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From The Codex
Articles About Paula
Official Media MOTHER 2 - Manga

I'm calling out to you who I've never met... I'm calling our friend who we've never met...Jeff! Jeff! We need your help! I am Paula and I am with another friend, Ness... We are trying to contact you...
~ Paula communicating with Jeff


Paula Jones is one of the main protagonists of MOTHER 2 (localized as EarthBound). She is the first to join Ness, and is the only female supporting protagonist in Mother 2. She uses frying pans as her main weapon, and is also very adept in various PSI skills. She is a resident of Twoson in the country of Eagleland, and the daughter of the owners of the local Polestar Preschool, until she gets kidnapped to be used as a human sacrifice for a blue cult in Peaceful Rest Valley. After she is rescued by Ness, she permanently joins him on his quest to defeat Giygas.

Paula's prayer is ultimately a key part of the game, as she must use it nine times to defeat Giygas in the final battle.

General Information

Name: Paula Jones

Origin: MOTHER 2

First Appearance: MOTHER 2

Latest Appearance: MOTHER 2 (Last canonical physical appearance), MOTHER 3 (The Chosen Four are shown within the pictures in a movie theater, likely due to Porky Minch taking pictures while traveling through time), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Latest non-canonical appearance in Ness' final smash)

Company: Nintendo, Hal Laboratory

Creator: Shigesato Itoi

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 11 (Noted on the official UK site to be 11 years old)

Homeworld: Earth

Residence: Twoson, Eagleland

Story Role: Hero, Supporting Protagonist, Mage, Party Member

Classification: Party Member, Psychic, Chosen One

Species: Human

State of Being: Regular

Physiology: Humanoid Physiology

Occupation: Savior of the Universe

Affiliation: The Chosen Four, Paula's Dad, Paula's Mom, The Runaway Five

Enemies: Giygas, Porky Minch

Status: Alive in MOTHER 2, Unknown in MOTHER 3 (Both the amount of time that passed between games and whether or not Paula would've been one of the passengers of the white ship is unknown)

Alignment: Neutral Good (A member of the Chosen Four, aiding in the journey to save the world from the wrath of Giygas, saving various towns on her journey)

Protection Level: Cosmic Protector (Paula's purpose is to defend the world from Giygas, the universal cosmic destroyer)

Codex Statistics

Key: Early Game | Mid Game | Late Game

Key Information

  • Early Game: Begins at the very start of the game and ends after the third melody is recorded (~Level 1 - 30).
  • Mid Game Begins after the third melody is recorded and ends when Poo rejoins the party in Deep Darkness (~Level 31 - 60).
  • Late Game: Begins after Poo rejoins the party in Deep Darkness and ends right as Ness awakens his true power (~Level 61+).

Grade: B | B | A

Tier: 9-C to 9-A, Higher with PSI | 9-A to 8-C, Higher with PSI | At least 8-C, Higher with PSI

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Bone level (Should be comparable to Ness at level 1, who is able to defeat fodder enemies in Onett, which includes stray hostile dogs, crows, snakes, and members of Franky's gang) to Room level (Potency) (Eventually became strong enough to use attacks that rival the Territorial Oak in damage, who is around 4.5 to 5 meters making its self-destruction which would be around this levels of energy. Defeated Master Belch and the Trillionage Sprout), Higher with PSI (As early as level 1 Paula has access to PSI Freeze, which deals far more damage then her regular attacks) | Room level (Potency) (Became stronger than before. Able to defeat enemies such as the Guardian Digger) to Buiding level (Potency) (Can fight and defeat the Kraken, who massively dwarfs an entire ship in size. Defeated Thunder and Storm), Higher with PSI | At least Buiding level (Potency) (Defeated the Diamond Dog and is capable of fighting Giygas's most powerful minions), Higher with PSI

Durability: Bone level (Should be comparable to Ness at level 1) to Room level (Potency) (Eventually able to withstand the destruction from the Territorial Oak, which would be around 4.5 to 5 meters where its self-destruction which would be around this levels of energy Able to withstand attacks from enemies that are comparable to herself. Can endure attacks from other members of the chosen four that are inflicted with strangeness), Higher with PSI (Learns PSI Shield around level 15, which nullifies the effects of PSI attacks) | Room level (More durable than before. Can endure attacks from enemies such as the Guardian Digger and the Department Store Spook. Can endure attacks from other members of the chosen four that are inflicted with strangeness) to Buiding level (Can endure attacks from Thunder and Storm. Tanked a crash that reduced the Sky Runner to tiny scraps. Can endure attacks from other members of the chosen four that are inflicted with strangeness), Higher with PSI | At least Buiding level (Can endure attacks from enemies such as the Diamond Dog, as well as Giygas's most powerful minions), Higher with PSI. Can withstand Far Stronger attacks with her Resilience (Can endure small nuclear explosions from the reactor robot enemies, with even the smallest real world nuclear weapons reaching up to 20 tons of TNT equivalent)

Striking Strength: Bone Class (Should be comparable to Ness at level 1) to Room Class (Potency) (Can harm enemies that are comparable to herself, such as Master Belch and the Trillionage Sprout. Can harm other members of the chosen four while inflicted with strangeness), Higher with PSI (Learns Offense Up around level 21, which raises her physical offense) | Room Class (Potency) (Can harm enemies that are comparable to herself, such as the Guardian Digger. Can harm other members of the chosen four while inflicted with strangeness) to Building Class (Potency) (Can harm Thunder and Storm, as well as enemies that are stronger than or comparable to them. Can harm other members of the chosen four while inflicted with strangeness), Higher with PSI | At least Building Class (Potency) (Can harm enemies such as the Diamond Dog and Giygas's most powerful minions), Higher with PSI

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Class 5 (Able to lift a submarine alongside Ness and Jeff, which weigh around 4,750 tons) | Class 5

Travel Speed: Superhuman (Can outrun grizzly bears and can move at comparable speeds to the mad taxi where it's shown in battle to do attacks such as rev up and accelerate. Should be comparable to Ninten, who can move 700 meters in about 13 seconds. Travels around entire towns and cities in a short amount of time), Higher with Skip Sandwich (Skip Sandwiches can increase ones walking speed when eaten) | Superhuman, Higher with Skip Sandwich | Superhuman, Higher with Skip Sandwich

Attack Speed: Superhuman (Able to fight against enemies that are comparable to themselves) | Superhuman (Faster than before. Able to fight against enemies that are comparable to herself) | At least Transonic (Faster than before. Able to fight against enemies that are comparable to herself)

Reaction Speed: Superhuman | Superhuman (Faster than before. Able to react to enemies that are comparable to herself) | At least Transonic (Faster than before. Able to react to enemies that are comparable to herself. Can fight similar enemies to the cast of MOTHER 3, who can dodge shouts from the Steel Mechorilla)

Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight for long periods of time, can take mortal wounds and still live long enough to be healed) | Superhuman (Should have higher stamina than before) | Superhuman (Should have higher stamina than before)

Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee, Hundreds of Meters with PSI (Can use PK Thunder, which has been demonstrated by several enemies to behave similar to natural lightning). Multi-Universal via Prayer | Standard Melee, Extended Melee, Hundreds of Meters with PSI. Multi-Universal via Prayer | Standard Melee, Extended Melee, Hundreds of meters with PSI. Multi-Universal via Prayer (Her prayer reached the Player, who resides in the real world)

Intelligence: Genius Intelligence (Has a higher IQ stat than Ness)

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Weapon Mastery (Unique Weaponry; Proficient in using several types of makeshift weapons such as frying pans, yo-yos, and slingshots), Sheer Will (Accepted her fate of saving the world alongside Ness and the rest of the chosen four. Agreed to go to the past to defeat Giygas without any hesitation, even knowing that she may not succeed or get to come back), Enhanced Senses (Capable of fighting in total darkness completely uninhibited. Can still hit enemies even while uncontrollably crying), Extrasensory Perception (Should be comparable to Ninten, who can sense danger in places that people who normally can see ghost can’t), Supernatural Resilience ( Able to keep fighting even after taking mortal damage. Able to stop taking damage upon finishing a battle), Superhuman Precision (Able to land hits on enemies that are significantly faster than her), Astral Projection (When party members are unconscious they are immediately transported to the hospital until they're picked up, where the cast will have ghost sprites that are acknowledged by characters, and characters directly feeling their presence, and acknowledging they are speaking to their "soul", showing the cast create an astral projection from their soul that observes the party while they are unconscious in the hospital), Immortality (Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; To use the Phase Distorter 3, the Chosen Four had to leave their biological bodies and have their spirits possess robot bodies, separating their soul from its body, it will be able to return to the original body if the host body it inhabits is destroyed, as shown when all the chosen fours robot bodies were destroyed after Giygas' death and returned to the future), Reliance (Reliance [On Universal System], Partial Protection; Losing a battle causes the defeat to be unwritten, becoming a bad dream and allowing the Chosen Four to wake up at their last save location), Accelerated Development (Battle; Physical Stats & Abilities; Throughout the Chosen's Four journey they grow and struggle, to where their power has grown so much that they can fell enemies from Onett and Twoson in one blow, to the point that Giygas is growing frightened of their power), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Able to take attacks such as stabs and explosions without being hindered and can heal from them with PSI and by eating food items. Staying at a rest area overnight completely recovers Hp and Pp), Telepathy ( Her Pray ability can reach people from the present time while in the past and can even reach the Player themselves), Non-Standard Interaction (Soul Interaction; Can harm intangible and non-corporeal beings such as ghosts with physical attacks and PSI), Limited Dimensional Storage (Can store large items on her person such as a bazooka and an entire bicycle, though there is a limit to how many items she can carry), Limited Time Travel (Her soul is able to travel back to the present time from the past), Power Suppression (Area of Effect Suppression; Able to use destructive PSI moves without causing any damage to the environment), G-Force Adaptation (Can travel using the Sky Runner without using specialized equipment), Fear Manipulation (Passive; Causes weaker enemies to flee from him on the overworld), Self-Sustenance (Respiratory, Nutritional, & Restful) & Inorganic Physiology (Living Object) as a robot (To use the Phase Distorter 3, the Chosen Four had to leave their biological bodies and have their spirits possess robot bodies, separating their soul from its body), Empathic Manipulation (Defeating certain enemies frees them from Giygas’s influence and causes them to be pacified), Light Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Fragrance Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Resistance Manipulation, Healing, and Resurrection via Prayer (Her prayers can trigger various different effects in battle), Possible Divine Protection (prayers in the MOTHER series are directly noted to be God being with the person[1], with Paula being able to use prayers to have various supernatural effects to happen in the battle with her prayers being used to ultimately defeat Giygas where in the original translation, Paula was praying directly to God[2]. In MOTHER 1 Ninten is told by Ana's father that they will be victorous on their journey and that his prayers will be heard), Fate Protection, Time Manipulation (1-T), & Dream Manipulation (Passive; Paula is among a chosen one apart of a universal system of destiny[3] Able to turn Paula's defeats into bad dreams to prevent her from failing her journey, All events in the series are predestined to happen. Even in situations where Giygas has the upper hand, it will only further Paula's journey, such as when the monsters in Threed corner and knock out Ness and Paula, which ended up allowing them to meet Jeff, as well as when the Starmen kidnapped Dr. Andonuts and Apple Kid, allowing them to meet upon being rescued and start work on the phase distorter. Even when Giygas had a 99% chance of winning, his defeat was still guaranteed due to the prophecy), Observation (Unconscious Manifestation; Comparable to Ninten who through ignoring the Forgotten Man, Ninten makes him disappear[4], it is noted by a resident of Magicant that he was once well known but everyone forgot him), Has the potential for: Subjective Reality, Creation, Illusion Creation (Standard Illusions), & Mind Manipulation (Magicant is a universe created entirely from the users own memories[5]. It exists only within the mind of the user and is shaped entirely by their thoughts and desires. Magicant World's are shaped from the users perspective. Maria for example warped her own world to fit her views as a Queen. Ness's Magicant was shaped almost like a Town with stars and planets in the background. Along with that, users of Magicant can create weapons, equipments, healing items, and inhabitants that represent a certain side to their mind (A strong example would be the Flying Men which represents the users own courage). Some inhabitants act as enemies that will attack or serve as either a memory of the users own experience or simple civilians. It's unknown if there is a Sea of Eden in other variations of Magicant, however it is stated by Talah Rama that the Truth makes itself known to humanity with Magicant. Magicant only disappears once the goal of the user has been met. To provide some insight, Maria's goal was to recover from amnesia and remember the melody she sung to Giygas, and Ness's goal was to awaken his full potential by touching the Universal System. The journey has to be a momentous part of the person's life that culminates in an event that causes them to look inward and triggers the ability to access their magicant).

Limited Resistance to Time Stop (Can dodge attacks even while frozen in time by the Dali's Clock), Resistance to Extreme Heats (Can endure being exposed to extreme temperatures, such as the Fire Spring), Mind Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Corruption (Non-Physical Corruption) (Despite Giygas' influence and corruption, the Chosen Four are able to keep smiling in the most bleak towns, where Giygas affects one through his influence over their evil side, with even characters as pure as Ness having an evil part of their subconscious. Although he is not immune to and had to reach enlightenment to stand a chance against Giygas. Can fight and defeat the Mani Mani statue, whose powers were able to turn people greedy and selfish, without being affected), Disease Manipulation & Zombification (Does not get inflicted with diseases when bitten by zombies and wild animals), Radiation Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Air Manipulation & Poison Manipulation (Can endure the Nuclear Reactor Robot’s explosion without suffering any adverse effects, which would include an intense pulse or wave of heat, light, air pressure, and radiation including a lack of oxygen and carbon monoxide poisoning)


  • Fry Pan: An ordinary frying pan that can be bought from stores in Twoson and Happy Happy Village. It increases Offense by 10. Almost all frying pans have a base accuracy of 93.75%.
  • Thick Fry Pan: A frying pan that can be bought from stores in Threed and Dusty Dunes Desert. It increases Offense by 20.
  • Deluxe Fry Pan: A frying pan that can be bought from stores in Dusty Dunes Desert and Fourside. It increases Offense by 30.
  • Chef's Fry Pan: A frying pan that can be bought from stores in Fourside and Summers. It increases Offense by 40.
  • Non-Stick Fry Pan: A frying pan that can be bought from stores in Winters. It increases Offense by 50.
  • French Fry Pan: A frying pan that can be bought from a merchant in Scaraba. It increases Offense by 60.
  • Holy Fry Pan: Paula's most powerful frying pan, which can be bought from a Tenda in the Lost Underworld. It increases Offense by 80.
  • Magic Fry Pan: Paula's ultimate weapon, obtained from defeating a Chomposaur. While it is weaker than the Holy Fry Pan and only increases Offense by 50, it also increases Guts by 100. The massive boost to Paula's Guts stat allows her to land critical hits and survive mortal damage much more frequently. The main drawback to this weapon is its lower accuracy, having a base accuracy of 75%.

Notable Techniques

  • Pray: The user calls out using telepathy to make a random effect happen. In dire situations, this ability can be used to call upon the prayers of others and even those of the Player.
Text Effect Probability
Dazzling light Deals 90 to 260 neutral damage to one target. 6.25%
Dazzling light All enemies and allies begin crying uncontrollably. 12.5%
Golden light Fully restores the Hp of a random ally. 6.25%
Heaven-rending sound All enemies and allies begin feeling strange. Ignores resistances. 6.25%
Heavy air All enemies and allies have their defense lowered by one stage. 6.25%
Mysterious aroma All enemies and allies fall asleep. Ignores resistances. 6.25%
Mysterious light Restores 1 to 5 PP to all allies. 6.25%
Very subtle light Restores 6.25% Hp to all allies (rounded down). 31.25%
Warm light Restores 12.5% Hp to all allies (rounded down). 12.5%
Rainbow-colored light Revives all fallen enemies and allies. 6.25%
  • PK Fire: The user shoots a burst of fire from their fingertips that damages an entire row of enemies. In Mother 1 the Omega level is able to instantly destroy all enemies in battle.
Level Effect PP Cost Acquisition
α Deals 60 to 100 fire damage to a row of enemies. 6 Level 3
β Deals 120 to 200 fire damage to a row of enemies. 12 Level 19
γ Deals 180 to 300 fire damage to a row of enemies. 20 Level 37
Ω Deals 240 to 400 fire damage to a row of enemies. 42 Level 64
  • PK Freeze: The user swirls a very cold wind around an opponent to inflict major damage. Has a 50% chance to completely solidify the target, preventing them from doing anything. In Mother 1 the Gamma level is able to reduce a single enemy to critical levels of Hp.
Level Effect PP Cost Acquisition
α Deals 135 to 225 freeze damage to one enemy. Has a 50% chance of solidifying the target. 4 Level 1
β Deals 270 to 450 freeze damage to one enemy. Has a 50% chance of solidifying the target. 9 Level 11
γ Deals 405 to 675 freeze damage to one enemy. Has a 50% chance of solidifying the target. 18 Level 31
Ω Deals 540 to 900 freeze damage to one enemy. Has a 50% chance of solidifying the target. 28 Level 46
  • PK Thunder: The user fires a bolt of lightning that deals damage to random targets. Each successive level fires one additional lightning bolt. It is not resisted by any enemies but it is less accurate when there are less targets present to hit. Instantly destroys psychic shields.
Level Effect PP Cost Acquisition
α Deals 60 to 180 neutral damage to one random target. 3 Level 8
β Deals two strikes of 60 to 180 neutral damage to random targets. 7 Level 25
γ Deals three strikes of 100 to 300 neutral damage to random targets. 16 Level 57
Ω Deals four strikes of 100 to 300 neutral damage to random targets. 20 N/A
  • PSI Magnet: The user absorbs psychic power from a target to add to their own. The Omega level absorbs psychic power from all targets present.
Level Effect PP Cost Acquisition
α Absorbs 2 to 8 PP from one enemy. 0 Level 15
Ω Absorbs 2 to 8 PP from all enemies. 0 Level 24
  • PSI Shield: The user creates a psychic shield that completely blocks all offensive PSI at the Alpha level and reflects it back at the Beta level. When applied it provides three layers that can each take one attack, though he is able to stack more layers by using it multiple times. The shield is instantly destroyed by lightning based attacks.
Level Effect PP Cost Acquisition
α Creates a three layered psychic shield for one target that completely nullifies all offensive PSI. Each layer is depleted by a single hit. Using this while a psychic shield is already active will add three more layers onto it, though if a physical shield is active, it will be replaced. 8 Level 6
β Creates a three layered psychic power shield for one target that reflects all offensive PSI. Each layer is depleted by a single hit. Using this while a psychic shield is already active will add three more layers onto it, though if a psychic shield is active, it will be replaced. 14 Level 27
Σ Creates a three layered psychic shield for all allies that completely nullifies all offensive PSI. Each layer is depleted by a single hit. Using this while a psychic shield is already active will add three more layers onto it, though if a physical shield is active, it will be replaced. 24 Level 51
Ω Creates a three layered psychic power shield for all allies that reflects all offensive PSI. Each layer is depleted by a single hit. Using this while a psychic shield is already active will add three more layers onto it, though if a psychic shield is active, it will be replaced. 42 Level 60
  • Offense Up: Increases an ally's Offense stat by a small amount.
Level Effect PP Cost Acquisition
α Raises the offense of one ally by 6.25%. Can be stacked up to four times. Ignores the offense cap of 255. 10 Level 21
Ω Raises the offense of all allies by 6.25%. Can be stacked up to four times. Ignores the offense cap of 255. 30 Level 40
  • Defense Down: Decreases an enemy's Defense stat by a small amount.
Level Effect PP Cost Acquisition
α Lowers the defense of one enemy by 6.25%. Can be stacked up to four times. 6 Level 29
Ω Lowers the defense of all enemies by 6.25%. Can be stacked up to four times. 18 Level 54


Standard Tactics: Paula is the "black mage" character of Mother 2. She has lower physical stats than her teammates, though to compensate, she has access to powerful offensive PSI. She will usually fight using her offensive PSI, though she also has the capability to support herself and her team due to having access to PSI Shield to block enemy PSI attacks, as well as Offense Up to raise the strength of the team and Defense Down to lower the durability of her enemies. While not something she can control, her ability to pray can trigger one of several effects to happen, the most useful of which being a golden light that fully restores the Hp of one ally. If she runs low on Pp, she will either consume an item to recover it or siphon Pp from PSI using enemies.




Battle Records


  1. In MOTHER 2, Paula’s mom tells Ness not to worry about Paula, because “God is with her”. In EarthBound, this was localized to “She has a guardian angel, it seems.”
    It’s not a big deal, and it’s pretty well-known that NOA didn’t want any religious stuff in their games back then, so the change is to be expected. I think the guardian angel line sounds better, anyway. But yeah, there’s no way NOA would’ve let a mention of the Christian God fly in their games back then.
    But note that even though she mentions God in MOTHER 2, there are no real serious religious themes in the game. So don’t take this one change out of context and make a big deal out of it 😛
  2. In MOTHER 2, during part of Paula’s first prayer, she says something like, “Please, God, if you’re there…” or possibly even, “Please, God, if you’re real…”
    In EarthBound, this religious reference got the smack-down and was trimmed to just, “Please…”
  3. Listen well, Ness. I am about to tell you something so important that you should probably write this down.
    Ready? You are a chosen one. Your destiny is not yours alone… It is part of a universal “system”.
  4. MOTHER 1 Magicant First Visit
  5. The truth of the universe travels the cosmos like a grain and like a wave and speaks to the universes known as man.
  6. "PSI is a mysterious and useful power that can replenish your energy or even assist in your transportation needs. Using PSI will deplete your PP." MOTHER 3 Memo Description
  7. A miraculous stone that enables you to "concentrate" without using your own brain. This is accomplished just by your keeping this item. This is great because if you can't concentrate, you can't use PSI.