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Son Goku (Attack of the Saiyans)

From The Codex
Train hard, Piccolo... I need you to be stronger! And when we meet again... I'm still going to be one step ahead of you!
~ Goku


Son Goku, born Kakarot, is a Saiyan raised on Earth and the overall main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. Originally was sent to Earth as an infant, Kakarot would be adopted by Grandpa Gohan who named him Son Goku. A head injury at an early age alters Goku's memory, ridding him of his initial destructive nature and allowing him to grow up to become one of Earth's greatest defenders. He constantly strives and trains to be the greatest warrior possible, which has kept the Earth and the universe safe from destruction many times.

General Information

Name: Son Goku, Kakarot

Origin: Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans

Sex: Male

Age: 18 to 24

Classification: Alien

Species: Saiyan

Occupation: None

Height: 175 cm (Officially listed as 175 centimeters[1])

Weight: 62 kg (Officially listed as 62 kilograms[2])

Status: Has been both Alive and Deceased (Goku has died during his sacrifice when fighting Raditz, but was brought back with the Dragon Balls)

Alignment: Chaotic Good (Goku, as per his nature as a Saiyan, seeks a good fight more than he seeks to preserve peace. Although he does value peace greatly and will fight for it, he has a knack for stretching out fights simply to make them more entertaining for himself despite the risks that come with it, such as when he allowed for Frieza to reach his final form, gave Cell a Senzu Bean, or refrained from using Super Saiyan 3 against Majin Vegeta)

Codex Statistics

Key: 23rd Budokai | Saiyan Saga | Another Dimension Sidequest

Grade: B | B | B

Tier: At least 8-B, Higher with Biting, 7-A with Strongest Charged Attack | 7-A, Higher with Biting, Far Higher with Kaioken x3, High 6-A with Kaioken x4 Kamehameha, Even Higher Spirit Bomb | 6-C, Higher with Biting, Far Higher Kaioken, Even Higher Spirit Bomb

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Power Source: Ki (All beings in Dragon Ball[3][4][5] have ki, the very life force energy of all characters[6], ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even[7] block attacks that would otherwise[8] kill them from[9] raising their guard[10], higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them[11])

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Matched Piccolo Jr.. Far above his Red Ribbon Army Saga self who defeated General Blue who survived his plane crashing into a mountain at full speed{3.72 Tons of TNT}, then after his training with Korin, it was noted by Korin his power increased "manyfold", making him at least two times stronger than before {7.44 Tons of TNT}, and also drank the Water of the Gods, where he absorbed all the hidden potential within him, greatly boosting his power, as training with Korrin increased his power manyfold, an even greater object such as the Water of Gods should have roughly the same effect meaning he should've had at least gotten two times stronger{~15 Tons of TNT}), Higher with Biting (Goku can bite opponents he previously could not harm to do some damage), Metropolis level (The Super Kamehameha being noted to have a power level of 910, which should be far superior to King Piccolo's most powerful attack, which destroyed an entire city) | Metropolis level (Easily stopped Nappa's attacks, who casually destroyed a city and stood within the blast without having any damage. Far above Raditz, who can cause explosions dwarfing the mountains, which results in these levels of energy. Defeated Raditz on his own before finishing his training with King Kai), Higher with Biting, Far Higher with Kaioken x3 (Surpassed Vegeta), Multi-Continent level with Kaioken x4 Kamehameha (Overpowered Vegeta's Galick Gun with a Kaio-ken x4 Kamehameha, where he was going to use his galick gun to destroy the earth, which would reach these levels of energy), Even Higher with the Spirit Bomb (The Spirit Bomb amasses so much destructive energy it can destroy the very planet Son Goku is trying to protect, with King Kai noting it will be even more powerful when Goku learns to tap into the astounding power of the sun) | Island level (Defeated Broly, where in his dimension it took combined power of massively weakened Cell-Saga Son Goku, Son Gohan, Future Trunks, Vegeta, and Piccolo to destroy him; some of whom are superior to Semi-Perfect Cell, who destroyed several islands with several blast), Higher with Biting, Far Higher with Kaioken, Even Higher with Spirit Bomb

Durability: At least City Block level, Higher with Guard Up (Ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard), Lower with Ki Control (Higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them) | Metropolis level, Far Higher as Kaioken x3, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control | Island level, Far Higher with Kaioken, Higher with Guard Up, Lower with Ki Control

Striking Strength: At least City Block Class, Higher with Biting | Metropolis Class, Higher with Biting, Far Higher in Kaioken x3 | Island Class, Higher with Biting, Far Higher with Kaioken

Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Superior to his Early Dragon Ball self who could pick up and throw Bulma’s car, lift and crush a bolder with his own hands, moved a giant boulder with a lot of effort and later could somewhat move a massive boulder with some effort, etcetera) | Class 1 (Able to barely move around and jump in gravity that multiplies his weight by ten times, where he's naturally 62 kg, thus making him 620 kg on King Kai's planet) | Class 25 (Superior to Android Saga Super Saiyan Vegeta, who trained in 300 times gravity, where Vegeta is naturally 56 kg, making him 16,800 kg or 16.8 tons)

Travel Speed: Superhuman (Superior to his Early Dragon Ball self, who could travel 120 kilometers in a short timeframe), High Hypersonic Flight Speed with the Flying Nimbus (Even post King Kai training Goku used the Flying Nimbus to make it to the Saiyans implying it is at least comparable to his flight speed by then, with Goku being capable of traveling over a million of kilometers in two days) | High Hypersonic (Capable of traveling over a million of kilometers in two days which results in these speeds), High Hypersonic Flight Speed with the Flying Nimbus, Massively Hypersonic with Kaioken | Massively Hypersonic+ (Can keep up and defeat Broly, making him superior to his manga counterpart during the Frieza Saga as a Super Saiyan, who previously in his base form traveled from Frieza's ship over to Vegeta in this timeframe), Higher with Kaioken

Attack Speed: High Hypersonic | High Hypersonic, Higher with Kaioken | Massively Hypersonic+ (Can keep up and defeat Broly, making him superior to his manga counterpart during the Frieza Saga as a Super Saiyan, who previously in his base form traveled from Frieza's ship over to Vegeta in this timeframe), Higher with Kaioken

Reaction Speed: High Hypersonic (Far beyond his 22nd Budokai self, who could dodge a mouth blast from Tambourine, which he used to tag the flying nimbus where even post King Kai training Goku used the flying nimbus to make it to the saiyans implying it is at least comparable to his flight speed by then, with Goku being capable of traveling over a million of kilometers in two days which results in these speeds. Should be far faster than Mercenary Tao, who stated that a jet would take too long and used his pillar, with fighter jets reaching up to 1000 mph) | High Hypersonic, Higher with Kaioken | Massively Hypersonic+ (Can keep up and defeat Broly, making him superior to his manga counterpart during the Frieza Saga as a Super Saiyan, who previously in his base form traveled from Frieza's ship over to Vegeta in this timeframe), Higher with Kaioken

Stamina: Superhuman (Is capable of being in pain for almost 6 hours straight and refusing to die) | Superhuman | Superhuman (Should be comparable to Vegeta who stood thinking for three days without showing any signs of tiring or growing hungry)

Range: Standard Melee, Interstellar with Ki Attacks (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun) (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun)

Intelligence: Below Average Intelligence socially (Raised in the mountains with his adoptive grandpa before the latter’s death, knows little to nothing about how society functions), At least Below Average, possibly Above Average academics wise (While training with Master Roshi he learned about Math & Calculus, though Goku has displayed he can’t count beyond 18 after being explained to him what comes after 18 he was able to quickly count past it, along with this he has shown to have better understanding academically of situations), Genius Intelligence combat wise (Copies a Kamehameha after seeing it once, which is supposed to take 50 years to learn according to Roshi, copied Master Roshi’s ultimate technique the afterimage after seeing it done, could copy Tien’s Solar Flare and his flying technique and could copy the demon clan’s air ki techniques. Goku is an incredibly skilled fighter to the point that he is able to easily outskill trained Martial Artists such as Krillin and Yamcha and match prodigies such as Tien and even nearly beat his Master, Roshi, after training with him for a few months)

Powers and Techniques

Chi Manipulation & Ki Manipulation (All beings in Dragon Ball[12][13][14] have ki, the very life force energy of all characters[15], ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even[16] block attacks that would otherwise[17] kill them from[18] raising their guard[19], higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them[20]), Aura (Projection; A users ki aura can exert itself[21] as a weapon to attack[22]. Explosive; Ki users through powering up can form an entire aura around themself, radiating their immense power[23], where depending on their immense strength, can cause them to explode their aura outwards to remove excess ki from themself[24]. Mood Reflection; Goku and Piccolo Jr. with their auras and their stern concentration on each other reflected in their electric auras, even shooting electricity at each other[25]), Emotional Empowerment (It's noted that ki users can receive energy through one cheering them on[26]. Ki users can be greatly increased by their emotions and beliefs, Son Goku explains that Son Gohan needs to remember the time he fought Cell and bring out all of the power he has, this way he can lose to no one[27] where it's shown during the Cell beam clash that he was holding back greatly out of fear of destroying the earth but from being cheered on and using all of his power within him, he was able to overpower Cell[28]), Attack Reflection (All Ki users are able to reflect attacks just by being stronger than their opponent[29]. Examples include, Nappa deflecting a masenko from Son Gohan[30], Son Gohan being able to bounce back the spirit bomb[31], Son Goku deflecting a crusher ball from Jeice[32], Frieza deflecting a Final Burst Cannon from Vegeta[33], Son Goku reflecting multiple death beams back to back from Frieza[34], and Future Trunks being able to completely repel an energy blast with his hand from a Frieza Soldier just by being much stronger than them[35]), Homing Attack (Ki users can create attacks that will home in and chase a target forever[36]), Penetration Damage (Bladed Penetration; Ki users can conjure up a circle of chi that is sharp and can cut through enemies far more powerful then themselves[37][38], along with this they can conjure ki as a means to stab through an opponent[39]), Weapon Creation (Ki users can create energy weapons out of their attacks[40]), Power Absorption & Energy Transferal (Ki users can transfer their ki to others and absorb the ki given to them from others[41]), Attack Nullification (Ki Energy Based; Those with ki can nullify attacks of lesser ki with their ki alone[42][43]. They can also catch and nullify ki attacks around their level through focusing enough[44]), Power Nullification (Ki Energy Based; Through having greater ki, one can nullify the powers done through ki attacks, such as Frieza being able to nullify a hakai ball[45], which fully destroys a target[46], though he is unable to resist a hakai ball from Toppo due to him being stronger[47], this ability however only works on ki, attacks unrelated, characters cannot resist through being stronger, such as how Vegeta, Krillin, & Son Gohan are unable to resist Guldo's psychic powers[48], along with even the likes of Son Goku[49]), Forcefield Creation (Ki users such as Cell can generate forcefields around themselves[50]. These forcefields can be expanded[51], and used to protect others and defend against attacks far higher then the user[52]), Super Armor (Through releasing one's ki, they enter a state known as "Hyper Mode"[53], in this state they do not flinch from weak melee attacks[54]), Self-Destruction (Ki users in Dragon Ball are able to[55] release all of the energy within them[56] to cause a massive[57] self-destruction of energy that normally kills the user and turns them into dust[58] though one can control it to surviving but having no stamina or energy left[59]), Binding (Energy Binding; Ki Users can use their ki to bind targets to objects, making them unable to escape even if they're of equal power[60], however, those stronger than the ki user can easily break out of it[61]), Dreaming Existence (Characters in Shin Budokai have shown to create physical bodies in alternate timelines through dreaming[62]), Non-Standard Interaction (Intangible Interaction; Those with ki can block intangible attacks when they focus and notices them[63]. Space-Time Interaction (3+1-D); Characters can blast space-time distortions to close them[64]), Healing (Healing Singular Targets, Advanced Healing; Ki can be used to heal beings, allowing them to survive even with half their torso[65], it can also heal from near death[66]), Resurrection (Resurrection of the Deceased (Limited); Ki users can resurrect ones heart from death if their ki beams hit their heart, restarting it[67]. Resurrection from Exhaustion; Can heal downed allies to give them ki back, reviving them[68]), Intimidation & Spirit Manipulation (Ki is the manifestation of one’s lifeforce[69], along with the aura giving one the feeling of being crushed[70], exerting fear[71] into the target, sometimes making them incapable of moving as their[72] body is instinctively stuck due to the sheer difference in power[73]), Link Manipulation & Mind Manipulation (Characters can link their ki together and train within each other’s mind enacting in image training[74]), Vibration Manipulation (Seismic Vibration Manipulation; Ki users can transfer their ki into an object and cause it to vibrate and shake greatly[75]. Powerful ki users can cause the very ground itself to shake when they power up[76]), Electricity Manipulation (Powerful Ki users can generate electricity around their aura that can outright electrocute their opponents[77], Goku and Piccolo Jr. showcased being able to utilize their aura as pure electricity during their clash[78]), Weather Manipulation (Powerful Ki users can generate entire storms through merely powering up alone, Nappa used this in order to conjure the electricity from the storm[79]. Goku showcases this when he first turns super saiyan, causing a massive lightning storm in the background[80]), Energy Manipulation (Ki is the latent power in one's body, this latent power allows them to form and create energy from controlling their ki, which can be used to shoot out energy blast[81]), Explosion Manipulation (Ki attacks can create massive explosions[82], or control the ki to set off a huge explosion under the enemy[83], or in front of them[84]), Heat Manipulation (Ki user's ki attacks produce heat allowing them to cook and grill animals and raw meat[85][86], along with leaving behind steam after the attacks hit an area, showing its latent heat. Ki users electricity aura can burn objects that touch it[87]), Light Manipulation (Ki can be used as a flash of light[88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96], Degisu seeing ki attacks be fired notes that the characters are "firing light from their hands"[97]).

Limited Resistance to Durability Negation (Ki users can focus their energy to localize an object to a specific spot to stop them from attempting to destroy their organs/insides[98]), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Can resist poisons through Forcefield Creation[99])


  • Items:
Name: Small Bean                      Name: Medium Bean
Buy: 100     Sell: 50                 Buy: 500     Sell: 250
Descr: Refills 150 of one ally's HP   Descr: Refills 300 of one ally's HP
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Large Bean                      Name: MAX Bean
Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Refills 800 of one ally's HP   Descr: Refills 1500 of one ally's HP
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name:  HP Drink 30                    Name: HP Drink 50
Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
Descr: Refills 30% of one ally's HP   Descr: Refills 50% of one ally's HP
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name:  HP Drink Z                     Name: HP Capsule 50
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500
Descr: Fully refills one ally's HP    Descr: Refills 50% of all allies' HP
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: HP Capsule Z                    Name: Dragon Stone
Buy: 6000    Sell: 3000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
Descr: Fully refills all allies' HP   Descr: Refills a little HP of all allies
                                            (Only during battle. Can be used
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Pirate Cave
Name: Wilted Carrot                   Name: Carrot
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 5
Descr: Refills a little HP to one     Descr: Refills a little HP to one
       ally (during battle only)             ally (during battle only)
Locations: Item drop w/ Carrot Glove  Locations: Item drop w/ Carrot Glove
           equipped                              equipped
Name: Fancy Carrot                    Name: Ki Drink 30
Buy: N/A     Sell: 10                 Buy: 500    Sell: 250
Descr: Refills a little HP to one     Descr: Refills 30% of one ally's Ki
       ally (during battle only)
Locations: Item drop w/ Carrot Glove  Locations: Various, Shops
Name:  Ki Drink 50                    Name: Ki Drink Z
Buy: 1500    Sell: 750                Buy: 4000    Sell: 2000
Descr: Refills 50% of one ally's Ki   Descr: Fully refills one ally's Ki
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Ki Capsule 50                   Name: Ki Capsule Z
Buy: 4000    Sell: 3000               Buy: 6000    Sell: 3000
Descr: Refills 50% of all allies' Ki  Descr: Fullu refills all allies' Ki
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Sacred Jewel                    Name: Double Drink 50
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 750
Descr: Refills a little Ki of one     Descr: Refills 50% of one ally's HP and
       ally (Only during battle.             Ki
       Can be used repeatedly)
Locations: Kiwi Volcano               Locations: Kiwi Volcano, Break Wasteland,
                                                 Sniper drop
Name: Double Drink Z                  Name: Double Capsule 50
Buy: N/A     Sell: 2250               Buy: N/A    Sell: 5000
Descr: Fully refills one ally's HP    Descr: Refills 50% of all allies' HP and
       and Ki                                      Ki
Locations: King Kai's Planet, Pilaf's Locations: Yunzabit Heights, Muscle Tower
           Castle, Ultimate Pandaman
Name: Double Capsule Z                Name: Hermit Elixir
Buy: N/A     Sell: 2250               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Fully refills all allies' HP   Descr: Refills some HP and Ki to one
       and Ki (erroneous description)              ally (Reduces Rage Gauge)
Locations: Devil's Toilet             Locations: Spring Guard drop, Shops
Name:  Hermit Medicine                Name: Hermit Spring Water
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
Descr: Fully refills one ally's HP    Descr: Refills some HP and Ki to all
       and Ki (Reduces Rage Gauge to              allies (Reduces Rage Gauge)
Locations: Various                    Locations: Various
Name:  Hermit Milk                    Name: Senzu Bean
Buy: N/A  Sell: 12500                 Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Fully refills all allies' HP   Descr: Refills one ally's HP and Ki to
       and Ki (Reduces Rage Gauge to              max, reviving him and curing
       zero)                                      all statuses
Locations: Master, Dododo drop        Locations: Various
Name: Super Senzu Beans               Name: Phoenix Feather
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 800     Sell:  400
Descr: Refills all allies' HP and Ki  Descr: Revives one character with 50% HP
       to max, reviving them and
       curing all statuses
Locations:  Paprika Wasteland         Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Phoenix Tail Feather            Name: Poison Recovery
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 300     Sell: 150
Descr: Revives one character with     Descr: Cures one ally of Poison
       full HP
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Darkness Recovery               Name: Sleep Recovery
Buy: 300     Sell: 150                Buy: 300     Sell: 150
Descr: Cures one ally of Darkness     Descr: Cures one ally of Sleep
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Stun Recovery                   Name: Panic Recovery
Buy: 300     Sell: 150                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
Descr: Cures one ally of Stun         Descr: Cures one ally of Panic
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Freeze Recovery                 Name: Recover Capsule
Buy: 300     Sell: 150                Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
Descr: Cures one ally of Freeze       Descr: Cures one ally of all status
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: All Recover                     Name: Anger Jewel
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 500     Sell: 250
Descr: Cures all allies of all status Descr: Fills one ally's Rage Gauge a
       ailments                              little
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Shenron Scale                   Name: Attack Water
Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 500
Descr: Fills one ally's Rage Gauge to Descr: Raises attack power for several
       max                                      turns
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various
Name: Defense Water                   Name: Battle Sense
Buy: N/A     Sell: 500                Buy: N/A     Sell: 500
Descr: Raises defense for several     Descr: Raises accuracy for several turns
Locations: Various                    Locations: Various
Name: Evasion Secrets                 Name: Paozu Stone
Buy: N/A     Sell: 500                Buy: N/A     Sell: 500
Descr: Raises evasion for several     Descr: Raises speed for several turns
Locations: Various                    Locations: Various
Name: Super Sacred Water              Name: Dragonbone Powder
Buy: N/A     Sell: 4000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1500
Descr: Raises all parameters for      Descr: Raises chance of critical attack
       several turns                              for several turns
Locations: Yemma Forest, Gizard       Locations: Various
Name: Missile                         Name: Giant Missile
Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Launches a missile at one      Descr: Launches a large missile at one
       enemy                                      enemy
Locations: Fugitive drop, Shops       Locations: Break Wasteland, Nemuria
                                                 Ruins, Shops
Name: Multi-Missile                   Name: Satellite Laser
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
Descr: Fires several missiles at all  Descr: Attacks all enemies with lasers
       enemies                                      from the sky
Locations: Break Wasteland, Skull     Locations: Various, Shops
           Robot Drop, Shops
Name: Hot Capsule                     Name: Burn Capsule
Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Light fire damage to one enemy Descr: Major fire damage to one enemy
Locations: Various                    Locations: Various
Name: Ox-King Flame                   Name: Annin Flame
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
Descr: Light fire damage to all       Descr: Major fire damage to all enemies
Locations: Shops                        Locations: Shops
Name: Electric Capsule                Name: Thunder Capsule
Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Light electric damage to one   Descr: Major electric damage to one enemy
Locations: Shops                      Locations: Muscle Tower, Dengiras drop,
Name: Master Roshi's Anger            Name: Kami's Judgement
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
Descr: Light electric damage to all   Descr: Major electric damage to all
       enemies                               enemies
Locations: Shops                      Locations: Break Wasteland, Shops
Name: Ice Capsule                     Name: Freeze Capsule
Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Light ice damage to one enemy  Descr: Major ice damage to one enemy
Locations: RR High Soldier, Snow      Locations: Mt. Frappe, RR Ex-Staff
           Panda drop, Shops                     Sergeant drop, Shops
Name: Jingle Village Bomb             Name: Yunzabit Bomb
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500
Descr: Light ice damage to all        Descr: Major ice damage to all enemies
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Yunzabit Heights, RR Tundra
                                                 Robot drop
Name: Sleep Pill                      Name: Wolf's Roar
Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
Descr: Puts one enemy to sleep        Descr: Paralyzes one enemy
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Rattlesnake Scale               Name: Spirit Light
Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
Descr: Poisons one enemy              Descr: Puts one enemy in darkness
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Absolute Zero                   Name: Demon King Seal
Buy: N/A     Sell: 750                Buy: 1500    Sell: 750
Descr: Freezes one enemy              Descr: Instantly kills one enemy
Locations: Various                    Locations: Shops�
Name: Monster Carrot Jewel            Name: Mystery Jewel
Buy: 1500    Sell: 750                Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
Descr: Turns one enemy into a carrot  Descr: Gives a random status ailment to
                                             one enemy
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Forest Guard, Dark Firefly
                                                 drop, Shops
Name: Blunder Card                    Name: Bravado Card
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500
Descr: Reduces attack power of one    Descr: Reduces defense power of one enemy
Locations: Shops                      Locations: Shops, Patrol Ghost drop
Name: Defocus Card                    Name: Inattention Card
Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Reduces accuracy of one enemy  Descr: Reduces evasion of one enemy
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Shops
Name: HP Fruit                        Name: Ki Fruit
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
Descr: Raises your maximum HP         Descr: Raises your maxium Ki
Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various
Name: Power Fruit                     Name: Defense Fruit
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
Descr: Raises Power                   Descr: Raises Defense
Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various
Name: Recovery Fruit                  Name: Skill Fruit
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
Descr: Raises Recovery                Descr: Raises Skill
Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various
Name: Speed Fruit                     Name: Luck Fruit
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
Descr: Raises Speed                   Descr: Raises Luck
Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various
Name: Ki-Blast Fruit                  Name: Finisher Bean
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
Descr: Raises the maximum size of the Descr: Use to obtain 1500AP
       Ki-blast meter on the field
Locations: Break Wasteland, Mutaito's Locations: Demon Flame drop, West City,
           Grounds, Martial Arts                  King Kai's Planet, Gizard
           Temple Sewers                          Wasteland, Mt. Frappe,
                                                  Spinach Wastes
Name: Attract Water                   Name: Smoke Bomb
Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
Descr: Raises chance of enemy         Descr: Lets you escape a battle 100% of
       encounter for a while                      the time
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: EXP Boost                       Name: Zeni Boost
Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1500
Descr: Raises the experience points   Descr: Raises the money earned in battle
       earned in a battle
Locations: Yunzabit Heights, Shops    Locations: Various drop
Name: Theft Card                      Name: Demon Bravery
Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500
Descr: Makes enemies drop items more  Descr: Makes you invincible until your
       often                                      next turn
Locations: Shops                      Locations: Various
Name: Perception Charm                Name: Concentration Charm
Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500
Descr: Lets you evade the next attack Descr: Boosts attack power greatly until
       with good chance                      the next turn
Locations: Various                    Locations: Furnace Flame, Vampire drop
Name: Resist Seal                     Name: Scrap Iron
Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 3000
Descr: Makes you more resistant to    Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
       status ailments for several
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various
Name: Opal                            Name: Amethyst
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 8000
Descr: Can be sold for lots of money. Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
Locations: Veteran Fox, Female Desert Locations: Various
           Bandit drop
Name: Emerald                         Name: Ruby
Buy: N/A     Sell: 12000              Buy: N/A     Sell: 30000
Descr: Can be sold for lots of money. Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
Locations: Bandit Queen, Ultimate     Locations: Captain Robot drop
           Pandaman drop
Name: Diamond
Buy: N/A     Sell: 30000
Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
Locations: Excavated Robot, Someone's Robot drop

  • Equipment:
Name: Energy Ring                     Name: Energy Bracelet
Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000
Descr: Raises maximum HP by 100       Descr: Raises maximum HP by 300
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Energy Necklace                 Name: Ki Ring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
Descr: Raises maximum HP by 500       Descr: Raises maximum Ki by 30
Locations: Muscle Tower, Nemuria      Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Ki Bracelet                     Name: Ki Necklace
Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises maximum Ki by 50        Descr: Raises maximum Ki by 100
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Devil's Toilet, East City
Name: Power Ring                      Name: Power Bracelet
Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000
Descr: Raises Power by 3              Descr: Raises Power by 5
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Power Necklace                  Name: Defense Ring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
Descr: Raises Power by 8              Descr: Raises Defense by 3
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds          Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Defense Bracelet                Name: Defense Necklace
Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises Defense by 5            Descr: Raises Defense by 8
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Devil's Toilet
Name: Recovery Ring                   Name: Recovery Bracelet
Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000
Descr: Raises Recovery by 3           Descr: Raises Recovery by 5
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Recovery Necklace               Name: Skill Ring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
Descr: Raises Recovery by 8           Descr: Raises Skill by 3
Locations: Muscle Tower               Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Skill Bracelet                  Name: Skill Necklace
Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises Skill by 5              Descr: Raises Skill by 8
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Nemuria Ruins
Name: Agility Ring                    Name: Agility Bracelet
Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000
Descr: Raises Agility by 3            Descr: Raises Agility by 5
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

Name: Agility Necklace                Name: Luck Ring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
Descr: Raises Agility by 8            Descr: Raises Luck by 3
Locations: Desert                     Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Luck Bracelet                   Name: Luck Necklace
Buy: 8000    Sell: 4000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises Luck by 3               Descr: Raises Luck by 8
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Pilaf Castle
Name: Full Ring                       Name: Full Bracelet
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises all parameters by 2     Descr: Raises all parameters by 4
Locations: Mt. Five Element           Locations: Devil's Toilet
Name: Full Necklace                   Name: Fighter's Mark
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Raises all parameters by 6     Descr: Raises attack power by 5%
Locations: East Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Fighter's Emblem                Name: Fighter's Crest
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises attack power by 10%     Descr: Raises attack power by 15%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Pirate Cave
Name: Protective Mark                 Name: Protective Emblem
Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises defense power by 5%     Descr: Raises defense power by 10%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Protective Crest                Name: Striker's Mark
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Raises defense power by 15%    Descr: Raises accuracy by 10%
Locations: Devil's Toilet, Fire       Locations: Various, Shops
           Dinosaur drop
Name: Striker's Emblem                Name: Striker's Crest
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises accuracy by 15%         Descr: Raises accuracy by 20%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Pirate Cave
Name: Evasion Mark                    Name: Evasion Emblem
Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises evasion by 10%          Descr: Raises evasion by 15%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Evasion Crest                   Name: Speed Mark
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Raises evasion by 20%          Descr: Raises speed by 10%
Locations: Desert                     Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Speed Emblem                    Name: Speed Crest
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises speed by 20%            Descr: Raises speed by 30%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Pilaf Castle, Dark Condor drop
Name: Recovery Mark                   Name: Recovery Emblem
Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises auto-healing by 10%     Descr: Raises auto-healing by 15%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Recovery Crest                  Name: Fighter's Secret
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Raises auto-healing by 20%     Descr: Raises chance of critical hits by
Locations: Nemuria Ruins, Mad         Locations: Various, Shops
           Scientist drop
Name: Hero's Secret                   Name: Master's Secret
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises chance of critical hits Descr: Raises chance of critical hits by
       by 5%                                      8%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Mutaito's Grounds
Name: Fighter's Scheme                Name: Hero's Scheme
Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises chance of launching     Descr: Raises chance of launching chains
       chains by 3%                              by 5%
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Master's Scheme                 Name: Rush Ring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Raises chance of launching     Descr: Raises attack by 15%; lowers
       chains by 8%                              defense by 15%
Locations: Paprika Wasteland          Locations: Various
Name: Rush Bracelet                   Name: Caution Ring
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
Descr: Raises attack by 20%; lowers   Descr: Raises defense by 15%; lowers
       defense by 20%                              attack by 15%
Locations: Champion Boar, Snow Boar   Locations: Shops
Name: Caution Bracelet                Name: Model Full Moon
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises defense by 20%; lowers  Descr: Boosts all of a Saiyan's power,
       attack by 20%                              but puts him in permanent
                                             Confusion mode
Locations: Shops                      Locations: Paprika Wasteland
Name: Perfume                         Name: Saiyan Spirit
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Drastically lowers Yamcha's    Descr: Raises all of a Saiyan's powers
       defense; raises all his other  when he is near death
Locations: Pilaf's Castle             Locations: East City Ruins
NOTE: Yamcha ONLY                       NOTE: Goku, Gohan ONLY
Name: Sleep Ring                      Name: Sleep Bracelet
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Makes you resistant to Sleep   Descr: Makes you impervious to Sleep
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Yemma Forest, Shops
Name: Paralysis Ring                  Name: Paralysis Bracelet
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Makes you resistant to         Descr: Makes you impervious to Paralysis
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Shops
Name: Poison Ring                     Name: Poison Bracelet
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Makes you resistant to Poison  Descr: Makes you impervious to Poison
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: East Mt. Paozu, Shops
Name: Dark Ring                       Name: Dark Bracelet
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Makes you resistant to         Descr: Makes you impervious to Darkness
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Shops
Name: Stun Ring                       Name: Stun Bracelet
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Makes you resistant to Stun    Descr: Makes you impervious to Stun
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Shops
Name: Confuse Ring                    Name: Confuse Bracelet
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Makes you resistant to Confuse Descr: Makes you impervious to Confuse
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Weird Girl drop, Shops
Name: Freeze Ring                     Name: Freeze Bracelet
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Makes you resistant to Freeze  Descr: Makes you impervious to Freeze
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Wild Fish drop, Shops
Name: Evil Containment Stone          Name: Evil Containment Jewel
Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 15000   Sell: 7500
Descr: Gives you a chance to avoid    Descr: Defense against all instant-kill
       instant-kill attacks                      attacks
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Death Sentence drop, Shops
Name: CHA-LA                          Name: HEAD-CHA-LA
Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Makes you more resistant to    Descr: Makes you impervious to all status
       all status ailments                      ailments
Locations: Sacred Land of Korin       Locations: Break Wasteland, Dododo drop
Name: Sleep Knuckle                   Name: Bind Knuckle
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Chance of putting enemies to   Descr: Chance of paralyzing enemies with
       sleep with each attack                      each attack
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Poison Knuckle                  Name: Blindfold Knuckle
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Chance of poisoning enemies    Descr: Chance of putting enemies in
       with each attack                      darkness with each attack
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Stun Knuckle                    Name: Freeze Knuckle
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Chance of stunning enemies     Descr: Chance of freezing enemy with each
       with each attack                      attack
Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Demon Seal                      Name: Fire Glove
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Chance of killing an enemy     Descr: Adds fire element to normal
       instantly with each attack              attacks
Locations: Yemma Forest               Locations: Shops
Name: Thunder Glove                   Name: Ice Glove
Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Adds lightning element to      Descr: Adds ice element to normal attacks
       normal attacks
Locations: Shops                      Locations: Shops
Name: Comfort Ring                    Name: Comfort Bracelet
Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Refills a little ki with each  Descr: Refills some ki with each turn
Locations: Yemma Forest, Shops        Locations: Nemuria Ruins, Shops
Name: Healing Bracelet                Name: Absorb Bracelet
Buy: N/A     Sell: 4000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1500
Descr: Raises rate of HP regeneration Descr: Absorbs damage landed on enemies
       ; refills a little ki                      and refills a little HP
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds, Spinach Locations: Holly Plain
Name: Psyonic Bracelet                Name: Meditation Belt
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1500
Descr: Absorbs Ki damage landed on    Descr: Reduces consumed Ki a little
       enemies and refills a little
       of your Ki
Locations: Kiwi Volcano               Locations: King Yemma's Mansion
Name: Kami's Cape                     Name: Selflessness Belt
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Makes all Ki attacks cost 1    Descr: Makes some attacks cost zero Ki
Locations: Martial Arts Temple Sewers Locations: Yunzabit Heights
Name: Knowledge Belt                  Name: Range Belt
Buy: 20000   Sell: 10000              Buy: N/A     Sell: 10000
Descr: Enhances effect of consumable  Descr: HP and Ki recovery items heal the
       items                                      whole party evenly.
Locations: Shops                      Locations: Pilaf's Castle
Name: Fortune Belt                    Name: Popo's Turban
Buy: N/A     Sell: 10000              Buy: N/A     Sell: 10000
Descr: Sometimes allows you to use    Descr: Raises the experience points you
       items without consuming them              earn (20%)
Locations: Break Wasteland, East Mt.  Locations: Yunzabit Heights, East Mt.
           Paozu Dragon Rock                          Paozu Dragon Rock
Name: Bushido Spirit                  Name: Rush Ring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 10000              Buy: 10000   Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises the AP you earn (20%)   Descr: Consumes Ki to make a normal
                                             attack a chain attack
Locations: Spinache Wastes, Yunzabit  Locations: Various, Shops
Name: Tension Up                      Name: Targeting Ring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Makes the Rage Gauge fill up   Descr: Makes your attacks hit the enemy
       faster                                      100% of the time
Locations: Mt. Five Element, Holly    Locations: Devil's Toilet
           Plain, Spinach Wastes
Name: Counter Bracelet                Name: Dragon's Rage
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 10000
Descr: Lets you counterattack the     Descr: Lets you counterattack the enemy
       enemy (Low chance)                      (High chance)
Locations: Violent Tribesman drop     Locations: East Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock
Name: Double-Edged Seal               Name: Shenron's Nail
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises attack power, but also  Descr: Always gives you the first attack
       hurts you with each attack              in battle
Locations: Mt. Frappe, Yunzabit       Locations: Devil's Toilet, Martial Arts
           Heights                                  Temple Sewer
Name: Confrontation Brace             Name: Blessing Belt
Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Makes enemies target you more  Descr: Chance of rendering attacks
       often                                      against you ineffective
Locations: Kiwi Volcano, Spinach      Locations: East City Ruins
Name: Attitude Belt                   Name: Guard Earring
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1500
Descr: Chance of reviving yourself    Descr: Reduces damage received during
       when you run out of HP                      an Active Guard
Locations: King Yemma's Mansion,      Locations: Kiwi Volcano
           Spinach Wastes
Name: Detect Earring                  Name: Guard Sense
Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Chances of avoid all damage    Descr: Chance of counterattack with an
       with an Active Guard                      Active Guard
Locations: Spinach Wastes             Locations: Yemma Forest
Name: Invigorate Ring                 Name: High Spirits
Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
Descr: Raises power of Ki blasts      Descr: Shares your spirit to increase the
                                             power of Spirit Ball (Spirit Bomb)
Locations: Nemuria Ruins, East City   Locations: Chapter 15, talk to King Kai
           Ruins                                  with any character other than
                                          Goku at the lead. Repeat for all five
                                           non-Goku characters for five High
                                      NOTE: Can NOT be equipped on Goku
Name: Broly's Necklace
Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
Descr: Proof that Broly is defeated. Raises all parameters by 50.
Locations: Brolly Drop

  • Capsules:
Name: Empty Capsule
Effect: Adds an extra capsule slot to the bottom screen.
Location: 1. During Chapter 8 and anytime after that (except for Chapter 10),
         go to West City and talk to Bulma in the Capsule Corp for an
         Empty Capsule
         2. Found to the left of where you fight the boss in the Desert in
            Chapter 10
Name: Adrenaline
Effect: Prevents the Rage Gauge from falling at all after battle.
Location: Kiwi Volcano, requires Level 3 Ki Blast
Name: Agitator
Effect: Prevents the Rage Gauge from falling as much as it does after a battle
       is over.
Location: Spinach Wastes, requires Level 2 Ki Blast
Name: Best Rice Cooker
Effect: Increases the likelihood of Tien's Evil Containment Wave working.
       Stronger than Good Rice Cooker. 100% effective on Standby.
Location: Muscle Tower basement, jump down from the top floor, requires Level 3
         Ki Blast
Name: Binding Card
Effect: Occasionally will paralyse enemies at the start of a battle.
Location: Pilaf Castle
Name: Carrot Glove
Effect: When equipped, you no longer get regular item drops. However, you will
       get a carrot for every enemy that you defeat.
Location: Chapter 2 boss battle drop
Name: Chi-Chi's Lunch
Effect: Refills your HP as you walk around. 50% Effective on Standby.
Location: Anytime from Chapter 10 onwards, go to Goku's House in East Mt. Paozu,
         and talk to Chi-Chi while Gohan is the lead character.
Name: Cold Boots
Effect: Raises defense against fire techniques; allows you to cross lava
       floors safely. 50% Effective on Standby.
Location: Kiwi Volcano
Name: Combo UP
Effect: Raises the power of an S-Combo by 50%. 50% Effective on Standby.
Location: Mt. Frappe, requires Level 3 Ki Blast
Name: Darkness Card
Effect: Occasionally will blind enemies at the start of a battle.
Location: Given to you automatically during the Prologue
Name: Dragon Radar
Effect: Points the general direction of a Dragon Ball while in an area that has
       one in it. Once you are on the same screen as the Dragon Ball the Radar
       will hone in on the Dragon Ball. Press Y to use it.
Location: Given to you automatically at the beginning of chapter 10.
Name: Energy Seed
Effect: Refills a small portion of your HP after every battle.
Location: East Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock
Name: Escape Path
Effect: Raises chances of successfully running from enemies.
Location: Give 100 Carrots to the dog in West City
Name: Foe Challenger
Effect: Makes you encounter strong foes more often.
Location: King Kai's Planet Shop, 50000Z
Name: Foe Charm
Effect: Increases the chance of encountering rare foes.
Location: Break Wasteland Desert Portion
Name: Freezing Card
Effect: Occasionally will freeze enemies at the start of a battle.
Location: Devil's Toilet
Name: Gas Mask
Effect: Raises resistance against poison; allows you to cross gaseous floors
       safely. 50% Effective on Standby.
Location: Given to you automatically during the Prologue.
Name: Good Rice Cooker
Effect: Increases the likelihood of Tien's Evil Containment Wave working.
       Stronger than Rice Cooker. 100% effective on Standby.
Location: Capture 60 monsters, talk to Kami or Mr. Popo.
Name: Hammock
Effect: Raises AP earned by non-party members (by 20%). 100% Effective on
Location: Spinach Wastes, requires Level 3 Ki Blast
Name: Heavy Karate Outfit
Effect: Gives each party member a small amount of EXP points while they walk
       around. Does not work in towns or villages. 50% effective on Standby.
Location: Summon Shenron with the Popo Dragon Balls and wish for "A really
         awesome item"
Name: Item Rush
Effect: Raises chances of enemies dropping items after a battle. 50% Effective
       on Standby.
Location: Mutaito's Grounds
Name: Kami's Eyes
Effect: Prevents enemies from sneak-attacking you.
Location: Break Wasteland, Requires Level 3 Ki Blast
Name: Kami's Gi
Effect: Heightens resistance against all Status Ailments; 50% effective on
Location: 120 Monsters Captured, talk to Kami or Mr. Popo at Kami's Palace for
         the Capsule
Name: Ki Seed
Effect: Refills a small portion of your Ki after every battle.
Location: Muscle Tower
Name: Korin's Canteen
Effect: Increases the refill rate of your Ki-blast meter.
Location: Hermit Spring boss battle drop
Name: Korin's Staff
Effect: Refills your Ki as you walk around. 50% Effective on Standby.
Location: Anytime from Chapter 10 onwards, talk to Korin at Korin Tower to
         get it from him automatically.
Name: Ninja Sandals
Effect: Lowers enemy encounter rate.
Location: Desert
Name: Oolong's Nose
Effect: Hones in on any treasures on any given area map that have not yet been
Location: Kame House Shop (Oolong), 50,000Z
Name: Oolong's Wallet
Effect: Gives you a little bit of Zeni as you walk around. 50% effective on
Location: East City Ruins
Name: Poison Card
Effect: Occasionally will poison enemies at the start of a battle.
Location: Kiwi Volcano
Name: Puar's Wallet
Effect: Raises chances of rare item drops from enemies after a battle.
Location: Any time starting from Chapter Ten, talk to Puar in Yamcha's Hideout
         at Mt. Paozu with Yamcha as your lead to get this Capsule.
Name: Rice Cooker
Effect: Increases the likelihood of Tien's Evil Containment Wave working.
       100% effective on Standby.
Location: Chapter 3 boss battle drop
Name: Rubber Boots
Effect: Raises defense against thunder techniques; allows you to cross electric
       floors safely. 50% Effective on Standby.
Location: West City Shop, 50000Z
Name: Scouter
Effect: Lets you scout out an enemy's or boss' HP data, strengths and weakness,
       and drops. 100% effective on Standby.
Location: Raditz Spinach Wastes battle drop
Name: Shenron's Blessing
Effect: Allows you to cross all four types of damaging floors safely.
Location: Break Wasteland Desert portion, requires Level 3 Ki Blast
Name: Silver Fur
Effect: Raises defense against ice techniques; allows you to cross icy
       floors safely. 50% Effective on Standby.
Location: Mt. Frappe
Name: Sleep Card
Effect: Occasionally will put enemies to sleep at the start of a battle.
Location: Mt. Frappe
Name: Squeaky Boots
Effect: Raises the enemy encounter rate.
Location: East City Shop, 50000Z
Name: Swift Boots
Effect: Raises the speed of all party members but also increases the chance of
       being sneak-attacked in a battle.
Location: Pirate Cave
Name: Zeni Rush
Effect: Raises Zeni dropped by enemies after battle (by 20%). 50% Effective on
Location: Give 500 Carrots to the dog in West City

Notable Techniques

  • Combination (Melee attack)
  • Meteor Combination (Super Melee attack)

Requirements: Combination Level 3 and Kamehameha Level 2

  • Kamehameha (Ki attack)
  • Energy Wave Combo (All-enemy Ki attack)

Requirements: Kamehameha Level 2

  • After-image Technique (Special)

Increases Goku's evasion for several turns.

  • Kaio-Ken (ULTIMATE)

Increases all of Goku's stats for a few turns, but then puts him into a stunned state for a few turns Requirements: Learned automatically in Chapter 13

  • Spirit Bomb (ULTIMATE)

Goku takes a couple of turns to charge up before unleashing the attack. For every High Spirit that any other character has equipped, it increases in strength. Requirements: Learned automatically in Chapter 13 Special Notes: Can be powered up for every High Spirit somebody else has equipped. To obtain five High Spirits, go back to King Kai's Planet in Chapter 15 with all six characters and talk to King Kai with each of the non-Goku characters in the lead.


Standard Tactics: Goku will use a combination of both melee and ki attacks. Due to also have a variery of items within an RPG, he'd also use them in battle.



  • Some clips used on the profile come from an anime or movie due to the fact that some abilities from ki use shouldn't function much differently from how they can in canon, along with this sometimes the anime version/video game version of a scene will be used for cleaner visuals. Toriyama himself directly overlooks scenes in the anime and movies and gives Toei the thumbs up[125].
  • The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.

Battle Records



  1. Son Goku
    Height: 175 cm (adult)
    Weight: 62 kg (adult)
    Birth Year: Age 737
    Hobbies: finding strong opponents and fighting with them
    Favorite Food: will eat anything
    Favorite Vehicle: Kinto-un
  2. Son Goku
    Height: 175 cm (adult)
    Weight: 62 kg (adult)
    Birth Year: Age 737
    Hobbies: finding strong opponents and fighting with them
    Favorite Food: will eat anything
    Favorite Vehicle: Kinto-un
  3. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  4. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  5. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  6. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  7. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  8. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  9. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  10. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  11. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  12. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  13. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  14. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  15. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  16. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  17. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  18. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  19. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  20. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  21. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 48
  22. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 49
  23. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  24. Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan Scene
  25. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  26. Translations Archive Dragon Ball Super Exciting Guide: Story Volume
  27. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  28. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  29. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  30. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  31. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  32. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  33. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  34. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  35. Dragon Ball Z Frieza-Android Interlude
  36. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  37. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  38. Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
  39. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  40. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  41. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  42. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  43. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  44. Dragon Ball Z Episode 231
  45. Dragon Ball Super Episode 95
  46. Dragon Ball Super Episode 59
  47. Dragon Ball Super Episode 125
  48. Dragon Ball Frieza Saga
  49. Dragon Ball Xenoverse Take Back History and Your Body
  50. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  51. Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
  52. Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
  53. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Pratice Chapter 9
  54. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Hyper Mode
  55. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  56. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  57. Dragon Ball Z Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
  58. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  59. Dragon Ball Super Episode 126
  60. Dragon Ball Z Kai The Final Chapters Episode 24
  61. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  62. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
  63. Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
  64. Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
  65. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  66. Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
  67. Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
  68. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Parallel Quest No.01 Being a Time Patroller
  69. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  70. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  71. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  72. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  73. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  74. Dragon Ball Z Episode 39
  75. Dragon Ball Z Episode 171
  76. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  77. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  78. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  79. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
  80. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 47
  81. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  82. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  83. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  84. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  85. Dragon Ball Z Episode 162
  86. Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 82
  87. Dragon Ball Episode 144
  88. Dragon Ball 22nd Budokai Saga
  89. Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
  90. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  91. Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
  92. Dragon Ball Z Android Saga
  93. Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
  94. Dragon Ball GT Baby Saga
  95. Dragon Ball GT Super 17 Saga
  96. Dragon Ball Super
  97. Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1
  98. Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
  99. Dragon Ball Super Episode 98
  100. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  101. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  102. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  103. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  104. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  105. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  106. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  107. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  108. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  109. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  110. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  111. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  112. Dragon Ball Z Episode 14
  113. Item List
  114. Item List
  115. Item List
  116. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  117. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  118. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  119. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  120. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  121. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  122. Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
  123. Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
  124. Dragon Ball Super Chapters 72 to 73
  125. "What work do you do on the films, Sensei?
    I check the plot and script that gets sent to me from Toei Animation. I also do some character designs and touch-ups, as well as altering the names and such."