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Dragon Ball

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Some of the information indexed are thanks in part to the Dragon Ball Wiki.

Breaking through the shining clouds, I fly away (fly away),

The panorama spreads throughout my body.

Kicked in the face, the Earth gets angry (angry),

Making a volcano explode.

If, within melting polar icecaps,

If there's a dinosaur, I want to train it to balance on a ball.

Cha-La Head-Cha-La

No matter what happens, I won't be bothered one bit

Cha-La Head-Cha-La

As long as my heart beats loud,

The Energy Sphere roars... Sparking!

Swooping through the sky in a Jet Coaster (Coaster),

I fall in the paradise of panic.

The scenery turns upside-down and I'm pleasant (pleasant),

Even the mountains look like rear-ends.

There's no time to worry,

Cause there's a "Surprise!" somewhere, and I want to find it!

Cha-La Head-Cha-La

I'd rather empty my head and stuff it with dreams.

Cha-La Head-Cha-La

With a smile that's Ultra-Z,

Even today goes Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi

Cha-La Head-Cha-La

No matter what happens, I won't be bothered one bit.

Cha-La Head-Cha-La

As long as my heart beats loud,

The Energy Sphere roars... Sparking!

~ Original Dragon Ball Z Opening


Dragon Ball is an internationally popular media franchise. It consists primarily of a manga series created by Akira Toriyama, five anime series (Dragon Ball, Z, GT, Super and Heroes), twenty anime films, seven anime specials, three live-action films, five anime OVAs, four anime crossovers, two anime PSAs and a high-def remastered recut of Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball has an extensive online fanbase and is consistently one of the most frequently searched-for terms on Google, Yahoo! and Lycos. As of January 2012, generating $5 billion in merchandise, Dragon Ball is one of the most merchandisable anime based media franchises of all time.

The story and characters of Dragon Ball were partly inspired by the Chinese folk novel Journey to the West, though they diverge from the novel very quickly. The plot follows the adventures of lead character Son Goku (just simply known as Goku, originally under his Saiyan name Kakarot, and is based on the Monkey King of the folk legend, Sun Wukong) from his childhood through his adulthood. The story includes elements both of action and comedy, though the series became more action-oriented over time.

The following plots for Dragon Ball Media are as follows:

Click for the plots for the Dragon Ball series.

A unifying component of the plot accompanying Goku's progression as a martial artist is his search for the eponymous Dragon Balls. They are one component of the universe, but are not the focus of most of the plot lines of the title. The Dragon Balls themselves are seven magical orbs which are scattered across the world. When assembled, they can be used to summon Shenron, the dragon who will grant one wish within its limit. After the wish is granted, the Dragon Balls are scattered again across the world and become inert for one year. In times past, it would take generations to search the world and gather the Dragon Balls. At the beginning of the story, however, a 16-year-old genius girl named Bulma invents a Dragon Radar to detect the Dragon Balls and makes the process far easier than it was originally intended to be.

The story of Dragon Ball unfolds gradually over 11 years of publication. The tone and the style of the stories gradually changes to reflect the tastes of the readers and the editors of Shōnen Jump in Japan. The early volumes of the manga (chapters 1-134) are primarily humorous fantasy stories, but they contain some minor sci-fi elements, much like Dr. Slump. Notable fantasy elements include not only the monkey boy Goku and the Dragon Balls themselves, but also many talking animal characters, unlikely martial art techniques, and identifying characters as gods and demons. Despite the fantasy elements, the world does contain highly advanced technology including hoi-poi capsules, space-saving capsules which are pocket sized but can store almost any object (including cars, planes and even houses) and other "near future" objects. The overall mood of the earlier volumes is light with few deaths and an emphasis on adventure and humor.

A subtle but significant change in mood begins after Goku's best friend Krillin is killed (the first of many deaths in this arc). This begins the King Piccolo arc (chapters 135-194) in which the manga enters a darker tone compared to its earlier volumes. This arc would more or less define how later arcs would be structured.

Dragon Ball fully transforms into an action based shōnen manga at the onset of the Saiyan arc (chapters 195-241). Starting with introduction of Goku's first son (Gohan), things begin to take a much more serious and harder sci-fi approach. Many characters which were previously implied to have mystic origins, including Goku and Piccolo, are revealed to be aliens from other planets. Advanced space travel, alien threats, and powerful cyborgs and androids take center stage instead of more fantastic villains.

After the defeat of Vegeta, and the conclusion of the Saiyan arc, the survivors of the vicious Saiyan attack head off to the planet Namek to resurrect their friends. This begins the Frieza arc (chapters 242-329). The Frieza arc is noteworthy for introducing the first Super Saiyan (Goku), now a staple of the series. It also sets the tone for more awesomely powerful characters. For example, the antagonist Frieza is first said to have a "power level" (the series' futuristic measure of a fighter's speed and strength, i.e., one average human is listed as 5) of 530,000. He then transforms into a more powerful form, at which point his power level is over 1,000,000. After two subsequent transformations, he reveals that he is still only using a fraction of his full power.

The Android arc (chapters 330-420) introduces Future Trunks, a mysterious Half-Saiyan Half-Human from a destroyed future world where all of the Z Fighters are killed by evil, seemingly unstoppable war machines called Androids, and the enigmatic and villainous Cell who is made from the cells from most of the heroes as well as some of the villains. This arc is notable for being the only arc in which Goku does not defeat the main villain; instead it is his son Gohan who defeats Cell. In this arc, Gohan surpasses the level of Super Saiyan and reaches the stage of Super Saiyan 2 in order to defeat Cell.

After Goku's death he is allowed to keep his body and train in the Other World. Seven years pass and Goku gets stronger while Gohan's power decreases. Fortuneteller Baba allows Goku to return to Earth for a single day which marks the start of the Majin Buu arc (chapters 421-519) which is the final arc of the manga. The beginning of this final arc concentrates on a teenaged Gohan. All the male Saiyans manage to reach the level of Super Saiyan at least (including fusions). Gohan can still use Super Saiyan 2, while Goku and Vegeta obtain this transformation as well. And the final level of the Super Saiyans, Super Saiyan 3, is reached by Goku, and later Gotenks. A considerable number of fusions also take place to add to the series, allowing Goten and Trunks to fuse resulting in Gotenks, Goku and Vegeta fuse to create the single most powerful character in Dragon Ball: the invincible Vegito. During this series, Majin Buu destroys earth and even manages to increase his own power by absorbing Gotenks, Piccolo and Gohan. Majin Buu also succeeds where the villains Vegeta, Frieza and Cell had previously failed and destroys Earth. Earth and everyone that was on it when it was destroyed are restored using the Namekian Dragon Balls, and Kid Buu is destroyed by Goku's Spirit Bomb only after taking on Goku, Vegeta, Mr. Satan and Good Buu.

Kid Buu was reincarnated into a human being of pure good called Uub and Goku, Vegeta, Mr. Satan and the Good Buu return to Earth and returned to Earth to reunite with their friends and families. Ten years later, Goku asks Good Buu to cheat so Goku and Uub can have a match, after the match Goku decides to go to Uub's village and train Uub to his potential so that one day they can have a match to decide who is the strongest fighter in the universe (currently Goku). Uub's village later receives money from Mr. Satan. To say goodbye the heroes that appear in the manga (excluding minor characters), everyone waves to the readers and a large "THE END" sign is seen floating.

After completing this series, Toriyama had a break before making gag manga called Nekomajin. This story features many elements and a few characters from Dragon Ball, including characters such as Majin Buu, Vegeta, and Goku.

A Korean MMORPG that serves as a follow-up to the manga, Dragon Ball Online, was developed with Bandai Namco Games and NTL. The game acts as a sequel to the manga with Akira Toriyama having supervised all aspects of the game, from storyline and setting to character and location designs. In a press conference in South Korea on February 14, 2008, Kazuhiko Torishima, the director of Shueisha at the time (and Toriyama's first editor), stated that Toriyama had immersed himself in creating character designs and providing editorial supervision for the game for the past five years. Two of the main villains of the game, Mira and Towa, were created by Akira Toriyama himself.

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ have been said to be an expansion to the manga, as well as the new arcs of Dragon Ball Super, due to Toriyama's involvement in the production writing their respective scripts.


  • Dragon Balls: Dragon Balls are the namesake artifact of the Dragon Ball series. They are large, crystalline spheres (of varying sizes and colors) that feature five-pointed stars (ranging from one to seven, and also varying in sizes and colors, along with being either rigid or flat in appearance) inside of themselves (akin to glass art); individually, they have no powers, but united they have the ability to call forth their associated Eternal Dragon who can grant (usually) one wish(s).
    • Black Star Dragon Balls: A set of Dragon Balls created by a nameless Namekian, long before Kami's creation of Earth's Dragon Balls. This set of Dragon Balls summon Ultimate Sheron, who can grant wishes far more potent than the original Shenron can; such as being able to kill people with a wish. However, as a wish is made on the Black Star Dragon Balls, they spread out across the entire universe, and if they are not returned to the planet the wish was made on in a years time, it will destroy said planet.
    • Super Dragon Balls: This set of Dragon Balls were made by the Dragon God, Zalama, which are each the sizes of entire planets. The Super Dragon Balls summon Super Shenron, who dwarves entire galaxies with his size, and can seemingly grant virtually any wish, no matter the severity.
  • Super Saiyan: Super Saiyan is an advanced transformation assumed by members and hybrids of the Saiyan race in the Dragon Ball franchise, which was told in ancient Saiyan legend. Earthlings (of Saiyan heritage) in Dragon Ball Online can also assume the transformation by wishing to have their dormant Saiyan powers unlocked. This transformation grants a significant boost to the user's power, and has many evolved and mutated forms; including directly evolutions like Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3, and mutated versions like Super Saiyan 4 (accessed through Blutz Waves) and Super Saiyan God (accessed through God Ki.)

Power of the Verse

Dragon Ball


Even during the beginning era of Dragon Ball, the verse had many superhuman characters, starting all the way back at the strength of Wall level, the characters grew in strength through various different training regimens and sagas, reaching Small Building level for most characters, after Son Goku's journey before entering the 22nd budokai, they have all reached around City Block level. After surpassing his limits even further the strongest attacks for the likes of Master Roshi, Son Goku, King Piccolo, and Piccolo Jr. are Metropolis level, being the most powerful characters in the original series before Toriyama continued it with Z. Characters also are no slouch in speed, gaining Superhuman to Supersonic speeds, and eventually ending with High Hypersonic speeds. In terms of powers and abilities, the Dragon Ball characters have access to Energy Projection, Summoning, Size Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception, Telekinesis, Wish Granting, etcetera.

Dragon Ball Z

While original Dragon Ball was strong in it's own right, Dragon Ball Z is where characters start growing in strength absurdly. Almost all of the relevant characters by the end of the Saiyan Saga range from Metropolis level, with Multi-Continent level with their strongest charged attacks. By the time of the Android/Cell Saga, anyone fighting Semi Perfect Cell and above are Island level and the strongest characters reach Planet level with their most power charged attacks. They stay with this tiering through Buu Saga. With their speed ranging from Massively Hypersonic+ to At most Relativistic due to the sheer power increases they get. They also add on more new abilities such as the introduction of various abilities such as Healing, Attack Reflection, Reactive Power Level, Teleportation, Forcefield Creation, Time Stop, Paralysis Inducement, Fusionism, etcetera,

Dragon Ball Super

While most of the cast initially stay around their Buu Saga levels of strength, after Goku fights Beerus and absorbs the Super Saiyan God into his base form, many characters start training to surpass their previous limits and keep up with Goku, having a lot of them reach Island level in strength. They get even more abilities from before such as Destruction, Nothingness Manipulation, Resurrection, Destructive Aura, Omnipresence, etcetera.

Dragon Ball Super Manga

Despite being a manga adaptation of Dragon Ball Super, the power differs greatly, with characters being mostly at Island level and having only At most Relativistic speeds. The series gains some abilities such as Deconstruction, Instinctive Reaction, Paralysis Inducement, Destruction, etcetera.

Dragon Ball GT

The cast have powered up from their Dragon Ball Z selves as GT uses a mixture of the toei movies and the anime for its power set. Almost every major alien Son Goku, Trunks, and Pan comes across are able to give them a decent fight, with most characters reaching Island level in power. Their speed reaches the likes of At most Relativistic. They have some abilities such as, Possession, Negative Energy Manipulation, Corruption, Broadway Force, etcetera.

Dragon Ball Toei Movies

The cast here mostly stay around the same strength as Dragon Ball Z keeping the same set of tiers as their canon counterparts, their speed ranges from Massively Hypersonic+ to At most Relativistic. They gain some abilities from the movie with some of them being used more in this media then most of the animes such as, Forcefield Creation, Mind Control, Duplication, Shapeshifting, Law Manipulation, Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, etcetera.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Xenoverse cast as they deal with the main timeline stay around the same tiers as the main timeline.

Dragon Ball Heroes

Similar to Xenoverse, the characters fight various of the canon and non-canon characters but amplified, dealing with enemies from canon, the movies, GT cast, and Super Cast. With many of them reaching around Island level in strength, and a few characters reaching Universe level through absorbing the energy of the Universe Tree and being capable of making big bangs. The characters range from Massively Hypersonic+ to At most Relativistic to Faster Than Light in speed. They obtain far more abilities such as Probability Manipulation, Sealing, Fate Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, etcetera.

Dragonball Evolution

The verse is far weaker then all of the other forms of Dragon Ball media, though is is still quite strong in its own right. Ranging from Peak Human level to Room level in power, and having Hypersonic speeds. They have abilities such as, Afterimage Creation, Air Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Healing, Chi Manipulation, etcetera.


There are official dates to every major event in the series that could comprise together a major “Dragon Ball timeline.” However, there is still much confusion in the fanbase about what should be considered “canon” and what shouldn’t.

“Canon” in Dragon Ball is an incredibly complex topic that nobody can completely agree on, we have an entire page explaining how we treat canon in depth here.

Primary Timeline

This is material that is considered the main canon, of which every other material is based upon, and cannot be contradicted.

  • Dragon Ball: Chapter #1 (Bloomers and the Monkey King) - #519 (Farewell, Dragon World!)
  • Toei Animation’s Dragon Ball: Episode #1 (The Secret of the Dragon Balls) - #153 (The End, The Beginning)
  • Toei Animation’s Dragon Ball Z: Episode #1 (The New Threat) - #291 (Goku’s New Journey)
    • Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku
    • Dragon Ball Z: History of Trunks
  • Dragon Ball Z Kai: Episode 1 (Prologue to Battle! The Return of Goku!) - #167 (Even Stronger! Goku’s Dream is Never-Ending!)
  • Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
  • Dragon Ball Super: Episode #1 (The Peace Reward – Who Will Get the 100 Million Zeni?) - #131 (A Miraculous Conclusion! Farewell, Goku! Until We Meet Again!)
    • Dragon Ball Super: Broly
    • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse
    • Dragon Ball: The Breakers

Alternative Timelines

This is material that cannot co-exist with one another, but can individually be slotted into the Primary Canon, albeit sometimes with a few contradictions. These can be considered alternate timelines.

  • Dragon Ball Online
  • Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Dragon Ball GT: Episode #1 (A Devastating Wish) - #64 (Until We Meet Again)
    • Dragon Ball GT: A Hero’s Legacy
  • Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Episode #1 (Goku vs. Goku! A Transcendent Battle Begins on the Prison Planet!) - ???
  • Dragon Ball Super: Chapter #1 (God of Destruction’s Premonition) - ???
    • Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
    • Dragon Ball Minus
  • Dragon Ball Films: Movie #1 (Curse of the Blood Rubies) - Movie #4 (Path to Power)
  • Dragon Ball Z Films: Movie #1 (Dead Zone) - Movie #15 (Resurrection F)
  • Dragon Ball Video Games (ie. Dragon Ball Z Attack of the Saiyans, Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai, etcetera)
  • Nekomajin


This material fully does not fit with the continuity no matter how it's handled and thus should not be used at all in canon discussions.

  • Dragonball Evolution
  • J-Stars Victory Vs.
  • Jump Force



Attack Potency



Knowledgeable Members


Universe 7

Dragon Ball



Dragon Ball Z



Dragon Ball Super


Universe 6

Universe 10

Present Timeline

Future Timeline

Universe 11

Zeno's Palace

Dragon Ball Super (Manga)

Toei Movies

Movie Protagonists

Movie Antagonists

Dragon Ball GT

Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai

Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Dragon Ball: The Breakers

Dragon Ball Heroes

Neko Majin

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman

Other Media

Non-Canon Media
