“ | Father, I will avenge you! One of these days-- I will kill them all! And put an end to peace! | „ |

“ | Ho ho ho... You think I can grow no larger?! Watch me, little man!!!! | „ |
~ Piccolo upon growing larger |
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Articles About Piccolo
| |
Main Series | Dragon Ball - Dragon Ball GT - Dragon Ball Super Manga |
Other Media | Toei Movies - Attack of the Saiyans - Dragon Ball Heroes |
Non-Canon | Dragonball Evolution - Jump Force |
“ | Father, I will avenge you! One of these days-- I will kill them all! And put an end to peace! | „ |
“ | Ho ho ho... You think I can grow no larger?! Watch me, little man!!!! | „ |
~ Piccolo upon growing larger |
“ | Oh, the shame... Piccolo the great... The inccoruptible evil... Saving a child... How pathetic... Heh... Heh Heh... It's... It's because of you... And your dad... Y-your softness... Infecting me... But... You know, boy... You were the only one... Who ever... Ever really talked to me... The couple of months... I spent with you... Weren't really... So bad... Gohan... Don't die... | „ |
~ Piccolo to Son Gohan after scarificing himself to save him |
“ | If you want to feel resentment, curse your own fate... As do I. | „ |
~ Piccolo to Son Gohan |
“ | Th-This... Can't be... I... I don't believe... This POWER...!!! Such awesome... Incomprehensible POWER...!!! So THIS is assimilation...!!! I can win this!!! No matter who the opponent may be--with this power, I can WIN!!!! | „ |
~ Piccolo upon fusing with Nail |
“ | No longer am I Kami or Piccolo. I am the Namek who has long since forgotten his name. | „ |
~ Piccolo after becoming one with Kami again |
Piccolo Jr., usually just called Piccolo or Kamiccolo and also known as Ma Junior, is a Namekian and also the final child and reincarnation of King Piccolo, later becoming the reunification of the Nameless Namekian after fusing with Kami. According to Grand Elder Guru, Piccolo, along with Kami and King Piccolo, are part of the Dragon Clan, who were the original creators of the Dragon Balls.
A wise and cunning warrior, he was the main antagonist in the final saga of Dragon Ball, the Piccolo Jr. Saga, and was thus a ruthless enemy of Goku. However, starting with the first saga of Dragon Ball Z, the Raditz Saga, he began to lose all villainous traits, and when he started training Goku's son Gohan during the Vegeta Saga which led to the two developing a strong bond with each other, he became a permanent member of the Dragon Team and eventually one of Earth's greatest heroes.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Piccolo’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
King Piccolo Saga
Piccolo Jr. Saga
After spending the three years training, a now physically adolescent Piccolo enters the tournament using the alias "Junior" ("Ma Junior" in the Japanese manga and anime, with "Ma" meaning demon). The day before the tournament, Piccolo saves a kid from falling rubble, but then people run away after they see him. Piccolo manages to find Goku before the tournament properly begins, and Piccolo reminds himself not to let Goku win, and he must avenge his father. When the tournament starts, Piccolo easily breezed past the preliminaries and into the finals. From there he first faced off against Goku's friend Krillin. Though Piccolo managed to beat him with relative ease, even believing at one point that he had killed the small warrior, Piccolo was surprised by Krillin's resilience, and his ability to fly. Krillin even managed to score a hit but missed Piccolo using a Kamehameha blast, as Piccolo had used an afterimage trick, and managed to knock Krillin back to the ground. In their fight, Krillin eventually gave up, realizing he could not beat Piccolo. His next match is against a powerful but awkward human named Hero, whom Piccolo soon discovers he was actually Kami, the good counterpart of Piccolo, in disguise by means of possessing a weak, everyday human. When Kami attempts to use Evil Containment Wave to seal Piccolo into a small container, Piccolo surprises everyone by reflecting it and instead of capturing Kami. Piccolo then swallows the bottle, making chances of freeing Kami to seem very slim since what is apparently the only way to rescue Kami is to kill Piccolo and if that happens, Kami will also die. Piccolo Jr.'s next fight is the one he was waiting for, the match/rematch with Goku. Though Piccolo uses an assortment of new powerful techniques, Goku finds a way to make many of them work to his advantage. Goku manages to free Kami from captivity when Piccolo increases his size, tricking him into getting so large that Goku could go down his throat and get the bottle. However, even after Goku seemingly defeated Piccolo by using the Meteor Combination, firing his new Super Kamehameha at Piccolo, Piccolo manages to cripple Goku's arms and legs after surprising him with a Mouth Energy Wave through his shoulder, saying he will not make the same mistake his father did (which was letting Goku have one working arm). In the end, Piccolo loses narrowly, with Goku using flight on-screen for the first time and knocking Piccolo out of the ring with a headbutt. He is shown mercy when Goku gives him a Senzu Bean, which fully heals him instantly much to the shock and horror of his friends. Piccolo holds little gratitude for this act though and promises to continue his quest to destroy Goku and take over the world someday before leaving the tournament. Saiyan Saga
Once Goku and Piccolo locate Raditz, Goku makes a feeble effort to rescue his son through discussion rather than action, but this fails, resulting in a battle. Raditz easily tackles both Piccolo and Goku, managing to sneak attack and surprise them every chance he gets, with Piccolo and Goku not even being able to land a single hit. When the battle takes to the air, Raditz fires two energy waves downwards at Goku and Piccolo. Goku luckily dodges, but Piccolo is less fortunate, with his left arm being lost by disintegration. With the battle seemingly hopeless, Piccolo asks Goku if he has developed any new techniques to assist in these kinds of battles. Goku answers he has not, with Piccolo scoffing at Goku's lack of planning or preparation. Piccolo reveals he has developed a technique to pierce even the strongest of bodies, naming it the Special Beam Cannon. Piccolo demands for Goku to buy him extra time to charge the technique but states the wait will be worth it. As Goku begins to get pummeled, Piccolo finishes charging the attack, but is now in even more woe, as he fears Raditz will be fast enough to evade. Piccolo's prediction comes true, as he fires the blast, Raditz manages to side-step the attack, taking off only a small fragment of his Battle Armor. Raditz discovers his earlier assumptions on Goku, and Piccolo's power levels were wrong, as he now knows Goku and Piccolo both have the ability to raise their power levels over 1,000, something Raditz was unaware of at first. When all hopes seem lost, as Raditz starts to pummel Goku into submission by breaking his ribs, Goku's young son Gohan intervenes after destroying the pod he was contained in and charges towards Raditz, damaging Raditz's armor and hurting him greatly by smashing into his chest. Now due to Raditz being much weaker from the assault, Piccolo manages to mortally wound Raditz with the Special Beam Cannon, although Goku sacrifices his life in the process to restrain Raditz, and Piccolo thus avenges his father at a bit of an unexpected moment. Before dying, however, Raditz tricked Piccolo into telling him about the Dragon Balls, and reveals that two other, more powerful Saiyans, Nappa and Vegeta, will be arriving on Earth in one year. In anger, Piccolo finishes Raditz off with one final blow rather than making him suffer, an action noticed by Kami who suspects that Piccolo is changing. When Goku dies shortly afterwards his body mysteriously vanishes, with Piccolo confirming Kami's intervention. Anyone killed by Piccolo before he turned good would be sent to limbo, with their spirit wandering in agony. Since Goku and Raditz did not suffer this fate after Piccolo killed them, Kami cited this as an indication that Piccolo was becoming less evil. With the news of even more powerful opponents soon to arrive, Piccolo takes Gohan to Break Wasteland in order to train the boy and raise his survival skills, so Piccolo can use Gohan's massive potential to help defend the Earth from the Saiyans, and originally, to help Piccolo take over the world afterwards. Though his treatment to Gohan is initially harsh, leaving him alone in the Wasteland for six months to raise his survival techniques, then brutally training the boy for the next six months, he begins to warm up to Gohan, and the two form an unbreakable bond. While the training occurred, Piccolo shows a little affection for Gohan in the first night of his six-month survival training by giving him three apples, as Gohan had not eaten anything in days. Piccolo does become annoyed when Gohan complains about the apples' bitter taste, remarking Gohan will need to let go of his time with his parents who pampered and spoilt him. Suddenly, Gohan transforms into a Great Ape and proceeds to destroy the wasteland around him, much to Piccolo's shock and slight fear. Piccolo (seemingly) destroys the moon to turn Gohan back to normal, knowing the two invading Saiyans could use this technique to their advantage also. Piccolo then proceeds to remove Gohan's tail and makes him new training clothes and a sword. When Vegeta and Nappa arrive on Earth, they are met by Gohan, Goku's friends Krillin, Chiaotzu, Tien Shinhan, and Yamcha, and Piccolo. Goku had been wished back to life but would take several hours to arrive. Piccolo soon learns from the Saiyans that he is a Namekian rather than a demon as he previously believed. The Saiyans then start the fight off by growing six Saibamen, small, humanoid plant-like aliens grown from the ground who all have power levels equal to Raditz's 1200, which they instruct to fight in a mock tournament against the Earth's defenders. The Saibamen are all destroyed, though Yamcha is killed in battle when one of them manages to grip him and self-destruct, killing them both. Piccolo destroys the last remaining Saibaman, after it attacks Gohan, with a punch in the stomach, followed by a mouth blast, disintegrating it. With the Saibamen gone, Nappa, the larger Saiyan, decides to enter combat. In the ensuing fight, Chiaotzu and Tien perish, and the defenders of the Earth are heavily beaten. When Chiaotzu prepares to self destruct while holding Nappa, Piccolo orders Gohan to watch Chiaotzu's sacrifice, and then proceeds to compliment Chiaotzu by saying Chiaotzu has won his respect for his sacrifice to take down a powerful enemy. Despite Piccolo landing some decent hits, and planning team attacks with Krillin and Gohan, Nappa seems invincible. During one of the team attacks, when Gohan gives into his fear and runs away from Nappa instead of blasting him as Piccolo ordered, Piccolo deems Gohan a failure, and when the three-hour break occurs, suggests Gohan should go home, and not be a distraction in this fight. Remembering that during his fight with Raditz, Goku pulled and squeezed his tail tightly and had caused him unbearable pain, Piccolo attempted the same feat and got a hold of Nappa's tail (discussed with Krillin and Gohan after having a three-hour break) but the monstrous Saiyan revealed he and Vegeta were immune to that handicap and knocked the Namekian unconscious for a short while. Later in the battle, when Nappa attempts to finish off Krillin with a final blast, Piccolo saves him just in time with a small hand blast launched at Nappa's back. When the smaller but more powerful Saiyan named Vegeta detects that Goku is arriving, and that he is more powerful than anticipated (being read at 5,000 without powering up, already), he orders Nappa to quickly kill the remaining defenders, as their working with Goku might result in a challenge. Goku's resurrection proves that the Dragon Balls are legitimate, so they can use the ones on Namek and do not need the ones located on Earth. Nappa first aims for Gohan with an extremely powerful attack, but Piccolo jumps in the way of it, sacrificing himself to save Gohan. His body ruined, Piccolo falls to the ground. With tears in his eyes, Piccolo bids farewell to Gohan, whom he admits made him soft and is the only person to ever call him friend. Piccolo's death also results in Kami's passing, as they were once a single being, and therefore if one dies then so would the other. After the Saiyans are beaten by Goku and the remaining fighters, and Vegeta retreats, Gohan, Krillin and the brilliant inventor Bulma head to Namek and to locate the Dragon Balls so that they can wish Kami, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu back to life and restore the Dragon Balls of Earth. Frieza Saga
On Namek, Gohan, Krillin, and Dende, a young Namekian who Krillin and Gohan had previously saved, gather the Namekian Dragon Balls and summon the Namekian Dragon, Porunga. Piccolo contacts Gohan (via King Kai's telepathy) and demands he be resurrected with the first wish, be sent to Namek to battle Frieza with the second, and then Gohan could do whatever with the last wish. Piccolo's reasoning was that if he is brought back, then the Earth Dragon Balls will immediately return alongside Kami, allowing for wishes to be made to bring back Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha. Piccolo soon arrives on Namek at a random point, since Gohan did not specify where on Namek he should be sent to when he asked Dende to have Porunga grant the wishes. After recovering from the initial shock of seeing his strangely familiar homeland for the first time and feeling the suffering of his people, Piccolo heads in the direction of a large energy source, believing it to be Frieza. During his flight, he passes over a dying Namekian, Nail, who was earlier easily mauled by Frieza. Piccolo drops down to inspect the crippled Namekian and they begin to converse. Nail offers Piccolo to join with him, as the option of merging with his counterpart Kami could not be realized here (nor did Piccolo even want to be one with him, at this point). At first, Piccolo refuses, but Nail explains that Piccolo will not lose his personality, he will only feel the power gained from the fusion. Piccolo reluctantly accepts, and after the fusion is complete, he is amazed by his awesome new power and rushes to Frieza's location. When Piccolo arrives, he finds a battle in progress between Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta (who had rebelled against Frieza), with Dende supporting them, against Frieza. He then takes on Frieza, with the doubt of Krillin and Vegeta, who is in his second form, alone and is able to go blow to blow with him, even without removing his weighted clothing. Vegeta became shocked to find that the Namekian that Nappa killed with ease mere months ago had become so powerful. After a brief exchange of blows, Frieza transforms into his third form and assaults Piccolo with a large barrage of invisible and virtually unavoidable shots, crippling the Namekian. An angry Gohan intervenes and blasts Frieza with a Full Power Masenko, but Frieza knocks it back, and Piccolo uses the last of his strength to deflect the projectile with one of his own before it can hit the young Saiyan. Frieza then begins his final transformation into his true form, and Gohan uses the opportunity to take Piccolo to Dende, who has the ability to heal others completely. Piccolo quickly recovers, but he knows that he is even more thoroughly outclassed by Frieza's new form. Frieza begins his renewed attack with a single blast that kills Dende (having seen him healing Piccolo midway into his transformation), preventing the warriors from being healed again; Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo respond with a joint assault, but Frieza seemingly effortlessly evades all of their attacks. Piccolo is then reduced to the sidelines, watching as a strengthened Vegeta attacks and falls against Frieza, helpless to intervene. After Goku arrives, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo get out of his way, and after witnessing Vegeta's murder at the hands of Frieza, he watches Goku and Frieza duel from afar. (He also implies that he would like to fight Goku when it's over, though only for kicks.) Goku is soon overwhelmed by Frieza once he powers up to 50% of his power, nullifying even Goku's Kamehameha fired with a 20-fold Kaio-ken boosting his power, and, in desperation, attempts to use the Spirit Bomb. In order to buy Goku some time, Piccolo takes most of the remaining ki from Gohan and Krillin and jumps in to help, catching Frieza off-guard and kicking him in the head, giving Goku just enough time to finish the Spirit Bomb and launch it towards Frieza, seemingly killing him. Piccolo drags Goku's body out of the water, and meets up with Gohan and Krillin, celebrating. Just as our heroes rejoice, Frieza towers above them revealing to still be alive, and shoots a powerful beam meant for Goku (in the anime only, for in the manga he intended to finish Piccolo and the others first all along, and as such aimed at him immediately), but Piccolo bravely takes the hit for his former rival and falls to the ground on the verge of death. After witnessing both Piccolo being heavily wounded, and Krillin being blown to pieces by Frieza, Goku finally had enough and unleashed his hidden Super Saiyan powers. Gohan carried Piccolo off of the battlefield as Goku and Frieza clashed on the dying Planet Namek, with the former emerging as the victor. Piccolo is healed by Dende (who had been wished back to life along with the rest of the people killed by Frieza and his men) after being sent to Earth by a wish made to Porunga. When the Namekians find a planet suitable to be New Namek, Piccolo declines to travel with them, and he stays on Earth with Gohan to protect and watch over the boy. Piccolo does not desire the peaceful, therefore dull, life to be had on Namek and instead wishes to keep training in order to become more powerful. Frieza-Androids Interlude
Soon after Frieza and his father, King Cold, land they are confronted by a mysterious youth, who reveals himself to be a Super Saiyan and almost effortlessly destroys the father-son duo along with their minions. Piccolo and the others follow the youth, who tells them when and where Goku will be arriving. Just as the boy predicted, Goku lands and the boy converses with him privately, though Piccolo's superior hearing allows him to listen in. The boy, known as Future Trunks, is the future son of Vegeta and Bulma and reveals a terrible plot by Dr. Gero, a scientist for the non-active Red Ribbon Army, to create powerful Androids for the sole purpose of annihilating Goku. The Androids soon spiral out of control, and after murdering their creator go on to destroy everything around them, making Future Trunks' world a nightmare where they kill all but a few tens of thousands of the population. They eventually kill all the Z Fighters with the exception of Goku, who dies from a heart disease six months prior to the attack of the Androids. Future Trunks has come back in time to both give Goku the medicine to cure the disease and give the Z Fighters ample warning. Future Trunks then departs back to his own timeline and Piccolo, since Goku does not know how to tell the group what he had discovered, explains everything to the group, except the identity of Future Trunks. The group then splits up to begin training for the oncoming threat, with Piccolo deciding to do his training alongside Goku and Gohan, which would later prove to have been a very wise decision. While training with Goku and Gohan, Piccolo also was forced along with Goku to take a driver's test so Chi-Chi would not have to do as much chores as a result of their training. Piccolo had to wear human clothes, presumably to disguise his origins. He attempted to drive relatively safely, but his driving instructor, Cynthia, proved to be a terrible influence, as she encouraged Piccolo to drive recklessly while Goku was driving recklessly against his instructor's wishes. Eventually, they took a second attempt at a driver's test under a storm, only for them to fail the test a second time to save a bus full of children. Androids Saga
The Androids choose to fight in a desolate region filled with rocky hills. Piccolo surmises that they chose the location so that they could escape to the hills if the fight does not go their way. After the Androids explain that they have been watching Goku since he defeated the Red Ribbon Army up until his battle with Vegeta, Goku attacks Android 19. The Androids did not know of his ability to go Super Saiyan, and therefore his true strength. Piccolo is startled after Goku transforms because his power is much lower than it should be. Though Goku seems to be winning in the early part of the fight, he quickly loses his energy due to his heart disease and is eventually taken down by Android 19. Piccolo and the others attempt to intervene, but Android 20 blocks their path and blasts Piccolo with his eye beams, sending him crashing to the ground. Vegeta then arrives, kicking Android 19 off of Goku and Piccolo quickly gets back up, revealing that he was pretending to be injured in order to catch the Androids off guard. Vegeta then kicks Goku out of the battle and Piccolo catches him, setting him down so Yamcha can take him home and give him the heart medicine that Future Trunks gave them. Vegeta and Android 19 then battle, with Vegeta revealing his ability to go Super Saiyan, and destroying 19 after confirming his ability to drain energy using the jewels embedded in his palms. Vegeta, severely drained from the fight with Android 19, acts as if he eager for a quick follow-up fight with Android 20. Nervous of Vegeta's new power, Android 20 fails to call the bluff and flees to the hills, while Vegeta is restored with a Senzu Bean. Piccolo and the others start searching the hills for Android 20, but Piccolo is soon ambushed. With Android 20 holding a tight grip over his mouth and draining his energy, Piccolo sends out a telepathic message to Gohan. Gohan is alerted to the situation and heads for Piccolo Jr.'s now shrinking ki. He finds Piccolo and smashes Android 20 off of his mentor. Piccolo receives a Senzu Bean from Krillin and states that he will fight Android 20 himself. Android 20 is taken off guard by Piccolo's speed, and he quickly hits the android with several powerful blows, which surprises the Android because he did not expect for Piccolo to be this powerful. The Namekian finishes the battle with a powerful chop which takes off Android 20's right arm, while also referring to how he was formerly like Dr. Gero and consumed with the desire of revenge against Goku for his involvement in destroying a paternal figure of his, then sends him smashing him into the ground, badly beaten. Krillin was astonished by Piccolo's power, believing Piccolo was extremely powerful for someone who is not a Super Saiyan. At this time Future Trunks shows up and states that Android 20 is not one of the Androids which caused such devastation in the future, having already seen the lifeless head that 19 was reduced into by Vegeta earlier. Bulma follows them closely in her skycar, and Android 20 sees his opportunity to escape and lets out an energy wave, destroying Bulma's vehicle and distracting everyone while he runs away, stating that he's going to activate Androids 17 and 18. Bulma informs the group that Android 20 is actually Dr. Gero, who reconstructed himself into an Android, and of the location of his lab in North City. Piccolo then tells Bulma about Future Trunks, who at this point is already born in the main timeline. He then takes off with Krillin and Tien to North City to find Dr. Gero's Lab and destroy the Androids before they can be awakened. Krillin finds the lab and alerts the others, but they arrive too late, and the Androids are activated. The twin Androids then display mutiny on their creator by killing him, and against Gero's wishes awakening another Android: Android 16. Vegeta takes off after them and Piccolo and the others follow. When they catch up, they find that Vegeta has been fighting Android 18 and is not doing so well against the female Android due to his declining stamina. Android 17 warns them that if they get involved in the fight, he will step in as well. They watch the fight and though Vegeta seems to be on roughly equal footing at first glance (something that surprises Future Trunks because he never knew his father to be so powerful) Piccolo points out that Vegeta was tiring with every move and the Android was not. When Future Trunks gets involved with the fight after Vegeta receives a serious kick that breaks his arm, Piccolo also charges in, but both are quickly swatted down by Android 17. When Piccolo gets back up, he charges at Android 17 who is choking Tien; when he reaches Android 17, he is felled with a single blow to the stomach that nearly tears through him. Krillin gives each of the warriors a Senzu Bean, and Piccolo states he has an idea (in the Japanese version and Dragon Ball Z Kai, Krillin asks if Piccolo has any plans for defeating the Androids, to which Piccolo barks angrily and lies that he was never their friend and is still plotting to overtake the world). When Krillin asks what it is, Piccolo angrily snaps at him and then abruptly takes off to The Lookout. Piccolo does not need to explain to Kami why he has come, Kami having already read his thoughts that Piccolo wishes to fuse with him and become whole once again. Piccolo rebuffs Kami, stating that they are not fusing on an equal level and will simply be using the old Namekian as a tool to become more powerful, stating that the only reason that Kami even exists now in face of all the converging foes is for the Dragon Balls. Regardless, Kami is not opposed to the idea of fusing with Piccolo, but he wants to observe the situation for a while longer to be sure that his last decision is made for valid reasons. Piccolo starts to argue with him, but Kami counters by pointing out that even Future Trunks stated these Androids are different (being "much, much" more powerful, for one, and for having spared their lives, whereas the future counterparts killed them outright), and that it was Vegeta who started the fight they just had. Piccolo calls Kami a coward for his reluctance and waits on the lookout for him to make up his mind. When Kami learns of the recent arrival of a danger from the future far greater than the Androids, he realizes he has no choice. With Piccolo serving as the base form, they merge into one being, becoming the nameless Namekian once again, himself stating that he was now no longer Kami or Piccolo. Cell Saga
His purpose is to locate Android 17 and Android 18 and take their energy by absorbing them into his being so that he may achieve his Perfect form. Now knowing the creature's origin and intentions, Piccolo exposes his ruse, tearing the withered left arm free and growing a healthy one in its place, now prepared to resume battle with Imperfect Cell. Future Trunks and Krillin soon arrive, and Imperfect Cell, now outnumbered, uses the Solar Flare (inherited from either Goku or the technique's coiner Tien) and escapes. Tien and Vegeta soon arrive, and Piccolo explains the nature of Cell to them. He and Tien then search for Cell as the monster travels from town to town absorbing people's energy, but Imperfect Cell detects their ki and then lowers his own and hides every time they get close. Piccolo begins traveling on a jet plane, piloted by Yamcha, with Gohan, Krillin, and Tien so that they can keep their ki hidden while searching for the creature. While searching, a recovered Goku teleports onto the plane and explains that he has a plan for himself, Future Trunks, Gohan, and Vegeta to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in order to train for a year in span of one Earth day. He then takes Gohan and teleports back to Kami's lookout. Piccolo and the rest keep searching but Piccolo begins to despair, knowing that with each town Imperfect Cell attacks, his strength grows, and the monster will soon be powerful enough to confront and absorb the Androids. Piccolo and the rest soon return to Kame House. By good or bad luck, the Androids soon arrive, demanding the location of Goku so that they may kill him to finish their game. Piccolo decides to use this opportunity to try and destroy them, thereby preventing them from being absorbed by Imperfect Cell. They head to deserted Tropical Islands and Piccolo learns that he will only have to fight Android 17, giving him a chance at victory. He and #17 are roughly equal in strength, and though Piccolo does not have the infinite energy of his opponent, he does have several tricks up his sleeve that prove an outstanding resistance, such as his amazing regeneration abilities and his variety of energy attacks, such as the Hellzone Grenade. However, Cell arrives in the middle of their fight. With his increase in strength from absorbing countless humans from various cities, Imperfect Cell is now considerably more powerful than Piccolo, and on top of that Piccolo has expended a considerably large amount of his energy battling Android 17. After 17 is attacked by Cell, Piccolo steps in to help, but is easily swatted aside. Without any other options, Piccolo uses his desperation attack, the Light Grenade, and destroys the island that they were fighting on. However, Imperfect Cell bears no damage from the attack due to his superior strength and sets his eyes on the weary Namekian. Realizing that the both of them can do nothing to defeat Cell, Piccolo warns #17 to run; however, he is interrupted by Cell, with one swift punch, which snaps the brave Namek's neck and takes him down. Seeing no need to absorb him, Cell picks Piccolo up from the ground, blasts a hole clean through his stomach and tosses him into the ocean, leaving him for dead. Luckily, Piccolo barely managed to survive thanks to his regeneration and is soon rescued by Goku and taken back to Kami's Lookout, along with Tien who had distracted Cell to stop him from absorbing Android 18. Piccolo quickly recovers, but with Imperfect Cell having absorbed Android 17 and now in his even more powerful Semi-Perfect form, he can do nothing but watch. He observed as Super Vegeta first defeated Semi-Perfect Cell and then allowed him to absorb Android 18 and attain his Perfect form. He also witnessed Perfect Cell's subsequent victory over Future Trunks and his announcement of the Cell Games, giving the Earth's defenders ten days to prepare for his tournament. When Goku and Gohan emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Gohan requests for Piccolo to give him a copy of his uniform, which Piccolo happily conjures up for him. He is also startled by how much more powerful Goku became with his mastery over the Super Saiyan form. Piccolo enters the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and, although becoming significantly stronger, is still nowhere near powerful enough to challenge Perfect Cell. After he emerges, Goku asks him if it is possible for him to split with Kami again. Piccolo states that he cannot, so Goku instead goes to New Namek to recruit a new guardian and returns with Dende who takes the position and promptly reactivates the Dragon Balls. When the ten-day wait is over, Piccolo accompanies Goku and the others to the Cell Games. He stays on the sidelines for most of the battle but speaks up when Goku, after first battling then yielding to Perfect Cell, volunteers Gohan to fight. Piccolo states that no matter how strong Gohan had become, there is no way he can fight Perfect Cell. He criticizes even further when Goku tosses a Senzu Bean to Perfect Cell so that the fight is "fair". When Perfect Cell manages to grab Gohan in a bear hug and begins crushing him, Piccolo blames Goku for his actions, and prepares to enter the battle, even though it likely means his death. Perfect Cell soon stops his attack though, deciding to target Gohan's friends instead. He soon spawns seven Cell Juniors, one for each Z Fighter watching the fight. Piccolo does well against the Cell Jrs, managing to stand his ground despite Cell's comment that only Vegeta and Trunks were able to fight back, while the weary Goku and the powerless humans are gradually beaten to the ground, but is soon overwhelmed until Gohan finally snaps and transforms into a Super Saiyan 2, and defeats all of the Cell Juniors with ease, leaving all of the Z warriors to look on in shock. In the anime, Piccolo is actually shown to be the Z fighter who does a better job at beating the Cell Juniors, being able to assist Krillin, Yamcha and Tien for a while, however such filler goes against what happened in the manga. Gohan battled Cell and was able to not only outmatch Cell, but also cause him to spit up Android 18 and revert to his Semi-Perfect form. Piccolo then witnessed Goku's noble sacrifice as he teleported himself and a self-destructing Cell (who tried to blow himself up along with the Earth) to King Kai's Planet, which was destroyed along with everybody who was present at the time (Goku, King Kai, Bubbles, and, in the anime, Gregory). But Cell survived and became even stronger thanks to his Saiyan genes. He teleported back to Earth (he learned how to use the Instant Transmission), and after killing Future Trunks, ensued in a Kamehameha duel with Gohan, who Cell had already weakened when Gohan attempted to save Vegeta from Cell's Death Beam. Piccolo, along with the other Z Fighters, assisted Gohan in the duel by blasting Cell with various ki blasts, as Piccolo was unwilling to let the person who taught him the value of friendship die all alone against Cell (in the manga, rather than helping Gohan, Piccolo merely curses at his inability to make any difference in the situation, making it more of a surprise when Vegeta finally intervenes). The efforts of the Z Fighters failed to faze Cell until Vegeta distracted him with an energy blast, which gave Gohan the time he needed to destroy Cell once and for all. Piccolo then lauded Vegeta on hitting Cell in an honorable move, but the latter just tells Piccolo to get lost. Piccolo returned to the lookout, where he, upon being asked whether Gohan could come and see him again there, tells him he would bet on it. World Tournament Saga
When they meet in spectators' area, Piccolo asks the alien if he is Grand Kai, the ruler of the Kai's, a set of four gods who each watch over quadrant of the galaxy, the alien's companion responds that he is actually the Supreme Kai, a much higher being who is above Grand Kai. Having much of Kami's essence, Piccolo is awed by Shin's presence and extremely respectful of his place on the divine hierarchy. During a later fight between Gohan and Kibito, Gohan's energy is drained by two very oddly powerful humans after he is paralyzed by Shin, who intended to pursue the two to see where they would take the stolen energy. Shin then sets off to follow them, stating that any help would be appreciated. Piccolo immediately joins him, followed soon by Goku, Krillin, and Vegeta. As they travel, Shin informs them all that the two humans are possessed pawns of a wizard named Babidi and they are collecting energy to revive a powerful force of destruction known as Majin Buu. Piccolo and the others are joined by a fully recovered Gohan and Kibito, and then hide on a mountain top near Babidi's ship and watch as he destroys the two human pawns as "their job was done". The Z Fighters are then attacked by the Demon King Dabura, whom Babidi has possessed as his strongest henchman, with a power roughly equal to Perfect Cell. Dabura quickly kills Kibito and spits on Krillin and Piccolo, turning them both into stone statues. Majin Buu Saga
Before Majin Buu can finish Shin off, he was attacked by Vegeta, who was currently under Babidi's influence (but able to completely resist his control), and states that he will destroy Majin Buu in vengeance for the monster's (supposed) killing of Gohan, shocking Piccolo with the news. Piccolo watches their fight and barely escapes along with Goten, Trunks, and Krillin after Majin Buu unleashes his Angry Explosion technique. When Majin Buu resumes the attack on a badly wounded Vegeta, Piccolo is unable to prevent Goten and Trunks from rushing into the battle themselves. The pair manages to temporarily halt Majin Buu, smashing him through some mountains while his guard was down, and then attempts to aid Vegeta. In the meantime, Piccolo confronts Babidi. Piccolo resists the wizard's Demon Eye and breaks his Wizard Barrier. When Babidi attempts to plead for his life, claiming that only he can prevent Majin Buu from becoming out of control, Piccolo states that it does not matter as they will not allow Buu to live even if he is not alive and chops the wizard in half, fatally injuring him and then spitting as a sign of spite. Piccolo watches as Vegeta knocks the two kids unconscious. When he descends to Vegeta, Vegeta asks Piccolo to take the children far from the battle site. Piccolo realizes that Vegeta plans on sacrificing himself. Vegeta confirms this by asking if he will see Kakarot (Goku's original Saiyan name) in the afterlife and Piccolo states he will not, because Vegeta has committed too many evil actions before joining the Z Fighters to be on the same plane as Goku and he will instead be reincarnated, after his spirit is purified. Piccolo, carrying the children, then retreats with Krillin until they witness an enormous explosion that Vegeta fueled despite all this, in an attempt to protect Bulma and Trunks, and "even Kakarot". After the blast had died down, Piccolo hands the kids to Krillin and tells him to tell everyone else what has happened and then goes back to the battle site to see what has transpired. When he reaches the site, now a large crater, he pays his respects to Vegeta. He recalls about the time he had sacrificed himself to save Gohan's life many years ago, and bids farewell to the Saiyan Prince. He also finds a still barely alive Babidi, who survived due to his ability to conjure barriers. As he moves in to finish him off, Piccolo notices the pieces of Majin Buu moving. They quickly shape themselves into full miniature versions of Majin Buu and begin colliding into each other, reforming the original Majin Buu. He makes a fast retreat, catching up with Krillin and informing him that they have to go to Kami's Lookout in the slight chance that it might offer sanctuary. Goku (who was rendered unconscious by Vegeta after a fight they had) soon arrives after them and they trade stories, informing Piccolo of Vegeta's willingness to become Babidi's pawn in order to gain power and their subsequent battle. Piccolo says that Shin was right to fear Buu, and now the whole universe is in danger. Goku says he wanted to use the Fusion Dance that he learned from some Metamorans in the Other World. Piccolo realizes Goku could have fused with Gohan or Vegeta if they were alive and defeated Majin Buu. Mr. Popo suggests that Goten and Trunks can fuse, since they have near-equal power and size. Goku thinks that's a great idea, and says he'll teach them Fusion until he has to leave, and then Piccolo can train them afterwards. Piccolo agrees, and Krillin gets excited at this faint glimmer of hope. However, Piccolo thinks that it will take a long time for the boys to master Fusion, and many innocent lives will be lost to Majin Buu in the meantime. After Goku teleports all of his friends and family to the Lookout, Babidi contacts all inhabitants of Earth telepathically, stating that he wants the location of Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo. He then introduces himself and Majin Buu, before having Buu show the people his strength. Babidi shows everyone an image of Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten again, and anyone who knows where they are had better speak up, if they don't want to be turned into candy and eaten. He tells everyone they have five days and then ends the transmission. Piccolo is livid at this turn of events and wants to go to Babidi and prevent the loss of more lives. Goku tells Piccolo not to talk stupid, because he needs him to teach the boys Fusion when he goes back to Other World. That's the only way to defeat Buu, and they can restore the people and the planet with the Dragon Balls. Piccolo agrees, and calms down. When the boys wake up, Goku and Piccolo tell them about Vegeta and Gohan's apparent deaths at Majin Buu's hand and that they need to learn Fusion so they can avenge them. Goku also says they have to hurry, in case Babidi finds The Lookout, so Piccolo suggests they use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku says that someone can only use that room for at most two days in their life, and they may need it sometime in the future. As Goku begins teaching them the fundamentals of Fusion. Observing the training, Piccolo shows disbelief at how strong the two boys have become. All of a sudden, Babidi transmits another message into the minds of all the people of Earth. Still seeking revenge against Goten, Trunks and Piccolo for assisting Vegeta during his battle with Majin Buu, Babidi informs everyone that has learned the location of one of his targets: The Capsule Corporation in West City. In need of the Dragon Radar located there, Goku quickly changes plans, and orders Trunks to fly home and retrieve the radar before Babidi reaches the city. Goku informs him that he'll fend off Buu and Babidi, so they do not reach the city in time. Trunks zips from the Lookout and heads straight toward West City and his home. Meanwhile, Goku uses his Instant Transmission technique to confront Buu. During the battle, Goku displays his new Super Saiyan 3 transformation, leaving the Dragon Team shocked. After Trunks retrieves the Dragon Radar, Goku returns to The Lookout. Goku informs Piccolo that Buu killed Babidi, as he cannot sense the evil wizard's energy anymore. Goku says that Babidi got what he deserved, and he knew would Buu kill him eventually. Piccolo believes that Buu will become peaceful without Babidi giving him orders, but Goku says that is just wishful thinking. Just as Goku predicted, Majin Buu goes on a rampage and targets the remaining Earthlings on the planet. Piccolo curses himself for thinking that Majin Buu would do nothing. Goku says that Buu enjoys destruction and killing at a whim. Piccolo comments that if Buu wanted to, he could easily destroy the planet and kill everyone in no time. Goku thinks it is unlikely as Buu was excited when he told him someone stronger would come in two days and concludes that the Earth will be safe until then, though he feels sorry for the people of Earth. Piccolo says that Goten and Trunks will have to master Fusion within the next two days. Goku says that he probably has only an hour left of his remaining time on Earth to the boys. When Piccolo asks how this is possible, Goku reveals that the Super Saiyan 3 form used up most of his energy and that it is something that should only be used in Other World as it uses way too much energy and exhausts the user completely in a place where time flows like Earth. Piccolo suggests having Dende restore his energy, but Goku refuses as there is another reason he wants to go back to Other World (presumably to find out if Gohan is really dead). Suddenly, Fortuneteller Baba appears and says Goku has only 30 minutes left and that he should getting ready to return. While they wait for Trunks to return, Piccolo asks Goku if he could have defeated Majin Buu as a Super Saiyan 3, and Goku reveals he is unsure as Majin Buu's strength is incredible and he thinks it's very likely he would have lost against Buu. Piccolo asks if he didn't go all out, was because of Super Saiyan 3's rapid energy consumption. Goku says no and points out that as he is no longer a part of this world, it would be best to step back and leave the fight to next generation as you never know when an even stronger opponent will appear. Goku also admits their taking a risk, but after seeing Goten and Trunks' potential, he thinks it is worth a try. Piccolo says that he is putting the fate of the planet in the hands of children, but Goku counters that it wouldn't be the first time, referencing Gohan. Piccolo tells Goku to give Gohan his regards when he sees him in Other World, causing Goku to say he thinks the worst thing about Gohan being dead is that he isn't able to see Piccolo anymore. Finally, Trunks returns to The Lookout with the Dragon Radar. With little time remaining, Goku and Piccolo begin teaching Goten and Trunks the Fusion Dance. Goku is surprised to find Goten and Trunks are more obedient and respectful than before, causing Piccolo to comment that it seems Goku's Super Saiyan 3 transformation had been helpful with motivating them into cooperating as well. Continuing their training of the boys, Piccolo asks Goku if he's alright, because he seems tired. Goku insists he's okay, while Piccolo contemplates how much energy Super Saiyan 3 uses in the living world. Goku demonstrates the moves for the Fusion Dance, and everyone is speechless. Goku says they'll have to both do it with "left and right symmetry", but the boys don't know what that means. So, Goku wants Piccolo to try it with him to show the boys, but Piccolo is quite reluctant. Nevertheless, Goku and Piccolo mirror each other's movements, ending up with their fingers touching. Goku tells the boys to do the dance now. Piccolo says that even if Vegeta were alive, he would never have done this, and Goku isn't sure why. As Goten and Trunks attempt to fuse, Goku strictly tells the boys to correct their movements. Unfortunately, Fortuneteller Baba arrives, saying that it’s time for Goku to go back to Other World now (In the anime, Goku uses up his remaining time by demonstrating Super Saiyan 3 to the boys). Goku tells Piccolo it's all up to him now, and the boys need to have Fusion mastered by tomorrow and Piccolo agrees. Everyone gathers around and says their goodbyes. With Goku having returned to the afterlife, Piccolo takes over their instruction fully, correcting them on the mistakes they make when their Fusions fail the first two times. When the Fusion works properly, he finds an entirely new challenge in trying to install some discipline and control in the extremely powerful, and equally arrogant, Gotenks. The first time they fuse properly, Gotenks goes after Majin Buu in his base form and returns to the Lookout, badly bruised and battered but still alive. Piccolo scolds the young, fused warrior for disobeying. After Goten and Trunks fuse while in the Super Saiyan state, Gotenks rushes off to battle again, this time with Piccolo following him. Gotenks wastes a large amount of time demonstrating his speed by flying around the world dozens of times and even taking a nap whilst waiting for Piccolo to catch up, only seeking Majin Buu when there's one minute left in the thirty-minute Fusion time limit. This causes him to separate before he can even face Buu, leaving his individual fusees to hastily escape before Buu can kill them. While waiting the hour needed for them to recover and fuse again, Piccolo observes the changes in Majin Buu, brought about by his friendship with Mr. Satan, a human who fraudulently took credit for defeating Cell and therefore became regarded as the world's greatest hero. Soon after, he witnessed the split of Mr. Buu into two separate Buu's, the battle between them, and the absorption of Mr. Buu by Evil Buu, resulting in the even more powerful Super Buu. Piccolo and Dende both immediately notice the sharp increase in power and become even more worried. Super Buu is able to detect ki and quickly arrives at Kami's Lookout, looking for the stronger person who Goku said would fight with him. Piccolo tries to stall Buu by saying that the fighter is sleeping and pleads for more time, to which Super Buu angrily refuses. Super Buu then sends out innumerable blasts, one for each person remaining on Earth, killing all but Mr. Satan, and the few who could avoid the beams, such as Tien and Chiaotzu. When Super Buu demands to fight again, Piccolo asks that they have one hour to wake the warrior up and get him prepared, adding that Mr. Satan's child (Videl, who was brought to the Lookout) also wants him to wait. Super Buu reluctantly agrees due to the little of the good Majin Buu that he had in him, but vows to kill everyone straight afterwards. Piccolo wastes no time and quickly ushers Goten and Kid Trunks into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber where they can train for fifteen Hyperbolic days in the hour that Super Buu has allowed them. While waiting, he explains to Videl how Super Buu knows about her father and his achievement of taming Mr. Buu. After a bit less than thirty minutes, Super Buu loses patience and demands to fight their warrior immediately. Piccolo relents and starts leading Super Buu to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, taking the long way to maximize the time it will take, but Buu quickly becomes aware of the ruse and demands for him to take him there immediately. He contacts Goten and Kid Trunks telepathically, telling them that he will be at the room with Super Buu in one minute, giving them six hours to rest up for the fight. Piccolo also has a secret plan that, if Gotenks is not capable of stopping Super Buu, he will destroy the entrance to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, locking Super Buu and themselves inside for all of eternity. Once Super Buu is in the room, Piccolo watches as Gotenks attacks him in base form with a multitude of goofy moves, doing no damage, as Piccolo gazes in astonishment and loss of hope. Gotenks then turns Super Saiyan and, with a powerful Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, blows Super Buu to tiny fragments. Piccolo, knowing what happened last time when Vegeta did relatively the same thing, orders Gotenks to destroy all the pieces of Super Buu. It was in vain, as the vapors from the burned pieces regathered and formed back into Super Buu, to which Piccolo curses his luck for not completely erasing the vulnerable pieces when they had the chance. Piccolo then asked Gotenks if he had any more special attacks left, which Gotenks falsely denies, stating that all was lost. With seemingly no options left, Piccolo destroys the entrance, trapping them in the room forever. Gotenks immediately insults Piccolo for this decision and tells him of his plan to surprise Buu with a powerful attack pretending all is lost. Piccolo responds to this in complete disgust at Gotenks' attitude towards the situation, and they begin to argue. Super Buu, so enraged about not having access to any candy ever again in his location, lets out a mighty scream, ripping the fabric between the dimensions and creating a portal through which he escaped. Gotenks and Piccolo try several times to recreate Super Buu's portal but without any success. Eventually, when there seem to be no more options, Gotenks reveals that he had something up his sleeve, and turns Super Saiyan 3, with Piccolo once again, in astonishment. Gotenks then quickly (and with more ease than the powered-up Buu) blared open a portal which himself and Piccolo escaped from. On exiting, Super Buu boasted of his devouring all adult and teenager friends on the lookout, causing Gotenks to finally get serious and fight Super Buu fully. The resulting battle destroyed Kami's Lookout, leaving Piccolo despaired until he was asked by Gotenks to assist him in an attack where Super Buu was battered around like a volleyball whilst sealed inside Gotenks' Galactic Donuts. Piccolo continued to observe the battle until Gotenks, just as he had a possible chance to defeat Super Buu with his enormous strength, reverted to his base form shortly before the fusion itself wore off. Seeing no hope left, Piccolo prepared to make his last stand with the two young Saiyans who could no longer fuse for an hour. Super Buu was distracted though, and the appearance of Gohan, now massively more powerful than he had been before was the reason. Gohan attacked Super Buu and proved to be his superior by far; Super Buu retaliated by exploding and hiding his ki from the group. While waiting for him to reappear, Gohan filled Piccolo in on his training at the planet of the Supreme Kais, where he had been since, his first encounter with Mr. Buu, while Piccolo was a stone statue, and his mystical power up by the workings of Old Kai that predated the current one by fifteen generations. They then left to find Dende, whom Gohan sensed was still alive thanks to Popo's sacrifice. On the way they encountered Mr. Satan and Piccolo picked him up, seeing in him the beginnings of a true hero. They then reunited with Dende, but it was brief as Super Buu chose this moment to attack them again. Though Gohan stepped up to defeat him for good, Super Buu instead challenged Goten and Kid Trunks to fight him as Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks again, which they obliged. It was part of his plan though and once Gotenks appeared, he sprung his trap to absorb him for his power and also Piccolo for his intelligence. After being rescued by Goku and Vegeta (as Vegito, who was purposely absorbed by Buu to free the others), Piccolo was killed along with Goten, Gohan, and Trunks when Kid Buu blew up the Earth, while Goku and Vegeta managed to escape Earth. Piccolo was soon revived, along with the Earth and all its inhabitants, by wishes granted by Porunga. He then gave his energy to help form a Spirit Bomb being created by Goku to finish off Kid Buu after receiving Vegeta's planet-wide message, broadcasted by King Kai. Sometime after Kid Buu is destroyed, in a filler episode, Piccolo, along with other characters, is at Bulma's house for a party. God of Destruction Beerus Saga
Later, after Oolong has lost to Beerus in a rock-paper-scissors match, Piccolo is asked by Krillin that if he joined the fight, could there have been a chance but Piccolo denies. The match of rock-paper-scissors decided the fate of the Earth, in which Beerus is ready to blow it up. They are however saved by Goku arrival to Earth. After Goku has summoned Shenron to learn about Super Saiyan God, Piccolo claims that the ritual can't be done to to the fact the there is a need of six righteous Saiyans but there are however four. Piccolo is bombarded by Master Roshi and Chi-Chi and was told that Vegeta is a righteous Saiyan. After Goku has transformed into the Super Saiyan God, Piccolo asks for a confirmation from Dende for Goku attaining godly ki and it is deemed to be true. Golden Frieza Saga
He was then seen babysitting Pan when Gohan and Videl went out shopping. At one point, he made funny faces and played peek a boo with her, making her laugh, until her parents return and just when Piccolo was relieved once more, he senses a bad energy where he was facing but didn't know what it was until Shenron was summoned and the sky darkened. After that was over, Piccolo predicted that he and his friends were in serious trouble. When Piccolo and Gohan heard news of Frieza's return, they join Master Roshi, Krillin, and Tien Shinhan in the fight against him and his army of 1,000 soldiers. Tagoma shot a ki blast at Gohan and injured him critically. Gohan's heart stopped so Piccolo restarted it with a Kiai Defibrillation. Piccolo tries to attack Tagoma with his efforts, but he isn't strong enough to match Tagoma. Gohan helped Piccolo by shooting a blast at Tagoma to get him away. Then, Captain Ginyu switched bodies with Tagoma and takes on the Z Fighters with his immense power. They are easily beat by Ginyu with just single punches to everyone. After that, Piccolo watches Gohan transformed into a Super Saiyan and beat Ginyu in several hits but spared him. Frieza gets furious and starts shooting Death Beams at Gohan. Piccolo then sacrifices himself to protect Gohan after Frieza shoots him multiple times. In the movie version of these events Piccolo did not die here. In the movie he both witnessed Goku and Frieza's battle and was saved from Earth's destruction by Whis later on. He is later revived with the Namekian Dragon Balls by Goku after Frieza's death. Then, Piccolo and everyone go to Capsule Corporation for a feast Bulma is preparing. He hears about Frieza's new form, Golden Frieza and is intrigued by this. During the feast, he is approached by Gohan who realized he needs to train and asks Piccolo is he could do so, and Piccolo accepts this and tells him to maintain his boring body first. Universe 6 Saga
When Jaco arrives, Piccolo and co. head outside. When Vegeta notes that Saiyan women are strong-willed, Piccolo realizes why Goku likes Chi-Chi and Vegeta likes Bulma. Five days later, Piccolo is attending the tournament on the Nameless Planet because he has been selected by Goku to participate on Beerus' team, he along with Goku, Vegeta, Majin Buu, and the strongest fighter Beerus has ever fought. On the way to the Nameless Planet, while Vegeta is curious about a mystery being on the ship, Whis says it's the strongest fighter Beerus has ever faced, Monaka. Vegeta is shocked because of his appearance then Piccolo says they tend to underestimate their opponents off of appearance. After two hours and forty-five minutes of traveling, they arrive on the Nameless Planet. Once they arrive, the written test, requested by Vegeta, is ready to commence. Piccolo senses good in Frost after Goku and Vegeta suggests he's Frieza. Vados demands everyone to sit because the exam is beginning. Piccolo stands by Goku and Vegeta as they are approached by one of Universe 6's warriors, Cabba. He reveals that he's a Saiyan from Universe 6 and says interesting things about their universe's Saiyans such as having evolved past tails, the original home planet of Sadala is still present in Universe 6 and Saiyans are good beings and they do not steal planets but rather help defeat evil beings. After this encounter, everyone beings the exam which is ten questions to test the basic knowledge of the warriors. After the time span of ten minutes, Piccolo passes the exam, but Good Buu fails, the only one, and Piccolo even yells at him for spelling his name wrong but Buu has not done anything like it before. Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta then see Beerus who demands they select their slots of who fights when: Goku fights first, Piccolo second, Vegeta third, and Monaka fourth. After the Referee introduces the Singer to sing the universe anthem, he presents the first match between Goku and Botamo. As he watches the match, Piccolo thinks that Goku's stamina will decrease first, Vegeta doesn't think Goku can win if he can't deal damage to Botamo. Piccolo thinks that Goku can only hurt Botamo if he goes all out, but Vegeta doesn't think Goku should. Piccolo is shocked to see that Goku thought of pushing Botamo down and throwing him out the ring, but he didn't think of that tactic. After Botamo is defeated, Piccolo watches the match between Goku and Frost. Piccolo sees Frost transform into his third form. Frost's third form makes him remember all of the negative attributes of Frieza and the events that occurred on Planet Namek. Piccolo is surprised when Goku is defeated by Frost. Piccolo confronts Frost, he takes his weighted clothing off and prepares to fight. Frost first charges towards Piccolo but Piccolo vanishes and move above Frost where he starts to prepare his Special Beam Cannon, Frost then fired multiple Chaos Shots at Piccolo but Piccolo dodges all of them except for one which pierced through his right leg, causing him to fall back on the ground, but then Piccolo creates clones of himself while charging the Special Beam Cannon. Frost uses an Explosive Wave to wipe out all of the clones leaving the one real Piccolo behind, and he then did a few swift attacks towards Piccolo and just as Frost was about to finish him off. Because of his upcoming victory, Frost is off guard. Piccolo uses Demon Hand and wraps around Frost with his left arm, preparing to shoot the Special Beam Cannon at Frost. Piccolo says that he allowed Frost to pierce his leg in order to create this chance. However, though Frost then uses the poison against Piccolo making him feel dizzy and shot the Special Beam Cannon upwards, missing Frost. Frost then moves towards Piccolo and shoots an energy blast through Piccolo causing the Namekian's defeat. Piccolo is disqualified though after everyone discovers Frost's cheat; Piccolo's loss is retracted. Therefore, Piccolo will participate in the next match. However, Vegeta tells referee to let Frost continue the tournament as Vegeta wanted to beat Frost himself, Piccolo accepts to be forfeited. Piccolo comes back to sit with his team, he announces Vegeta that this upcoming match won't be lightly. After Vegeta defeats Frost, Piccolo watches the next match between Vegeta and Magetta. Vegeta gets insane and releases his ki. Vegeta's ki breaks Vados' new barrier into pieces. The fragments of the barrier dart around. Piccolo dodges them, he is surprised that Monaka didn't move even an inch to avoid. While watching the match between Vegeta and Cabba, Piccolo realizes that Goku is concerned about Hit, the strongest fighter from Universe 6. After taking out Cabba, Vegeta faces Hit. Piccolo can't believe that Vegeta is quickly defeated. Even Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo couldn't see Hit's attacks. Piccolo hears Whis mentions that Monaka is just an amateur and he is simply motivation for Goku and Vegeta and is shocked. The match between Goku and Hit begins. Piccolo is stunned when Hit screams and improves his power in such a short amount of time. Piccolo then sees Goku uses his old technique and becomes a Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken. He is impressed by Goku's extreme fast speed. He then watches as Goku forfeits his match against Hit, deliberately falling out of the ring. Piccolo also stands silent during the arrival of Zeno. Piccolo is then present as the Super Dragon Balls are used to summon Super Shenron, and then returns home with the other Z-Fighters. Copy-Vegeta Saga
While Gohan and Videl are away on business, Piccolo was tasked with babysitting Pan, who calls him "Piccoyo". Goku, Chi-Chi and Goten then arrive at the house, as their house has been destroyed, and Piccolo gives them oddly specific instructions on taking care of Pan and what she likes to eat. Later that night, Piccolo talks with Goku about his Delayed Onset Ki Disorder, who casually says that his Ki is so flustered that Piccolo would beat him in an all-out fight. The following day, when Pan disappears, Piccolo angrily yells at Goku and Chi-Chi, and assist them in looking for her. Pan is found by the time Gohan and Videl arrive back home. "Future" Trunks Saga
After the second battle of Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks in Trunks' timeline, Piccolo comes to the Capsule Corporation, finds way to beat Zamasu and Black, along with their actual origin that Black was once Zamasu, who switch bodies with Goku via Super Dragon Balls, then kills both Goku, and his wife and son, then uses Time Ring to prevent his death from the altered timeline where he is killed by Beerus, and fasten up Future Zamasu's same desire by killing Future Gowasu quickly. Because Future Zamasu's now immortal thanks to Super Dragon Ball in his timeline and destroyed it, Piccolo suggests Goku use Evil Containment Wave to seal one of them to prevent them from teaming up. He gets ready to teach Goku the technique but Goku's unaware and instantly teleports to Master Roshi's house. Upon Goku, Vegeta and Bulma's final return to the future where Black destroys both Time Machine and a jar that was used for sealing Black via Evil Containment Wave, Piccolo is horrified to learn that now Goku forgot to bring an Evil Containment Wave seal paper to strengthen the containment's seal, leaving Goku, Vegeta and Bulma, along with the humanity on Future Trunks' timeline are doom. Before Future Trunks and Mai leave to the new timeline created by Whis, Piccolo and Gohan arrive to say goodbye. Universe Survival Saga
When Android 17 arrived at the Capsule Corporation after agreeing to participate in the tournament, Piccolo told him that he had noticed that the android had become much stronger than before and tried his hand to thank him for his help In the tournament. Android 17 shook hands with pleasure. When all of the members assemble, Piccolo, alongside the other members of Team Universe 7, depart to the World of Void. When the Tournament of Power began, Piccolo decides to remain with Gohan, Krillin, Tien Shinhan and Master Roshi. They are attacked by Lavender, Botamo, Comfrey, Shosa and Dercori. Their team assault does no damage to them. After Universe 9 is erased, Piccolo is just as shocked as the other fighters. They are attacked by Universe 10's Dium. During his attack, Piccolo takes off his weighted clothing. Piccolo witnesses Kale's rampage, with him noting that Kale cannot control her power. After Kale's rampage, he is separated by the others, but they manage to regroup. Seeing the state of the Tournament, Gohan, Piccolo, Tien and Master Roshi decide to fight separately. He was about to fight Universe 10's Dyrasem, but Brianne de Chateau knocked out the latter, shocking Piccolo. Piccolo, alongside Gohan encounter Botamo. Piccolo let Gohan fight Botamo, while he was watching. After Botamo's defeat, they are challenged by Universe 10's Obni and Rubalt. Piccolo fights Rubalt, easily defeating him with the Hellzone Grenade and blasting him off the stage with an energy wave. After Universe 10 is erased, Piccolo sees Gohan being sad and mournful and he snaps him out of it and the two depart. Sometime later, Gohan and Piccolo are approached by Universe 6's Dr. Rota. Dr. Rota wants to reveal his ability, however before he can do so, he is taken out by a powerful Ki Blast. Gohan and Piccolo hide. Piccolo throws a rock out in the open which is destroyed by the same Ki Blast that took out Dr. Rota. Piccolo says it's an attack that focuses energy in one point like the Special Beam Cannon and is shot from far away. Also, Piccolo cannot sense the attacker's energy. Gohan asks if Dr. Rota is dead, Piccolo says that if he would be dead then the attacker would have been disqualified, meaning he is still alive. Gohan and Piccolo decide to move to an area with rubble without the attacker seeing them. Afterwards, Piccolo's arm is shot off, however Piccolo regenerates, and the two decide to find the attacker. While spheres are patrolling the area, Piccolo puts his arm out in the open, and is shot, however he dodges it. Gohan saw the direction of the shot and the two decide to head there to take out the attacker. Gohan throws a rock which Piccolo blows up with a Ki Blast, creating dust, which they use as cover. In the dust, Piccolo finds one of Prum's spheres. Piccolo wonders what the sphere does, and the two are attacked once again. Piccolo destroys the sphere, revealing that the sphere had heat. Piccolo then takes a shot that was meant for Gohan, this time, both of his arms are shot off, however Piccolo regenerates once again. Piccolo reveals that the attacker is looking for their body heat, explaining why the attacker was capable of shooting them even in the dust. Piccolo and Gohan then heat up the entire area with heat in order to trick the attacker. Prum then bombards the entire area with Ki Blasts, cutting off Gohan and Piccolo. Gohan and Piccolo hide under a rock, as Tien comes to help them, dodge all the Ki Blasts. Piccolo and Gohan witness as Tien is eliminated by Hermila. After Hermila and Prum are eliminated, Piccolo and Gohan depart together. Later, Gohan and Piccolo confronted Saonel and Pilina, Namekians from Universe 6, after stopping their sneak attack on Goku. While initially Gohan and Piccolo were taken aback having to save each other numerous times, Gohan eventually is able to slowly start to dominate the pair. The fight however is unable to be finished due to Goku and Kefla's fight interrupting all other fights. After Goku defeats Kefla, Piccolo and Gohan resume their battle with Saonel and Pilina. While squaring off with them both Piccolo and Gohan sense a major change in them. Piccolo realizes what they did and engage the super powered Namekians. Piccolo is driven back into a wall by Pilina, who confirms Piccolo's theory that they fused with many Namekians. Piccolo pushes him off as Gohan powers up to his Ultimate state and tells Piccolo he can handle both of them no problem but wants Piccolo to focus all his power. Piccolo begins charging a full power Special Beam Cannon as Gohan engages the pair. Gohan is caught by Saonel who holds him in the air and Piccolo panics and fires what he had charged, and it doesn't do anything, forcing Gohan to break free take the hit for both of them. Unconscious, Piccolo is greeted by Kami and Nail, who point in front of him to see Gohan shielding him. Gohan apologizes and says he will get serious now and asks Piccolo to do it again as it will work. Piccolo apologizes to Gohan for getting on him about not being a warrior when he himself allowed himself to get caught up in his fellow Namekian's fighting spirit, but Piccolo vows to never allow that to happen again. He gets serious and charges up all his power into his Special Beam Cannon as Gohan is dominating both Saonel and Pilina. As Gohan fires his Ultimate Kamehameha at the Namekian duo for the finish, Pilina holds them on the stage with a Mouth Energy Wave as Saonel pulls his way through the attack. Assuming he has Gohan, Saonel jumps out of the attack only for Gohan to smile at him to reveal Piccolo behind him as Piccolo fires his full power Special Beam Cannon easily piercing clean through both Saonel and Pilina. Seeing his moment at his wounded foes, Gohan unleashes his full power blowing them clean out of the arena, eliminating Universe 6. Piccolo manages to save 18 from being knocked out of the arena by Gamisalas. After Gohan made Gamisalas' silhouette appear, Piccolo knocked him out of the arena. Xiangca creates illusions of erased fighters to fight Team Universe 7, however Piccolo sees him and knocks him out of the arena with a Ki Blast. Piccolo senses Damom's energy and tries to knock him out of the arena, however Piccolo is tricked by Damom and knocked out of the arena. Piccolo continues to watch the Tournament of Power from the bench up until Team Universe 7 emerged victorious in the tournament. Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Super Hero
Piccolo returns home and begins to meditate when he is suddenly attacked by Gamma 2. He realizes Gamma is an android and notices the Red Ribbon logo. Gamma 2 tells Piccolo he was sent there on a mission to subjugate the Namekian but decides instead to kill him. The two fight and Gamma 2 believes he's killed Piccolo and leaves. Piccolo, having just managed to dodge Gamma 2's attack and slip away in the dust, follows the android back to the Red Ribbon base. There Piccolo subdues a guard and steals his uniform to use as a disguise. Piccolo finds his way into a control room where the Red Ribbon members are holding a meeting. Overhearing the conversation about Cell Max, Piccolo slips away to contact Bulma by phone and asks her to get in contact with Goku and Vegeta. While waiting he heads to Korin's Tower and acquires two Senzu Beans before getting a call back from Bulma, saying she's had no luck contacting them. With few options left to defend the Earth, Piccolo remembers the Grand Elder Guru having unlocked Gohan and Krillin's potential and flies up to Dende to asks if he can perform a similar process for him. Dende says he cannot as he is too young but upgrades the Dragon Balls to be able to do so. Piccolo heads to Capsule Corporation to meet Bulma who he believes should have the Dragon Balls in her possession. There, Piccolo takes the first wish and has Shenron unlock his latent potential, even noting that he also threw in a bonus. He flies back to the Red Ribbon HQ and learns that the enemy plan to kidnap Pan so to lure in Gohan. Piccolo, still in his Red Ribbon uniform, volunteers to go on the mission to kidnap Pan as he claims to be familiar with her and he is paired up with another soldier, No. 15, for the mission. Piccolo then figures out that going through with a staged kidnapping may be what it takes to snap Gohan back into action. The soldier #15 arrives at Pan's kindergarten but is instantly knocked unconscious by her though she recognizes Piccolo by his ki, and he takes her and the unconscious #15 back onto the Red Ribbon plane. Aboard the plane, Piccolo reveals his plan to her and delivers her to Red Ribbon base. Pan feigns terror in a recording used to lure Gohan in and Piccolo and #15 show up at Gohan's House to deliver the message. Soon afterwards, Gohan arrives at the base where he faces off against Gamma 1. Gamma 2 is ordered into the fight as backup, but Piccolo intervenes to stop him, using his new, awakened form. While initially overpowering Gamma 2, the android reveals he had more power still and puts Piccolo on the back foot again. Momentarily defeated and falling into a crevice in the base, Piccolo remembers Shenron's words about "throwing in a bonus". A sigil alights on his back, his skin turns orange, his antenna stands on end, and he grows bulkier. With this stronger form, he takes out Gamma 2 with a single punch. The battle seemingly over, everyone regroups, now with the Gammas in tow. Bulma arrives, having brought Trunks, Goten, Krillin, and Android 18 as backup. Gohan asks Piccolo about his new form and being told by him that he was orange; he arbitrarily decides on "Orange Piccolo". The sky darkens, and Cell Max, explodes from below the base. The Dragon Team and the Gammas charge into combat against Cell Max and the Gammas reveal that Dr. Hedo had built a weakness into the top of Cell Max's head. With no one able to make much progress and Cell Max shrugging off even a Explosive Demon Wave from Piccolo aimed directly at his weak point, Gamma 2 engages in a sacrificial act that greatly weakens their enemy. Enraged, Cell Max tries to stomp Gamma 2's lifeless body, but Piccolo intervenes, returning to his Orange Piccolo form to hold up Cell Max's foot. Krillin reminds him of his gigantification technique from the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament and encourages him to use it. Piccolo become a giant but still struggles against Cell Max. Piccolo puts his hopes in Gohan, telling him that he will hold Cell Max in place long enough for Gohan to get in one, full-power attack on the weak point. He offers Gohan the last Senzu Bean from his belt and engages in an uphill battle with support from the others, while Gohan charges his power. Cell Max manages an attack that seems as if it's killed Piccolo, causing Gohan to awaken into a new state. Cell Max begins charging a massive ball of energy, which he collapses into a concentrated attack. Piccolo recovers and holds Cell Max in place. Cell Max tosses his energy ball and Gohan performs a Special Beam Cannon, running through both Cell Max's attack and his head. Cell Max falls to the ground and explodes, while the group escape from the blast. In the aftermath, Piccolo congratulates Gohan who notes that even had his father and Vegeta been around, they may not have been able to defeat Cell Max. Piccolo says that is exactly why it's important for Gohan to stay prepared. Gamma 2, drained of energy, disintegrates as Piccolo watches on stating that in the end, Gamma 2 really was a superhero. Peaceful World Saga
Name: Piccolo
Origin: Dragon Ball
Sex: Sexless (Namekians do not have other sexes, being confused by hearing of males and females)
Age: 3 during 23rd Budokai Saga (The 23rd Budokai Saga is 3 years after he was first born), 8 during beginning of Raditz Saga (Noted that the Saiyan Saga takes place 5 years later), 9 during Saiyan Saga (The saiyans were noted to take one year to get to Earth, though they were a month early), 10 during the beginning of the Frieza-Android Interlude (Noted that a year has passed), 13 during Android Saga (Trained for 3 years to prepare for the Androids), 14 during Cell Saga (Trained in the room of spirit and time where one day in the outside world is a year in there), 21 during Buu Saga (Buu Saga takes place 7 years later), 25 in God of Destruction Beerus Saga (The God of Destruction Saga takes place 4 years after the Buu Saga), 26 during Resurrection F (Around a year passed leading into the Resurrection F saga), 27 during Goku Black Arc and on (Around another year passed leading up to this arc), 30 in Super Hero (Super Hero takes place one year before Peaceful World Saga), 31 during Peaceful World Saga (Takes place 10 years after the Buu Saga)
Classification: Alien, Z-Fighter, Demon
Species: Namekian
Occupation: None
Status: Has been both Alive and Deceased (Piccolo has died both during the battle against Nappa where he sacrificed his life to protect Son Gohan and when he was killed by Kid Buu's planet burst attack, both times he has been revived by the Dragon Balls)
Alignment: Initially Neutral Evil (Wished to enact revenge on Son Goku for the murder of his father and rule the world, noting from his birth that he will kill all of them and put an end to peace), Chaotic Neutral during Saiyan Saga (Kami notes that Piccolo's evil has changed, while he still has evil in him, the crude and cunning violence he once had is gone, with Mr. Popo noting he is no longer the "Dai-Mao"(King Piccolo) of old. Even noted that due to his lessening evil, he did not cause the soul of Raditz to drift in space but he was sent to the afterlife. Which leads to the culimination of his training with Son Gohan where he sacrifices himself to save him), Chaotic Good during Android Saga (By the time of the Namek Saga and onwards Piccolo has become closer to good, his sacrifice from Gohan allowed him a place in heaven, even when he seemed to act like he was still evil, Krillin saw through that act and saw that he chose to give up his invidiuality and become one with Kami again in order to defeat the dangerous foes. Kami even notes that most of the evil has left Piccolo's soul), Neutral Good by Cell Saga and onwards (By this point, Piccolo has completely become good, becoming one with Kami, having his good side full emergy back, showing respect to those such as Shin, the Supreme Kai, and helping out during the Buu Saga)
Tier: At least 8-B, 7-A with Strongest Attack | At least 8-B, 7-A with Special Beam Cannon | 7-A | At least 7-A, High 6-A with Strongest Charged Attack | At least 7-A, High 6-A with Strongest Charged Attack | At least 7-A, High 6-A with Strongest Charged Attack
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Comparable to 23rd Budokai Saga Son Goku, where he was far above his Red Ribbon Army Saga self who defeated General Blue who survived his plane crashing into a mountain at full speed{3.72 Tons of TNT}, then after his training with Korin, it was noted by Korin his power increased "manyfold", making him at least two times stronger then before {7.44 Tons of TNT}, and also drank the Water of the Gods, where he absorbed all the hidden potential within him, greatly boosting his power, as training with Korrin increased his power manyfold, an even greater object such as the Water of Gods should have roughly the same effect meaning he should've had at least gotten two times stronger{~15 Tons of TNT}), Metropolis level with Strongest Attack (His massive explosive wave destroyed an entire city. As the stronger son of King Piccolo, he should have a similar attack of his that destroyed an entire city) | At least City Block level (Stronger then before), Metropolis level with Special Beam Cannon (The special beam cannon focuses his energy into one point, charging a drill-like beam that could one-shot Raditz, who with his blast can cause explosions dwarfing the mountains, which results in these levels of energy) | Metropolis level (Easily killed a Saibamen and is comparable to the Z fighters who can fight against the Saibamen, who rival Raditz in strength) | At least Metropolis level (Fused with Nail, giving him an immense increase in power allowing him to fight against Second Form Frieza, forcing him to go into his third form), Multi-Continent level with Strongest Charged Attack (Should be comparable to Vegeta's strongest charged attack, where he was going to use his galick gun to destroy the earth[Note/Explanation 1], which would reach these levels of energy) | At least Metropolis level (Fused with Kami, gaining another massive boost in power, where he proceeded to fight equally against Android 17), Multi-Continent level with Strongest Charged Attack (Put massive amount of energy into a blast that fully destroyed a good portion of an island) | At least Metropolis level, Multi-Continent level with Strongest Charged Attack
Durability: At least City Block level, Higher with Guard Up (Ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard), Lower with Ki Control (Higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them) | At least City Block level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control | Metropolis level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control | At least Metropolis level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control | At least Metropolis level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control | At least Metropolis level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control
Striking Strength: At least City Block Class | At least City Block Class | Metropolis Class | At least Metropolis Class | At least Metropolis Class | At least Metropolis Class
Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Superior to Early Dragon Ball Son Goku who could pick up and throw Bulma’s car, lift and crush a bolder with his own hands, moved a giant boulder with a lot of effort and later could somewhat move a massive boulder with some effort, etcetera) | Class 1 (Should be comparable to Early Saiyan Saga Son Goku who is able to barely move around and jump in gravity that multiplies his weight by ten times, where he's naturally 62 kg, thus making him 620 kg on King Kai's planet) | At least Class 10 (Superior to Son Goku during the Ginyu fight, who trained and got his body used to moving in 100 times gravity, where he's naturally 62 kg, thus making him 6200 kg or 6.2 tons) | Class 25 (Superior to Early Android Saga Vegeta, who trained in 300 times gravity, where Vegeta is naturally 56 kg, making him 16,800 kg or 16.8 tons) | Class 25 | Class 25
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Superior to Dragon Ball Saga Son Goku) | Superhuman | Superhuman | High Hypersonic (Superior to Saiyan Saga Goku, with Goku being capable of traveling over a million of kilometers in two days which results in these speeds) | At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Superior to Super Saiyan Son Goku on Namek, who previously in his base form traveled from Frieza's ship over to Vegeta in this timeframe) | At least Massively Hypersonic+
Combat Speed: High Hypersonic | High Hypersonic | High Hypersonic | High Hypersonic | At least Massively Hypersonic+ | At least Massively Hypersonic+
Reaction Speed: High Hypersonic (Far Beyond 22nd Budokai Son Goku, who could dodge a mouth blast from Tambourine, which he used to tag the flying nimbus where even post King Kai training Goku used the flying nimbus to make it to the saiyans implying it is at least comparable to his flight speed by then, with Goku being capable of traveling over a million of kilometers in two days which results in these speeds. Far faster than Mercenary Tao, who stated that a jet would take too long and used his pillar, with fighter jets reaching up to 1000 mph) | High Hypersonic | High Hypersonic | High Hypersonic | At least Massively Hypersonic+ | At least Massively Hypersonic+
Stamina: Superhuman (Fought with Son Goku in a very long and drawn out battle where both had to use there greatest skills against each other. Fought against Raditz even after losing an arm. Once fusing with Kami he should be comparable to Vegeta, who stood thinking for three days without showing any signs of tiring or growing hungry)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters through enlarging his arms, Tens of Meters with Size Manipulation (Can reach these sizes through growing), Interstellar with Ki Attacks (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun)
Intelligence: Genius (Piccolo is noted to be an extraordinary fighter by the likes of Son Goku, being noted on several occassions that his tactics and skill allow him to get the edge in many fights, he grew further in wisdom when fusing with Nail and Kami. Has shown many instances of his tactical fighting such as when he played dead against Son Goku to hit him with a surprise attack when his guard was dropped, or when he pretended to be killed by Android 19 in order to get a surprise attack on him before Vegeta showed up, or when he pretedned to be defeated by Cell so he could get information on who he was and what his purpose is, any many more. He has shown during battle to easily tell who will win or lose a fight even when others view differently, such as when he could tell Goku wasn't fighting at his best against Android 19 and when he could tell that Vegeta would be outlasted and lose to Android 18)
Tier: At least 7-A, High 6-A with Strongest Charged Attack | At least 6-C, 5-B with Strongest Charged Attack | At least 6-C, 5-B with Strongest Charged Attack | At least 6-C, Far Higher with Potential Unleashed, Even Higher as Orange Piccolo. 5-B with Strongest Charged Attack
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least Metropolis level (Easily defeated dozens of Frieza Soldiers[1]), Multi-Continent level with Strongest Charged Attack (Should be superior to Vegeta's strongest charged attack, where he was going to use his galick gun to destroy the earth[Note/Explanation 2], which would reach these levels of energy) | At least Island level (Could figh against and take hits from Frost[2], who required Universe 6 Saga Son Goku to go super saiyan to overpower him[3], making him far superior to Semi-Perfect Cell who destroyed several islands with several blast), Planet level with Strongest Charged Attack (His strongest charged blast by this point should be superior to Super Perfect Cell's solar kamehameha which is shown that if it succeeded, it would've destroyed the entire planet) | At least Island level (Trained with Universal Survival Saga Son Gohan, motivating him to get stronger along with himself[4]), Planet level with Strongest Charged Attack | At least Island level (Before getting his potential unleashed, he was able to briefly fight against Gamma 2, who he noted that his blows were on par with that of Son Goku & Vegeta[5], along with this, they're noted to be the mightiest androids ever), Far Higher with Potential Unleashed (Asked Shenron to draw out his dormant powers all the way, with Shenron even noting he threw in a little extra, allowing him to fight roughly equally with Gamma 2 though he was ultimately weaker and needed the Orange Piccolo transformation in order to win), Even Higher as Orange Piccolo (Gained even more of a boost in power from Shenron's extra he threw in from his wish, allowing him to easily one-shot Gamma 2). Planet level with Strongest Charged Attack
Durability: At least Metropolis level, Higher with Guard Up (Ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard), Lower with Ki Control (Higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them) | At least Island level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control | At least Island level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control | At least Island level, Far Higher with Potential Unleashed, Even Higher as Orange Piccolo. Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control
Striking Strength: At least Metropolis Class | At least Island Class | At least Island Class | At least Island Class, Far Higher with Potential Unleashed, Even Higher as Orange Piccolo
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Superior to Early Android Saga Vegeta, who trained in 300 times gravity, where Vegeta is naturally 56 kg, making him 16,800 kg or 16.8 tons)
Travel Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Superior to Super Saiyan Son Goku on Namek, who previously in his base form traveled from Frieza's ship over to Vegeta in this timeframe)
Combat Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+
Reaction Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+
Stamina: Superhuman (Fought with Son Goku in a very long and drawn out battle where both had to use there greatest skills against each other. Fought against Raditz even after losing an arm. Once fusing with Kami he should be comparable to Vegeta, who stood thinking for three days without showing any signs of tiring or growing hungry)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters through enlarging his arms, Tens of Meters with Size Manipulation (Can reach these sizes through growing), Interstellar with Ki Attacks (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun)
Intelligence: Genius (Piccolo is noted to be an extraordinary fighter by the likes of Son Goku, being noted on several occasions that his tactics and skill allow him to get the edge in many fights, he grew further in wisdom when fusing with Nail and Kami. Has shown many instances of his tactical fighting such as when he played dead against Son Goku to hit him with a surprise attack when his guard was dropped, or when he pretended to be killed by Android 19 in order to get a surprise attack on him before Vegeta showed up, or when he pretedned to be defeated by Cell so he could get information on who he was and what his purpose is, any many more. He has shown during battle to easily tell who will win or lose a fight even when others view differently, such as when he could tell Goku wasn't fighting at his best against Android 19 and when he could tell that Vegeta would be outlasted and lose to Android 18)
{{#tag:tabber| |-|Regular=
All previous powers and abilities, Duplication (Could create various duplicate clones of himself while fighting Frost).
Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Can resist poisons through Forcefield Creation[10]), Empathic Manipulation (Unaffected by Ribrianne's Light of Love, which causes one that intakes the aroma to become infatuated with her[11])
All previous powers and abilities to a greater extent
All previous powers and abilities to a greater extent
*Agile State: This state is the result of Piccolo removes the weighted turban and cape he wears as part of his Demon Clothes. Due to no longer being burdened by the extra weight, his power level increases, and he gains a more agile fighting style hence its name. Piccolo normally switches to this fighting style when fighting seriously. Named in Dragon Ball Legends, where it appears as a "transformation" for Legends Limited Piccolo (DBL22-03S) which he achieves via activating his Main Ability, My body feels so light!.
Standard Tactics: Piccolo will employ strategies of hand to hand combat along with ki attacks, he will also incorporate his spells into fights and use strategy against his enemy.
Weaknesses: Due to the nature of ki draining stamina and energy, Dragon Ball characters ki usage requires them to usually use their higher levels of energy in short bursts, allowing them to not be able to tank or die to far lower attacks such as attacks that have destroyed the planets of several worlds. If Kami dies, Piccolo will also die, though this weakness is removed once he becomes one with Kami again. Piccolo's regeneration is based on his stamina, along with this, if his brain is destroyed then he can no longer regenerate. As a namekian, he is highly sensitive to extremely high pitched sounds.
Note: Some clips used on the profile come from an anime or movie due to the fact that some abilities Goku use shouldn't function much differently from how they can in canon, along with this sometimes the anime version/video game version of a scene will be used for cleaner visuals. Toriyama himself directly overlooks scenes in the anime and movies and gives Toei the thumbs up[12].
Note 2: The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.