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Homura Akemi

From The Codex
Articles About Homura Akemi
Versions Homura Akemi - Tamura Akemi - Magia Record

I'll do it over, no matter how many times it takes... I'll relive it over and over again. I will find the way out. The one path that'll save you from this destiny of despair. Madoka... my one and my only friend. I don't care... because if it's for you, I'll stay trapped in this endless maze... forever.


Homura Akemi is one of the main characters in Puella Magi Madoka Magica. She is first seen by Madoka Kaname in a dream of her fighting a monster in a desolate landscape of skyscrapers. The day after the dream, Homura has transferred to Madoka's school where she gives her ominous warnings.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Homura Akemi’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

Homura's backstory was revealed in episode 10. She was a transfer student who was hospitalized for a long period of time due to heart disease. The whereabouts and status of her family is unknown, as they are never mentioned in the series. In the original timeline, Homura at this point is physically frail and weak most likely due to her illness. She wears glasses and braided hair in her early insecure depiction shown in episode 10. Later in that episode with renewed determination she undoes her braids and uses her soul gem to correct her vision and to heal her heart condition. From then on she no longer required the use of glasses.

Homura's time-loop officially starts on the 16th of the month in the anime (speculated to be sometime between March and April). She was released from the hospital on the 16th, and transferred to Mitakihara Middle School on the 25th. In the original timeline, she is attacked by a witch and saved by Madoka and Mami. Sometime during the next month, during Walpurgisnacht, she becomes a magical girl while wishing to redo her meeting with Madoka, thus gaining the power to pause and/or rewind time one month.

It is estimated Homura repeated the same month starting on the 16th nearly 100 times before the present timeline in the TV anime. Within these timelines, Homura was able to gradually improve her abilities and acquire items (such as ammunition and weapons from the Japanese military) to prepare for the battle with Walpurgisnacht. She was also able to memorize and deduce through statistics the major events that would occur within all timelines, giving her incredible knowledge about most of her adversaries. The corollary, however, was that Homura experienced the deaths of many of her friends repeatedly, often horrifically. As a general trend, Homura became increasingly distant to Madoka with each repeat of the month.

By the timeline of the TV anime, Homura appeared as a cold and calculating character who is distant from all the characters. She failed to save all of her companions (apart from Madoka), and by Walpurgisnacht, was forced to face the witch alone. She was subsequently defeated by Walpurgisnacht, and seemed just about to succumb to despair before Madoka appears and rewrites the universe with her wish.

After Madoka's revision of the universe, Homura is the only known character to retain her memories of the previous universe. She has possession of Madoka's ribbon, and has a new black bow as her weapon similar to Madoka's weapon. It is unknown if she retained her abilities to manipulate time and space. Homura is shown to have a much closer relationship with Kyubey, so much so she even confides an entire account about how the old universe worked. She also has the ability to create wings of energy, forming angelic wings when confronting Wraiths in the city, and jagged dark wings when walking through the desert.

Wraith Arc
Homura appears in the first pages of chapter 1 in flashback. She is shown saying her goodbyes to Madoka as in the last episode of the anime, with Madoka promising to meet her again and giving Homura her ribbons. She doesn't appear again until the end of chapter 2 after Sayaka has been led away by the Law of Cycles and Mami and Kyoko are standing at the station. Homura is introduced as the new transfer student and she leaves the class in order to meet with Mami and Kyoko on the rooftop, Homura wiping away a tear as she remembers meeting Madoka for the first time. They tell Homura about the giant wraith that has been seen lately and agree not to hunt it on their own. After several days of combing the city for the giant wraith and hunting down other more common wraiths, Homura has a short discussion with Kyubey about Madoka and the previous universe. Soon after, she encounters the giant wraith alone and attempts to defeat it herself by unleashing a large arrow of magic at it which takes on the form of a bird. However the giant wraith withstands the attack and is able to surprise Homura and overwhelm her, stealing a portion of her power. A smaller wraith steals Madoka's ribbon from her as well.

After a nightmare, Homura wakes up in Mami's apartment, with Mami bringing her a tray of tea and many lecturing words. She asks Homura to transform into a magical girl, which she does successfully, and then to summon her weapon, which she cannot. Mami concludes that the wraiths stole a portion of Homura's power but has no idea on how to retrieve it. Homura is impatient to go and retrieve her powers, but Mami cautions her to play it safe and leave everything up to her and Kyoko. Homura alters her memories slightly before thanking Mami and leaving. In the city, Homura talks with Kyubey about the memory-manipulation magic she now has and her lack of time-stopping ability. She takes off to search the city when Kyoko runs into Homura while patrolling the streets. She assures Homura she won't tell Mami she saw her up and about knowing Mami would only lecture her further. When asked why she remains in the city despite Sayaka having disappeared, Kyoko responds she is still here to avenge Sayaka. Kyoko agrees to help Homura in finding and defeating the wraith provided she is the one to give the final blow.

Despite using grief cubes, Homura finds her magical power has yet to recover which Kyubey explains is due to her soul gem's lack of capacity after the wraiths stole some of her power. As Homura sits in the park at night, Kyoko walks up to her telling her she's found a clue about the wraiths. Before Homura can come closer, Mami appears and fires at Kyoko, revealing her to be another mutant wraith that had taken on the form of Kyoko with the intent of attacking Homura. Mami summons several muskets and together her and Homura are able to hold off the wraiths but not for long. During the fight, Homura realizes the wraith is using time-manipulation magic. After a voice gives Homura advice, the two magical girls are able to overcome the wraiths' time-stopping ability and seemingly defeat the Wraith-Kyoko with Mami's Tiro Finale. After, the real Kyoko appears and informs them of the fake Sayaka and they agree on rules in order to limit their ability to be taken by surprise by the mutant wraiths. Mami and Kyoko leave, leaving Homura alone. She hears the voice from earlier once more and turns to see Madoka standing before her. However, this is not the real Madoka but a wraith who has taken on her form. She returns Madoka's ribbon to Homura before asking for her help in stopping the giant wraith. The fake Madoka explains how wraiths really work before explaining that the magic they took from Homura corrupted the wraiths, resulting in the mutant wraiths that take on human form. Despite Homura's reluctance in believing her story, she has the wraith follow her back to her apartment. There, Kyubey examines the wraith and confirms it carries a part of Homura's power in her.

After several weeks of searching for the giant wraith, Homura and Wraith-Madoka are no closer to finding the whereabouts of the giant wraith. Wraith-Madoka asks Homura what she really thinks of her since she is taking the form of her most precious friend. Homura snaps at the wraith, telling her she is nothing more than a fake for which Homura holds no shred of emotion for and threatens to kill her for insulting Madoka's wish. But the wraith tells her she is lying to herself and that she is not only a wraith but also Homura's heart.

Mami and Kyoko decide to begin their search from the beginning. Mami is upset to find that Homura had been searching for the giant wraith alone and worries that something may happen to her. Homura snaps at both Mami and Kyoko before taking off. Alone, Homura asks Kyubey what she wished for in order to become a magical girl but Kyubey doesn't know the answer to that. Homura worries that she may have used her memory-altering magic on herself in order to turn her dream of Madoka into memories instead. Wraith-Madoka catches up with Homura and offers to walk her home but not before Mami and Kyoko run into them. However, to Mami and Kyoko the wraith looks nothing like Madoka and only has the form of a mutant wraith wrapped around Homura. They transform into magical girls and prepare to rescue Homura, but Homura instead begs the wraith to save her from being a magical girl. The wraith takes Homura's soul gem and teleports them from the area, leaving Mami and Kyoko behind.

At Homura's apartment, Homura and Wraith-Madoka sit in front of her many monitors and watch as a flashback plays out in which Homura makes her original wish to Kyubey to protect Madoka. Kyubey appears only to admonish Homura for having a wraith eat all of her emotions in order to avoid meeting the Law of Cycles. Outside, the wraiths begin their attack on the city, leaving people dead rather than simply emotionless. As Mami and Kyoko fight their respective battles, Wraith-Madoka and Homura watch from a nearby rooftop. Before the wraiths can bring the final blow to Mami, Wraith-Madoka takes the ribbon from Homura and unleashes several arrows from the air in Madoka's characteristic attack, protecting Mami. The wraith appears as Madoka to even Mami now that she has her ribbon. Together the wraith and Mami are able to work together to take down the two imposters.

By this time the giant wraith has been consumed by the power it took from Homura and transforms into a witch-like creature complete with familiars. The wraith and Mami fight off the familiars but not before Kyoko and Mami are killed by the giant wraith. Wraith-Madoka continues in her struggle to defeat the witch-like wraith alone, but is overwhelmed and soon plummets to her death. Homura watches the battle dispassionately until she suddenly recovers herself and runs to catch the falling wraith. She realizes that Madoka is not a dream as the witch that stands before her is the proof that Madoka existed.

Homura regains her original memories. Upon arriving to the new universe, she discovered that her time-manipulation shield no longer worked and she initially discarded it only to have the shield open a small portal to another world. Homura jumps into the world inside her shield and discovers Kriemhild Gretchen inside. Before she can destroy the shield, she realizes that if a witch is inside her shield then Madoka may also be inside fighting the witch. Instead, Homura used her magic to alter her own memories and causes herself to forget the existence of the time shield.

After Homura and Wraith-Madoka land on the streets below, Homura reaches for the ribbon the wraith is holding and finds herself transported to another world. Her appearance changes to her original appearance with glasses and braids. There, she meets a doppelganger of herself who introduces itself as the personification of Homura's power that was stolen by the wraiths. It explains they are inside the world of her soul gem and that it was freed when the wraith that housed it was destroyed. After being stolen by the wraiths, her magical power was able to take control of one of the mutant wraiths in order to assist Homura. Homura asks her magical power what caused the wraiths to go rogue and her magic explains that it was due to the time manipulation magic coming from another universe with different laws. When Madoka and Homura parted ways in the space outside of the universe, their feelings for each other were so strong that a true miracle occurred and their feelings crystallized into a new soul gem for Homura. Because a miracle was granted to a magical girl without a normal exchange, it became separate from the laws of the universe and was considered in incomplete magic. After some time, this new magic began to interfere with her original magic, causing her shield and Madoka to suddenly link up. After Homura erased her memories of the shield, the wraiths stole the shield and were consumed by the curses that were contained within. Because the curses were a form of emotional energy not known in this universe, it corrupted the wraiths and caused the giant wraith to become a witch destined to destroy the world. Homura's thoughts take on the form of Sayaka, Kyoko and Mami who voice her self doubts in having rewritten her own memories rather than lose the shield and her proof of Madoka's existence. Homura takes off her glasses and undoes her braids, filled with a new resolve to protect Madoka even at the cost of her shield. She asks her magic to lend her power once more and her magic power takes on the form of her soul gem.

Filled with power once more, Homura unleashes several hundred arrows that destroy the smaller wraiths and familiars before firing a single large arrow at the witch. As she drives the arrow further in, the witch cracks open and reveals the face of Kriemhild Gretchen and her shield inside. As Homura reaches for her shield, the witch uses its power to stab Homura through several times in an attempt to stop her. But Madoka appears before Homura and helps push her the last few inches towards the shield. As Homura touches the shield, it crumbles to pieces and the witch is obliterated. Back inside her soul gem, her magical power incarnate holds a sleeping Homura in her hands as she explains that Madoka has reset the timeline of this universe in order to prevent the curses of the previous world from interfering. Unlike last time however, Homura will lose her memories of the previous timeline.

Homura snaps to alertness as she realizes she is standing at the station with Mami and Kyoko, Sayaka having just been led away by the Law of Cycles. Some time later, Homura is having the same discussion with Kyubey concerning Madoka and the previous universe. As Homura drops down to destroy the wraiths in the streets below, Kyubey reveals a piece of Homura's shield it managed to salvage and explains how he kept his memories of the previous timeline. Now that he has a piece of the shield and proof of Homura's story concerning the Law of Cycles, he and the other Incubators can now plan for a way in which they can capture Madoka.

The chapter ends as Homura is walking in the desert, ready to take on a hoard of wraiths as several Incubators watch from atop some nearby ruins.

The Rebellion Story
In events prior to The Rebellion Story Homura was captured by the Incubators, and her Soul Gem was placed in an Isolation Field that blocked out the Law of Cycles. This strain led Homura to transform partially into a witch without her knowledge. In this form, she also unconsciously created a labyrinth that was a near-perfect replica of Mitakihara City, and unconsciously lured her former acquaintances into it. She even drew in Madoka from the Law of Cycles, who entered the barrier along with Sayaka and Nagisa Momoe. In this dream world, Homura unconsciously distorted almost everyone's memories (including her own) so that they believed they were living in the real world fighting new enemies called Nightmares. In order to stop the Incubators from fulfilling their goal, Madoka entrusted her memories and powers to Sayaka and Nagisa. Sayaka only pretended to have her memories altered, while Nagisa disguised herself as Charlotte/Bebe.

Eventually Homura realizes that she's trapped in a witch's barrier and attempts to discover who is behind it. Near the end of her journey she has a conversation with Madoka that causes her to realize that she can't accept Madoka's sacrifice. At this point she begins to realize she is the witch, and confirms it when she separates herself from her Soul Gem without consequence.

At this point Kyubey appears and explains the truth about Homura's present nature and the Incubators' plan to control the Law of Cycles. This causes Homura to go berserk and curse her existence, completing her transformation into a witch known as Homulilly. Madoka and the other magical girls manage to rescue Homura by destroying the stasis field containing them all, returning them to reality. Due to the Isolation Field, Homura only became a witch inside her own Soul Gem, allowing Madoka to save her.

Ultimate Madoka arrives to take Homura away as per the Law of the Cycle. However, Homura grabs Madoka first. Her Soul Gem turns black, then fills with swirling colors that Nagisa calls worse than curses. Reality begins to crack as Homura separates Madoka from her goddess self. The colors burst out of her Soul Gem, and both the cracks and colors engulf the entire universe.

Homura and Kyubey reappear in the same place where Madoka ascended in Episode 12. Homura shatters her Soul Gem in her mouth, and a new gem appears called the Dark Orb. Kyubey exclaims that Homura is rewriting the universe, and asks what happened to her Soul Gem. Homura explains that she remembered all of the times she repeated time, and all of the pain she suffered for Madoka's sake. She says that even this pain has become precious to her, tainting her Soul Gem with something greater than curses. As she swallows the Dark Orb, she calls it the pinnacle of human emotions: Love.

Homura transforms into a new form and grows a pair of black wings. Kyubey says that Homura is no longer a magical girl or a witch, and asks what Homura is now. Homura that since she brought down and imprisoned god, it's only appropriate to call her a demon (akuma). Kyubey decides that it was a mistake to experiment with human emotions and flees, but Homura grabs him and says she still needs his existence to deal with all the curses of the world.

Homura effectively becomes a goddess of this new universe. Apart from her true nature as a demon, she still exists with a human form in the real world and can interact normally with everyone else. She appears to have the power to manipulate the memories of virtually anyone she pleases, but otherwise the full extent of her abilities are unknown. It is assumed that Homura is a deity that primarily embodies love (whereas Madoka embodies hope).

Homura is presently holding a fraction of the Goddess Madoka captive--specifically, the part that was Madoka Kaname before she became the Law of Cycles. It is also implied she is placing the world's curses onto Kyubey. Despite proclaiming herself as a demon, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, and Nagisa are all given happy lives in her new world.

General Information

Name: Homura Akemi[1], Akuma Homura

Origin: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Sex: Female

Age: 14, though Homura has reset time so much to the point that she's technically mentally far above the age of 14[2], Inapplicable as Akuma Homura (She has the same level of existence as[3] Ultimate Madoka, whose existence shfiting into a higher plane and becoming nothing more then a concept, where no one can perceive her any longer and likewise she can't interact with anyone else, with all traces of her existence being erased in the lower world, as if she never existed[4])

Classification: Witch, Demon[5]

Species: Human

Occupation: Magical Girl

Status: Alive, Other as Akuma Homura (She has the same level of existence as[6] Ultimate Madoka, who after destroying her witch, her life has ceased to have either a beginning or end[7]. Madoka's existence shfiting into a higher plane and becoming nothing more then a concept, where no one can perceive her any longer and likewise she can't interact with anyone else[8])

Alignment: Initially Lawful Good (A girl that simply wanted to become a magical girl and help Madoka Kaname and others save the world from witches), becomes Chaotic Neutral after several resets (Homura only cares to do whatever to make it where Madoka Kaname does not become a magical girl or die, though she does show some care as she went to get Sayaka Miki's soul gem after it was dropped off a bridge), Chaotic Neutral as Akuma Homura (While Madoka believes one shouldn't change laws even if it's to benefit others, Akuma Homura believes the exact opposite, removing Madoka's places as Ultimate Madoka and becoming a demon in order to make a world where there are no magical girls, wraiths, or witches[9])

Codex Statistics

Key: Pre-Wraith Arc | Post-Wratih Arc | Rebellion Avatar | Akuma Homura

Grade: A | S | S+

Tier: 9-A, Far Higher with Hundreds of Explosives. 2-B through Chain Reaction | At least 5-B, Far Higher with Hundreds of Explosives | 9-A, Far Higher with Hundreds of Explosives. 2-B through Chain Reaction | 2-C

Cardinality: Finite | Finite | Finite | ℵ0

Dimensionality: 3-D, Unknown as Akuma Homura (She has the same level of existence as[10] Ultimate Madoka, who after destroying her witch, her life has ceased to have either a beginning or end[11]. Madoka's existence shfiting into a higher plane and becoming nothing more then a concept, where no one can perceive her any longer and likewise she can't interact with anyone else[12])

Power Source: Magic (As noted by their name, Magical Girls are able to use magic, with in some cases their miracles being strong enough to form their magic as other versions of themselves that can converse with them and plan out ideas[13]) | Magic | Magic | Law of Cycles

Attack Potency: Room level (Potency) (Easily defeated a large sized witch that killed Mami Tomoe[14]. Comparable to the likes of Sayaka Miki who killed the likes of H.N. Elly who is this large in size[15]. Comparable to Mami Tomoe, who can defeat a witch of this size[16]), Far Higher with Hundreds of Explosives (Plantedd hundreds of explosives on Walpurgisnacht that caused a massive explosion beyond any of her other ones[17]). Multi-Universe level through Chain Reaction (Through Homura's constant resets, she's made it here so many threads of fate gather tightly around Madoka Kaname, making her into a powerful magical girl through Homura repeatedly turning back time, causing a side effect where multiple timelines converged together and centered them all on the existence of Madoka Kaname, where she now has threads of fate of separate timelines linking to her current timeline self making her magical potential so impossibly huge, where all of the Karmic Destiny set spinning in all those different timelines all attached to Madoka[18]) | At least Planet level (Potency) (The power of her magic was so strong it completely defeated the Giant Wraith, a wraith that was fueled by the negative power of Ultimate Madoka's witch that was within Homura's shield, with it carrying enough power to bring an end to all life on Earth, due to its sheer power, it should be superior to Madoka Kaname from the previous timeline at the end of the original series[19], the initial form of the witch is noted that it has powers similar to that of a god's who will probably level the Earth and reduce it all to dust. Massively upscales from Madoka Kaname from the previous timeline who took down Walpurgisnacht with a single shot[20]. Walpurgisnacht upon merely waking up destroyed a huge portion of the city[21]. Due to her sheer strength she should be far above the fusion of Walpurgisnacht and a witch which was noted that it would destroy the entire city from the shockwave alone[22]), Far Higher with Hundreds of Explosives | Room level (Potency) (The Witch form of Homura made a reality that is similar to the world of witches, putting regular Homura back at that strength[23], with her strength stat falling back down to a 0. Fought against Sayaka Miki[24], where she should be much stronger through coming into contact with the law of cycles. Also fought against Mami Tomoe[25]), Far Higher with Hundreds of Explosives. Multi-Universe level through Chain Reaction | Universe level (Buster) (Enveloped the entire universe after splitting Ultimate Madoka from her body[26] and has an existence on the same level as her[27]. Noted to have pull a sacred, godlike entity from heaven and overcome her authority[28]. Noted that if she wanted to, she could destroy the universe[29]. Ultimate Madoka's soul gems power was noted to bring forth enough hope to give birth to an entire universe and enough despair to bring an end to the entire universe[30])

Durability: Room level. Her Magical Girl Physiology makes her difficult to kill | At least Planet level. Her Magical Girl Physiology makes her difficult to kill | Room level. Her Magical Girl Physiology makes her difficult to kill | Universe level. Her physiology apart of the Law of Cycles makes her extremely difficult to kill

Striking Strength: Room Class (Potency) | At least Planet Class (Potency) | Room Class (Potency) | Universe Class (Buster)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Comparable to Mami Tomoe who can lift a giant gun cannon with ease) | Superhuman | Superhuman | Unknown: Cosmic Class

Travel Speed: Superhuman (Comparable to Sayaka Miki, who is able to move so fast that she can only be seen as a blue beam or an afterimage[31]) | Superhuman | Superhuman | Unknown: Undefinable

Attack Speed: Supersonic, Higher with Magic | Supersonic, Higher with Magic | Supersonic, Higher with Magic | Unknown: Undefinable

Reaction Speed: Supersonic (Avoided various gunshots from Mami Tomoe during their gun fight[32]. Comparable to Sayaka Miki, who was able to block hundreds of bullets from Holy Mami[33]) | Supersonic, Higher with Magic | Supersonic, Higher with Magic | Unknown: Undefinable

Stamina: Superhuman+ (Comparable to Sayaka Miki who can fight for weeks straight without showing much tiring[34])

Range: Standard Melee, Dozens of Meters with Explosives, Hundreds of Meters with Guns, Kilometers with Curtain Fire (Can unleash a massive amount of blasts that come from the sky, covering near a city), Universal with Time Manipulation, Multi-Universal with Fate Manipulation & Causality Manipulation (Through Homura's constant resets, she's made it here so many threads of fate gather tightly around Madoka Kaname, making her into a powerful magical girl through Homura repeatedly turning back time, causing a side effect where multiple timelines converged together and centered them all on the existence of Madoka Kaname, where she now has threads of fate of separate timelines linking to her current timeline self making her magical potential so impossibly huge, where all of the Karmic Destiny set spinning in all those different timelines all attached to Madoka[35]), Multiversal+ with Time Travel (When Homura goes back in time, she is going to alternate universes which there are infinite universes) & as Akuma Homura (Comparable to Ultimate Madoka who unleashed a massive amount of arrow attacks across all timelines[36]. Can travel across the many universes to stop witches from transforming[37], which has infinite universes)

Intelligence: Unknown Intelligence (A lot of Homura's skill is attributed to her ability to rewind time allowing her to know about events ahead of time). Cosmic Intelligence as Akuma Homura (As Akuma Homura she is comparable to Ultimate Madoka, who has become one with the laws of cycles, she can now see everything that ever has or will happen, both the universes that could have been and the universes that might one day be[38])

Knowledge: Master level (Can easily solve math problems with no issue[39]. Learned how to create explosives[40]. Noted her marksmanship is up there with the best of them, being complimented by Mami Tomoe). Cosmic level as Akuma Homura

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Multilingualism (Magical Girls are able to understand Bebe, who speaks in only gibberish[44]), Pain Tolerance (The bodies of a Magical Girl experience far less pain than a normal human would. This ensures that they can fight at peak performance despite receiving fatal injuries. Kyubey also states that they can completely block out the pain from their body[45]), Immortality (Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; Magical Girl’s bodies are stated to be like zombies or an empty shell for their souls to possess, where there body can take lethal blows without them dying[46][47]), Magic (As noted by their name, Magical Girls are able to use magic, with in some cases their miracles being strong enough to form their magic as other versions of themselves that can converse with them and plan out ideas[48]), Dimensional Storage (Magical Girls are able to store weapons in their soul gems or other parts of their bodies[49]), Healing (Mid; Kyubey states that if all of the organs in one's body get destroyed and every last drop of blood escapes one's body, Magical Girls can heal themselves to continue fighting[50]. Magical Girls can heal their body parts with magic[51]. Magical Girls can heal injuries on people such as when Mami healed Kyubey's injuries[52]), Extrasensory Perception (Magical Girls can see witches, who are invisible to normal people[53]), Telekinesis (Magical Girls are able to take control of and move objects with their magic[54]), Flight (Magical Girls are able to fly[55]), Clairvoyance (Magical Girls are able to see other Magical Girls through their soul gems[56]), Absolute Access & Non-Standard Interaction (Dream Interaction; Magical Girls are able to go into dreams and interact with them[57]), Avatar Creation (Limited; Magical Girls are able to possess fake bodies that are much stronger than their normal bodies[58][59]), Telepathy (Limited; All magical girls are able to use telepathy in order to communicate with other people around them[60]), Enhanced Senses (Limited; Magical Girls are able to pick up the magic trail of a witch with their soul gems[61]), Cloth Manipulation & Transformation (Partial Transformation; Magical Girls are able to create cloths to transform and can use these cloths in order to attack or restrain opponents[62]. Transformative Arsenal; Magical Girls through not purifying their soul gem can become corrupted and turn into witches[63][64]), Nullification (Curse Nullification; Magical Girls can negate curses placed by witches[65]), Power Bestowal (Magical Girls can give magical powers to regular objects, amplifying its normal properties[66]), Weapon Creation & Summoning (Magical Girls can summon multiple weapons from their bodies[67]), Restoration (Magical Girls are able to use their magic in order to keep their or another person’s body from decomposing[68]), Dimensional Travel (Magical Girls are able to open up portals that send them to different locations or into labyrinths[69]), Self-Destruction (Magical Girls can overload their soul gem to self-destruct[70]), Forcefield Creation (Magical Girls are able to create forcefields to protect themselves from attacks[71]), Wish Granting (Limited; Through forming a contract with Kyubey, one wish can be granted from him[72]), Law Manipulation (Limited) & Reality Warping (Magical Girls can cause miracles that overcome the laws of the world, with their desire taking form, allowing things such as Homura to remember Madoka even after she became a concept and has been conceptually erased from the entire multiverse[73]), Spatial Manipulation (3-D; Magical Girls are able to break open an isolation field, which is created by isolation a soul gem in a separate space so that the Law of Cycles can’t enter[74]), Hair Manipulation (Magical Girls are able to change their hair style with magic[75]), Subjective Reality (Magical girls are able to create things that they want, like when everyone created a fruit that they wanted to be. Sayaka was also able to pull a violin from a piece of paper and give it form[76]), Battlefield Removal (Application Based; All magical girls can put objects and people inside of their soul gems and trap them there forever[77]), Purification (Magical Girls can create Doppels that completely purify the user’s soul gems and give them an enormous power boost[78]), Statistics Amplification (Magical Girls can create Doppels that completely purify the user’s soul gems and give them an enormous power boost[79]. Magical Girls can connect with other magical sources, to greatly boost their magical powers and combine different properties to their abilities[80]), Fusionism & Statistics Boost (Magical Girls can do a combined attack through forming in a line and holding up their soul gems), Pocket Reality Manipulation (3+1-D; Magical Girls have an entire pocket reality inside of their soul gem where they can directly speak with their magic[81]).

Resistance to Cold Manipulation (Magical Girls can function around the Wariths, who passively make the air so cold that it begins to freeze everything), Curse Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (Magical Girls are unaffected by a Witches curse, which is noted by Kyubey that their curse causes people to commit suicide and fall to despair[82]), Mind Manipulation (Magical Girls are unaffected by the witch’s kiss, which mind controls people to try and kill themselves[83]), Memory Manipulation (Magical Girls can still remember the magical girls killed in the world of the witches, where no one else remembers their existence[84]), Lifeforce Absorption (Magical Girls are unaffected by Witches ability to drain the life force out of the people who are weak minded[85]), Soul Manipulation (They are able to survive having their souls ripped out of their bodies. They are also able to survive having their souls be apart from their bodies[86][87]), Physics Manipulation (Magical Girls are not bound by the laws of thermodynamics[88]), Body Puppetry, and Fusionism (Magical Girls can connect with a person’s mind, which makes them snap out of the trance and possession that they were under[89]), Corruption & Empathic Manipulation (Magical Girls resist the wraiths ability to fill the world with corruption and consume emotions[90])


  • Shield: Her shield, which is actually a sand timer[147] has given her the ability to turn back time approximately going back one month ago. Her shield can also make projectile protections. Her shield can also be used as a storage device for her weapons which she takes from Japanese military bases.
  • Golf Club: A blunt weapon she uses for attacks.
  • Magical Arrow: Pierce attack one line in front with a magical arrow.
  • Time Bomb: Throw a bomb one line in front.
  • High Caliber Pistol: Fire a bullet one line in front.
  • Team Fire Support: Fire bullets at random one line in front.
  • Anti-Tank Artillery: Attack with infinite rocket launchers.
  • Anti-Ship Missile: Fire an anti-ship missile, dealing huge damage.

Optioanl Equipment

  • Spell Books: Spell Books are earned whenever you complete a mission. Since you can always attempt missions, there is no limit to the number of spell books you can earn, and buying/upgrading all Special Magics and Support Skills for all characters is possible.

Notable Techniques

*Time Manipulation: Her time manipulation comes from her shields ability and is the special ability she gained from becoming a magical girl, with it Homura can stop time for all people not in contact with her, and as long as her shield isn't attacked.

  • Weapons Expert: As her time magic alone wouldn't be enough to deal with threats, Homura had to learn how to make explosives and use guns in combat, allowing her to use it in conjunction with her time abilities to defeat enemies.


Standard Tactics: Homura uses her time stop along with setting up various explosives and aims the bullets to hit a specific point of a target in time stop in order to defeat her opponents. | During the Wraith Arc, she has completely lost the ability to stop time and instead uses energy arrow attacks along with her ability to manipulate memories. | Once she becomes Akuma Homura she has not officially fought anyone, only being shown to have erased Sayaka and Madoka's memories and enveloping the entire universe when removing Madoka from her Ultimate form, thus she is likely a wildcard.

Weaknesses: Magical Girls lose control of their avatars if their soul gems are dozens of meters away from their bodies[148]. If a Magical Girl blocks out the pain, their reaction time gets slowed by a bit[149]. If there soul gem is at all destroyed, they will die[150]. The more a magical girl uses magic, the more their soul gem becomes packed with impurities, making them unable to exert the full magic power[151]. If the Magical Girls abuse their Doppels too much, they will fuse to them and become corrupted[152]. Attacking her shield will make her unable to stop time. When the sand in the hourglass completely falls, Homura cannot use magic anymore and she can only stop time for a short period.

Note: When Homura is going back in time, she is crossing into different parallel worlds.

Note 2: There are alternate timeline Homura's all going to different alternate worlds.

Note 3: The Homura during the events of Rebellion is in a world created by her where Kyubey tainted her soul gem to as dark as he could get, making her far weaker then she can be during Wraith Arc as one's soul gem being tainted removes much of their power.


  • At a Nitro+ Q&A Panel it was revealed that Homura went through almost 100 timelines. Q: How many timelines did Homura go through? A: Approaching 100.
    • If Homura really did loop the same month and a half nearly 100 times, she would technically be around 26-years old, having spent 12 years looping time. (Calculations here.) However, since her body is always reset along with time, she is still only 14-years old physically. In some interpretations, this would make Homura about twelve years older mentally than Madoka.
      • Since Homura's body stayed the same physical age throughout the loops, this implies that her brain does as well, and as such she would not have had the intervening 12 years of neurological development, and instead only an amount of extra memories from the loops that adds up to 12 years and the accompanying trauma.
  • Homura finds a manual on how to make bombs from the internet. According to the Japanese Wikipedia, the manual is titled Hara Hara Tokei (腹腹時計 Hara Hara Tokei?), published in March 1974 by a far-left terrorist organization.
    • Incidentally, the manual explains with illustrations that “Anyone with a middle-school level knowledge of chemistry can do it”.
  • Homura is frequently referred to as "Homerun-chan" amongst Western fans, due to the similarity of the two names in Japanese, however she is frequently referred as "Homuhomu" (ほむほむ) within Japanese community. Homuhomu likely originated from the runes in Episode 3, one of which translates to "Homuhomu". Interestingly, when a homerun is enacted in sports, you (in addition to gaining a point/level) essentially get back where you started.
    • "Homuhomu" can be used as a verb as "do Homuhomu" (ほむほむする) which means to caress, console or take care of. The action of "do Homuhomu" is not defined exactly.
    • Originally started by the fan community it has been embraced and adopted by the industry to become part of the official language and usage.
    • Sometimes also jokingly refered to as "Homurika" due to shared similarity of circumstances (having to go through many timelines to prevent a tragedy) with Rika Furude (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni spoilers.
  • Some folks in 2ch nicknamed Homura's Residence Homu-home (ほむホーム Homuhōmu?) since Homu is a nickname for Homura, and Hōmu is "home" rendered in the Japanese syllabary. It should be noted that "homu" is more often used for dog houses and similar structures, with the English word "home" expressed using "uchi" (うち, which refers to one's own house or household), "ie" (いえ, which can refer to a physical house or a family lineage), or the honorific "otaku" (お宅, which refers to someone else's house or household).
  • Apparently there is a rumor on the net that some weapons went "missing" at the JSDF and US military bases in Japan. There is only one official report regarding the missing/stolen weapons. It is not known if the rumors of the stolen missing weapons inspired their appearance in the series.
  • In the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Official Guidebook "You Are Not Alone" Hanokage jokingly describes Homura as "Hommando" in her After-Recording Report comic, because of the excessive vast arsenal of weaponry she unleashes in Episode 11. Apparently the smörgåsbord of weaponry was added later, they were not originally depicted in the early stages of the screenplay.
    • One fan estimates that Homura used ¥ 1,383,040,300 Yen worth of military weaponry & equipment (that's $17,037,114 USD in today's dollars).[1]
  • Homura is the strongest of the magical girls as long as no one discovers the nature of her power.
  • In Audio commentary for Episode 4, Urobuchi liked Chiwa Saitou for the role because she had a "Dark Beauty" feeling.
    • In the Audio commentary for Episode 7, Chiwa Saitou explains she tried the role of Kyubey and Kyousuke first, until Gen Urobuchi convinced her to try the role of Homura.
    • Chiwa Saito explains that she found the character of Homura to be strong but also to be a weak/delicate girl. Aoi Yuuki adds that the Homura character had no other choice but to become strong.
      • Ryouko Shintani states that would be true for a character that has something or someone important to protect.
  • She appears to live by herself; her residence only has her name on the nameplate, much like Mami Tomoe's. In episode 10, when she wakes up in the hospital, no-one is there with her, and she seems to have been filling out the school transfer forms on her own.
  • Her house has a wall display of documents relating to witches.
  • She is visibly upset when Madoka uses her last name or honorifics instead of the more intimate "Homura".
  • Homura calls everyone by their full name, giving the impression of being distant to people. This is most likely an attempt of her part to distance herself emotionally with everyone.
    • In episode 10, Homura goes from formal to first name basis with Madoka.
    • In episode 9 when Kyoko sacrifices herself to save Sayaka, Homura calls her by her first name.
    • The way she calls Sayaka varies on timelines. And she always refers to Mami as by her full name or Tomoe-san, probably because she is her senior.
  • Homura's appearance in episode 12 (in the new timeline) from the manga is different than her appearance from the anime. In the anime, her clothes and hairstyle remain the same, with Madoka's ribbon as her accessories. However, in the manga, she wears a new dress, changes her hairstyle to two pigtails with the ribbons Madoka gave her.
  • Homura may actually be Faust, as Faust in the play tries all his might to save Gretchen (Madoka) from dying but in the end she perishes anyways as Mephistopheles (QB) tries to tempt her to form a contract with him.
    • There's also the fact that in the Goethe version, Faust would only lose his soul if he ever had a moment of perfect happiness that made him wish he could stop time at that moment forever. Homura's power, of course, is to stop time. As such, it's entirely possible that the Homura and Faust parallels will be taken to its logical conclusion: She will have a moment of perfect happiness, she will stop time at that moment, and then she will die or become a witch. However, it should be mentioned that Faust manages to escape Mephistopheles and enter heaven because he found his moment of happiness in helping others, and not in anything Mephistopheles gave him. On the other hand, there is a witch that tries to create heaven on Earth.
    • In the story of Faust, the devil grants him "magical powers" for 24 years, "one year for each hour of the day," and the deal was at the end of the "24 years," the devil would claim his soul. Homura's "weapon" is an hourglass, and her hourglass can reset time by one month. Given the strong parallels to Faust, and how at the end of the last loop, Homura was about to lose her soul (by giving in to Kyuubey's master plan and her Soul Gem becoming corrupted), it is entirely probable that her loop lasted for a total of 24 months/loop attempts as a reasonable conservative estimate, and the full Faustian 24 years as a more gruesome estimate. Given how radically her personality has changed since the first loop attempt, and how she seems to have memorized most of the key events of the loop, 24 months seems like a plausible number.
  • The reason why Homura can't prevent Madoka from being a magical girl may be interpreted that it is Madoka becoming a magical girl that makes Homura become magical girl. If Homura really did, there will be a paradox. But effect can't change the cause. Therefore, no matter how many times she tries, she is destined to fail.
    • Another evidence may support this idea. In the end of episode 12, Homura is still a magic girl and she knows the existence of Madoka. It is because Homura became a magic girl and her trying hundreds of times to save Madoka that gives Madoka the ability to become Madokami. Even Madokami can't change what she is based on to exist. The effect can't change the cause.
  • In Rebellion, before Homura transforms into Akuma Homura, she smashes her Soul Gem between her teeth, like a nutcracker. Given this, it seems likely she is still the Nutcracker Witch despite Madoka's intervention.
    • This idea seems further supported by Kyubey's referring to her as "neither a Magical Girl, nor a Witch". As it is likely she is now both, since she contains features both of them have, like a human appearance, a Soul Gem, familiars, and a barrier.
  • Her first name is written in hiragana, which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji, it can mean:
    • flame, blaze (炎 or 焔)
    • heart on fire (心火)
  • Though only 焔, 炎, and 心火 are actually Japanese given names.
  • The official Chinese translation uses (焔) "flame, blaze" as the characters for her first name. However, no official kanji of her name exists in the original Japanese version. Madoka says at one point to Homura that she should act badass to match it and Sayaka even uses a firehose on her in a timeline. In Rebellion, there are many scenes of fire and parallels are made between her and the name of Lucifer, since both are references to fire. It can also refer to how assumed witches were burned at the stake.
  • The first character for Akemi (暁) means "daybreak", while the second one (美) means beauty which is a common letter in girl's names.
    • In an early production sketch, her surname was given as (暁海) "daybreak sea" instead of (暁美). Both are read as Akemi.
    • Her last name can also be used as a first name.
  • When her full name is written vertically in hiragana (あけみほむら) and covering the left half at a certain angle, it could be read as カナメまどか which is Kaname written in katakana and Madoka written in hiragana.

As usual for PS Vita games, The Battle Pentagram comes with its own set of trophies that can be earned.

Rank JP Name Requirement
Platinum 私の願いは、全てのトロフィーを獲得すること My wish is to earn all trophies Earn all the trophies in TBP.
Gold 最強の魔法少女たち The strongest magical girls Raise all magical girls to the maximum level (99).
Gold だから私は、戦い続ける That is why I can continue to fight See the true ending.
Gold 君は、本当に神になるつもりかい? You really going to become God? Complete every mission on Witch Barrier of Samsara.
Gold 魔法少女はさ、夢と希望を叶えるんだから Magical girls, they fulfill wishes and dreams See the best ending.
Silver 極限の魔女結界の達人 Outer-limit witch barrier professional Clear all 'outer-limit witch barrier' missions.
Silver 混沌の魔女結界の達人 Chaos witch barrier professional Clear all 'chaos witch barrier' missions.
Silver 真 魔女戦の達人 True witch fighting professional Clear all 'true witch' missions.
Silver 私の戦場はここじゃない This is not my battlefield See the better end.
Silver 訳が分からないよ No sense at all Defeat Walpugris Night at day 30 alone.
Silver ベテラン魔法少女 Veteran magical girl Clear a stage without taking damage.
Silver 最強の魔法少女 The strongest magical girl Raise a magical girl's level to the maximum (99).
Silver 私の、最高の友達 My best friend See a 100% bond event.
Silver 時空を超えて巡り会った運命の仲間 The friend that crossed space-time to meet me Obtain all combination magics.
Silver それはとっても嬉しいなって I was really happy Sortie with Madoka 50 times.
Silver 奇跡も、魔法も、あるんだよ Miracles and magic, they exist Sortie with Sayaka 50 times.
Silver もう何も怖くない I'm not afraid of anything anymore Sortie with Mami 50 times.
Silver 最後に残った道しるべ The last sign Sortie with Homura 50 times.
Silver そんなの、あたしが許さない That, I cannot forgive Sortie with Kyoko 50 times.
Silver もう誰にも頼らない I won't rely on anyone anymore Clear a stage by going solo.
Bronze 絶対にあなたを救ってみせる! I will definitely save you! Clear the prologue route.
Bronze 私は何度でも繰り返す I'll repeat it as long as it takes See the bad ending.
Bronze 薔薇園の魔女退治完了 Cleanse the rose garden witch. Defeat Gertrud.
Bronze お菓子の魔女退治完了 Cleanse the dessert witch. Defeat Charlotte.
Bronze ハコの魔女退治完了 Cleanse the box witch. Defeat H.N. Elly.
Bronze 影の魔女退治完了 Cleanse the shadow witch. Defeat Elsa Maria.
Bronze 委員長の魔女退治完了 Cleanse the class representative witch. Defeat Patricia.
Bronze 芸術家の魔女退治完了 Cleanse the artist witch. Defeat Izabel.
Bronze あたしって、ほんとうバカ I'm really an idiot Fail a stage while playing solo.
Bronze 未来の後輩に、あんまり格好悪いところ見せられないものね I can't show an uncool side of me to my future juniors Defeat the rose garden witch while playing as Mami solo.
Bronze 私、独りぼっちじゃないもの! I'm not alone anymore! Defeat the dessert witch while playing as Mami solo.
Bronze クラスのみんなには、内緒だよ! Keep this a secret from everyone in class! Defeat the artist witch while playing as Mami and Madoka.
Bronze あたし、今最高に幸せだよ I'm... experiencing true happiness Defeat the box witch while playing as Sayaka solo.
Bronze 正義の味方失格だよ… No longer a friend of justice... Defeat the shadow witch while playing as Sayaka and Kyoko.
Bronze 独りぼっちは…さびしいもんな…いいと。一緒にいてやるよ Being alone... is lonely... Alright. Let's die together Defeat the mermaid witch while playing as Kyoko solo.
Bronze もう一度、あいつの演奏が聴きたかっただけなんだ I just wanted to listen to him playing for one more time Defeat the mermaid witch(亜種) while playing as Madoka and Kyoko


  1. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  2. Note: This comes from an alternate version of Homura constantly called "Homura Tamura", though the same idea should apply for regular Homura as she has the same ability of time rewind
  3. Is Homura a witch by the end of the movie? There seems to be a lot of evidence pointing towards this conclusion, and I hear she transformed because of love, not despair. Is this true?
    A: Homura is, shown as a Puella Magi Devil, at the same level as Godoka (her Soul Gem transformation..Ultimate Soul Gem? is a some sort of proof that she is). After all, God creats the world, the Devil influences it, and that the devil also rebelled against god (hurray for Bible references. Thus it's also a rebellion.
  4. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  5. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  6. Is Homura a witch by the end of the movie? There seems to be a lot of evidence pointing towards this conclusion, and I hear she transformed because of love, not despair. Is this true?
    A: Homura is, shown as a Puella Magi Devil, at the same level as Godoka (her Soul Gem transformation..Ultimate Soul Gem? is a some sort of proof that she is). After all, God creats the world, the Devil influences it, and that the devil also rebelled against god (hurray for Bible references. Thus it's also a rebellion.
  7. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  8. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  9. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  10. Is Homura a witch by the end of the movie? There seems to be a lot of evidence pointing towards this conclusion, and I hear she transformed because of love, not despair. Is this true?
    A: Homura is, shown as a Puella Magi Devil, at the same level as Godoka (her Soul Gem transformation..Ultimate Soul Gem? is a some sort of proof that she is). After all, God creats the world, the Devil influences it, and that the devil also rebelled against god (hurray for Bible references. Thus it's also a rebellion.
  11. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  12. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  13. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Wraith Arc Chapter 9
  14. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 3
  15. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
  16. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  17. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 11
  18. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 11
  19. Note: While Ultimate Madoka's witch was going to eventually become 2-C, it was stopped and destroyed by Madoka before it could do so, leaving it within Homura's shield dimension
  20. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  21. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 11
  22. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 2 Episode 12
  23. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  24. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  25. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  26. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  27. Is Homura a witch by the end of the movie? There seems to be a lot of evidence pointing towards this conclusion, and I hear she transformed because of love, not despair. Is this true?
    A: Homura is, shown as a Puella Magi Devil, at the same level as Godoka (her Soul Gem transformation..Ultimate Soul Gem? is a some sort of proof that she is). After all, God creats the world, the Devil influences it, and that the devil also rebelled against god (hurray for Bible references. Thus it's also a rebellion.
  28. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  29. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  30. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  31. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
  32. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  33. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 1 Episode 12
  34. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 8
  35. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 11
  36. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  37. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  38. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  39. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  40. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  41. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  42. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  43. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  44. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  45. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 7
  46. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 6
  47. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 7
  48. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Wraith Arc Chapter 9
  49. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  50. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 6
  51. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  52. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  53. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  54. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 11
  55. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 11
  56. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  57. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  58. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 5
  59. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 6
  60. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  61. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  62. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  63. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 8
  64. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9
  65. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  66. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  67. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  68. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9
  69. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9
  70. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9
  71. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  72. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  73. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Wraith Arc Chapter 9
  74. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  75. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  76. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  77. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  78. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 1 Episode 12
  79. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 1 Episode 12
  80. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 2 Episode 8
  81. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Wraith Arc Chapter 9
  82. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  83. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
  84. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
  85. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  86. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 5
  87. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 6
  88. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9
  89. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 2 Episode 8
  90. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Wraith Arc Chapter 1
  91. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  92. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 8
  93. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  94. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  95. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 6
  96. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  97. Madoka Magica ☆ The Battle Pentagram Homura Skills
  98. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  99. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 5
  100. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 6
  101. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 8
  102. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 8
  103. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 11
  104. The Beginning Story: Episode 10
  105. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  106. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  107. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  108. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  109. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  110. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  111. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  112. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  113. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  114. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  115. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  116. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  117. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  118. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  119. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  120. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  121. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  122. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  123. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  124. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  125. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  126. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  127. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
  128. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  129. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  130. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  131. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 8
  132. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  133. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  134. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  135. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 3
  136. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 1
  137. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  138. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  139. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
  140. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  141. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 2
  142. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 3
  143. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 3
  144. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
  145. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  146. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3 Hangyaku no Monogatari
  148. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 6
  149. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 7
  150. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 10
  151. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
  152. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 2 Episode 11


For any further questions regarding some other popular Puella Magi arguments, read this blog.

Battle Records