Has all the powers and abilities of Scott Pilgrim which includes:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Human Achievements (Can play bass guitar and can cook), Social Influencing (Had convinced Ramona to go out with him after she had decided not to), Willpower (Even while being beat down and feeling emotionally defeated, he empowered himself with the thought of Ramona Flowers waiting for him and one-shotted the Katayanagi Twins. Those who can access the powers of Subspace in the real world naturally require a strong will and determination to control them), Martial Arts (Fought his original self who is remarked as the best fighter in all of Province, shown skill in CQC), Acrobatics, Weapon Mastery (Scott took longsword proficiency in grade five, and can use his guitar as a blunt weapon), Perfect Guard (Managed to block and counter Matthew Patel's dive attack. When fighting the Katayanagi Twins, who were currently far stronger than him, Scott could still block their attacks), Shockwave Generation and Electricity Manipulation (His attacks create electrical shockwaves on impact with foes), Pseudo-Flight (Can stay in the air long enough to perform a 64 hit combo on the likes of Matthew Patel), Forcefield Creation (Created a forcefield that blocked all of Matthew, and his Demon Hipster Chicks', fireballs), Broadway Force and Power Nullification (Used his rhythm to out-sing Matthew and completely prevent him from attacking back), Cartoon Physics (Mid Potency), Breaking the Fourth Wall, minor Precognition (Destiny Perception), and Cosmic Awareness (Scott is aware he's in a comic book and already knows how the future events of the comic will play out due to reading his own story), Reactive Power Level (Like Ramona, Scott was able to adapt to the Glow's mental warfare-based abilities and use it for himself), Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats and Skill. Days before facing Lucas Lee, Scott performed a simple training routine which later allowed him to compete with Todd Ingram), Transmutation (Whenever Scott beats an evil exe they transform into Canadian currency. Turned one of Roxanne's ninja clones into a coupon by accidentally kicking her), Battlefield Removal and Empathic Manipulation (After Scott defeats the evil exes, they respawn in their homes, having learned their lessons), limited Invulnerability (Scott can't kill himself or those he considers friends due to friendly fire not existing. He can die to "bad guys" however), Save and Load and Time Manipulation (Scott can access and use a save point like any video game), Abstract Existence (Physical, Infinite Manifestation; NegaScott is the embodiment of Scott's past mistakes and shortcomings and will continue to reappear continuously until Scott accepts that part of him. Furthermore, it's implied NegaScott isn't a physical being bound by the world), Regeneration (At least Low-Godly. Reformed after Scott Pilgrim ran through him at a later point), Smoke Manipulation (Produced an area of smoke around himself), Illusion Manipulation (Standard Illusions Altered Scott's perspective of reality to insinuate a trippy experience), Stealth Mastery,Darkness Manipulation, and Pseudo-Invisibility (Can manipulate the dark to completely conceal himself from sight even in broad daylight. Appears to be made of darkness himself), Law Manipulation (Subspace can shape reality to the user's liking. An example being Scott Pilgrim and the various video game-like aspects of the world, which are a result of Subspace and its perspective-based abilities), Perspective Manipulation & Observation (Unconscious Manifestation; Potent Subspace users can use the perspective-based powers of Subspace to overwrite reality to fit how they view it in the real world), Avatar Creation (Has an avatar in subspace he unconsciously creates), Immortality and Resurrection (Life and Death Immunity; Death is treated as an inconvenience in the universe with nobody actually dying or remaining dead), Statistics Amplification (Through Scott realizing different forms of emotions [i.e. love, understanding, etcetera] he "levels up" and amplifies himself to be able to one-shot people he could not previously one-shot or couldn't even beat. He will also be amplified just from being encouraged by things like Ramona Flowers still caring for him, allowing him to one-shot the two twins he was losing to previously), Space-Time Manipulation (3+1-D, Defensive) & Dimensional Travel (Characters can manifest doors directly to subspace, or even move between subspace and the real world through sheer force. Breaking the walls between subspace and the main universe), Mind Manipulation (Entering subspace had him enter Ramona's mind. Mind subspace is directly tied to the minds of people and can be physically altered), Irreversible Damage (Can kill ones subspace avatar and kill their true form in the process), Attack Reflection (Gave Gideon the Glow), Plot Manipulation (Narrative Manipulation & Plot Armor; Traditional; Passive; Through the power of Subspace, characters can rewrite and manipulate the plotline of their story. It's also implied throughout the Scott Pilgrim series that Scott, along with other major characters, are protected by a sort of plot armor to help them in dire situations), Subjective Reality & Dimensional Storage (Whatever the user can imagine will be created in subspace. For instance, Scott manifested his love for Ramona as the Power of Love, which he can pull from and store in Subspace), Portal Creation & Summoning (As the powers of the characters originate from Subspace, they can create portals or summon beings and objects from their subspace), Regeneration (At least Low-Godly. Reformed after Scott Pilgrim ran through him at a later point), Smoke Manipulation (Produced an area of smoke around himself), Illusion Manipulation (Standard Illusions; Altered Scott's perspective of reality to insinuate a trippy experience), Stealth Mastery and Darkness Manipulation (Can manipulate the dark to completely conceal himself from sight even in broad daylight. Appears to be made of darkness himself)
Resistance to Severe Pain (Able to take multiple sword slashes from Gideon Graves while arguing with Ramona Flowers. Took a brutal beating from the Katayanagi Twins), Mind Manipulation (Can survive inside Honest Ed's without breaking down which even a trained psychic like Todd Ingram couldn't do. Should naturally resist conventional mind manipulation as his mind harbors subspace), Sleep Manipulation (Despite listening to Crash and the Boys' song "Last Song Kills Audience", which forces people asleep, Scott was not affected by it), Electricity Manipulation and Sound Manipulation (No-selled Todd's electrical shock and bass soundwaves with no notable injuries), Extreme Colds (Lives in Canada and can traverse through a blizzard), Transmutation (Doesn't turn into money upon dying to Gideon Graves), Irreversible Damage (Even when being attacked and killed in Subspace by Gideon Graves, neither Scott or Ramona died in the real world).
Resistance to Sealing, Corruption, Memory Manipulation, and Power Nullification (After accepting and absorbing Negascott, the Glow's mental warfare abilities were nullified), Plot Manipulation (Narrative Manipulation & Plot Armor; Traditional) and Erasure (Conceptual Erasure; Characters are unaffected by the events in the plotline being altered and erased entirely), Perspective Manipulation, Observation (Unconscious Manifestation & Conscious Manifestation), Law Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, and Subjective Reality (Even after being re-infected with the Glow, severing his connection to Subspace, he was still able to overpower Gideon for a brief moment)