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Articles About Giygas
Official Media MOTHER - Manga - Novel
Ninten! I am grateful to your family. Your Great-Grandparents, George and Maria raised me. But, George stole vital information from our planet that can be used to betray my people... And now, one of his descendants is obstructing our plans, and must be stopped!! Ninten! I am talking about you! Go home now! Perish with the rest of the ugly Earth People. Foolish one, you cannot do a thing with your meager powers... Powers worthy of a lowly insect. Ninten! You alone, I may save you. Just you alone. Board our Mother Ship with me... then, fall into a long sleep with your friends and the other ugly earth people.

The form of Giygas’s attack was inexplicable!

Stop singing.

STOP singing!

STOP! Stop the song!


You puny little Earth bugs! Shut up, and STOP singing!!

The SONG...

STOP IT!!! !!!!!

Stop... Pleeease, stop!


........How could I be defeated by a song like that? I will... sometime... Ninten! We SHALL meet again!

Versus Giegue
Giygas's theme
The Evil Giygas Attacks!


Giygas (originally Gyiyg, also mistranslated in MOTHER's localization as Giegue) is the main antagonist of MOTHER (localized as EarthBound Beginnings) and its sequel, MOTHER 2 (localized as EarthBound). He was raised at infancy by a human couple that was kidnapped from Earth, named George and Maria. Due to George learning the powers of his race and escaping, Giygas was forced to invade Earth in order to prevent the spread of PSI, but he was defeated by Ninten and his friends through a special lullaby that Maria sung to him during his childhood. Sometime after his defeat at the hands of Ninten, Giygas was driven mad and inexplicably gained unimaginable power, transforming himself into an eldritch abomination that embodies evil itself. He is ultimately killed in his fated confrontation with Ness when Paula calls upon the Player.

General Information

Name: Giygas

Origin: MOTHER

First Appearance: MOTHER 1

Latest Appearance: MOTHER 1

Company: Nintendo

Creator: Shigesato Itoi

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: Unknown

Homeworld: Unknown (It is within the far ends of the universe)

Story Role: Villain, Main Antagonist, Alien Invader

Classification: Alien Warlord

Species: Unknown

State of Being: Regular

Physiology: Alien Physiology

Occupation: Alien Warlord

Affiliations: Starman, Mooks, Mind Controlled Enemies, R-7037, R-7038, R-7038XX, Maria (Foster mother), George (Formerly- Foster father)

Enemies: Ninten (Grandnewphew, offered to let him live if he let him go through with his plans), Ana (Apart of the group trying to stop him), Lloyd (Apart of the group trying to stop him), Teddy (Apart of the group trying to stop him), Humanity (Kidnapped many of the adults across the world, along with making all of the monsters go crazy to attack people)

Status: Alive

Alignment: Lawful Evil (Strictly follows the will of his race, even carrying out a large scale attack against the Earth. Kidnapped a large group of human adults, including the likes of Ana's mom, a bunch of parents from their kids in Easter reducing the town to only kids who had to fend for themselves, most of them crying out of fear and anguish. Offered to spare Ninten due to his relation to Maria, whom he cared deeply for, along with trying to tell Ninten to leave instead of directly killing him himself, with him even acknowledging Ninten and co. were too weak to face him. Giygas even goes as far as to call off the invasion upon fully hearing of Maria's lullaby, filling him with guilt)

Threat Level: Global Threat (Plans to destroy the earth and all of its people with the Earth being noted to be in danger, with Ninten himself calling it the Earth's crisis)

Codex Statistics

Grade: S

Tier: Unknown-B

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Unknown: Powerful level (Vastly superior to Ninten and his allies, even while holding back considerably, stating that they are too weak to do anything and have powers comparable to an insect)

Durability: Unknown: Powerful level (Maria states that she does not believe any weapon can harm him. Completely unaffected by attacks from Ninten and his allies)

Striking Strength: Unknown: Powerful Class (Never shown to attack physically)

Lifting Strength: Unknown: Powerful Class (His telekinesis should vastly exceed what other characters in the series have demonstrated, such as Ness and his friends, who are able to lift a submarine, which weigh around 4,750 tons)

Travel Speed: At least Superhuman (Vastly superior to Ninten and his allies). Faster Than Light with Mothership (With his mothership capable of intergalactic travel as Giygas' species comes from the ends of the universe)

Attack Speed: At least At least Transonic (Vastly superior to Ninten and his allies and can easily keep up with them in battle even while holding back, who can tag a Starman, who can tag the late game MOTHER 2 cast, who can fight similar enemies to the cast of MOTHER 3, who can dodge shouts from the Steel Mechorilla)

Reaction Speed: At least At least Transonic (Vastly superior to Ninten and his allies)

Stamina: Limitless (Giygas is the only character within the game that does not lose PP points from using his PSI attacks no matter how many times he uses it)

Range: Standard Melee, At least Hundred of Meters, likely Higher with PSI (Possesses PSI much more advanced than that of any human, which should include PSI Starstorm). Thousands of Kilometers with his influence (Caused black clouds to appear over the mountains causing all the townsfolk and its people to go crazy, this did not only stop within Valentine, his influence even extends into areas around Ninten's hometown of Mother's Day, where he has caused enemies to go crazy and attack being both human and animals. His influence has also extended to Thanksgiving, causing strong monsters to attack the civilians trying to go to the train station. His influence has also extended to Halloween, where the monster It's noted that Giygas' influence is causing major panics breaking out everywhere)

Intelligence: Supergenius Intelligence (Leads an entire race of highly advanced PSI wielding aliens that are vastly superior to humanity. His race was able to construct a mother ship that can cross the universe in short time frames, created time travel technology superior to that of the Phase Distorter as it allowed Porky Minch to travel to the past without demolishing his body, and it is implied that they created the Apple of Enlightenment, a device that delivers 100% accurate prophecies of the future and foretold the defeat of Giygas at the hands of Ness. His mastery over PSI is so advanced that even the most gifted humans aren't able to comprehend his attacks at all, and can utilize complex PSI, including PK Starstorm, a technique that is said to only be usable after a higher level of intelligence has been reached)

Knowledge: Grandmaster level

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Reliance (Reliance [On Higher Self], Partial; Even if he were to be killed, his unleashed form would still exist due to being dethatched from reality, existing as a bizarre dimension of pure darkness), Accelerated Development (Inexplicably gained unimaginable power where he had to seal himself to suppress his immense power after his defeat in MOTHER 1), Power Suppression (Statistics Suppression & Area of Effect Suppression; Suppressed his powers enough to be at the level of Ninten and co, holding back intentionally to make an effort in convincing Ninten to join him), Power Nullification (Passive; Ana and Ninten are not able to set up things such as power shields when trying to fight Giygas. Ninten also cannot use Dimension Slip to escape Giygas, as the move will fail), Weather Manipulation & Mind Manipulation (Madness Manipulation; Caused black clouds to appear over the mountains causing all the townsfolk and its people to go crazy, this did not only stop within Valentine, his influence even extends into areas around Ninten's hometown of Mother's Day, where he has caused enemies to go crazy and attack being both human and animals. His influence has also extended to Thanksgiving, causing strong monsters to attack the civilians trying to go to the train station. His influence has also extended to Halloween, where the monster It's noted that Giygas' influence is causing major panics breaking out everywhere. Similar scenarios are shown in MOTHER 2, where Buzz Buzz notes that all the enemies attacking Ness are sent by Giygas due to the influence over the evil in their minds, with it being noted that MOTHER 2's surname for Giygas Strikes Back is due to Giygas not dying and returning[1][2]), Hell Manipulation & Corruption (Giygas influences the evil in one's heart and uses it to control them), Life Manipulation (Giygas' influence makes cars and trucks sentient), Necromancy (Noted to be the one controlling the dead, creating pseudo-zombies, dead gang members, ghosts, etcetera)

Resistance to Information Analysis (Ninten attempting to check Giygas will not tell him any of his stats, resistances or weaknesses, instead Maria herself tells Ninten that there is no way to physically defeat Giygas)


Mother ship, various minions | Devil's Machine, Apple of Enlightenment, Mani Mani Statue, various minions

Notable Techniques

  • Inexplicable Attack: Giygas attacks with an incomprehensible psychic power to deal damage to all targets. It ignores resistances and shields. In Mother 2, his incomprehensible attack can have the properties of PK Flash Omega, PK Freeze Beta, or PK Thunder Beta.
  • Evil Influences: One of Giygas’s special and main abilities, which allows him to corrupt any victim caught by this and causes them to bend to his will. As described by Buzz Buzz, this mind manipulating technique influences the evil in someone’s heart, providing Giygas full control over them; typically turning them violent and distressed to fully serve Giygas’s will. This ability has worked on a great variety of beings that aren’t just restricted to humans such as Inanimate objects, Ghosts, Zombies, Abstract beings, Animals, and goes as far as to block off the Universal System from interacting with Ness in his Magicant. It’s worth noting that he’s able to control enemies even inside metaphysical universe where abstract beings based on the users psyche resides in, along with slowly corrupt beings of pure heart such as Ness.
  • PK Rockin: A powerful psychokinetic wave that damages all enemies. It is not resisted by any enemies but is the only offensive PSI that can be avoided.


Standard Tactics: Giygas will attack his opponent with inexplicable PSI. When he is released from the Devil's Machine, he is almost completely unaware of what he is doing and does not use any strategy.

Weaknesses: Giygas is filled with guilt during his fight against Ninten, with Ninten and co. using Maria's Lullaby to make him flee. | Giygas is vulnerable to brainshock. | Giygas is vulnerable to Brainshock. Prayers can greatly damage him and reduce his defense, and can potentially kill him if they are strong enough (such as when Paula reached out to The Player).

Battle Records




  1. The Subtitle: “Giygas Strikes Back”
    Itoi In the last game, MOTHER 1, Giygas appeared as the final boss, but he didn’t actually end up dying. That’s why the subtitle this time is “Giygas Strikes Back.” It’s really straightforward, but it fits (laughs). So it’s pretty clear that he’s the one you face at the end!
    — Does that mean the main character is the same as last time?
    Itoi The player names the main characters, so those who played M1 might use those same names this time. But people who started the series from M2 might feel like everything starts at that point. That’s why you can either see them as the same kid, or as two different kids.
    — Hmm, like it could go either way.
    Itoi I see no problem with thinking of them as the same person. It’s fine if people see them as different, though. I leave it up to them to decide.
  2. Profile Note: Nothing implies Giygas' influence is a new ability of his and Itoi treats it as his return from MOTHER 1 thus using Giygas' influence from MOTHER 2 is considered fine, it also functions the same as many of the enemies in MOTHER 1
  3. "PSI is a mysterious and useful power that can replenish your energy or even assist in your transportation needs. Using PSI will deplete your PP." MOTHER 3 Memo Description
  4. Itoi: Basically, Giygas is something you can’t make sense of, you know? But there’s also a part to him that’s like a living being that deserves love. That part is the breast of Hisako Tsukuba from “The Military Policeman and the Dismembered Beauty”. (NOTE: you can see a summary of this movie here)