Is a Creature of the Night, which gives:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Even the smallest creatures of the night can destroy a bridge[51], one of Dracula's bats easily destroyed a stone ground block[52]), Intimidation (Creatures of the nights appearances can cause one to have their body's cells cry out in terror[53]), Immortality (Ageless; The biggest hindrance to humans when attempting to accomplish something is their limited lifespans, a limitation that cannot be overcome, however, dwellers of the darkness do not apply to the laws of the human world, ignoring such limitations[54]. Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; Creatures of the Night can continue to exist even as a spirit and use their spirit form to form bodies out of inanimate material around them[55]), Acausality (Causality Immunity; All immortal beings disrupt the flow of time according to Aeon[56]. With their souls being completely free from time[57]. The biggest hindrance to humans when attempting to accomplish something is their limited lifespans, a limitation that cannot be overcome, however, dwellers of the darkness do not apply to the laws of the human world, ignoring such limitations[58]), Free Will (Creatures of the Night do not follow the hand of God and instead choose of their own free will[59]), Empowerment (Creatures of the night are empowered by the night[60], becoming stronger when it's night time[61]), Evolution (Creatures of chaos can inherit evil natures[62] awakening into stronger enemies with new abilities and less weaknesses[63]), Resurrection (Self-Resurrection; Creatures of chaos can be brought back to life from the power of hate[64]. This has also been shown with slain heads reviving as an angry wraith[65]), Regeneration (Mid-Godly overtime; Even the castle from Castlevania is a Creature of Chaos[66], where they are always rebirth from Chaos with each rebirth, the creatures takes a new form[67], with this state being referred to as a "regeneration cycle"[68]), Invisibility (Creatures of Chaos possess a natural aura of darkness, which makes one unable to see those with an aura of darkness by the naked eye[69]), Time Manipulation (1-T, Passive; All immortal beings disrupt the flow of time according to Aeon[70]), Darkness Manipulation & Subjective Reality (Creatures of chaos very existence causes dark powers to flow beyond the control of the Elgos' grimoires, due to them collecting documented information on Dracula and his castle. Causing their power to materialize in the real world in the form of monsters[71]. With the real world and world of grimoires being considered the same or "equal"[72], compared to the like of Brauner's painting worlds that are quantum multi-layered spaces requiring understandings of theories such as "Curse Amplification"[73]), Text Manipulation & Plot Manipulation (Passive; Creatures of the night's dark powers allowed them to rewrite the Grimoires to strengthen their dark powers greatly[74]. It is noted by Lucy that the "vital soul" of a monster is the cause of the grimoire chaos[75]. Their vital souls are causing the grimoires contents to be overwritten changing history to things such as Jonathan Morris is now at a disadvantage in battle[76], or Charlotte fading from existence due to them messing with the history of the Grimoires[77], Maria starting to fade because Richter's history is being rewritten[78], where if the contents of the book change the creatures magic will keep growing and eventually overflow into reality, causing the grimoire to fall into chaos and even more monsters materializing into the real world[79]. The text alterations also make the monsters stronger[80]. With the real world and world of grimoires being considered the same or "equal"[81], compared to the like of Brauner's painting worlds that are quantum multi-layered spaces requiring understandings of theories such as "Curse Amplification"[82]), Law Manipulation (Creatures of Chaos can alter grimoires, which do not adhere to the laws of reality[83]), Power Modification (Creatures of the night alterations of the Grimoire can greatly limit the powers of those far stronger than them, such as Jonathan Morris' power being limited due to the alterations[84]. The Chaos of the Grimoire destabilized the magic of the others[85]).
Is a Vampire, which gives:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Vampires are considered far larger threats than the standard creature of the night monsters[96]), Stealth Mastery (Vampires are able to attack stealthily in search of human blood[97]), Disguise Mastery (Vampires will sometimes disguise themselves[98] as villages in order to get near one[99]), Immortality (Ageless; Vampires defy God's decree that life should be limited, and exist for eternity[100], with Mathias noting he has eternal life[101]. Aeon notes that vampires exist for eternity[102]. Walter is noted to be a vampire that has eternal life[103]. The biggest hindrance to humans when attempting to accomplish something is their limited lifespans, a limitation that cannot be overcome, however, dwellers of the darkness do not apply to the laws of the human world, ignoring such limitations[104]. Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; Vampires will someday come back to life despite them being killed due to being immortal[105]), Acausality (Causality Immunity; All immortal beings disrupt the flow of time according to Aeon[106]. With their souls being completely free from time[107]. The biggest hindrance to humans when attempting to accomplish something is their limited lifespans, a limitation that cannot be overcome, however, dwellers of the darkness do not apply to the laws of the human world, ignoring such limitations[108]), Free Will (Vampires do not follow the hand of God and instead choose of their own free will[109], defying God's decree[110]), Enhanced Senses (Vampires can smell that Reinhardt Schneider and Carrie Fernandez smell different from the usual adventurer[111]), Surface Scaling (Vampires can stand on ceilings[112]), Flight (Vampires can either naturally levitate grow wings to fly[113], turn into a bat[114], or into mist[115]), Immersion (Vampires can infuse magic into paintings to increase their power[116]), Empowerment (Vampires are loved by the night, making them so powerful that vampires like Walter Bernhard never been defeated before Leon Belmont gained the vampire killer[117]. Noted by Leon that the night should help Joachim Armster as well due to him being a vampire, with the only reason it doesn't is due to Walter holding the ebony stone[118]), Resurrection (Even if one somehow manages to kill a vampire, they will someday come back to life despite them being killed due to being immortal[119]), Transformation (Shapeshifting; Vampires can assume the shape of a wolf, a bat or fog[120]. Vampires can disguise themselves as huamns[121]), Teleportation (Vampires possess the ability to teleport freely[122]. Even non-threatening vampires such as Rosa, fade out from view[123]), Power Suppression (Vampires can submerge their own vampiric powers if needed[124]), Life-Force Absorption (Vampires can consume one's lifeforce[125], allowing them to heal themselves through biting into a victim[126]), Vampirification (Vampires can turn others into vampires[127], Walter turned Rinaldo's daughter into a vampire[128]), Invisibility (Vampires possess natural aura of darkness, which makes one unable to see those with an aura of darkness by the naked eye[129]), Time Manipulation (1-T, Passive; All immortal beings disrupt the flow of time according to Aeon[130]), Animal Manipulation (Bats serve under the control of vampires[131], being freely spawnned by any vampire[132]), Cloth Manipulation (A vampire's blood can transform clothes, such as Hector combining a vampire's blood with a prince's clothes to get Dracula's clothes[133]), Electricity Manipulation (Vampires can sometimes have electricity form around them as they transform[134]), Soul Manipulation (The candles in Castlevania are people's souls that were taken by Death or by vampires[135]), Text Manipulation & Plot Manipulation (Passive; Vampire's dark powers allowed them to rewrite the Grimoires to strengthen their dark powers greatly[136]. It is noted by Lucy that the "vital soul" of a monster is the cause of the grimoire chaos[137]. Their vital souls are causing the grimoires contents to be overwritten changing history to things such as Jonathan Morris is now at a disadvantage in battle[138], or Charlotte fading from existence due to them messing with the history of the Grimoires[139], Maria starting to fade because Richter's history is being rewritten[140], where if the contents of the book change the creatures magic will keep growing and eventually overflow into reality, causing the grimoire to fall into chaos and even more monsters materializing into the real world[141]. The text alterations also make the monsters stronger[142]. With the real world and world of grimoires being considered the same or "equal"[143], compared to the like of Brauner's painting worlds that are quantum multi-layered spaces requiring understandings of theories such as "Curse Amplification"[144]), Law Manipulation (Vampires can alter grimoires, which do not adhere to the laws of reality[145]), Power Modification (Vampire's alterations of the Grimoire can greatly limit the powers of those far stronger than them, such as Jonathan Morris' power being limited due to the alterations[146]. The Chaos of the Grimoire destabilized the magic of the others[147]).