What? You're still runts. Why is Louis Cyphre afraid of you? If he refuses to attack you, then I shall be the one wading through a pool of blood.
~ Baal Zebul before fighting The Hero
...To think the blood I would wade through would be my own... Now I know why Louis Cyphre fears you...
~ Baal Zebul after being slain by The Hero
The army of chaos will rise at Lord Lucifer's command. To bring about that glorious event, I would gladly assist you. But, you must first demonstrate that you are worthy of my help.
Beelzebub also known by his human avatar form Baal Zebul and Zebul in the Devil Children series, is a demon in the series. He is a fallen angel turned high-ranking demon, who is considered one of the seven princes of Hell, representing the sin of gluttony. In Catholic demonology, he is sometimes considered to be one of the first three angels to fall from heaven, along with Lucifer and Leviathan. He is often associated with gluttony, pride and of idolatry, the worship of false gods.
Beelzebub is commonly described as placed high in Hell's hierarchy. In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers," or the "Lord of the Flies." Flies play a large focus in imagery detailing him and the malignant spirit can even take the form of flies according to some.
According to the stories of the 16th-century occultist Johann Weyer, Beelzebub led a successful revolt against the devil, is the chief lieutenant of Lucifer, the emperor of Hell, and presides over the Order of the Fly. John Milton, in his epic poem Paradise Lost, identified an unholy trinity consisting of Beelzebub, Lucifer and Astaroth, with Beelzebub as the second-ranking of the many fallen angels.
Within religious circles, the accusation of demon possession has been used as both an insult and an attempt to categorize unexplained behavior, such as schizophrenia. Not only had the Pharisees disparagingly accused Jesus of using Beelzebub's demonic powers to heal people, but others have been labeled possessed for acts of an extreme nature. Down through history, Beelzebub has been held responsible for many cases of demonic possession.
According to some sources, Beelzebub was originally a Canaanite deity named Baal and was later explained to be one of the seven princes of Hell in Christian sources. Beelzebub is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron. In Judaism, he was a mockery of the religions surrounding them that worshipped Baal, and in Rabbinical texts the name Ba'al Zebub was a mockery of the religion of Baal. Some scholars believe the name Ba'al Zevuv ("Lord of the Flies") was a way of referring to Baal as a pile of dung and his followers as flies, as well as a pun on Ba'al Zebul ("Lord of the High Place").
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Beelzebub’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!
Megami Tensei
Beelzebub is simply a barely visible fly, though powerful for its size. Not a stage boss as such, but an additional challenge which is encountered within the halls of Infini Palace.
Megami Tensei II
In the fifth area of the Expanse, the Mountain of Horror, the protagonist comes across a village of anthropomorphic flies. There is a dungeon nearby in the depths of which a battle with Beelzebub awaits. However, if Frog Bael is in the protagonist's company, Beelzebub will ask to fuse with him. If this is allowed to happen, Baal will emerge from the two and gladly join the ranks of the protagonist's digital demon horde. If the protagonist chooses not to let them fuse, or decided to kill Bael, he will fight Beelzebub. If he is fought, Lucifer's Sword is found on the ground afterwards. Regardless of whether he joins or fights, the Palace Stone gets changed into the Palace Ring.
Shin Megami Tensei
Origin: Babylonia. The lord of Hell that presides over gluttony. He is king of the fallen Seraphs and is said to be Lucifer's second-in-command. His original name is Baal Zevuv in Hebrew ('Lord of the Heavenly Dwelling'). When he was passed into Christianity, his name became Baal Zebub ('Lord of the Flies').
~ Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary
Beelzebub appears as Lucifer's right-hand man in Shin Megami Tensei. Late in the game, Louis Cyphre sends the protagonist over to Shiroganedai. Should the protagonist follow the Law or Neutral alignment paths, Louis Cyphre will lie about what is hidden there, speaking of a powerful weapon; should the protagonist take the bait, Beelzebub will engage them in battle. In the Chaos alignment path, Louis Cyphre will tell the truth, and Beelzebub joins the protagonist instead.
Shin Megami Tensei II
Beelzebub appears in Castle Kether in the Expanse. He is a voluntary challenge; if Aleph walks into his chamber, he will challenge him and he may decline and even come back later. He doesn't need to fight him to complete the game and can be skipped entirely, although Aleph must defeat him in order to create him through fusion.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Beelzebub only appears in the updated release of Nocturne titled Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax. Should the Demi-fiend accept the old man's request of retrieving all of the stolen Candelabra, he can face Beelzebub in the Fourth Kalpa of The Labyrinth of Amala, in Hell's Hall.
The Fourth Kalpa of the Labyrinth of Amala is one of the more dangerous sections to venture into, as the majority of its sections are areas with a curse cast by Beelzebub himself, which periodically inflict damage and cannot be avoided by using a Float Ball or Liftoma, since the curse encompasses the whole area and not just the surface. Furthermore, the random enemy encounters in said areas consist of stronger demons.
There is also the infamous "12 Meters of Eternity" where a warp takes the Demi-fiend to varying places in Beelzebub's realm depending on the phase of Kagutsuchi. Beelzebub's inner sanctum can only be accessed during a New Kagutsuchi phase, which is considered "the darkest hour."
Upon reaching Beelzebub's throne, Beelzebub appears in his human guise and expresses gratitude towards the Demi-fiend for helping to further his master's plans, and will offer his assistance. He is also slightly amused by the fact the Demi-fiend had no idea of the true purpose of the Candelabra and chides him for his naiveté in so recklessly aiding Lucifer's plan having no idea of what it truly entailed.
As a prerequisite for his assistance, however, Beelzebub would like to test the limits of the Demi-fiend's demon powers firsthand. He then reverts to his true fly form to engage him in battle.
Beelzebub holds the distinction of using the strongest Almighty/Death skill, Death Flies, which instantaneously kills all present characters not immune to Death. If the targets are immune to Death, they will still be subject to some Almighty damage. Beelzebub also sports a "hidden" resistance to Physical, Ice, Electricity and Force attacks, which he will only take half damage from despite them not being shown as resisted against.
The Demi-fiend can summon Beelzebub's human form (Baal Zebul) in the Cathedral of Shadows after defeating Beelzebub and after reaching Level 84 or above. The fly-form Beelzebub can be obtained by evolving Baal Zebul by completing his skillset when the Demi-fiend is at Level 95 or above. This is the only way to later gain use of Beelzebub's "Death Flies" skill. Beelzebub's fly form is also required to open a sealed door in the Fifth Kalpa.
Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE
Beelzebub (Human) appears as the central boss and orchestrator of the events within the Lord of the Flies quest in the Alternate Shinjuku. His fly form is only alluded to in the final cutscene players see when leaving the area. He also appeared in the Tokyo Nostalgia series of bossfights. In the Judgement Battle event, Beelzebub (Fly) was introduced as one of the bosses. His summon PG and later the summon PG for his human form were made available in the end chests for this event. In the Devil Royale event, a swarm of Beelzebub (Fly) spawned after players defeated Ishtar and Astaroth.
They were both added as Secret Room plug-ins in Summer 2013. Beelzebub (Human) is a triple fusion of Astaroth, Moloch and Ghoul. Beelzebub (Fly) is a triple fusion of Astaroth, Moloch, and Baphomet.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
Beelzebub appears in the Empyrean Ascent as a bonus boss on a New Game Plus. He bestows the Lucifer Mail (140 DF, Resist elements, Null Curse) on defeat.
Of the four superbosses in this game, Beelzebub is the most dangerous of them all and should ideally be faced last. Unlike the other bosses, Beelzebub has no tolerance for debuffs, and reacts to them by casting Doomsday, a powerful Almighty skill that's all but guaranteed to kill. Refrain from using Debilitate or Antichthon to avoid an untimely death. He doesn't use Doomsday in response to buffing; he just casts Dekaja, and is the only boss among Louisa Ferre's generals to actually use this skill.
The rest of the fight is more straightforward. Beelzebub possesses several skills that the others of Lousia's generals sport, but he has a preference for spamming Antichthon to weaken the party. He lacks resistance to Gun, so spamming Riot Gun is an effective way to bring his health down.
If he falls to around 3,000 HP, he will fully heal himself with Diarahan; gauge his health and aim to burst him down from there. If the Diarahan goes off the battle might as well be over, as trying to wear down a full health bar all over again will have the battle go over the usual 20-turn time limit. If that time limit is crossed, like with the other generals, he will start spamming Doomsday.
Shin Megami Tensei IV
The slaying of a king is like the slaying of a god. Now, I must put an end to your blood streaked soul. But, rejoice, for I shall use your body as my new vessel.
~ Beelzebub, Shin Megami Tensei IV
The true form of Baal, who is fought in the Challenge Quest, Rebirth of an Overlord. He seeks to kill Flynn for being an "extreme danger" and for slaying his king, which to Beelzebub is the same as killing a god. Beelzebub plans on making Flynn's body into his new vessel once he kills him. Upon being defeated, Beelzebub warns that he shall not perish and will return just as thousands of flies appear from filth, dying afterwards. His body becomes a swarm of flies that scatter away upon his death.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
Following Lucifer's defeat, Beelzebub appears as a member of the Divine Powers. He is one of the Defenders of the Cosmic Egg alongside Apsu and Seth, assuming the form of Baal through Inanna's power.
Beelzebub can be summoned in the Cathedral of Shadows through special fusion of Baal, Ghoul and Morax. He can teach Nanashi the Mamudoon, Riot Gun and Thunder Gods skills through his Demon Whisper. He benefits from learning Gun, Electricity and Dark skills.
Shin Megami Tensei V
Lord of the Flies and the prince of Hell. He is established as a high-ranking demon in the Bible and his multitude of flies are said to carry souls down to the abyss. He has been speculated to be a bastardization of the Canaanite god Baal.
~ Shin Megami Tensei V lore
While Beelzebub does not make an appearance during the main story, he is briefly mentioned by Baal, who blames Lucifer for denying his rightful power. He is the strongest demon of the Tyrant race and can be fused through a special fusion requiring Baal, Abaddon and Nebiros.
He possesses the signature skill Death Flies, a powerful Dark-type attack that has a chance of instantly killing opponents that are weak to it. Accordingly, he benefits from learning Dark skills.
Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis
Beelzebub's appearance in this game is unique in the series, as instead of he, it is a she, depicted as a female wearing an outfit designed around a fly. Beelzebub is fought in Ahrqa of Paranoia, if the protagonist is on a route where they defeat Lucifer, they will fight Beelzebub last, otherwise they will fight her first.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Hmmmmm? Who's there? Hmm... I smell the scent of humanity. The scent of a fool, whose futile strength means nothing. But, still, I never imagined a day would come in which I might unleash my power once again... I am Beelzebub, the keeper of this corridor and the king of Hell. The five Manji of Time shall not be allowed to fall into your hands!
~ Beelzebub, Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Beezelzebub is the last boss of the Corridor of Time. Defeating him is necessary to obtain the Golden Manji and begin New Game Plus.
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
Lord of the Flies, and the prince of Hell. His flies carry souls down to the abyss. He may be a bastardization of the Canaanite god Ba'al.
~ Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army devil chart
Beelzebub appears as the ultimate boss and highest level summonable demon in the game and of the Pagan Order. He can be found at the central northern square of the tenth basement of the Training Hall. In order to confront Beelzebub, Raidou must obtain three required credentials and have saved at the last Dragon Cave of the Akarana Corridor just before the final boss.
The three credentials are obtained through completing three Hyakki Yakou battles within the floors of the Training Hall. A Kudan will appear on floors where the battles are present and hint towards their location. The first Hyakki Yakou can be found in the fifth basement, easily stumbled upon by circling the squares of the floorl, and clearing it grants Raidou the Phantom Skull valuable. The second Hyakki Yakou can be found in the seventh basement, in the southwest corner of the floor during a New Moon, and clearing it grants Raidou the Tyrant Spawn. The third Hyakki Yakou can be found in the ninth basement, in the northeast corner of the floor during a Full Moon, and clearing it will grant Raidou the third and final item needed, the Emblem of Hell.
When Raidou declares that he wants to meet the Demon Lord, the battle will begin. Raidou will face several waves of Nebiros and powered up Ukobach demons before Beelzebub appears himself. Beelzebub will primarily try to attack using Megido, an area effect skill that can knock Raidou down if he attempts to block it, and will also use standard attacks and a few other skills. More Ukobach and Nebiros demons will appear to attack during this time as well. This can be exploited by keeping out of range of Beelzebub's Megido and using attacks on Ukobach and Nebiros to prepare a combination skill. Raging Blast or Astral Burst will allow Raidou to deal heavy damage to every enemy on the field and whittle down Beelzebub's HP from afar.
After being defeated, Beelzebub will express his disbelief, but will consent to be summoned by Raidou at the Gouma-Den in the future. Raidou can summon Beelzebub once he reaches level 80. As a demon of the Pagan Order, Beelzebub must be summoned through identical fusion, and due to his level only three combinations are possible in order to summon him from the Frost Order and Volt Order. The demons that can be fused to summon Beelzebub are Ouyamatsumi and Orochi, Arahabaki and Orochi, or Oumitsunu and Thor.
Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon
Lord of the Flies, and the prince of Hell. His flies carry souls down to the abyss. He may be the bastardization of the Canaanite god Ba'al.
~ Gouma-Den devil chart
Beelzebub can be normally summoned once Raidou reaches Lv. 75 or above. Beelzebub will also fight Raidou during the battle with Lucifer's true demon form. In this battle, he is in fact an aspect of Lucifer, taking the form the Mushibito see him as. Once he realizes he wasn't talking like the real Beelzebub, Lucifer proceeds to speak more like him.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Lord of flies who is at the top of Hell's hierarchy. Has the appearance of a giant fly
~ Japanese profile
Beelzebub appears as a Persona of the Devil Arcana. He can only be equipped to Eikichi Mishina, who has poor affinity with him, and gives the Prosecutor's Diary when returned at MAX Rank, which is required to summon Satan.
Jack Bros.
Beelzebub, called Belzoff in the North American release, appears as the final boss and leader of all the enemies within the game. After defeating his human form, the brothers must battle his fly form.
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book
During these games he takes part in the story as Zett Takajō and appears as a bonus boss in the Deep Hole alongside his brothers Belphegor and Berith
DemiKids Light & Dark
King of flies and lord of spirits. This demon's power rivals that of Lucifer.
~ DemiKids Demonary
Zebul can perform the combo attack Cocutos with Lucifer. He can also be optionally fought as a bonus boss in the Deep Hole alongside his brothers in Dark Version. After which he joins the party.
Devil Children Fire/Ice Book
Zebul and his brothers have declared war on Enoch and his angels before the game began. Their forces clashing on Earth, Tenkai and Makai. Eventually, Akira arrives at the Deep Hole and defeats both Fake Belphegor and Berith. He mentions that Amy Kashihara came and begged him to find a way to restore Valhalla, which he did by sending her to the world of Fire, Muspelheim. After his defeat, it is revealed that the Zebul he fought was a fake like his brothers.
In Muspelheim, the real Zebul can be found as a statue. The blood of the wicked will free him from his imprisonment and he will offer to join Akira after revealing that he was imprisoned by the demons pretending to be his brothers. The Fake Zebul, like the other Fake Brothers, has a different face and skin tone when compared to the real one.
Devil Children Messiah Riser
Known as Beelzebu, he is the final boss of Jin's route. He had revived the Imperium to sacrifice souls in order to be free of the seal placed on him in ancient times by the Messiah. Thanks to his servant Pazuzu manipulating Jin into using the crystals to destroy his seal, he is freed. With his newfound freedom, his first act is to kill his servant Pazuzu as he had served his purpose. Beelzebu does not switch elements thanks to the crystals like Gaap, instead nulling all damage of an element as long as the crystal that represents that element isn't destroyed. Beelzebu will teleport to any crystals attacked on his stage and acts like a magnetic force that brings all nearby foes to him. Once he dies, the Dark Palace begins to fall apart, forcing Jin and Rand to flee.
Not to be confused with Zebul, who is a recurring character in the Devil Children series.
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner
So, you ignorant shadows have arrived at last. Behold, I am Beelzebub! Now is the time to rise out of purgatory and cover the present world with terror and corruption. Kneel before the Wicked King. Offer yourselves to me!
~ Beelzebub, before the second battle
Beelzebub appears as an optional boss. Unlike other optional bosses, the party is required to fight him twice before killing him for good. He can be challenged after retrieving the Key Item Red Key in the Svadhisthana Waterways and using it to unlock the red wall in the Vanguard's Base in Svadhisthana. The party will eventually run into a member of the Embryon, who proclaims that he would be a more suitable leader for the Embryon. Transforming himself into the human form of Beelzebub, the member engages the party in a battle.
During the first battle, Beelzebub will start off using Mazionga and Mind Scream and later switch to turns of Mahamaon/Mamudoon or Makakaja/Megidolaon. Skills such as Resist Death/Expel or Null Death/Expel and Null Nerve will come in handy. Also access to the Makanda, Debilitate or two party members with -nda skills will allow them to remove his Makakaja boosts via the Dekaja combo.
After defeating the human form of Beelzebub, the Embryon member runs away, but not before telling the party that he will become stronger upon their next encounter. He can later be challenged in the Samsara Tunnels under Manipura. Upon the second encounter, Beelzebub transforms into his true, fly-form, sporting more powerful skills and attributes. Throughout the battle, Beelzebub retains several attacks reminiscent of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, including his distinct instant-kill attack, Death Flies. He will also constantly use Mazandyne and Maziodyne followed by Physical attacks on characters with Shock status. Beelzebub will use Dekunda every so often, but may react immediately if 4 debuffs are applied to him.
Defeating Beelzebub's fly-form will grant access to the ammo Magatama and the item "Tyrant's Skull," which unlocks the High Priest Mantra, granting the access to several of Beelzebub's skills. Next to the nodes containing the Magatama ammo and Tyrant Skull is the third node which contains the Murder Rock, an reusable item that grants unlimited castings of Mamudoon. Players will also net the Karma Ring which protects the wearer from Dark-based attacks, which can be equipped in the sequel.
Devil Survivor
Known as Belzaboul Beru Zebubu, he is a participant in the War of Bel. He was ordered by Lucifer to help Belberith become the King of Bel, and is fought by the party on Day 7, except on Yuzu's Route.
Belzaboul starts the battle with 4 other teams of demons, but once 2 of these teams are defeated, he converts all other surviving teams into maggot flies, and begins using the Spawn ability. The Spawn attack has the ability to inflict the Egg ailment, which, after one turn, inflicts a large amount of Almighty damage to the afflicted team member (most likely killing them in the process) while spawning another team of maggots. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to heal the ailment status or replace the infected team member.
During Amane's or Naoya's routes, Belzaboul is summoned once again along with the other Bels during the fight with Babel.
Because Belzaboul is a Bel, unlike in other games where Beelzebub is featured in, he cannot be used by the player at all and is exclusive as an enemy unit.
In addition to above encounters, on Day 8 of Yuzu's Route, Belzaboul is now fought by the party as part of the SDF's plan. Unlike before, he is assisted by Azuma and several Shomonkai believers.
Devil Survivor 2
Lord of the Flies and the prince of Hell. He is established as a high-ranking demon in the Bible, and his flies carry souls down to the abyss. He may be a bastardization of the Canaanite god Baal.
~ Devil Survivor 2 compendium
Beelzebub shows up as a bonus boss on a New Game Plus during the 6th Day at 19:00, as soon as the protagonist gets the opportunity to attack Mizar. This battle will remain available until the end of the day.
Beelzebub carries a tricky gimmick to his fight: when the party defeats his demon teams scattered across the map, his resistance to one element will change: first to Null, then Strong, then neutral resistance, then Weak. However, after the protagonist engages Beelzebub, regardless of how many demon teams have been defeated, Beelzebub will raise his defenses to reflect all non-Curse elements, and switch to a different set of demons. The sole exception to this is Almighty, which he inherently resists despite not having Anti-Almighty as a passive ability. Beelzebub's element-dyne and elemental Amp skills will also change accordingly to reflect which element the summoned demons are related to, and when he summons a wave of phys-oriented demons he switches them with Deathbound, Mighty Hit and Phys Amp.
The protagonist either has the option of continuously exterminating the demons Beelzebub summons until the right wave is present, or can simply hammer away with Almighty attacks once a team gets within attack range. Anti-Almighty is nearly mandated for surviving his Holy Strike and Ultimate Hits.
Defeating Beelzebub earns the Fly Swatter title and the ability to fuse him in the Cathedral of Shadows. This fight also presents the only opportunity to crack Holy Strike.
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
The King of Hell, known as "Lord of the Flies". By making them carry the souls of the dead, he keeps his flies he rules in order. In the Bible, he is mentioned as one of the most formidable demons of high rank. It is also said that he was once the lord Baal of Canaan who was punished and became Beelzebub.
~ Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 compendium
General Information
Name: Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, The One Who Reigns Over Gluttony, Baal, Zebul, Baal Zebul, Wicked King (SMT III), Fly of the Dead (P5), Beelzebu (DCMR), Belzaboul (DS), Bellzof (Jack Bros)
Alignment:Chaotic Neutral (Directly serves under Lucifer as his right-hand man; commanding an army of darkness against the forces of light, helping the former achieve his views of absolute freedom. Officially Dark-Chaos aligned in game)
Knowledge:Grandmaster level (Possesses centuries of experience and serves as the right-hand man of Lucifer; leading an entire army of chaos against the forces of light with neither getting the upper hand over the other)
Standard Tactics: As the lord of flies, he will lead off with darkness type spells such as Mudo, Death Flies, Bael's Curse, etcetera, while debuffing his opponents with Debilitate.
Some of the artwork for Beelzebub seems to be based on the illustration of it found in Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal, that feature the iconic skull and crossbones motif on his wings.
In 2017 in Japan, Beelzebub was voted as the 8th most popular demon in the Megami Tensei series.[26]
Megami Tensei: Vile Race
Megami Tensei II: Tyrant Race
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei: Vile Race (MT) / Tyrant Race (MTII)
New Digital Devil Story 2: Queen of the Ice Fields: Major character
New Digital Devil Story 3: Planet of the Devil: Major character
New Digital Devil Story 4: Wrath of the Young Emperor: Major character
New Digital Devil Story 6: Bonds of Reincarnation: Major character
Shin Megami Tensei: Tyrant Race, Ultimate Boss (Law and Neutral paths)
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 6 "To Space", The glitter of the stars and the unending void surrounded Nakajima. Below his feet, the endlessly spinning blue globe shone up at him. It took him a few moments to realize that he was floating in outer space. Nakajima unfolded his arms. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi he held emitted a strand of light in the inkwell of space. Its blade twinkled and throbbed, responding to the tens of thousands of stars. It seemed that Izanami's robe had given him the power to survive and move in the vacuum of outer space. Suddenly, a sinister psychic wave hit Nakajima from behind. Swinging his sword, Nakajima slowly turned around, and found his field of vision dominated by an open, gaping red maw. An incomprehensibly enormous serpent; though the demon had only owned a temporary form on the surface of the earth, the powerful magnetic field that had forced him into space had given Set a complete body. Star Scorpion's 60-foot-long solar cells spread out like wings. Set's pale green scales glimmered as he coiled around the beautiful, practical satellite lying in medium Earth orbit. It looks like the insignificant humans had enough knowledge to summon me into this empty space. The voice echoed in Nakajima's mind. But the humans will soon know their folly in thinking that they have banished me. Pulling this machine down with me is an easy task. And that is not all. Have a look at all the demons that were summoned here! Several pale glowing things that looked like hoods aimlessly floated beside Nakajima. Soon, they will take on bodies and seek safe haven on Earth. The end of foolish humanity’s dominion over the earth will not be long. Nakajima, whether or not you intended, you have become the knight that blows the trumpet signaling the beginning of the apocalypse. The only path remaining for you is to cast aside your humanity and work for me. It would be a shame to kill you. Think on it. Ignoring Set's call, Nakajima focused all of his anger onto the sword he held directly in front of him. The environment that had given Set a body had also removed all restrictions on the divine power Nakajima had been granted. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, now an immensely long coil of light, drew a whip-like arc that emitted red light, and came down onto the body of the enormous serpent."
↑Note: Demons normally show contradictions to this due to the observation of humanity affecting them.
↑Digital Devil Story Chapter 4, "Sword of Flame", Page 55 "RAUIERE!" Yomotsu-Shikome tried to tell him something in a foreign tongue. She could sense that this intruder possessed a power much different and far greater than the human tomb robbers that had foolishly wandered in before. If possible, she wanted to repel him without having to fight. Caught off guard, Loki stood still and narrowed his jet-black eyes, as if sizing up the power of this new arrival. Then, he started to walk forward calmly, an arrogant smirk on his face.
↑Digital Devil Story Transfer, Chapter 1, Page 28 "Hashiguchi abruptly noticed that the display looked like it was damp, as if it was covered in a layer of condensation. As he tried to wipe the screen off with his hand, he felt something stick to his fingertips, and jumped back in surprise. Something slimy was stuck to his fingers; as he shook them violently, a heavy, disgusting jelly-like substance fell to the floor with a splat. "Ugh! What the hell is this!?" Inoue turned around at Hashiguchi's cry and froze in shock. Beneath the skin of the pink protoplasm, a mesh of green-colored veins spread out as the whole blob pulsated like an organ torn out of its host. The repulsive lump of flesh made a squishing sound as it started to approach the two men. Backing up, Inoue stumbled over a chair and sprayed the contents of his stomach all over the floor. "Inoue! Get a hold of yourself!" Grabbing his coworker's arm to keep him standing, Hashiguchi started to run toward the door. As he turned, the gelatinous blob lashed out; tentacles covered in a viscous sticky fluid like red jam grabbed onto the legs of both men in an instant. "Shit!" Hashiguchi cursed as he grabbed files and the phone off his desk--any object within reach--and began throwing them at his attacker. When it showed no fear, he grabbed a chair, lifted it over his head, and brought it crashing down on top of the thing. However, the skin of the gelatinous blob simply pulled the steel chair into its body, where it was quickly dissolved right before Hashiguchi's eyes."
↑Digital Devil Story Possession, Chapter 2, Pages 36 "However, just as Yumiko tried to stagger away and flee, a strange sound came from Loki's arms. For a moment they looked like they were beginning to melt, and then they changed into giant, jiggling, pink-colored blobs of protoplasm. From their tips, multiple tentacles lashed out and wrapped around Yumiko's limbs. "No, stop!" The tentacles gripping the crying Yumiko's limbs pulled her up into the air, toward the body of the blob. A new pink tentacle sprouted and wrapped around Yumiko's body, and the liquid leaking from its membrane melted her clothes, latched onto her now-exposed skin and started writhing along her slender body."
↑Digital Devil Story Chatper 2, Sword of Flame, Page 53 "At that time, Loki swiftly entered Shirasagi Mound, and was standing before the passageway that Nakajima had passed through earlier. "Just you wait, Nakajima. Soon, I will defile your precious woman before your very eyes before devouring you whole." With a twisted smile on his face, Loki transformed himself into an amorphous blob and oozed into the tunnel. Loki descended the passageway that took Nakajima hours to traverse in mere minutes. Soon the blob of flesh made a squishing sound as it dropped to the stone floor of the plaza before the burial pathway. At that instant, its outer membrane hissed and gave off smoke as it started to melt. "Damn you!" Loki quickly transformed back into his bronze body, and kneeling on the ground, let loose a terrible howl. Most likely, he could not stand the chemical reaction that took place when his protoplasmic body came into contact with the mercuric sulfide. Even now, the one gelatinous place of his body between his eyes throbbed and pulsated. Gritting his teeth and standing, Loki stared solemnly at the crimson burial road."
↑Digital Devil Story Possession, Chapter 2, Pages 37 "Leaving his handsome face intact, Loki started to change into a cylindrical lump of flesh that sprouted countless small tentacles. The pink protoplasm started to glow and the movement of the tentacle fondling Yumiko's body became faster and rougher. Yumiko lost all will to resist, and her head fell to the side limply as she passed out. Loki started to pull her doll-like body into his own; he failed to notice that Ohara was glaring furiously at Yumiko even as she was enveloped within the protoplasm. Many women could not resist the allure of demons. Even if they despised them normally, they’d fall madly in love with them if they had sex with them even once. For Ohara, who had devoted herself body and soul to Loki, watching him have sex with one of her students in front of her eyes was an unbearable humiliation. Once Yumiko's slender white legs had sunk into the protoplasm and she was inside Loki up to her chest, Ohara went mad with jealousy, grabbed Yumiko’s head, and started to twist it.
↑"Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 2, "Conflicts" "Crying out, Typhon whipped and spasmed. Sword and all, Nakajima was thrown aside, but Kerberos leaped into the air and caught him. Right then, Nakajima got the sense that he heard Yumiko's voice from far away. Looking around in confusion, the image of Yumiko, bound to a cross and writhing in agony, appeared in his mind. Most likely, Set had sent him the picture of her current state as the core of his enormous protoplasmic temporary body. Nakjima noticed that one of the eyes in her lovely, terrified face was dripping blood."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 6, "To Space" "However, he could not stop fighting. As minor demons from Set's world continued wriggling while trying to enter the Assiah world, an unmistakably familiar voice echoed in Nakajima's mind. Nakajima! I'm here! Aim for here! Yumiko! Is that you!? The instant Nakajima heard the voice, the Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi regained a shine like a nova as it tore through the air. Stab your sword in the direction of my voice! Nakajima quickly noticed a pale, white, phosphorescent glow on a part of the enormous serpent's scale-encased body. Yes, I'm inside the demon! If we attack from inside him and outside him at the same time, we might be able to defeat Set... Led by Yumiko's voice, Nakajima stabbed his blade toward the phosphorescent glow. But an instant before the tip reached it, the tail of the giant snake forcefully knocked the blade aside and sent Nakajima flying far back. Flipping over and regaining his composure, robe fluttering behind him, Nakajima saw the rolling form of Set uncoiling, as if swimming through the vacuum. Foolish girl! To think you would let me know that you still live! Now I no longer have to depend on this irritating machine!
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of Demon City Chapter 2 "Conflicts" "Isma's body appeared to float in the air as he laughed, and two unusual lights appeared by his feet. Covered in jet-black scales, the great black serpent Typhon stared at Nakajima with its golden eyes, Isma riding on its back, as it slowly rose into the air, towering like an enormous tree. With its head nearly extended to the full height of the tower of flesh, the huge serpent shuddered and assaulted Nakajima. The lower half of Isma's body had been fused into Typhon's; perhaps it was another sort of fusion the demon could do in addition to its innate ability to absorb the earth and the air into its own body."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 6 "Quickening" "Matoba was taking a nap on the sofabed in the study next to his office. The heavy black bags under his eyes betrayed his exhaustion from his nonstop efforts to bring his party together and block the National Secrets Protection Act from being passed. Taking advantage of the fact that the world stage was becoming a war of information, the restrictions in the act clearly indicated that the Liberal Party was veering further and further to the right. As the Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, that was hard for Matoba to allow. A quiet breeze blew into the room through the air conditioner that Matoba had left on. Not even disturbing the sound of that breeze, the snake slipped into the room through the slit under the door. It raised its head, fixating on its prey. Its small red eyes looked over the snoring, sleeping form of Matoba. Wiggling its body rapidly, the white snake slithered across the floor, effortlessly climbed up the sofabed and dove into the V-neck of Matoba's exposed undershirt, clearly by his unfastened tie. Without any hesitation, the pale serpent bit into the exaggeratedly expanding and contracting fat stomach before it. Like a sharp drill, the slender body of the snake tunneled into Matoba's gut. As if he felt no pain whatsoever, Matoba slept on peacefully. A minute or so later, Matoba suddenly twisted up from the sofabed as if a wave of high-voltage electricity was running through him. His body started to spasm wildly. However, it appeared that the Apep had gained full control of his nervous system; he soon started snoring again and fell into a deep sleep. Strangely enough, the wound on his stomach had sealed, as if cured by some sort of magic. Only moments later, the light sound of a Cedric driving away could be heard from the front of Matoba's manor.
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Part 2: Chapter 2, ""I made it back to Toyoashihara..." His lips trembled with relief. Opening his arms wide, the youth took a deep breath of the humid air, pursed his lips forcefully, turned around, and sat down. For a while, he stared at the form of the grotesque woman chasing him, then shook his head sadly and closed his eyes. The youth started to meditate. When the woman had gotten within reach of a stone's throw, his body seemed to float slightly in midair for a moment, and then there was a huge undulation in the atmosphere. As if a huge invisible power had been released, the earth shook, and the fissure that appeared directly beneath the youth spread to the surrounding moutains, and countless rocks started to fall on the path. As the woman stopped, a giant boulder rolled in front of the path in front of her eyes, sealing it off. "Izanagi! I will come to you! Even if it takes hundreds or thousands of years!" The sound of the woman's bitter cries rose from beyond the towering pile of earth. "Forgive me, Izanami..." Plugging his ears with his hands, the youth staggered into the wetlands, the tall reeds rising even above his height."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 2 "To Space" "A deafening explosion broke Nakajima's concentration. A star-mark-adorned F-14 jet divebombed, slicing through the clouds. Nakajima all of a sudden found himself hovering over a battlefield. Below him was a hair-raising sight. An unbelieveably large lump of flesh, a hideous tower of raw meat, was slowly writhing. Its pale green, transparent gelatinous membrane was greedily expanding at its base. Several long black rivers flowed into it. No, what looked like black rivers were actually the hair of the people heading toward the tower. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people tore off their clothes and proceeded forward completely naked. Rapid explosions echoed through the air. The SDF's F14 jets scrambled from the 7th fleet were attacking, targeting the top of the tower so as to minimize injury to the humans below. A rain of bullets from an attack helicopter's machine guns sprayed through the air. Though that ammunition was capable of penetrating tank armor, it was absorbed without any resistance into the body of the ever-expanding otherworldly creature, as if it was laughing at the pathetic attack. It was almost as if it was trying to prove that any attacks against it would be futile."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 2 "To Space" "A deafening explosion broke Nakajima's concentration. A star-mark-adorned F-14 jet divebombed, slicing through the clouds. Nakajima all of a sudden found himself hovering over a battlefield. Below him was a hair-raising sight. An unbelieveably large lump of flesh, a hideous tower of raw meat, was slowly writhing. Its pale green, transparent gelatinous membrane was greedily expanding at its base. Several long black rivers flowed into it. No, what looked like black rivers were actually the hair of the people heading toward the tower. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people tore off their clothes and proceeded forward completely naked. Rapid explosions echoed through the air. The SDF's F14 jets scrambled from the 7th fleet were attacking, targeting the top of the tower so as to minimize injury to the humans below. A rain of bullets from an attack helicopter's machine guns sprayed through the air. Though that ammunition was capable of penetrating tank armor, it was absorbed without any resistance into the body of the ever-expanding otherworldly creature, as if it was laughing at the pathetic attack. It was almost as if it was trying to prove that any attacks against it would be futile."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 2 "To Space" "A deafening explosion broke Nakajima's concentration. A star-mark-adorned F-14 jet divebombed, slicing through the clouds. Nakajima all of a sudden found himself hovering over a battlefield. Below him was a hair-raising sight. An unbelieveably large lump of flesh, a hideous tower of raw meat, was slowly writhing. Its pale green, transparent gelatinous membrane was greedily expanding at its base. Several long black rivers flowed into it. No, what looked like black rivers were actually the hair of the people heading toward the tower. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people tore off their clothes and proceeded forward completely naked. Rapid explosions echoed through the air. The SDF's F14 jets scrambled from the 7th fleet were attacking, targeting the top of the tower so as to minimize injury to the humans below. A rain of bullets from an attack helicopter's machine guns sprayed through the air. Though that ammunition was capable of penetrating tank armor, it was absorbed without any resistance into the body of the ever-expanding otherworldly creature, as if it was laughing at the pathetic attack. It was almost as if it was trying to prove that any attacks against it would be futile."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 6, "To Space", "Accompanied by the glittering of the stars, unending empty space surrounded Nakajima. Below his feet, the endlessly spinning shining blue globe looked up at him. It took him a few moments for him to realize that he was floating in outer space. Nakajima unfolded his arms. In them, he held the Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, emitting a strand of light in the blackness of space. Its blade twinkled and throbbed, as if responding to the tens of thousands of stars. Suddenly, a sinister psychic wave hit Nakajima from behind. It appeared as if Izanami's robe had given him the power to survive and move about in the vacuum of outer space. Nakajima slowly turned around, and found his field of vision dominated by an open, gaping red maw. It was that of an incomprehensibly enormous serpent. Though the demon had only possessed a temporary form on the surface of the earth, the natural effect of powerful magnetic field that had forced him into space had given Set a complete body. Star Scorpion's 60-foot-long solar cells spread out like wings. Now a giant snake, Set's pale green scales glimmered as he coiled around the beautiful yet functional satellite lying in dead orbit. It looks like the insignificant humans had enough knowledge to summon me into this empty space. The voice echoed in Nakajima's mind. But the humans will soon know their folly in thinking that they have banished me. Pulling this satellite down with me to the surface is an easy task. And that is not all. Have a look at all the demons that were summoned here into space! Beside Nakajima, several pale glowing things that looked like hoods floated aimlessly. Soon, they will take on bodies and seek safe haven on Earth. The end of the age of the foolish humans' dominion over the earth will not be long now. Nakajima, whether or not you intended, you have become the knight that blows the trumpet signalling the beginning of the apocalypse. The only path remaining for you is to cast aside your humanity and work for me. It would be a shame to kill you. Think it over. Ignoring Set's call, Nakajima focused all of his anger onto the sword he held directly in front of him. The environment of outer space that had given the demon a body had also removed all restrictions on the divine power he had been granted. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, now an immensely long coil of light, drew an arc like that of a whip emitting red light, and came down onto the body of the enormous serpent. Fool, you do not value your life. Set lurched forward. Weaving away from the enormous serpent's attacking fangs, Nakajima was enveloped by a miasma like ice. The Sword of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi had already produced many pale sparks striking the body of the serpent coiled around the satellite. Yet the tough scales showed no sign of injury. Not only that, but the ugly faces and disgusting tentacles of materializing new demons floated like ghosts in the space around him. The noisy voices of the demons amplified like they were advancing down on Nakajima."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 4 "Quickening" "I don't think so. From what I've just seen, there's no mistake that a magnetic field suitable for summoning a demon was set up. It may be that the reason no demon appeared was that it might have arrived in the Assiah world via a different magnetic field." "There’re still some details about the mechanism for demon summoning that I don't really understand yet." "Unusual words, coming from the genius that was the first to successfully summon a demon via a computer." Feed grinned broadly, but his expression soon turned grave as he looked directly at Nakajima. "The last demon to appear called himself Set, correct?" "Yes, that's right." "While it's too dangerous to try and conjecture the state of affairs in the demon world based on our own knowledge of this one, my theory is that the demon world is like a colloidal conglomeration of countless mini-universes, each centered around a powerful demon. Most likely, with Loki's death, the mini-universe in contact with Japan or Tokyo vanished, and Set's mini-universe entered to take its place. Demon summoning is just opening a contact point between the two worlds at the same time." "So what would happen if two contact points were opened at the same time?" "The demon would decide where it wanted to appear. However, there are some examples in medieval records of demon summonings that report that when the difference in strength of the two magnetic fields was great enough, the demon would be pulled to the stronger field, regardless of which it wanted to go to..."
↑Digital Devil Story 2: Warrior of the Demon City Chapter 5, "He Who Calls" "Isma had realized that the bizarre life form that had torn itself out of Ohara's belly was a temporary body for Set, who had been planning to take form by possessing Loki's child. According to his theory, summoning a demon via a computer would require creating a magnetic field with which to summon the demon and the processing of the demon's data to be materialized, both of which would have to be done at virtually the same time. If the magnetic field was weak, the point of connection between the demon's world and the Assiah world would narrow, constraining the amount of data that could be processed. On the other hand, no matter how powerful the magnetic field was, unless the digital data could be processed quickly and concisely, the demon would never be able to take form. It was quite possible that even a supercomputer would not be able to handle the massive amount of data that would be needed to materialize a high-ranking demon. Despite that fact, the high-ranking demon Set was able to to take form in the Assiah world, even if it was only in a makeshift body. Something must have added a great deal of power in setting up the necessary magnetic field for a summoning; this in turn would ease the restraints on the data processing. Isma was convinced that something was Yumiko. Most likely, the high concentration of biological Magnetite within her body had been a major player in creating the magnetic field for the summoning. The divine constitution that she had inherited from Izanami was nothing but a giant retention of that highly concentrated Magnetite. While meager in comparison to that of Yumiko, ordinary humans also retained some biological Magnetite. If enough of it was collected, it might be able to create a permanent overlap of the Atziluth and Assiah worlds entirely. Therefore, having already formed a contract with Set, Isma borrowed his power to summon many people and attempt to create a tower of human flesh. And everything was proceeding just according to plan. Even know the heavens split with a terrible thundering, and Set's most powerful servant, the great serpent Typhon, reared its head into the air as if slithering from behind a black curtain, knocking over the Soga Forest's trees as it went. "Typhon, welcome. Breathe deeply and take in the air of the Assiah world." Isma looked kindly at the enormous snake. "Take a look, your first victim awaits in the shadow of that tree." As Isma pointed to the copse where Officer Nimura was, Typhon vanished beyond the trees. Meanwhile, Set had transformed into a gigantic, vile pillar of flesh, his sinister, red glowing eyes at its peak darting all around the area. Typhon's presence is proof that the demon world Set rules is starting to meld with the Assiah world. Now all that remains is to gather more biological Magnetite and solidify the connection... Isma's eyes shimmered even brighter with madness."
↑Digital Devil Story Possession, Chapter 2, Pages 36-37 "Powerless, Nakajima stared at Loki and Ohara. I should have considered the possibility that this could happen. I'd better find a weakness, and soon! Nakajima frantically pointed the sensor connected to his computer at the nearly-materialized Loki. Calling up the ISG host computer, he sent the data the sensor had gathered about the demon to Craft. Meanwhile, Loki extended his hand toward Yumiko, rigid with terror. His bronze, naked body was beautifully symmetrical, almost like the Greek Apollo, and his muscular chest was covered in black scales. His black eyes, from which no one could possibly fathom any emotion, paralyzed her. "Come over here." Pointing his talon at Yumiko, Loki commanded her in a low, cold voice. Yumiko looked to Nakajima for help, but he merely glanced at her and continued talking with the AI. Nakajima knew he wouldn't have a chance if he tried to fight Loki directly, but Loki probably couldn’t risk doing anything to him so long as Nakajima had control of the computer environment. Nakajima knew that he had to find some sort of weakness to Loki while he still had the chance. He had a hunch that Loki would not be able to leave the magnetic field being generated by the computer. However, just as Yumiko tried to stagger away and flee, a strange sound came from Loki's arms. For a moment they looked like they were beginning to melt, and then they changed into giant, jiggling, pink-colored blobs of protoplasm. From their tips, multiple tentacles lashed out and wrapped around Yumiko's limbs. "No, stop!" The tentacles gripping the crying Yumiko's limbs pulled her up into the air, toward the body of the blob. A new pink tentacle sprouted and wrapped around Yumiko's body, and the liquid leaking from its membrane melted her clothes, latched onto her now-exposed skin and started writhing along her slender body. >CRAFT, HURRY! Covering his ears so he wouldn't have to hear Yumiko's screams, Nakajima frantically kept hitting the keys. Finally the data transfer LED lit up, and Craft sent a response. ACCORDING TO THE DATA YOU SENT, THE JELLY SUBSTANCE IS 58% WATER AND 17% ECTOPLASM. THE REMAINING MATTER IS NOT NATIVE TO THE PLANET AND CANNOT BE ANALYZED. >HAS THERE EVER BEEN A CASE OF SIMILAR MATTER BEING DISCOVERED BEFORE? YES. THIS CENTURY, SIMILAR MATTER WAS DISCOVERED IN A MAYAN TEMPLE AND IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. > WHAT IS ITS WEAK POINT? I CANNOT MAKE A HYPOTHESIS DUE TO INSUFFICIENT DATA. HOWEVER, THE MATTER DISCOVERED UNDER A RELIEF IN THE MAYAN TEMPLE WAS REPORTED TO HAVE EVAPORATED WHEN IT CAME IN CONTACT WITH MERCURIC SULFIDE-BASED PAINT. > MERCURIC SULFIDE? YOU MEAN A MIXTURE OF MERCURY AND SULFUR. BUT I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO FIND SOMETHING LIKE THAT. TELL ME HOW TO DEAL WITH HIM NOW! UNFORTUNATELY I DO NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT DATA TO PROVIDE AN ANSWER."
↑Digital Devil Story Sword of Flame, Chapter 1, Pages 50-51 "A viscous drop of water fell onto Nakajima's cheek. Listening closely, he could hear the steady sound of water coming from high above. Over the aeons, the lime deposits in this trickle had accumulated here and there along the path to form giant stalagmites. Nakajima touched the rising cliff to feel it. The surface of the cold stone was wet with condensation. When he scratched it, the rock crumbled away easily, revealing a new layer of red stone below. Idly recalling that the ancient red paint used in ancient Japanese tombs was mercuric-sulfide based, Nakajima suddenly remembered Craft's words. When explorers had discovered material that was apparently part of a demon's body in a Mayan temple, it evaporated when it came into contact with their mercuric-sulfide based paint. In other words, this tomb was designed specifically to keep demons out. His courage buoyed by this realization, Nakajima picked up Yumiko's body and walked toward the depths of the red valley. However, he’d never had that much in the way of stamina in the first place. In less than ten minutes, his legs were exhausted. He would have liked Kerberos' help, but he didn't want to put any more stress on the already terribly-injured demon. Besides, this path with walls literally painted with demon repellent would hardly be the most appropriate place for Kerberos.
↑Digital Devil Story Sword of Flame, Chapter 1, Page 51 "Yomotsu-Shikome took a step forward. As Nakajima met her gaze, he carefully laid Yumiko down, wiped the cold sweat on his hands onto his slacks, and picked up his handheld computer. "Kerberos, please come here." Before the white haze that emerged from the liquid crystal display could even take on a rough outline of its shape, it vanished with a weak bark. Apparently, the pathway’s crimson paint really did seal off the power of the demon beast.
↑Digital Devil Story Sword of Flame, Chapter 2, Page 53 "Loki descended the passageway that took Nakajima hours to traverse in mere minutes. Soon the blob of flesh made a squishing sound as it dropped to the stone floor of the burial chamber plaza. The moment he touched the floor, his outer membrane hissed smoke as it started to melt. "Damn you!" Loki quickly transformed back into his bronze body. Kneeling, he let loose a terrible howl. He could not stand the chemical reaction that took place when his protoplasmic body came into contact with the mercuric sulfide. Between his eyes, the one gelatinous place on his body throbbed and pulsated.
Prevents any action in battle. Usually caused by Ice skills and generally only lasts for one turn. In later games, attacking a frozen enemy is guaranteed to cause a critical hit.
Prevents any action in battle. Usually caused by Electricity skills and generally only lasts for one turn. In later games, attacking a shocked enemy is guaranteed to cause a critical hit.
Prevents the target from moving. This persists even on the field and is treated as similar to being dead. In most games, if the protagonist is petrified, it triggers a game over. In some games, Force spells will shatter a petrified opponent.
Bomb is implanted in party member. When those inflicted with this status are hit, they explode, dealing damage to the entire party. Defending will prevent damage. In the Devil Children series, only the character inflicted with Bomb is hurt when hit by Fire attacks.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Devil Children series
Attack is increased, but the afflicted will attack anyone other than themselves as if they were Charmed. In the Persona series, Rage lowers the afflicted's defense and agility.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Persona 3 Persona 4 Persona 5
Character may get their turn skipped and they take more damage. Overlaps with other ailments.
Persona 3 Persona 4 Persona 5
Hungry characters will become indecisive. On their turn, they will either not take action and receive a small amount of Almighty damage or attack an ally.
Reduces affected character's outgoing damage by 25%, its evasion to 0 and increases damage taken by 25%. At the end of a turn with a party holding this character, there's a 5% chance that another character will be infected.
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Flynn cannot summon or fuse the affected demon and is forced to reunite with said demon through an encounter.
Reduces affected character's outgoing damage by 25%, its evasion to 0 and increases damage taken by 25%. At the end of the party's turn or an individual party member's turn, if a party member is afflicted, there is a 5% chance that another party member will be infected.
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalpyse
Nanashi cannot summon or fuse the affected demon and is forced to reunite with said demon through an encounter.
Possession occurs when the demon inhibits the characters body. When a possessed character summons a persona, there's a high chance that the possessed character will attack instead.
Affected Targets may attack random party members with weapons when a support skill is used on anyone but the envied target for a turn.
Persona 5 / Royal
After a successful hunt, the character that just ate might get affected by a stomach ache. Occasionally inflicted as a side effect from eating a Moldy Roll. This prevents the character from gaining any AP after the battle. Allies also won't get any AP from the consumed monster, if AP sharing skills are set.
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner
Reduces all stats and makes the affected character weak to Force. Wears off over time or when battle ends. Does not override passive skills that affect Force resistance.
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner
When the team holding the affected character has their next turn, the affected character takes a large amount of Almighty damage and a Maggot is summoned next to them.