I'm not snoring, I'm cheering you on in my sleep!! ... Oh, you're still here? Don't you have anything better to do?
~ The Annoying Dog
The Annoying Dog is a dog figure that created Undertale & Deltarune . While he may appear as a harmless white dog, its soon shown that he has reality warping powers such as appearing anywhere at a moment's notice. He can even take artifacts that could help The Human greatly on their journey. He's mostly seen around Papyrus , possibly implying that's it's his favorite character. He returns in Deltarune .
General Information
Name: Annoying Dog
Origin: Undertale
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Creator of Undertale & Deltarune
Species: Dog
State of Being : Regular
Occupation: Seemingly Computer Programmer
Affiliations: Papyrus (He's mostly seen around Papyrus , possibly implying that's it's his favorite character)
Status : Alive
Alignment : True Neutral (Annoying Dog has no true care for what happens in the world, whether or not the world is destroyed or peacefully has a happy ending, they will not interfere, unless it is to troll The Human at certain points)
Codex Statistics
Grade : S+
Tier : Unknown-D
Cardinality : Unknown
Dimensionality : 3-D
Attack Potency : Unknown: True level physically (Implied that The Human would've been able to fight him, however he hasn't coded in his own fight)
Durability : Unknown: True level
Striking Strength : Unknown: True Class
Lifting Strength : Unknown: True Class
Travel Speed : Unknown: True level
Attack Speed : Unknown: True level
Reaction Speed : Unknown: True level
Stamina : Possibly Limitless (As a god being predating all concepts he should not get tired, however he is seen sleeping)
Range : Standard Melee , Multiversal with Creation (Created the game of Undertale on accident and Deltarune , the world of UT consists of an uncountable amount of timelines that were all made by Flowey resetting to the point that he knew every set of dialogue, numbers, etcetera )
Intelligence : Cosmic Intelligence (Should have all knowledge of Undertale and Deltarune as he coded everything within the game)
Knowledge : Cosmic level
Superhuman Physical Characteristics , Creation (Created Undertale & Deltarune), Reality Warping , Plot Manipulation (Story Manipulation & Narrative Manipulation; Author Authority; Accidentally created Undertale in form of a game , can create an entirely separate hard mode with various differences from the source game ), 4th Wall Awareness (Fully aware it's a game, as he's its creator), Immortality (Likely Ageless; Though not confirmed, the Annoying Dog seems to be able to live for as long as it wants across both Undertale and Deltarune. Life and Death Immunity; Predates the concept of death), Acausality (Causality Immunity; Created the game of Undertale on accident and created Deltarune , viewing both as a mere piece of coding where he can easily remove and not be bound by ), Absolute Access (Exists around all of Undertale & Deltarune ), Power Bestowal (Gave The Human infinite health), Sealing (Sealed the donation box and a room making the human unable to enter ), Absorption (Absorbs the legendary artifact , all monsters and humans can absorb the other species SOUL), Energy Manipulation & Empowerment (Was surrounded with "golden energy" during the year of the dog [1] ), Conceptual Manipulation (Created the concepts of Undertale including Determination which exists even after everything is destroyed), Information Manipulation (Total) & Data Manipulation (Coded the entirety of Undertale and it's alternate reality Deltarune), Empathic Manipulation (Created the concept of LOVE), Law Manipulation & Power Nullification (Made many holes in the code making The Human unable to fight him. Made it so that in Undertale Hard it's physically impossible to take more then 3 pieces of candy ), Age Manipulation (Aged everything in the Dog Shrine ), Willpower Manipulation (Created the concept of Determination, can apparently make things lose the will to fight ), Mind Manipulation (Can create songs that have a psychological effect on one's mind ), Spatial Manipulation (Could make a pocket room inside of Papyrus ' s sink), Reality Separation (Reality Separation; Exists outside of reality in places such as the joystick config menu )Conceptual Manipulation (He predates all concepts and thus cannot be affected by them), Space-Time Manipulation (3+1-D; Predates the concepts of space-time), Magic (Predates the concepts of magic), Physical Attacks (Predates the concept of stats and actions which are used to attack and defend), Law Manipulation (Predates the laws of Undertale making you unable to even fight him, forgot to code being able to fight him), Information Manipulation , Hacking (Even if you re-write the game and hack it, any events with the Annoying Dog will be unobtainable ), Memory Manipulation , Reality Warping , & Time Manipulation (1-T; Unaffected by standard resets)
Superhuman Physical Characteristics , Irregular Physiology (Monsters physiologies show they are mostly made of magic , noting that humans have a "physical form" [2] , along with having their SOUL directly attuned to their body [3] ), Magic (All monsters are made of magic , being able to do things like make "bullet-patter cards" with their magic [4] ), Personal Domain & Battlefield Removal (When one encounters a monster they get into a fight , a FIGHT is an encounter in a monster's personal domain allowing them to fight humans, this has various rules such as turn-based combat ), Creation (Monsters can make weapons , clothes and even food from magic), Limited Spatial Manipulation (3-D; Monsters can at times influence the battle box ), Transmutation & Healing (Monsters can turn their attacks into healing projectiles ), Absorption (Monsters and humans can absorb the SOUL as long as the person isn’t the same species as them ), Curtain Fire , Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation (All attacks in Undertale are to the SOUL).
Resistance to Physical Attacks (All monsters bodies are attuned to their SOUL thus only attacks that can affect their SOUL can affect them [5] ), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation (Can take hits to the SOUL)
Genius Intelligence , Instinctive Reaction (In the form of personal domain Sans can dodge any attack under the fight system, even if he's asleep while one is actively breaking the rules of the personal domain requiring one to completely go agains the rules of the game to even hit him), Enhanced Spatial Manipulation (Can completely control the battle box, to the point where he can change it's size, move the player around in a falling action, and teleport around the areas and the type of battle box ), Cartoon Physics & Air Manipulation (Low Potency. Could make a self-sustaining tornado out of trash ), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Aware of when Anomaly attempts to hack, directly winks towards the audience ), Battlefield Removal (In the Dirty Hacker ending Sans removes you from the Undertale game making you unable to re-enter it ), Clairvoyance & Information Analysis (Able to tell what the human's LOVE & EXP is at ), Cosmic Awareness (Was aware of an anomaly messing with the time-space continuum , could tell how many times The Human died, and if the human has spared him before by the expression on their face , could tell from the look on the human' face that he already heard his speech beforehand ), Gravity Manipulation (Makes the SOUL unable to float and can only jump around ), Glyph Creation (Can create minature platforms ), Energy Projection (With gaster blasters ), Bone Manipulation (Has an assortment of bones in his attack ), Telekinesis (Can throw your SOUL around ), Teleportation (Has displayed it multiple times , can teleport during battle and the battle box along with your position), Karma Manipulation (Creates a status effect known as Karma that negates invincibility frames, and adds extra damage, based on your sins), Power Nullification (Able to lock his opponent in place so neither of them will be able to do anything ).
Resistance to Extreme Colds (Lives in Snowdin ), Extreme Heats (Casually sleeps while in Hotland )Immortality (Ageless; Toriel will stay the same age forever as her child Asriel is dead thus she has no one for her SOUL power to flow into ), Power Nullification (Nullified Flowey ' s magic attack), Fire Manipulation (Uses fire magic ), Healing (Healed the human's wounds), Telekinesis (Moves her magic attack away from the human )Weapon Mastery (Uses a trident and is skilled with it), Skilled in Hand to Hand Combat (Trained Undyne in hand-to-hand combat), Immortality (Ageless; Asgore will stay the same age forever as his child Asriel is dead and thus he has no one to transfer his SOUL power too ), Acausality (Asgore remembers killing The Human after his resets), Fire Manipulation (Uses fire as a basis for many of his magic attacks ), Power Nullification (Breaks the mercy option making the human incapable of doing mercy or fleeing the battle ).
Resistance to Memory Manipulation (Asgore nods to the human when they note he's killed them before )Weapon Mastery (Skilled with swords and spears), Regeneration (Low-Godly to Mid-Godly as Undyne the Undying. Regenerated her body which is attuned to her SOUL ) Skilled in Hand to Hand Combat (Trained by Asgore in hand to hand and weapons), Weapon Creation (Creates spears ), Energy Manipulation , Velocity Manipulation (Can turn the SOUL green making the opponent unable to move, this extends to their physical body as they can not flee from fights ).
Resistance to Extreme Heats (Resisted the temperatures of the MTT Oven which is stated to heat over 9000 degrees Fahrenheit)Body Control (Has extendable arms ), Creation & Explosion Manipulation (Creates a large number of bombs, and mini versions of himself ), Text Manipulation (Can turn his words into bombs ), Energy Projection (Disco balls which fire lasers ), Technology Manipulation , Hacking (Could out-hack even Alphys ), Flight (Shown here ), Inorganic Physiology , Cyborgization , Time Manipulation (Can rewind time with attacks ), Electricity Manipulation (Can shoot electricity out of their fingers )Enhanced Senses (Notices what The Annoying Dog does over the phone), Bone Manipulation (Uses bones for various attacks ), Gravity Manipulation (Via turning your SOUL blue, it is no longer able to float around and is restricted by gravity ).
Resistance to Extreme Colds (Lives in Snowdin )Animal Manipulation (Can use spiders in battle), Web Manipulation (Uses webs to entrap your SOUL making it only able to move on the web strings), Summoning (Can summon her pet)Undead Physiology , Immortality (Undead Immortality; Is a ghost), Non-Corporeal (As a ghost he is incorporeal ), Invisibility (Can fade out ), Acid Manipulation (Napstablook's tears are made of acid capable of damaging ghost ), Telekinesis (Can control the direction of his tears ), Text Manipulation (Creates text as one of his attacks basically stating he does not want to continue the fight ), Limited Empathic Manipulation (Those who lie down with him feel like garbage )Genius Intelligence , Cosmic Awareness (Shattered across all of space-time, can listen in on conversations while being outside of reality ), Immortality (Life and Death Immunity; The concept of death no longer applies to him), Reality Separation (Reality Separation; Completely outside of Undertale reality), Paradox Existence (Concept and Non-Concept; Exists and doesn't exist at the same time, no longer bound by any concepts as he's completely outside of everything), Personal Nonexistence (Ayin Physiology; Gaster doesn't exist to the scale below even beings like Chara or Goner Kid . The mere act of acknowledging his existence or saying his name causes one to be erased or all of reality to reset. Even for the brief moments he can enter reality merely acknowledging him causes him to be completely erased ), Acausality (Irregular Causality; The concept of causality doesn't apply to him as he is outside of it, he can appear at any point in time he wants and is seemingly unaffected by resets), Erasure & Nothingness Manipulation (Conceptual Erasure & Existence Erasure; Even acknowledging Gaster's existence or merely saying his name will cause you to be erased completely from existence ), Spatial Manipulation (Created a new room between two points that were previously right next to each other, and erased it afterward), Passive Technology Manipulation (The Human ' s phone shuts down upon running into a follower )Weapon Mastery (Uses an axe in the dark world), Elemental Manipulation (Rude Busters deals moderate "rude-elemental" damage), Healing & Resurrection (Via the various items she has , all healing items can revive party members), Consumption (Physical Consumption; Should be like Kris who can consume moss to heal ), Sealing (Sealed Dark Fountain), Extended Blade Range & Distance Negation (Can attack a person via swinging their sword from meters away ), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( Could rip out their SOUL ).
Resistance to Physical Attacks (All monsters bodies are attuned to their SOUL thus only attacks that can affect their SOUL can affect them), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation (Can take hits to the SOUL)
Sheer Will (All holders with determination logically have large amounts of willpower ), Time Travel & Timeline Hopping (Travels back to a specific point in time while hopping through timelines , users with a greater amount of determination can use this to save and load through all existing timelines ), Limited Reality Separation (Reality Separation; Exist outside of reality as shown in the scene where Photoshop Flowey creates a SAVE File that the human is outside of within his SAVE File is the human’s original SAVE File which Photoshop Flowey comes out of), Subjective Reality & Creation (the human can create “last dream” to heal themself, something that exists even after the Asriel battle ), Information Manipulation (Total; Photoshop Flowey re-wrote the history of the war between monsters and humans ), Erasure (Space-Time Erasure ( 3+1-D); Erased all inhabitants of the current timeline and a save file ), Reality Warping (Determination is described as the power to re-shape the world , and Photoshop Flowey re-shaped the world in his own image ), Possible Fate Manipulation (Determination gives the user the ability to change fate itself , and events to allow them to live even outside of merely time traveling. Examples include Papyrus ' special attack suddenly taken over by the dog , and Papyrus states that if special attack was used the human would've of died , Undyne 's failure to capture The Human on multiple occasions due to Monster Kid bothering her or she uses random tactics such as letting a bridge's fall kill the human and not check to see if they died herself , and Napstablook showing up out of nowhere to save The Human during Mad Dummy ), Statistics Amplification (the human used determination to continuously amp themselves to tank hits from Asriel's attacks and keep up with him in speed ), Regeneration Negation (Up to Low-Godly to Mid-Godly Genocide run the human was capable of permanently killing Undyne the Undying ), Acausality (Unfixed Causality; One with very strong determination can remember resets ), Power Nullification (Passive; Anyone with higher determination then another can override their powers. The difference in DT allows them to nullify more abilities, though the standard is negating all time based abilities).
Resistance to Memory Manipulation , Reality Warping , & Time Manipulation (Unaffected by standard resets )Reality Warping (Warps all of reality back to an original state ), Memory Manipulation & Resistance Bypassing (Erases the memories of every character , even those who originally resisted it ), Time Manipulation (Resets the world ), Information Manipulation (Total), Data Manipulation , & Conceptual Manipulation (A true reset thoroughly erases all information in one’s file, resetting it back to 0 . Chara with the true reset set a permanent flag that cannot be removed without non-canon hacking ), Possible Acausality Negation (Causality Immunity; Annoying Dog was seemingly affected by the true reset itself too as he repeated the process of re-absorbing the legendary artifact )
Superhuman Physical Characteristics , Weapon Mastery (Can use a huge assortment of weapons ), Immortality (Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; When a human dies, its soul remains stable outside the body ), Absorption (Monsters and humans can absorb the SOUL as long as the person isn’t the same species as them ), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( All monsters and humans can perform attacks that can damage the SOUL ), Invincibility Frames (It is stated that taking damage to one's SOUL causes the human to become invulnerable where attacks pass through them), Limited Spatial Manipulation (the human was able to visibly move the fight box up ), Limited Dimensional Travel (Can forcibly enter a monster's Personal Domain and can leave personal domains ).
Resistance to Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( Can survive attacks to their SOUL )
Singular Existence (Once reaching the absolute Chara becomes a multiversal entity that destroys the entire cosmology, meaning there is only one absolute state Chara in existence ), Cosmic Intelligence , Timeline Creation and Destruction (Able to recreate a destroyed world ), Immortality (Life and Death Immunity & Reliance on Concept; Will live on as long as the concept of LOVE, the stats, and Determination remains . Reliance on Higher Being; Is an avatar of The Anomaly ), Regeneration (High-Godly through Possession ; After destroying the multiverse, their own body is taken with it as they no longer have a body when requesting for The Anomaly to give them their SOUL, through taking the Anomaly's SOUL they are not only able to recreate the world , but also possess The Human 's body. It is possible also that Chara is able to regenerate without possessing one's SOUL and merely did this in order to gain The Anomaly 's SOUL, but this is highly speculative), Absorption (Monsters and humans can absorb the SOUL as long as the person isn’t the same species as them), Power Nullification (Could negate The Anomaly's possession of the human at points in the genocide route, such as during the Sans fight where they attack in such a way that it breaks the rules of a FIGHT ), Conceptual Absorption (Stole all of The Anomaly's determination ), Absolute Access ((Reached the absolute, that no matter where or when, they will always appear ), Possession (Posses the human at the end of pacifist run ), 4th Wall Awareness (Spoke directly to the player), Data Manipulation , Information Manipulation , & Conceptual Manipulation (Messed with the game files, and permanently locked The Anomaly from a true pacifist ending . Destroyed the totality of Undertale), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( Stole The Player & The Human 's SOUL ), Willpower Manipulation (Can mess with ones determination, made the player lose all their DT. To the point where they couldn’t even close out the game), Empathic Manipulation (As Chara embodies LOVE they can manipulate ones killing intent), Incorporeality & Abstract Existence (Type 1; Is the embodiment of LOVE, the stats, and determination ), Personal Nonexistence (Ayin Physiology; Talks to The Anomaly in a non-existent state after the multiverse conceptually ends ), Reality Separation (Reality Seperation; Exists outside of Undertale reality as a non-existent being ).
Enhanced Resistance to Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( Lacks a SOUL), Reality Warping , Memory Manipulation , Resistance Bypassing , Time Manipulation , Information Manipulation , Data Manipulation , & Conceptual Manipulation , & Possible Acausality Negation (Causality Immunity; Unaffected by a true reset, remembering all the prior runs done even after a true reset was done )
Weapon Mastery (Can use a huge assortment of weapons ), Immortality (Immortal Metaphysical Aspect; When a human dies, its soul remains stable outside the body ), Absorption (Monsters and humans can absorb the SOUL as long as the person isn’t the same species as them ), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( All monsters and humans can perform attacks that can damage the SOUL ), Invincibility Frames (It is stated that taking damage causes the human to become invulnerable where attacks pass through them), Limited Spatial Manipulation (the human was able to visibly move the fight box up ), Limited Dimensional Travel (Can forcibly enter a monster's Personal Domain and can leave personal domains ).
Limited Resistance to Power Nullification (When Asriel was knocking away all of the human other item commands the SAVE prompt still remained ), Resistance to Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( Can survive attacks to their SOUL ), Extreme Heats (Unaffected by heat from the MTT-Brand Oven that burned down Undyne ' s house)Healing (Via various kinds of healing items, the healing is also metaphysical via healing the SOUL. Stained apron heals every turn. At FD the human can use his determination to create “last dream” which heals him greatly ), Statistics Amplification (Items like sea tea increase the human’s speed, Torn Notebook, Cloudy Glasses, & Temmie Armor increases invincibility, Cowboy Hat & Punch Card increases strength, armors and weapons naturally increase both strength and defense ), Limited Power Nullification (Via Hush Puppy )
Weapon Mastery (Uses a sword and shield in the dark world), Transmutation (Can turn his sword into a shield ), Healing & Resurrection (Via the various items he has , all healing items can revive party members), Consumption (Physical Consumption; Can consume moss to heal ), Sealing (Sealed Dark Fountain), Extended Blade Range & Distance Negation (Can attack a person via swinging their sword from meters away ), Statistics Amplification (Can raise their defense via courage ), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( Could rip out their SOUL ).
Resistance to Possession (Ripped The Player ' s SOUL out of their body making them unable to control them anymore), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation (Can take hits to the SOUL)
Sheer Will (All holders with determination logically have large amounts of willpower ), Time Travel & Timeline Hopping (Travels back to a specific point in time while hopping through timelines , users with a greater amount of determination can use this to save and load through all existing timelines ), Limited Reality Separation (Reality Separation; Exist outside of reality as shown in the scene where Photoshop Flowey creates a SAVE File that the human is outside of within his SAVE File is the human’s original SAVE File which Photoshop Flowey comes out of), Subjective Reality & Creation (the human can create “last dream” to heal themself, something that exists even after the Asriel battle ), Information Manipulation (Total; Photoshop Flowey re-wrote the history of the war between monsters and humans ), Erasure (Space-Time Erasure ( 3+1-D); Erased all inhabitants of the current timeline and a save file ), Reality Warping (Determination is described as the power to re-shape the world , and Photoshop Flowey re-shaped the world in his own image ), Possible Fate Manipulation (Determination gives the user the ability to change fate itself , and events to allow them to live even outside of merely time traveling. Examples include Papyrus ' special attack suddenly taken over by the dog , and Papyrus states that if special attack was used the human would've of died , Undyne 's failure to capture The Human on multiple occasions due to Monster Kid bothering her or she uses random tactics such as letting a bridge's fall kill the human and not check to see if they died herself , and Napstablook showing up out of nowhere to save The Human during Mad Dummy ), Statistics Amplification (the human used determination to continuously amp themselves to tank hits from Asriel's attacks and keep up with him in speed ), Regeneration Negation (Up to "Low-Godly to Mid-Godly"; Genocide run the human was capable of permanently killing Undyne the Undying ), Acausality (Unfixed Causality; One with very strong determination can remember resets ), Power Nullification (Passive; Anyone with higher determination then another can override their powers. The difference in DT allows them to nullify more abilities, though the standard is negating all time based abilities).
Resistance to Memory Manipulation , Reality Warping , & Time Manipulation (Unaffected by standard resets )
Reality Warping (Warps all of reality back to an original state ), Memory Manipulation & Resistance Bypassing (Erases the memories of every character , even those who originally resisted it ), Time Manipulation (Resets the world ), Information Manipulation (Total), Data Manipulation , & Conceptual Manipulation (A true reset thoroughly erases all information in one’s file, resetting it back to 0 . Chara with the true reset set a permanent flag that cannot be removed without non-canon hacking ), Possible Acausality Negation (Causality Immunity; Annoying Dog was seemingly affected by the true reset itself too as he repeated the process of re-absorbing the legendary artifact )Flight (Flying during the fight ), Summoning (Can summon swords ), Timeline Creation & Destruction (Stated once he removed the human, he'd have the power to manipulate the timeline ), Transformation (Transformative Arsenal; Can transform into God of Hyperdeath ), Enhanced Magic (Embodies all of the monsters, who are stated to be made of magic ), Immortality (Ageless; Has Asgore Dreemurr ' s and Toriel ' s SOULs), Plant Manipulation (Flowey can manipulate vines ), Curtain Fire (One of his attacks use multiple bullets ), Absorption & Time Manipulation (Absorbs the entire underground , the hyper goner attack was absorbing the entire timeline), Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( All monsters initiate in battles against the human in his SOUL form ), Lightning Manipulation (Via this ), Power Nullification (Destroyed all of the human's options ), Energy Projection (Shoots out projections of energy blast ), Irreversible Damage (Even after the human SOUL regenerates, he still struggles to even move ), Fire Manipulation (Via this ), Battlefield Removal (Via scaling to Photoshop Flowey , could send the human into areas where he needed to call for help from the SOULs to get out of ), Insect Manipulation (Could cause insects to come and attack ) 4th Wall Awareness (Re-wrote the text in the beginning and re-named the game into "Floweytale")
High Resistance to Soul Manipulation & Essence Manipulation ( Can take attacks to the SOUL, he’s made up of every SOUL in the underground & the 6 human SOULs)
Legendary Artifact
Standard Tactics: As all the Annoying Dog has shown to do is mess with Papyrus and The Human along with sleep, they are a wild card.
Weaknesses: Sleeps often, very lazy.
Battle Records