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Ruby Rose (Dungeons and Dragons)

From The Codex
Articles About Ruby Rose
Mainline RWBY Ruby Rose - Ice Queendom - Movie
Other Media DC Comics - BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle - Dungeons and Dragons
Composite Composite


Ruby Rose is a Aasimar Ranger, originally from RWBY. The character sheets along with the rest of Team RWBY was released by OfficialRWBY in honor of the Grimm Campaign so that players are able to play as her in their own sessions of DND.

Codex Statistics

Tier: Low 8-C, Higher with Accelerated Development

Name: Ruby Rose

Origin: Dungeons and Dragons (originally from RWBY)

Sex: Female

Age: 17 (Should be the same age as her canon iteration)

Classification: Variant Aasimar, Ranger, Soldier

Status: Varies (Dungeons and Dragons players controls this iteration for Ruby Rose and play as her at will, which can end up with her surviving, dying, or other)

Alignment: Neutral Good (This is her alignment)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Small Building level (Is an 8th-level Ranger, putting her on par with characters who can cast Conjure Barrage), Higher with Accelerated Development (By leveling up, her stats increase, eventually being able to fight much stronger enemies)

Durability: Small Building level, Higher with Accelerated Development

Striking Strength: Small Building Class, Higher with Accelerated Development

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Has a strength score of 14 meaning she can lift 420 pounds)

Travel Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Can dodge Call Lightning, which summons cloud-to-ground lightning)

Attack Speed: Massively Hypersonic+

Reaction Speed: Massively Hypersonic+

Stamina: Above Average (Can fight in long battles extensively, though certain abilities of hers require short or long rests to recharge)

Range: Extended Melee normally, Tens of Meters with Crescent Rose Sniper Mode and Spells/Feats (Reaches 80 feet. Hunter's mark reaches 90 feet)

Intelligence: Average Intelligence (Has an intelligence score of 10, which makes her have average intelligence)

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Proficient in different fighting styles), Weapon Usage, Multilingualism (Able to speak common and celestial, as well as the chosen creature type from Favored Enemy), Enhanced Senses (Via Darkvision due to being an Aasimar), limited Longevity (Aasimar lives for a few years longer than typical humans), Acrobatics (Has a +3 in Acrobatics), Social Influencing (Has a +3 in Charisma and similar feats such as Intimidation and Persuasion), Stealth Mastery (Has a +3 in stealth), Light Manipulation (Can cast Light and Daylight, the former causes one to illuminate in color of the caster's choice and the latter causing immense light to shine), Damage Boost (Can cast Hunter's Mark, which marks an enemy and will cause the user to deal extra damage to them), Purification (Can cast Lesser Restoration, which can cure the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned debuffs), limited Reactive Power Level, Probability Manipulation, and Extrasensory Perception (Favored Enemy allows her to have extra experience in hunting, studying, tracking, and talking to a certain type of enemy. Natural Explorer allows her to adapt to an environment of her choosing, allowing her to move throw any difficult terrain in it, not being able to get lost, being alert to danger even while doing other activities, finding twice as much food, and specific details on creatures and how long they were there), Magic and Essence Manipulation ( Spellcasting allows her to learn how to manipulate the essence of Nature itself to use magic) Resistance to Nectrotic Energy and Radiation Manipulation (Resistant to Necrotic and Radiant Damage due to being an Aasimar)


Backpack, Crescent Rose, Leather Armor

  • Crescent Rose: Ruby's weapon of choice, a massive scythe that can change into a sniper-like tool, allowing it to excel in close and long ranged combat.

Notable Techniques

  • Light: Ruby touches one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as she likse. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if she casts it again or dismisses it as an action. If she targets an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
  • Hunter's Mark: Ruby chooses a creature she can see within range and mystically mark it as her quarry. Until the spell ends, she deals an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever she hits it with a weapon attack, and she has advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, she can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of hers to mark a new creature.
  • Lesser Restoration: Ruby touches a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
  • Daylight: A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out from a point Ruby chooses within range. The sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet. If Ruby choses a point on an object she is holding or one that isn’t being worn or carried, the light shines from the object with and moves with it. Completely covering the affected object with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the light. If any of this spell’s area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.


Standard Tactics: Wildcard, due to being controlled by the player. Typically she will use her Crescent Rose to attack, or use one of her spells.

Weaknesses: None Notable.

Battle Records