“ | I can't believe this... Why am I stuck here? What if I'm erased!? What the hell kind of game is this? This can't be right. Gaaah! I'm really stuck here? In Shibuya!? | „ |
“ | I want to understand me, too... But I don't. I can't remember anything but my name. I woke up in the intersection with no clue how I got there, no clue why I'm part of this stupid Game. I don't know anything. Because I can't remember... anything. | „ |
~ Neku opening up to Shiki |
“ | We'll make it. No matter what! | „ |
~ Neku to Rhyme when doubting if they'd survive the game |
“ | How can I object? I still don't know anything about the UG... Or about myself... or the Reapers... All I do know is that these guys aren't my enemies. | „ |
~ Neku's inner monologue about teaming up with Beat and Rhyme |
“ | Shibuya sucks. Who needs a town with this many people? All they do is get in the way and screech at each other. They're the REAL Noise. Wish I had a giant Mute button. | „ |
~ Neku on the people of Shibuya |
“ |
Shiki: Well... We're alone again. Think Beat'll be OK? Neku: Mr. Hanekoma's with him. He's fine. Shiki: But...he only had three minutes to live. Neku: So what were we supposed to do? Shiki: I don't know... Why couldn't we save Rhyme? Neku: Because we couldn't. That's how it was meant to be. Shiki: How can you just write her off like that!? Don't you care? Aren't you SAD!? We could have done something! Neku: Yeah? Like what? (Dammit...I feel like crap. This is just like that time... That time? What time? ...... I can't remember.) ...You see? See why teaming up is a dumb idea? Shiki: How dare you! You think NOT teaming up would have saved her? How can you be so COLD? Beat and Rhyme were our friends! What happened to her... We're all responsible! It was our fault, too... Neku: Then who needs 'em. Shiki: Huh? Neku: Who needs friends! They laugh and talk like idiots and pretend to agree with you-- so you end up caring about them...exposing yourself...getting HURT... Screw it! We're better off without them! You want people in your way? Dragging you down? I don't! And I never said we were friends. You did! Shiki: Neku! I am your friend. So is Rhyme-- Neku: Back off! No one's my friend. Least of all you. I just stay with you to survive. Shiki: Neku...How c-could you... You didn't feel anything when Rhyme was erased? Not even a little sad? That's inhuman... You're inhuman, Neku. No better than those Reapers! |
„ |
~ Neku and Shiki's argument after witnessing Rhyme being erased |
“ |
Shiki: Rhyme said she didn't know what dreams are like. And now she never will... Neku, it's not fair. Neku: I know... I...I'm sad, too. We'll just have to live a little extra. For her sake. |
„ |
~ Neku to Shiki after talking about Rhyme's death |
“ |
Shiki: I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't want to hear Eri talk about me. I was afraid. Neku: ...... Shiki: Eri told me something before I died. "You're not meant to be a designer," she said. I never had her talent... I guess she finally got fed up and-- Neku: Oh, would you cut the crap? Who ARE you? Shiki: Huh? Neku: You're you. You're not Eri. You'll never be Eri. You'll only ever be you. Shiki: But she's so much better-- Neku: Forget her! You need to live your own life. If she can do it, so can you. All that matters is that you try. Shiki: ...... Neku-- Neku: You're lucky you're jealous. It gives you something to shoot for. So... shoot. Shiki: ...... You're right. Thanks, Neku. |
„ |
~ Neku to Shiki after she nearly lost hope |
“ |
Shiki: ...... I had no idea. I never knew she felt that way about me. Neku: Guess you two both need each other. Shiki: Neku... You think I'm OK the way I am? Neku: Hey, Shibuya's got room for all types. Who else is gonna make stuffed piggies? Shiki: He's a cat! Heh heh... Neku... I want to see Eri again. So we can be a team. I'm ready for a second chance! Neku: All right. Then whatever it takes... Let's win... Let's live. Just one more day! |
„ |
~ Neku to Shiki on their resolve to win the Reaper's Game |
“ |
Neku: Game Master's just ahead... Shiki: Finally...the end is in sight. It's been crazy, huh? Our time in the UG. But I learned something about myself-- how lucky I was. I took each day for granted. Woke up, went to school, talked to Eri. Came home, ate, watched TV. Then conked right out. It was so... NORMAL, I never thought of it as living. But this week woke me up, made me feel more alive... than I ever did when I really was. Neku: ...... The best is still ahead. Once we win, and come back to life. Shiki: Yeah! Neku... Thanks for these last seven days. You're pretty good at this partner thing. Neku: Pfft... Save it for when we win, OK? ...Ready for the big boss? Shiki: You know it. Hey, if we make it through this... let's meet up in the RG. You, me, and Beat. You might not recognize me, so... I know! I'll bring Mr. Mew with me. We can be a team again! Neku: I'll...think it over. Shiki: Heh heh. OK. Let's finish this! |
„ |
“ | The scramble crossing... He expects me to just start over? What the hell were the last seven days for, then? ..... Fine. What's the mission? I'm not losing. Not now. Not a chance. | „ |
~ Neku after waking up in the second week |
“ | I have to win! ...For her sake, and mine. | „ |
~ Neku's resolve |
“ | Huff...huff... That was... me? Why was I passed out in Udagawa? And...why was that in HIS head!? (Udagawa... I can't remember... ! Wait! Was I dead? Did I... did I die in Udagawa? That would mean... He saw me die. He was there! Or... Maybe he did more than just watch.) ...... (One way
to find out. But no... I can't just ask him. If that sparks some huge fight, I'm screwed. We need to work together to clear these missions. I can't afford to risk it. Still...he knows something.) |
„ |
~ Neku after scanning Joshua and seeing into his past |
“ |
Neku: Hopefully the guy's place will take off. Joshua: I was thinking. "Something different"... Maybe everyone in Shibuya is here searching, struggling for a peek into their neighbor's worlds. When those neighbors change, they get scared, feel they have to change themselves-- even what makes them who they are. Neku: Right. You don't want to change, but you don't want to be left behind either. Joshua: Of course not. We can't go through life alone. We're part of a community. We have to live by its rules. And the move we connect with people, the trickier those rules get. Neku: Yeah, and the more people hold you back. Screw living in a world choked by rules. I'm living free. Like CAT. It's just easier on my own. Nobody else's baggage. Nobody else tying me down. ...People aren't meant to figure each other out. Joshua: My thoughts exactly. I'd rather just get rid of them. Neku: What? Joshua: Same as you, Neku. Those headphones you wear say it all. Neku: (Yeah, so what? I don't like other people. I've got no use for the next world over... so don't come barging in on mine. My own world's all I need... Unless...) |
„ |
~ Neku's core philosophy slowly being doubted by himself |
“ |
Neku: Nobody deserves it most... Joshua: Hmm? Neku: (It's true... Everybody's got their own deal. Their own dreams. None of them outweighs the next...) Shibuya's full of all kinds of folks, huh? Joshua: Hee hee... Talk about your non sequiturs. Neku: Sorry... ...So how 'bout we check out that phone? |
„ |
~ Neku after his encounter with Nao and Sota |
“ | Please. I don't do groups. I never met anyone fun to be around. | „ |
~ Neku to Joshua when asked if he hanged out in Udagawa with friends |
“ |
Joshua: The UG is split into different areas. Shibuya's just one of them, just like it's only one part of the world at large. Each UG area has unique rules. You can't travel between them. Neku: Mr. H told you all that? Joshua: ...Oh, so you know about our conversations. Neku: ...... Joshua: As I was saying, every area has its own rules. They never meddle with each other. Sound familiar? Neku: That could apply to anyone. Joshua: Hee hee... Maybe so. As long as we all have our own worlds, people will never really understand each other. Neku: Right? They're them, and I'm me. Talking to them gets me nothing. I thought I'd never respected anyone, until I saw CAT's mural and discovered a new philosophy. Joshua: "Do what you want, how you want, when you want it," was it? Neku: Yeah. It blew me away. CAT was living the life I always wanted to, but never thought I could. "Finally, someone who gets me," I thought. Enjoying the moment's about freedom. I just need to do my own thing like CAT. Forget about other people and just enjoy my life... Joshua: Absolutely. Who needs other people's values? It's easier to just live by your own rules. Neku: Yeah... (But... I don't feel that way anymore. Since coming to the UG, reading people's minds-- Shibuya's full of people with just as many viewpoints. Mr. H said the world ends with me. To expand my world, I have to learn to look farther-- not write off other people's values as inferior. ...Maybe I had it backwards. Maybe I need to open up to really enjoy--) Joshua: Yoo-hoo? Neku? Neku: ...... Joshua: Well, we may be stuck in Shibuya. But you can still see a fair ways. Why do you suppose that is, Neku? Why show us what we can never reach? Neku: ...... Joshua: Hee hee. That mural you mentioned is up ahead, right? The signal's coming from that direction. Let's take a look. |
„ |
~ Neku as he starts doubting his philosophy on people |
“ |
Neku: CAT's work all follow a single, consistent aesthetic. And he keeps the quality up. Most important (sic), his work speaks to people. Joshua: I see. Neku: That's tougher than it sounds. Joshua: Is it? I bet you'd have little trouble. Neku: Huh? Joshua: Use your Player Pin. Neku: What's this got to do with-- Joshua: If you know what people are thinking, it's easy to grab them. Neku: It... it would be an advantage. Joshua: Right. Why bother with talk? With sifting through the lies we all tell? You could talk till you're blue in the face and not hear the truth. And we all see things differently anyway. Neku: It's true. We're not mean to see eye to eye. (But... I dunno, maybe it's better that way. Sure, people don't think alike. We don't know what's going through the other guy's head. But we can TRY to find out, right? Expand our worlds through each other. Maybe that's a better way to go-- the real way to enjoy each moment.) Joshua: You OK, Neku? Neku: Yeah, I could try to be CAT with this pin. But why? Where's the enjoyment in that? I'd rather broaden my world my own way. Joshua: ...... Neku... Hee hee. Your face is priceless. Neku: Huh? (Who asked you!?) |
„ |
~ Neku's inner philosophy changing |
“ |
Joshua: ...Whew. Lucky us, huh, Neku? Neku: Joshua... Was that true? You're alive? Joshua: ...... Cat's out of the bag. Yes, Neku. I'm playing the Game alive. Neku: You're... But how can... Joshua: There's a loophole to everything. Sneaking in means I don't have a Player Pin, but such is life. Neku: So you just-- Joshua: Please, it's not a big deal. We formed a valid pact. We're just like any other pair, Neku. Neku: ...No. Joshua: Hmm? I didn't catch that. Neku: No, we're not, you punk! How can you say you're the same as us? You're alive! You're here 'cause you want to be! Not us! I don't want to be here! I'm not playing the Game for kicks, dammit! Joshua: No, you're playing because you want to live again. You still get something out of this. Neku: You little bastard... Only what you TOOK from me! YOU killed me! Joshua: Aww, Neku. You said you didn't remember! You sneaky little thing. So what if I did? Neku: What!? Joshua: What if I am the one who killed you? You're going to do something about it? |
„ |
~ Neku after finding out Joshua is alive and he may be his killer |
“ |
Neku: Augh!!! We were too late! They were right there, but... I couldn't do a thing. Joshua: We may be the last pair. Let's stay sharp. Neku: Friggin' Reapers! Joshua: Angry? Neku: Hell yes, I'm angry! Joshua: At least you're still in the Game. Neku: Yeah? What about the people who aren't? Screw the Game! These are people, not toys! Joshua: Why the sudden interest? I didn't think you cared about other Players. Neku: No... Joshua: No what? Neku: Sure, other Players are strangers. Not just Players. Everyone. I don't know who they are, where they're from, what they care about. But... since I came to the UG, I... I've talked with them a little. Got to know them a little. Felt them a little... Felt my world grow. Just a tiny, tiny bit. It's different now. They're not just some strangers. I can't shut them out like that. Joshua: My, my. This isn't like you at all. Well, just don't get your hopes up. You'll never really understand the people around you. Neku: Enjoy the moment. Joshua: Hmm? Neku: Enjoying your world means making it bigger. I finally get that. The world as one person sees it is tiny. You've gotta... gotta reach out to other people. Joshua: ...... Hee hee. Maybe so. Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. It's possible. Now, are you ready? It looks like this mission's up to us. |
„ |
~ Neku's conversation with Joshua after realizing he does care about people |
“ |
Neku: It... it was you? Joshua: Neku... Neku: You killed me... You stole my life! Minamimoto: Hmph. That's insignificant. Neku: What!? Minamimoto: I've had enough chatter. Come get derived. This time I'm eradicating you from my spatial coordinates! Drown in the sea of imaginary numbers! |
„ |
~ Neku learning that Sho Minamimoto was his actual killer |
“ |
Neku: You used us! What did you do to Joshua? Megumi: Joshua is no more. Neku: No... Megumi: He took the brunt of Minamimoto's attack. Both boy and lion vanished. Nuked to oblivion, no doubt. Neku: Then he died... protecting me? Why would he do that? Megumi: He must have had some affection for you as a partner. Neku: ...... Megumi: He was a fool, though. No partner merits that kind of sacrifice. Neku: ...I did this. (I blamed him. He's gone because of me. I accused him of shooting me, but he was innocent! I made him feel like he owed me something. I didn't... I didn't trust him. My partner. I didn't even apologize. I'm the worst... I never told Joshua I'm sorry.) |
„ |
~ Neku upon realizing Joshua sacrificed himself |
“ | Here I go again... At least this time it really ends. ...... (Shiki's out. They made her my entry fee. Joshua, too. Took the bullet for me. Rhyme's gone. Noise got her. And Beat left to join the Reapers. One Player after another...gone. ...... I'm the only one of us left-- the only hope we have. | „ |
~ Neku's resolve starting Week 3 |
“ | Neku: Beat... You're definitely an idiot. A huge idiot.
Beat: Whatchu say!? Neku: Why would you let your 'rents push you down like that? That's not the Beat I know. Don't go the distance for other people. Do it for yourself. Beat: Huh? Neku: Like you're doing right now. Just go as far as you can go. The "results" will come later. Right? Beat: Phones... Neku: I'm sorry about Rhyme. But what's done is done. Focus on the now. She wouldn't want you wasting energy on regret. Beat: ...... Neku: Why do you think she stuck by you? She knew you could do anything you put your mind to. Anyway... I'm lucky. How many idiots have the stones to screw over the Reapers and help the underdog? Beat: Neku... Neku: You're an idiot, so start acting like one. Don't you turn into a deep thinker on me... yo. Beat: ...... Pfft... Bwa ha ha! You said it, man! I ain't the sentimentious type! Aaaaaaight! I feel much better, yo! Jus' wait! I'm gonna send everybody home! Rhyme an' Shiki...an' that Joshua kid... an' of course YOU, man. Neku: All right, then. |
„ |
~ Neku to Beat after blaming himself for Rhyme |
“ | Shibuya's... solidifying? But this town's supposed to be about conflict. I know that now. I was afraid to clash, afraid to change. I didn't want to hear it. But Mr. H woke me up... and this is not Shibuya! | „ |
“ | Huff...huff... That should... stop Shiki... I was right. It was the pin. The Composer-- Mr. H's pin. Hey! Beat! Wake up! Damn... He took the brunt of Shiki's attack. They're both out cold. Shiki, the Reapers, even Shibuya... How could Mr. H use them!? Why... It doesn't make any sense-- that I have to keep fighting like this! Dammit! ...... But I do have to ...Alone. Now...where's the Composer? | „ |
“ | This graffiti... (I remember, Mr. H. Your art kept me going. Every piece seemed to shout, "Enjoy life!" And outside my headphones, the rest of the world heard it, too. It was fun just standing here, looking... When I found out you were CAT, man, I just shook. I mean, I knew you were different the second I met you. The things you said... Somehow, they just clicked. I thought I finally met a guy I could respect. And now look.........) But I won't falter anymore. You taught me better than that. | „ |
“ | (Shiki... Beat... Joshua... Rhyme... Everybody. They got me this far. Now...) it's my fight. | „ |
“ | This place... Come on out, Composer! Fight me! You want me to defeat you, right? Isn't that it!? Then show yourself! Show yourself and fight...Mr. H... | „ |
“ | I'll never help you! Maybe living in your Shibuya WOULD be easier. Maybe. Except one problem-- it wouldn't be Shibuya! I was never good with people. I covered my ears and blocked them out. But you know what? If I don't clash, I don't change. The world ends at my borders, and the best moments slip away. Shibuya's full of people waiting for those moments, when we clash together and find something new. Here in the UG, I clashed. I changed. And now I know-- Shibuya should stay just as it is! | „ |
~ Neku to Megumi |
“ | Same streets...Same crowds too. Yeah, Shibuya hasn't changed a bit. But still, I don't think I can forgive you yet. You don't see it, but... those few weeks were very hard for me. Learning to trust people; having that trust broken. Finding out the town I pegged as small, and
stifling, and empty... wasn't any of those things. I'm glad I met you guys. You made me... pick up on things, I probably would've just gone on ignoring. Trust your partner... and I do. I can't forgive you, but I trust you. You took care of things, right? Otherwise, Shibuya would be gone and my world with it. Hey, did I mention? I've got friends now! We're meeting for the first time in a week. See you there? |
„ |
~ Neku's message to Joshua at the end of The World Ends With You |