely separate dimensions), Dimensional Travel and Portal Creation (Can create tunnels in space-time to make travel quicker), Curtain Fire, Energy Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, (Can fire purple bolts of lightning at foes), Fire Manipulation and Homing Attack (Can fire multiple flaming projectiles that track opponents), Light Manipulation (Forms a trail of light when running), Divine Protection, Transmutation (Killed enemies are turned into hearts after being defeated), Immortality (Ageless; The Lightning Chariot, alongside the gods, doesn't age without supernatural influence and views hundreds of years as a short timeframe), Blessed (If Phos and Lux die, Viridi will resurrect them shortly afterwards. Pit and Palutena have even referenced several of Pit's past deaths in the past including from the original Kid Icarus game where Palutena was captured and petrified), Self-Sustenance (Respiratory Self-Sustenance; Can breathe in space), Extrasensory Perception, Non-Standard Interaction, and Lower-Dimensional Manipulation (Can interact with and kill Underworld Troops such as Sinistews, which are beings who reside in a one-dimensional universe), Acausality Negation (Type 3; Comparable to Dark Pit who killed the Chaos Kin whose origins resides in the Chaos Vortex, a dimension with irregular laws and physics), Regeneration Negation & Resurrection Negation (Can kill Underworld troops, who are made from souls effectively destroying the soul in the process).
Weapons | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Items | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notable Techniques
- Forward-Dash Continuous Fire: Dark Pit lunges or front flips forward, rapidly firing whatever weapon is currently in hand.
- Side-Dash Continuous Fire: Dark Pit side leaps or spins left or right while firing multiple projectiles in quick succession from his weapon of choice.
- Backward-Dash Continuous Fire: Dark Pit backflips and briefly remains airborne, firing multiple shots in the air with his weapon of choice at a rapid rate.
- Charged Shots: Remaining idol for a brief moment automatically charges Dark Pit's next attack, firing a more powerful version of his standard ranged attack.
- Forward-Dash Charged Shot: Identical to the Forward-Dash Continuous Fire in execution, Dark Pit unleashes a single charged attack in front of him from his weapon of choice.
- Side-Dash Charged Shot: Identical to the Side-Dash Continuous Fire in execution, Dark Pit evades either to his left or right, unleashing a single charged attack from his weapon of choice.
- Backward-Dash Charged Shot: Identical to the Backward-Dash Continuous Fire in execution, Dark Pit leaps backwards, unleashing a charged attack from his weapon of choice.
- Melee Attack: Dark Pit uses his weapon of choice to strike at nearby opponents, knocking them back.
- Melee Combo: Dark Pit uses any weapon of his choice to string together multiple melee strikes in rapid sessions.
- Melee Dash Attack: Dark Pit, with his selected weapon, dashes forward and slashes at close ranged opponents.
Standard Tactics: As Dark Pit has access to Pandora's powers, he can remain airborn indefinitely. This allows dark Pit to keep his distance and snipe his foes from afar. If the situatiopn calls for it however, he will summon the Lightning Chariot to his aid and ram it into his opponents at full speed or use it to gain some distance.
Weaknesses: As a flightless angel, Dark Pit's only method for flying is either Pandora's powers, or the Power of Flight, the latter of which can only be used for five minutes before burning Dark Pit's wings.
- Due to Sakurai being the prime developer for both Kid Icarus Uprising and Super Smash Bros., we can take Pit and co.'s abilities and dialogue as a secondary canon for Kid Icarus's lore since Palutena's guidance stays relative to Kid Icarus's story and even further fleshes its epilogue out. See the verse page for further explanation.
- Saving and loading in Kid Icarus can be active once characters get a game over or wish to return to prior points in the timeline. Saving has been mentioned by several major characters. If the game ends for the current playable character, they can simply come back. A "game over" doesn't only stop at a death. A game over can also be the characters making the wrong choices, getting trapped in a separate universe, possessed, and incapacitation (such as falling forever in an endless void or left completely helpless). This ability can be used passively and across multiple incarnations of the characters. Do also note that a player canonically exists and Kid Icarus as a series is incredibly self-aware of Nintendo as a company, so saving and loading is not a stretch.
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