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Merged Zamasu
From The Codex
Articles About Zamasu
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Present Zamasu
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Media | Dragon Ball Super - Dragon Ball Super Manga |
Future Zamasu & Goku Black
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Media | Dragon Ball Super - Dragon Ball Super Manga |
Merged Zamasu
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Media | Dragon Ball Super - Dragon Ball Super Manga - Dragon Ball Heroes |
“ | My form is justice. And my form is the world. Worship me. Give praise unto me. Me, the beautiful, the sublime... Me, the invincible, the almighty and divine... All hail Zamasu. | „ |
Fused Zamasu, known as Merged Zamasu in the anime and God Zamas in the Viz manga, usually just referred to as Zamasu, is a Potara fusion born of the union between Goku Black (the original present Zamasu in the original present Goku's body) and Future Zamasu. He is the final antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Merged Zamasu’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
In the anime, Future Trunks uses the Evil Containment Wave on Future Zamasu after Bulma distracts him, to seal him away in a vase, with Future Mai closing it with the lid. Unfortunately, Goku forgot to bring the talisman made by Master Roshi, allowing Zamasu to break free. However, he is left weakened by the effort of escaping and was left deeply shocked that his enemies had discovered a means of actually neutralizing him despite his immortality. When Black arrived, having sensed Zamasu's ki decreasing, the latter informs his counterpart that they could no longer afford to underestimate the mortals. Declaring that they would display the true power of gods, Zamasu and Black stand beside each other in the sky, with the former taking his Potara earring from his left ear and attaching it to his right ear. This initiates an explosive Potara Fusion between the two villains, creating Fused Zamasu. Upon his birth, he declares his new form to be the embodiment of justice and the world. He orders everyone to revere and praise him, calling himself "The Supreme God". As he manifests a halo of light, Fused Zamasu proclaims his body's abilities, before attacking the Saiyan duo with lightning. Vowing to show them the power of a god, Fused Zamasu launches exploding blades at Goku and Vegeta. After the pair recovers, Zamasu tells them the Project Zero Mortals will be completed, follows it by attacking with lightning again, and withstanding Vegeta's attack. Deciding to unleash his godly might, Zamasu emits a bird-like ki figure, which repels the Saiyan's, damaging them to such a degree that they revert to their base forms. Overlooking the defeated pair, Zamasu directs his attention to Earth and unleashes his power in an attempt to clean the planet of its filth. However, Vegeta and Goku recover and attack, destroying Zamasu's bird-like ki technique in the process. When they attack Zamasu himself, he blocks their attack and follows it by attacking with his exploding blades again. When Future Trunks arrives, the two briefly fight, leading to Trunks being repelled to the ground. Insulting the mortal, Zamasu attacks with Holy Wrath, which clashes with Trunks' Galick Gun. As Zamasu's attack overpowers Trunks', Vegeta joins his son and the two launch a combined Galick Gun, which pushes Zamasu's attack back to him, but causes little to no damage at all. Frustrated at their resistance, Zamasu attempts to attack Trunks but attacks Vegeta instead when he steps in front of the attack. Afterward, Goku approaches Zamasu and fires his God Kamehameha, which clashes with Zamasu's Holy Wrath. Zamasu, however, is overwhelmed by Goku's attack, resulting in an explosion which surprises the semi-god, leaving the right half of his face and body swollen and turning purple. Goku then attacks Zamasu at close range, but Zamasu grabs him by the leg; Goku then enhances his physical attack by combining his Super Saiyan Blue form with Kaio-Ken, and kicks him to the ground, managing to destroy the halo in the process. Goku ends up too exhausted to attack further and collapses afterward. Zamasu then screams Goku's name in anger and hate, charging up by calling upon the Light of Divine Justice to spread his mutated arm. As Vegeta and Goku manage to fuse into Vegito, Zamasu wonders to himself why mortals would try and imitate the gods, declaring it sinful. He is interrupted by Vegito's punch square in the face because of getting tired of his talk. Vegito ascends into Vegito Blue, and the two begin their battle, and at first, Vegito seems to have the upper hand. Vegito mocks Zamasu, asking if this is really the power of a god. Zamasu angrily knocks Vegito to the ground. Zamasu then attempts to finish off his opponent with his ki blade, but Vegito counters with one of his own. After Vegito explains that Zamasu is technically also mortal due to fusing with Goku's body, Zamasu proclaims that's what his desire was; by obtaining the power of Goku, who surpassed the gods despite being mortal, he symbolized all the failures the gods have made, atoning for the sins of mortals and the mistakes of the gods. Zamasu cries (much to Vegito's disbelief), saying that his tears will purify the world, before powering up, resulting in him growing larger and his right side becoming more grotesque. As the two resume their fight, Vegito taunts Zamasu for not being able to keep up with his speed and fires his Final Kamehameha, but Zamasu emerges unscathed. As Vegito used up all his power to sustain his fusion into his Final Kamehameha, the fusion time runs out and Vegito defuses back into Goku and Vegeta, leading to Zamasu attacking the pair and defeating them effortlessly. Before he could kill the two, Trunks arrives and blocks Zamasu's attack. Fused Zamasu, whose mind had by this point completely succumbed to hatred and insanity, then fights Trunks, accusing the mortal of being weak, and mockingly asks where he will seek help from next. Trunks responds by saying that he is not ashamed of his "mortal weakness". As Trunks holds out against Zamasu, he unconsciously gathers ki from Earth's inhabitants. Upon noticing this, Goku and Vegeta contribute their ki too, and with everyone's power channelled into his sword, Trunks charges at Zamasu. Unable to defend himself from Trunks' enhanced sword technique, Zamasu is stabbed. While in disbelief of mortals retaliating against him and his "justice", and also asking Trunks if he'd dared to go against the "justice" of a god, Trunks declares his "justice" meaningless, before slicing Fused Zamasu in half. However, Fused Zamasu's will lived on, destroying his own physical body in the process to "cast away his mortal shell," only to be erased later by Future Zeno. |
General Information
Name: Merged Zamasu, Fused Zamasu, Infinite Zamasu
Origin: Dragon Ball Super
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Alien, Possessed Saiyan, Fusion
Species: Shijin/Saiyan Hybrid
Occupation: Supreme Kai
Status: Deceased (Was erased from existence by Zeno)
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Zamasu views mortals as a threat to the universe that destroy the balance and thus his plan is to wipe out all mortals in order to return peace to the universe)
Codex Statistics
Key: Merged Zamasu | Infinite Zamasu
Tier: At least 6-C, becomes Far Higher overtime. Up to 5-B with Strongest Charged Blast | At least 5-B, Up to 5-B with Strongest Charged Blast. Will eventually become 2-C
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least Island level (Far beyond his Buu Saga Son Goku, who was unimpressed by Dabura's power, who he compared to Perfect Cell, who is far superior to his Semi-Perfect form, who destroyed several islands with several blast. Merged Zamasu was able to fight against Super Saiyan Blue Vegito[1], Vegito as a fusion is a massive increase in power beyond anything Goku or Vegeta can obtain normally with zenkai boost, thus Super Saiyan Blue Vegito should be arguably superior to Super Saiyan 2 Kefla due to Torunament of Power and Goku Black Saga being only a week apart), becomes Far Higher overtime (Merged Zamasu didn't just get a massive boost in power from fusing, he recieved an endlessly supply of power that increases infinitely[2][3]). Up to Planet level with Strongest Charged Blast (His strongest charged blast by this point should be superior to Super Perfect Cell's solar kamehameha which is shown that if it succeeded, it would've destroyed the entire planet) | At least Planet level (Evenloped the planet. Was in a state where Son Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks was unable to harm him[4]), Up to Planet level with Strongest Charged Blast. Will eventually become Universe level (Zamasu was trying to become the universe, casting off his form as a god and trying to become justice and order itself, only being stopped by Zeno erasing him[5])
Durability: At least Island level, becomes Far Higher overtime, Higher with Guard Up (Ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard), Lower with Ki Control (Higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them) | At least Planet level, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control. Will eventually become Universe level
Striking Strength: At least Island Class, becomes Far Higher overtime | At least Planet Class. Will eventually become Universe Class
Lifting Strength: At least Class 50 (Superior to Son Goku, who is superior to Buu Saga Super Saiyan Son Goku, who could casually fight while carrying 40 tons) | At least Planetary. Will eventually become Cosmic (As he would become the universe itself[6])
Travel Speed: At least Relativistic (Far superior to Super Saiyan Gotenks who flew around the earth a few dozen times in this time frame) | At least Relativistic (Zamasu was quickly spreading throughout space, with Gowasu's statement of him becoming the universe implying the timeframe wouldn't have been that long[7]). Will eventually become Faster Than Light (As he would become the universe itself, he would've existed in every period of time[8])
Combat Speed: At least Relativistic (Superior to base Post Black Arc Son Goku, who fought against a pre-Tournament of Power Son Gohan, who fights against a parasite called Watagash, who escaped Jaco and flew from an unknown location in the universe to Earth in a short timeframe[9]) | At least Relativistic. Will eventually become Faster Than Light
Reaction Speed: At least Relativistic | At least Relativistic. Will eventually become Faster Than Light
Stamina: Limitless (Zamasu's body is half immortal, with the other half of his body holding mortality, though this does not seem to affect his stamina at all, including when Trunks believed he defeated him and Zamasu became Infinite Zamasu in response by casting off his body)
Range: Standard Melee, Multi-Supercluster with Ki Attacks, and Shock-waves (Comparable to Goku whose shockwaves spread across the universe and reached the Kaioshin Realm, otherworld, and more), Interstellar with Instant Transmission, Kai Kai, & Ki (Instant Transmission, can forcibly send his opponent to other places such as heaven. Goku's aura could be seen and felt in the Otherworld[10]). Would eventually become Universal as Infinite Zamasu (As he would become the universe itself[11])
Intelligence: Genius (Black and Zamasu were capable of forming of plan to take over the universe, betraying Gowasu and teaming up with each other. As a Kai, Zamasu should be comparable to the other Kais. Black is capable of using Goku's fighting techniques and abilities. Just after fighting Goku, he was able to unlock his own Super Saiyan form, and learn new abilities as he kept fighting)
Powers and Techniques
All previous powers and abilities to a far greater extent, Sheer Will (Merged Zamasu's will ran out of control and began engulfing the universe), Breath Attack & Curtain Fire (Shot out a powerful beam of energy from all of his faces that killed every human on Earth[28])
Enhanced Extrasensory Perception (Goku in his super saiyan god state is capable of sensing god ki), Enhanced Chi Manipulation & Godly Ki Manipulation (Goku can amplify his ki by making a Dragon representation of it go into him[48]), Regeneration (Low-Mid. Goku regenerated a wound to his chest as a super saiyan god[49]), Statistics Amplification (With the Super Saiyan Rose transformation, capable of increasing his power level by a multiplier of 50), Light Manipulation (Super Saiyans can light up entire dark rooms), Weather Manipulation (The legendary super saiyan transformation can cause lightning storms upon one powering up to it), Electricity Manipulation (Should be above ultra Super Saiyan which passively generates a bio-electric aura that hits anyone near), Time Manipulation (During the super saiyan god ritual, time sped up[50]), Water Manipulation (Turning into the super saiyan god caused whirlpools[51]), Age Manipulation (Super Saiyan God makes one younger[52]), Statistics Amplification (Goku can amplify his ki by making a Dragon representation of it go into him[53]), Power Nullification (Goku can nullify the shockwaves[54]), Paralysis Inducement (Briefly paralyzed Broly in attempt to talk sense into him).
Resistance to Extrasensory Perception & Enhanced Senses (Normal mortals cannot sense energy emitted from a god[55])
- Potara: As the Potara Fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu, Fused Zamasu possess their Potara.
- Time Ring: Fused Zamasu possesses the Time Ring that Goku Black or Future Zamasu wore.
Notable Techniques
- Flight: Fused Zamasu is capable of flight using his ki.
- Continuous Energy Bullet: Fused Zamasu can unleash this attack from a single hand. Appears in Xenoverse 2 it appears as Fused Zamasu's unique Strong Attack.
- Saiyan Power: Obtained from Goku Black, Fusion Zamasu is able to become considerably stronger after recovering from damage he sustains from his enemies.
- Alteration-type ki manipulation technique: A special ability used to extend and form ki into various shapes as well as change its properties. Products used as part of his standard combos and Super Attacks in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
- Barrier of Light: In the anime, Fused Zamasu creates a white halo of light around his body, which acts like a barrier.
- Wall of Light: Fused Zamasu emits a powerful purple bird-like structure of enormous energy which eliminates all that it touches.
- Absolute Lightning: Fused Zamasu fires a purple-colored lightning blast from his ring of light, or the body of his Wall of Light.
- Blades of Judgement: From his halo, Fused Zamasu fires a barrage of red energy blades that can strike the opponent. If the blades make contact with the earth, they will burst in a destructive explosion.
- Hammer of Judgement: A modified version of Fused Zamasu's Blades of Judgement attack, in which he fires a hail of powerful red energy blasts from the sky to strike his opponents. Zamasu used this attack as a Core Area Warrior.
- Violent Fierce God Slicer: Fused Zamasu can create a purple blade of ki which emanates from his hand.
- Azure Dragon Sword Model Energy Blade: Goku Black's improved version of the Violent Fierce God Slicer also used by Fused Zamasu.
- Barrier of Light: In the anime, Fused Zamasu creates a white halo of light around his body, which acts like a barrier.
- Holy Light Grenade: A more powerful version of the Black Power Ball, being larger and orange or purple in appearance.
- Human Extinction Attack: An energy barrage version of the Holy Light Grenade. In the manga, Fused Zamasu used this technique in an attempt to kill Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Future Mai, Shin, and Gowasu.
- Divine Wrath: A variation of Fused Zamasu's Holy Light Grenade where radiates his halo and from his hand, he releases a purple energy blast, that obliterates his opponents. One of his unique Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Holy Wrath: Fused Zamasu creates a sun-like energy sphere that combines Black Power Ball with God Splitter and tosses it at his opponent, expanding it to a large size. In Dragon Ball Super it is Fused Zamasu's ultimate attack, though in Xenoverse 2 it is a Super Skill and is depicted as a weaker version of Divine Wrath: Purification.
- Energy Blade: A blade made of ki. One of Fused Zamasu's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Super Energy Blade: A stronger version of Energy Blade and one of Fused Zamasu's learnable Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Spirit Blade: A variation of the Energy Blade which differs in both size and color. Can be learned as a Special Move by Fused Zamasu after reaching Lv. 36 in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Super Spirit Blade: A stronger version of Spirit Blade which can be learned by Fused Zamasu as a Special Move in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Divine Hammer: An attack/fighting style used by Grotesque Fused Zamasu where he punches his foe and swings his arm to create wind slashes as well as hurricanes. Named in Dragon Ball Heroes and also appears in Xenoverse 2 under the name Celestial Hammer.
- Spiral of Condemnation: A variant of the Divine Hammer hurricane attack except Fused Zamasu uses ki to amplify his whirlwinds he creates when using Divine Hammer.
- Light of Divine Justice: A powerful, self-harmed thunderstorm-like energy wave attack that powers Fused Zamasu up. This is what caused him to further mutate his arm and gain his full Half-Corrupted form. This technique also appears in Xenoverse 2 as an eye blast Super Attack exclusive to Half-Corrupted Zamasu.
- Flames of Retribution: Zamasu shines red and bursts out ki from all over his body, starting from his right eye.
*Super Saiyan Rose: As the Potara Fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu was performed while Black was still in his Super Saiyan Rosé state, Fused Zamasu is constantly and permanently in the Super Saiyan Rosé form. Because of this, the resulting fusion cannot enter a normal form nor power down. While this would normally cause a significant strain on the fusion's body and shorten his lifespan, the immortality from Future Zamasu, to an extent, eliminates this problem despite the "unstable" fusion affected by Goku Black (as his body isn't immortal).
- Infinite Zamasu: In the anime, after Trunks destroyed his body that was only semi-immortal due to Goku Black, Fused Zamasu still survived due to the immortality of Future Zamasu and re-appears as Infinite Zamasu, a bodiless, omnipresent form, becoming a reality encompassing entity in an attempt to become order and justice itself. This bodiless entity had the face of Fused Zamasu patterned along its corrupting presence that was spreading across the universe.
*Mouth Energy Wave: A powerful red mouth energy wave used by the incorporeal Infinite Zamasu.
*Immortality: The ability to remain unchanged by the passage of time, unable to die, and simply live forever. Obtained using the Super Dragon Balls. Due to his apparent immortality, Future Zamasu is only moderately unfazed by any injury, no matter how grievous. He is also apparently unaffected by energy attacks, as he took the full brunt of Future Trunks' Final Flash and Goku Black's Black Kamehameha without a scratch. However, he can still be defeated by sealing him away using sealing techniques like the Evil Containment Wave. He is also susceptible to being erased from existence by Zeno.
- Regeneration: Thanks to his immortality, Future Zamasu heals any wound he may incur within seconds.
- Exploding Wave: Zamasu creates an explosion from the ground.
- God Split Cut: Future Zamasu concentrates ki around his hand and then uses it like a sword to slice opponents.
- Heavenly Arrow: A variation where the blade can be extended somewhat or fired as a blast at long-range in rapid succession.
- Instant Severance: This move was never used by Future Zamasu himself, but used by his present counterpart.
- Psycho Javelin: Using his telekinesis Future Zamasu picks up numerous objects and fires them at his opponent.
- Divine Retribution: A more powerful version of the Black Power Ball in Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rosé state, he can either fire off the ki blast, or attack with a downward slash with his ki blade as a melee attack.
- Continuous Black Power Ball: A rapid fire version of the technique, appearing as small golden ki blasts with black outline.
- Human Extinction Attack: An aerial hailstorm-like energy barrage version of Continuous Black Power Ball.
- Super Black Kamehameha: A stronger version of the Black Kamehameha used by Goku Black in his Super Saiyan Rosé form.
- Binding Black Kamehameha: A combination attack with Future Zamasu used by Goku Black in his Super Saiyan Rosé form where Future Zamasu holds the opponent in place while Goku Black blasts them with a Super Black Kamehameha.
- Instant Transmission: Used by Black several times, in the manga in order to quickly get up close to Trunks and attack him and in the anime to avoid an attack from Goku.
- Sudden Death Beam: Goku Black uses Instant Transmission to dodge attacks and get close to his opponent, then fires a point-blank Divine Retribution ki blast as a counterattack. This move is used by him in a brief clash with Goku.
- Alteration-type ki manipulation technique: A special ability used to extend his God Split Cut into various shapes as well as to change its properties. Only seen used in his Super Saiyan Rosé state.
- Violent Fierce God Slicer: After further refining his power, Black is able to use an enhanced version of the technique, he emits a blade of violet energy from his hand to slash and stab his opponent. It seems to be enhanced by the form's ki aura. In the manga, Black used this technique in his base form to mortally wound his former master, Gowasu.
- God Slicer: A rush attack used against Goku by Black in his Super Saiyan Rosé form where he chases the opponent while firing ki blasts at them, then attempts to impale them with his Violent Fierce God Slicer.
- Azure Dragon Sword Model Energy Blade: An improved Violent Fierce God Slicer gained through powering up from being damaged by an enraged Goku in the anime.
- Divine Lasso: In Super Saiyan Rosé form, Black can shoot out multiple energy javelins from his blade that first pierce the target and then explode.
- Sickle of Sorrow: A more powerful version of the Violent Fierce God Slicer technique, attained by Goku Black after he turned his anger into power in the anime. It became capable of opening a large rift in the universe to an unknown place or time which would release an evil energy.
- The Work of the Gods: The rift created by Goku Black using the Sickle of Sorrow.
- Mass Replication: From the energy of the rift, Black is able to form many clones of himself known as Shadows. The Shadows are unstable and if they were hit, they would disperse, but can immediately reform themselves after. They appear to have the same physical might as Black himself. The Shadows and the rift dissipate once Black goes too far away.
- The Work of the Gods: The rift created by Goku Black using the Sickle of Sorrow.
- Violent Fierce God Slicer: After further refining his power, Black is able to use an enhanced version of the technique, he emits a blade of violet energy from his hand to slash and stab his opponent. It seems to be enhanced by the form's ki aura. In the manga, Black used this technique in his base form to mortally wound his former master, Gowasu.
- Mimicry: In the anime, as an extension of his newfound Saiyan biology, Black is also capable of imitating anything that he learns from his opponent in battle to add to his skill and versatility in combat. During his first fight against Goku, "engraved the battle memories" on his body, and thus enabled him to refine his fighting style to become more like Goku's. This allowed him to use the Saiyan body to its fullest efficiency. He also applied a similar method when fighting Vegeta, recognizing anger as source of power for Saiyans and mimicking that to further increase his power.
*Super Saiyan Rosé: Goku Black possesses the ability to become a truly divine Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (in most media) or his own divine version of the first Super Saiyan form (in the Dragon Ball Super anime, as well as the Dragon Ball Fusions video game). In this form, he is able to augment his techniques into more elaborate variations. In the anime, Black stated that he fully mastered Goku's power to be able to achieve Super Saiyan Rosé. As this form is the divine version of the first Super Saiyan form in the Dragon Ball Super anime, Goku Black transforms into the first, standard Super Saiyan form to achieve the Super Saiyan Rosé form.
Standard Tactics: Fusion Zamasu will fire various light and lightning based holy attacks along with using hand to hand combat, if he is killed, he will become Infinite Zamasu and attempt to fuse with the universe.
Weaknesses: Due to the nature of ki draining stamina and energy, Dragon Ball characters ki usage requires them to usually use their higher levels of energy in short bursts, allowing them to not be able to tank or die to far lower attacks such as attacks that have destroyed the planets of several worlds. Due to fusing with Goku Black, half os his body is mortal, having an effect on his immortal one, making an unstable balance between his body and soul[56].
Note: Some clips used on the profile come from an anime or movie due to the fact that some abilities Goku use shouldn't function much differently from how they can in canon, along with this sometimes the anime version/video game version of a scene will be used for cleaner visuals. Toriyama himself directly overlooks scenes in the anime and movies and gives Toei the thumbs up[57].
Note 2: The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.
- Fused Zamasu is the first villain in the franchise to be created by use of Potara Fusion, the first fusion created by two alternate timeline counterparts fusing. In the manga, Fused Zamasu is also the first Immortal fusion (as Goku Black and Future Zamasu became fused at the cellular level). In the anime, he is the first Semi-Immortal fusion (as Goku Black half remains mortal while Future Zamasu is immortal).
- Unlike Old Kai and Kibito Kai, Fused Zamasu does not have a singular voice (until after being hit with the Final Kamehameha). Instead, his voice consists of two "Zamasu" voices overlapping one another. This may be due to the fact that both of his components were technically separate instances of the same being (albeit with one possessing a different person's body). In the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, an echo effect is added to the voice for Fused Zamasu.
- Fused Zamasu is similar to Super 17, in the sense that both characters are fusions of two counterparts of the same individual. However, in Super 17's case one of his fusees is an artificial incarnation (as Hell Fighter 17 is an artificial copy of Android 17).
- Fused Zamasu's, along with Infinite Zamasu's Super Saiyan Rosé forms possess white hair, rather than the light pink hair that Goku Black has when he transforms into a Super Saiyan Rosé. The reason for this is never stated. Fused Zamasu presumably inherited his white hair from Future Zamasu. In the anime he also does not possess the forms aura until after achieving his Half-Corrupted form.
- Originally before the fourth DLC for Xenoverse 2 was added, the form of Fused Zamasu being Half Corrupted was supposed to be playable along with Trunks's rage form.
- However, Fused Zamasu's Half-Corrupted form is playable in the training mode, but this is done only if you can beat Fu's crystal raids missions.
- Fused Zamasu shares similarities with Baby.
- Both stole the body of a main protagonist (with Baby possessing Vegeta).
- Both ironically become members of groups they despise (mortals and Saiyans respectively) in pursuit of their goals.
- Both have white hair when transformed into their Super Saiyan forms.
- Fused Zamasu is one of only two forms of Zamasu that does not have purity of the heart, the only other one being Infinite Zamasu.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 66
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 65
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 66
- ↑ Dragon Ball Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 73
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 14
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 162
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 82
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 231
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 65
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 66
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 57
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 66
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 57
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 66
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 55
- ↑ The Kaiōshin possess the power of “creation”, which provides stars/planets and life-forms the impetus to be born. The one who possesses the opposing power, and authority, of “destruction”, is the God of Destruction. Through the repetition of destruction of stars/planets continually increasing in numbers, and the birth of new stars/planets, the balance of the entire universe is maintained.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 53
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 57
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 57
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 57
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 55
- ↑ The Kaiōshin possess the power of “creation”, which provides stars/planets and life-forms the impetus to be born. The one who possesses the opposing power, and authority, of “destruction”, is the God of Destruction. Through the repetition of destruction of stars/planets continually increasing in numbers, and the birth of new stars/planets, the balance of the entire universe is maintained.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 5
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 14
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 13
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 98
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super, Episode 14
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super, Episode 14
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 95
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 39
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 102
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 12
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 11
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 9
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 9
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 9
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 12
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 12
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 66
- ↑ "What work do you do on the films, Sensei?
I check the plot and script that gets sent to me from Toei Animation. I also do some character designs and touch-ups, as well as altering the names and such."
Battle Records
*Ness (MOTHER 2) - Thread
- Keys: Both at 2-C.
- Conditions: Nothing notable.
- Location: SBA
- Restrictions: None.
*Lucy Miller (Lucy) - Thread