Has Demon Physiology (Standard level) which grants her: Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Demons can casually rip out a man's throat[4]. They can also casually eat fully grown humans[5]), Sheer Will (Demons are able to survive and withstand attacks that should kill them[6]), Immortality (Ageless; Demons are the descendants of the gods of old[7]. Who are able to do battle for an eternity[8]), Reliance (Reliance [On Observation], Partial; All demons are reliant on the observation of humans to keep them existing[9], including even nonexistent demons such as The White[10], allowing them to come back even if they’re erased from existence and nonexistence[11]), Reincarnation (Reincarnation Cycle, Standard; Along with this, all demons that die return to The Axiom and reincarnate[12]), Undead Physiology (Many demons tend to be undead beings and humans that die and become ghost become demons[13]), Abstract Existence (Conceptual, Primordial Source; Demons embody the phenomena and beliefs of humans, with their physical forms only being created due to humanity's observation locking them into these forms[14], and their true forms existing as the phenomena and beliefs they reside in[15]), Dimensionless Existence (Non-Dimensional; Demons only have "forms" due to the observation of humanity[16] with even some demons being in the lowest form of humanity's observation making them unseeable without help[17], the "true forms" of demons are in truth without the concept of form[18], without observation they are not certain nor stable[19], are a phenomena without an answer[20] and are unbound by concepts such as truth[21] completely unshaped by reality[22]. Demons under their observation forms embody concepts such as infinity which they are free from in their true forms[23]), Timeless Physiology (Demons are natural residents of The Expanse[24], a place that transcends the past, present, and future[25] of the multiverse[26]. Due to this, they do not apply by the speed formula and can appear anywhere they want in most cases), Incorporeality (Demons are beings made of data[27], that exist in a virtual world[28], along with being pure information[29]. With even the most[30] basic of objects in the verse existing as data[31]. Even if a demon's physical form is lost, their residual MAG can still remain, allowing one to infuse them within one's weapons or objects[32]), Nondualism (Everything within Megami Tensei is one, with one simple word binding all together, oneness[33]), Resurrection (Self-Resurrection, Atemporal Resurrection; All demons are reliant on the observation of humans to keep them existing, including even nonexistent demons such as The White, allowing them to come back even if they’re erased from existence and nonexistence. Along with this, all demons that die return to The Axiom and reincarnate. This allows demons to die and come back in a short timeframe due to their continuous existence from The Axiom and the observation of humans. This means even if all of reality were to cease existing, The Axiom would still exist within it, allowing demons to come back), Acausality (Causality Immunity; Demons are natural residents of The Expanse[34], a place that transcends the past, present, and future[35] of the multiverse[36]. Due to this, they do not apply by the speed formula and can appear anywhere they want in most cases, demons such as Ishtar are capable of going into separate multiverses, along into the "real world", demons such as Demi-fiend, can exist in different universes asides from the original SMT 3 universe, demons can exist even when the flow of time itself collapses and there is nothing left but a void), Hive Mind (Multiversal Hive Mind; Demons are a race of entities and are at the same time the same entity sharing all one collective hive mind of memories, species will note if they've been captured before even if they're being fought in an area one's never been to or were fused prior, demons such as Forneus and Decarabia talk about an event that happened in Nocturne where Forneus was late to a meeting due to his death from Demi-fiend), Self-Sustenance (Respiratory Self-Sustenance, Nutritional Self-Sustenance, & Restful Self-Sustenance; Demons can naturally exist and breathe within the vacuum of space without any adverse effects done to them[37]. Due to their innate physiologies, demons naturally do not need to breathe, eat, or sleep[38]), Accelerated Development (Level, Physical Stats and Abilities; Demons and Humans are able to grow from battles, allowing them to enhance their level of strength, magic, agility, luck, etcetera. Additionally, they can learn new skills and abilities from battles and further increase their HP and Magic capacity, and get strong enough to the point that they can fight end game tier demons), Adaptation (Demons as they grow in battle form changes around their body until they transform into a higher level with newer stats and newer abilities to learn), Berserk Mode (Demons enter a state of pure rage and berserk mode during the full moon[39], being completely irrational and unable to be negotiated with[40]), Extrasensory Perception (Demons are able to tell who is actually a demon in disguise and who is an actual human. Demons can sense the power of an opponent and compare it to the power they sensed of others.[41]), Corrosion Inducement (Demons can shapeshift into a blob, allowing them to melt areas, completely dissolve objects such as steel chairs, and completely crush humans.[42][43][44]), Duplication (Demons can make duplicates of themselves. With them being completely disconnected from the demons, thus killing or defeating the clones in no way affects the original and they can endlessly spawn more), Invisibility (Passive) & Perception Manipulation (Passive; Demons are naturally invisible to humans, and can do actions such as make noises and fight without humans noticing), Quantum Manipulation & Intangibility (Spatial; Demons passively create adecoherence field, that is essentially a special dimension of quantum fluctuation that they exist in, where humans cannot see them), Non-Standard Interaction (Demons can interact with each other and Gods, despite their physiologies and existences), Hell Manipulation (Demons naturally use evil powers from hell), Sealing (Gods and Demons cannot kill each other, thus resulting in them needing to seal each other), Non-Standard Interaction (Soul Interaction; Noted by a soul that demons can eat souls), Empathic Manipulation (Women cannot resist the allure of demons, even if they despised a demon normally, they'd fall madly in love with them if they had sex with a demon even once[45]), Size Manipulation & Statistics Amplification (Demons can grow in size to grow strong enough to fight Messiahs), Technology Manipulation (Demons can stop technology from working with their evil powers), Shapeshifting (Demons can shapeshift into humans to trick others), Hacking (Demons can hack into various servers and set up firewalls and "digital traps"), Necromancy (Demons can raise people from the dead and turn them into zombies), Personal Domain & Battlefield Removal (Application Based; Demons can pull one into alternate dimensions where coordinates and direction are different. Along with pull entire areas such as mansions into pocket dimensions. High level demons such as fiends can create personal realms to battle people in. Alice created her own personal domain that she could freely control. Demons can also freely teleport people to other locations), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Demons can warp areas into alternate dimensions such as the inside of a school. Once one is in said dimension the demon will keep it's hold into the dimension until it's defeated), Subjective Reality (Demons are able to take the thoughts of people and materialize them into something real), Information Manipulation & Matter Manipulation (3-D; Can absorb and consume magnetite, which is an information construct. As demons can make pocket realms and higher level demons can make universes, they are by extension they are creating areas entirely made of data and information down to their sub-atomic level. As demons can make pocket realms and higher level demons can make universes, they are by extension they are creating areas entirely made of data and information down to their sub-atomic level), Illusion Creation ("Real" Illusions) & Perception Manipulation (Demons can create mirage realms, that shroud an entire area in mist, with them being able to attack from inside said illusion without being capable of being attacked back, requiring the user to go inside of their illusion to fight them), Velocity Manipulation (When attacks are nullified or avoided, the enemy will forcibly forfeit their turn to move, allowing one to attack sooner, this extends further with absorbing attacks completely ending an opponents turn regardless of how fast they are), Teleportation (Demons are capable of teleporting around usually through manipulating their own Magutushi or Magnetite), Telepathy (Demons are able to speak telepathically to others.[46][47] Demons such as Aogami speaks telepathically with Nahobino), Power Bestowal (The memories of a demon's techniques can be passed down into weapons), Absorption (Demons can absorb lifeforce and Magutushi out of another. Demons can feed off the lifeforce of people to manifest themselves into the real world. Demons have the innate ability to absorb the air and earth into their bodies[48]), Healing Negation (Physical; Demons can inflict wounds that only spiritual magic can heal), Power Absorption (Demons can absorb the remains of other demons to gain their abilities), Consumption (Demons can consume and devour their enemies to gain power in battle), Dimensional Travel (Demons can feed off the lifeforce of people to manifest themselves into the real world), Healing (Demons naturally have healing properties, allowing them to heal other people. Demons have shown to heal wounds they create and "seal them away"[49]), Telekinesis (Higher level demons can telekinetically affect the entire environment to cause the Earth to shake, cause fissures, and affect mountains[50]), Erasure (Existence Erasure, Conceptual Erasure, & Data Erasure; Demons can kill humans, which in the process erases said beings from memory and existence), Pierce Resistance (Pierce Immunity; Demons even when brought into corporeal forms cannot be harmed by conventional weaponry, along with military grade weaponry.[51]), Invulnerability (Metaphysical Invulnerability; Demons even when brought into corporeal forms cannot be harmed by conventional weaponry, along with military grade weaponry.[52]), Invulnerability Negation (Demons are capable of harming each other, and are viewed as valuable tools to get past other demons invulnerability), Possession (Demons can possess one’s body), Creation (Demons can create Shikimi no Kage's that are unable to be put down for good and will regenerate), Resistance Bypassing (Shikimi no Kage have specific weaknesses that cannot be exploited by Raidou's gun or other things to do with their specific elemental weakness, requiring Raidou to get a demon's elemental magic to affect it), Regeneration Negation (Magic; Demons can fully destroy Shikimi no Kage's, that they've created that are unable to be put down for good and will regenerate), Forcefield Negation (Demons can destroy barriers made to block out humans from entry).