| '''[[Large Size]]''' ('''Universal;''' [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=447 YHVH's presence is felt everywhere throughout the world], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=466 every emotion, concept, and feeling he is there to witness and exists in], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1192 noting he's with them every step of the way]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=602 Notes that he is existence himself]), '''[[Omniscience]]''', '''[[Freedom of Manifestation]]''' (YHVH is a rogue avatar of [[The Axiom]], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=2533 who tasks Messiahs with killing YHVH due to this]), '''[[Aura]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=18 Noted to have an angelic aura]), '''[[Transcendence]]''' ([https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=85 YHVH is a being who created] [http://shmuplations.com/smt/ infinite universes], [https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=70 and exists beyond the very boundaries of time within the universe], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=246 being infinite], and he exists as [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=165 an incomprehensible] [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=450 transcendent being overseeing everything in his creation]. [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=516 His universe is a place beyond reality that is more vague and more infinite then anything the cast has seen before] [https://youtu.be/8kNv01GNrpE?t=104 which includes areas such as the expanse] and Akrana Corridor), '''[[Omnipresence]]''' ('''Aspatiotemporal Omnipresence;''' [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=447 YHVH's presence is felt everywhere throughout the world], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=466 every emotion, concept, and feeling he is there to witness and exists in], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1192 noting he's with them every step of the way]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=602 Notes that he is existence himself]), '''[[Reality Seperation]]''' ('''Reality Separation;''' [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=452 YHVH exists outside of reality within his own realm]), '''[[Universal Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=85 Regarded as the creator of the universe]), '''[[Reliance]]''' ('''Reliance [On Concept];''' '''Full;''' [https://youtu.be/Ajh6RtXbxME?t=482 His single manifestation heads are a single part of his true self that controls the entire cosmos]. [https://dijehtranslations.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/kaneko-kazuma-comments-on-nocturne-demon-design/ All gods are avatars of The Great Will, including the likes of] [[Kagutsuchi (Shin Megami Tensei)|Kagutsuchi]]. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBJn2IrfER4&t=682s As long as people continue to seek his salvation], the will of the universe will recreate him again and again), '''[[Avatar Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Ajh6RtXbxME?t=482 His single manifestation heads are a single part of his true self that controls the entire cosmos]. [https://dijehtranslations.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/kaneko-kazuma-comments-on-nocturne-demon-design/ All gods are avatars of The Great Will, including the likes of] [[Kagutsuchi (Shin Megami Tensei)|Kagutsuchi]]), '''[[Healing]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Shin_Megami_Tensei:_20XX_Devil.27s_Colosseum With Mediarahan, fully restores HP]), '''[[Parallel Existence]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Ajh6RtXbxME?t=482 All YHVH manifestation heads are a single part of his true self that controls the entire cosmos], [https://eirikrjs.blogspot.com/2016/08/apocalypse-artbook.html with each head having control over a universe]<ref>He had a strong impact in the previous games, so I just followed the basic model. His image as the Father and main god was emphasised by the stern expression on his aged face. The panels with three angles in the middle of his face are there to portray him as a 3D representation. I showed multiple faces every time he appeared, in order to show he has all the universes under his rule. The true number of these faces is the number of stars, rather than just the number of lives we can observe.</ref>), '''[[Reincarnation]]''' '''[[Negation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/defQEm2-A3g?t=124 Broke] the SMT 1 Hero's cycle of reincarnation which is a cycle [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=2438 where one is sent back to] [[The Axiom]] and resurrected), '''[[Darkness Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=22 Massive dark energy tinged from his massive doors]), '''[[Sleep Manipulation]]''' ([https://imgur.com/a/kL9usXz Placed Set into a deep slumber until he was needed again]), '''[[Battlefield Removal]]''' (Forced Teleportation; [https://imgur.com/a/AQppUyn YHVH casted all other Gods into the abyss], [https://youtu.be/sBJn2IrfER4?t=713 along with the likes of] Lucifer), '''[[Metaphysics Manipulation]]''' (Soul Manipulation; [https://youtu.be/IQNfOr4GJlE?t=23464 Gave] Zayin his soul), [[Empathic Manipulation]] ([https://youtu.be/ipgiAgekNgY?t=378 The voice of the lord pacifies those and become his believers and followers] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDsibplcORA&t=685s and erases hostility from the world]), '''[[Power Nullification]]''' ([https://eirikrjs.blogspot.com/2016/08/apocalypse-artbook.html Can give one a physical form greatly weakening their abilities and restricting their range]<ref>Profile: The actual One God of monotheism. The One God praised by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He is the omnipotent existence that created heaven and earth and made man in his own image, but this also means that together with the angels, his bunrei [subparts], he also gave birth to demons. By giving humans bodies of flesh and bone, their lives and fears were repeated in the endless cycle of death and rebirth, restricting their range of observation.</ref>. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2_WH4yrwAk&t=75720s His song can negate] Mem Aleph into a physical form. [https://youtu.be/tlSYsvtMFRE?t=427 Even attempting to say his name will cause a static-like sound as his mere name cannot truly be heard or comprehended]. [https://youtu.be/nD-1IsA6fQg?t=720 Robbed all other Gods of their knowledge, debasing them into their infinitely weaker states]), '''[[Transmutation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nL4mXlNsUGo?list=PL4UpCLbFZpJEkD608a0CZJ6zhet5nziuF&t=881 Dethroned all of the world's old gods, transforming them into demons]), '''[[Erasure]]''' (Conceptual Erasure), '''[[Information Manipulation]]''', & '''[[Conceptual Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/ipgiAgekNgY?t=484 The song of the lord negates a demons existence], [https://imgur.com/a/6Ofsexj and returns them back to their pure natural state]. [https://youtu.be/nD-1IsA6fQg?t=720 Robbed the other gods of their knowledge, debasing them into their infinitely weaker states]), '''[[Fusionism]]''' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQNfOr4GJlE&t=15371s Forcibly fused Ashtar and Ishtar in response to his followers turning from his wrath to Ishtar's kindness]), '''[[Severing]]''' ([https://youtu.be/HUYqiYbbWU8?list=PL4UpCLbFZpJEkD608a0CZJ6zhet5nziuF&t=1216 Sundered apart Beelzebub and Bael from each other, putting them in far weaker forms and removing their godhoods]), '''[[Infinity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=237 YHVH embodies and manipulates the concept of infinity]), '''[[Plot Manipulation]]''' ('''Story Manipulation''', '''Author Authority;''' As YHVH created and embodies everything, he also created and embodied the Akarana Corridor [https://youtu.be/haOVB8wCagU?list=PLZ-IDxWdqee_02DqvdXSdY3BjrLzAaxAY&t=957 a void that transcends time and space] [https://youtu.be/Fm1lhGxKTfs?list=PLZ-IDxWdqee_02DqvdXSdY3BjrLzAaxAY&t=1357 that controls the fundamental narrative structure of the multiverse], [https://imgur.com/a/KcT9Zm1 deciding what's "canon" and what's "retconned"], [https://imgur.com/a/K0Ksm6M with events from SMT 1 & 2 being included]), '''[[Law Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Order Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=242 YHVH is the embodiment of and can manipulate the concept of law and order]), '''[[Truth Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=2259 Controls truths, and forces all to follow them], [https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=93 is the creator of all truths within the universe]), '''[[Personal Domain]]''' & '''[[Higher-Dimensional Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=250 Has a personal realm] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=516 which is his own universe], [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=828 which contains brane layers] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=1253 with each layer being linked to a higher dimension, reaching another plane of his universe]), '''[[Mimicry]]''' (Physiology Mimicry) & '''[[Illusion Creation]]''' ("Real" Illusions; [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=1186 YHVH creates illusionary copies] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=875 of previous bosses] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=1222 and can recreate anyone they've fought]), '''[[Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=594 Is the creator of the universe], [https://youtu.be/jNgSo-PKz3I?t=177 can create an infinite amount of Metatron's as he pleases]), '''[[Fate Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=273 YHVH is the guidance of all mankind, guiding them through their destiny]), '''[[Power Bestowal]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=402 The likes of] Metatron and Satan are under YHVH's protection), '''[[Velocity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=434 YHVH always strikes first at the beginning of battle regardless of the protagonists speed]), '''[[Statistics Amplification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=435 With Luster Candy, amplifies all stats]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=883 With Smile Charge, induces smirk] [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Smirk?so=search the effects of Smirking include maximizing buffs like Tarukaja (boosts attack damage), boosting critical chance of attacks to 95% and 70% for phys and gun respectively, boosting hit rate of normal attacks and physical skills to 100%, removing the unit's weakness and preventing the enemy's critical chance, and boosting evasion rate to 85% against all incoming attacks, but with no changes to ailment infliction chances]), '''[[Statistics Reduction]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=633 With Debilitate, decreases all stats]), [[Holy Manipulation]] ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=729 With divine wave, a holy attack]), '''[[Resistance Bypassing]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=783 His attacks have a piece effect] [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Pierce#Effect pierce allows the user's physical attacks to bypass all resistances, except for Repel]), '''[[Ice Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=783 With Hailstorm of God, heavy ice damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Fire Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1087 With Inferno of God, heavy fire damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Electricity Manipulation]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ With Lightning of God, heavy elec damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Air Manipulation]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ With Tornado of God, heavy force damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Explosion Manipulation]]''', '''[[Resistance Manipulation]]''', '''[[Power Nullification]]''', & '''[[Law Manipulation|Law Negation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=922 With planned chaos, induces medium almighty damage], [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Almighty_Skills?so=search Almighty damage is] done to all foes by [https://youtu.be/OzSx4S5XF58?t=26 producing a large explosion]. Modes such as [https://youtu.be/HmtYGEqWToQ?list=PLRPbxipKUZWWrTlWxEL82l7MigAG7oBfe&t=2683 Berserk Mode from] ''Digital Devil Saga 2'' [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Berserk_Mode?so=search gives all of their attacks almighty effect], [https://youtu.be/HmtYGEqWToQ?list=PLRPbxipKUZWWrTlWxEL82l7MigAG7oBfe&t=2688 where it bypasses all resistances].Almighty skills bypasses all [[Forcefield Creation|barriers]] and [[Attack Reflection|reflectors]], [[Invulnerability|invulnerability]], and [[Resistance|resistances]], as putting up barriers to reflect, void, resist, etcetera do not affect almighty attacks. Almighty attacks can even work in and affect reason bearers, [https://youtu.be/sQqsP_6X990?t=170 who can change the very laws of battle to make attacks not allowed in reality] [https://youtu.be/UFPGSQrz8zA?t=74 which if they are done then the character is sent straight to hell], showing almighty attacks are beyond even the laws of the universe), '''[[Status Effect Inducement]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=922 With planned chaos, medium almighty damage that inflicts charm/bind/panic to a foe]), '''[[Durability Negation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1180 With Miracle], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1520 instantly reduces foes HP to 1, and greatly reduces their MP]), '''[[Paralysis Inducement]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1271 YHVH's glare can freeze one in place]), '''[[Power Nullification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1271 Can inflict mute on all party members, making them unable to use abilities along with decreasing their stats]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1544 With Divine Harmony, removes all buffs, debuffs, and other effects (smirk, charge, Doping) on all foes]), '''[[Death Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1488 With Mouth of God], [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ an almighty-type attack that can induce instant kill]), '''[[Fear Manipulation]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ With Authorative Stance, instills an authorative aura on the user, removing 3 of their press turns]). | | '''[[Large Size]]''' ('''Universal;''' [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=447 YHVH's presence is felt everywhere throughout the world], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=466 every emotion, concept, and feeling he is there to witness and exists in], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1192 noting he's with them every step of the way]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=602 Notes that he is existence himself]), '''[[Omniscience]]''', '''[[Freedom of Manifestation]]''' (YHVH is a rogue avatar of [[The Axiom]], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=2533 who tasks Messiahs with killing YHVH due to this]), '''[[Aura]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=18 Noted to have an angelic aura]), '''[[Transcendence]]''' ([https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=85 YHVH is a being who created] [http://shmuplations.com/smt/ infinite universes], [https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=70 and exists beyond the very boundaries of time within the universe], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=246 being infinite], and he exists as [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=165 an incomprehensible] [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=450 transcendent being overseeing everything in his creation]. [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=516 His universe is a place beyond reality that is more vague and more infinite then anything the cast has seen before] [https://youtu.be/8kNv01GNrpE?t=104 which includes areas such as the expanse] and Akrana Corridor), '''[[Omnipresence]]''' ('''Aspatiotemporal Omnipresence;''' [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=447 YHVH's presence is felt everywhere throughout the world], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=466 every emotion, concept, and feeling he is there to witness and exists in], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1192 noting he's with them every step of the way]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=602 Notes that he is existence himself]), '''[[Reality Seperation]]''' ('''Reality Separation;''' [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=452 YHVH exists outside of reality within his own realm]), '''[[Universal Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=85 Regarded as the creator of the universe]), '''[[Reliance]]''' ('''Reliance [On Concept];''' '''Full;''' [https://youtu.be/Ajh6RtXbxME?t=482 His single manifestation heads are a single part of his true self that controls the entire cosmos]. [https://dijehtranslations.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/kaneko-kazuma-comments-on-nocturne-demon-design/ All gods are avatars of The Great Will, including the likes of] [[Kagutsuchi (Shin Megami Tensei)|Kagutsuchi]]. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBJn2IrfER4&t=682s As long as people continue to seek his salvation], the will of the universe will recreate him again and again), '''[[Avatar Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Ajh6RtXbxME?t=482 His single manifestation heads are a single part of his true self that controls the entire cosmos]. [https://dijehtranslations.wordpress.com/2016/08/08/kaneko-kazuma-comments-on-nocturne-demon-design/ All gods are avatars of The Great Will, including the likes of] [[Kagutsuchi (Shin Megami Tensei)|Kagutsuchi]]), '''[[Healing]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Shin_Megami_Tensei:_20XX_Devil.27s_Colosseum With Mediarahan, fully restores HP]), '''[[Parallel Existence]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Ajh6RtXbxME?t=482 All YHVH manifestation heads are a single part of his true self that controls the entire cosmos], [https://eirikrjs.blogspot.com/2016/08/apocalypse-artbook.html with each head having control over a universe]<ref>He had a strong impact in the previous games, so I just followed the basic model. His image as the Father and main god was emphasised by the stern expression on his aged face. The panels with three angles in the middle of his face are there to portray him as a 3D representation. I showed multiple faces every time he appeared, in order to show he has all the universes under his rule. The true number of these faces is the number of stars, rather than just the number of lives we can observe.</ref>), '''[[Reincarnation]]''' '''[[Negation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/defQEm2-A3g?t=124 Broke] the SMT 1 Hero's cycle of reincarnation which is a cycle [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=2438 where one is sent back to] [[The Axiom]] and resurrected), '''[[Darkness Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=22 Massive dark energy tinged from his massive doors]), '''[[Sleep Manipulation]]''' ([https://imgur.com/a/kL9usXz Placed Set into a deep slumber until he was needed again]), '''[[Battlefield Removal]]''' (Forced Teleportation; [https://imgur.com/a/AQppUyn YHVH casted all other Gods into the abyss], [https://youtu.be/sBJn2IrfER4?t=713 along with the likes of] Lucifer), '''[[Metaphysics Manipulation]]''' (Soul Manipulation; [https://youtu.be/IQNfOr4GJlE?t=23464 Gave] Zayin his soul), [[Empathic Manipulation]] ([https://youtu.be/ipgiAgekNgY?t=378 The voice of the lord pacifies those and become his believers and followers] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDsibplcORA&t=685s and erases hostility from the world]), '''[[Power Nullification]]''' ([https://eirikrjs.blogspot.com/2016/08/apocalypse-artbook.html Can give one a physical form greatly weakening their abilities and restricting their range]<ref>Profile: The actual One God of monotheism. The One God praised by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He is the omnipotent existence that created heaven and earth and made man in his own image, but this also means that together with the angels, his bunrei [subparts], he also gave birth to demons. By giving humans bodies of flesh and bone, their lives and fears were repeated in the endless cycle of death and rebirth, restricting their range of observation.</ref>. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2_WH4yrwAk&t=75720s His song can negate] Mem Aleph into a physical form. [https://youtu.be/tlSYsvtMFRE?t=427 Even attempting to say his name will cause a static-like sound as his mere name cannot truly be heard or comprehended]. [https://youtu.be/nD-1IsA6fQg?t=720 Robbed all other Gods of their knowledge, debasing them into their infinitely weaker states]), '''[[Transmutation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nL4mXlNsUGo?list=PL4UpCLbFZpJEkD608a0CZJ6zhet5nziuF&t=881 Dethroned all of the world's old gods, transforming them into demons]), '''[[Erasure]]''' (Conceptual Erasure), '''[[Information Manipulation]]''', & '''[[Conceptual Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/ipgiAgekNgY?t=484 The song of the lord negates a demons existence], [https://imgur.com/a/6Ofsexj and returns them back to their pure natural state]. [https://youtu.be/nD-1IsA6fQg?t=720 Robbed the other gods of their knowledge, debasing them into their infinitely weaker states]), '''[[Fusionism]]''' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQNfOr4GJlE&t=15371s Forcibly fused Ashtar and Ishtar in response to his followers turning from his wrath to Ishtar's kindness]), '''[[Severing]]''' ([https://youtu.be/HUYqiYbbWU8?list=PL4UpCLbFZpJEkD608a0CZJ6zhet5nziuF&t=1216 Sundered apart Beelzebub and Bael from each other, putting them in far weaker forms and removing their godhoods]), '''[[Infinity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=237 YHVH embodies and manipulates the concept of infinity]), '''[[Plot Manipulation]]''' ('''Story Manipulation''', '''Author Authority;''' As YHVH created and embodies everything, he also created and embodied the Akarana Corridor [https://youtu.be/haOVB8wCagU?list=PLZ-IDxWdqee_02DqvdXSdY3BjrLzAaxAY&t=957 a void that transcends time and space] [https://youtu.be/Fm1lhGxKTfs?list=PLZ-IDxWdqee_02DqvdXSdY3BjrLzAaxAY&t=1357 that controls the fundamental narrative structure of the multiverse], [https://imgur.com/a/KcT9Zm1 deciding what's "canon" and what's "retconned"], [https://imgur.com/a/K0Ksm6M with events from SMT 1 & 2 being included]), '''[[Law Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Order Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=242 YHVH is the embodiment of and can manipulate the concept of law and order]), '''[[Truth Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=2259 Controls truths, and forces all to follow them], [https://youtu.be/ijJFkJ6l058?t=93 is the creator of all truths within the universe]), '''[[Personal Domain]]''' & '''[[Higher-Dimensional Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=250 Has a personal realm] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=516 which is his own universe], [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=828 which contains brane layers] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=1253 with each layer being linked to a higher dimension, reaching another plane of his universe]), '''[[Mimicry]]''' (Physiology Mimicry) & '''[[Illusion Creation]]''' ("Real" Illusions; [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=1186 YHVH creates illusionary copies] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=875 of previous bosses] [https://youtu.be/L23HK4gdQY0?t=1222 and can recreate anyone they've fought]), '''[[Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=594 Is the creator of the universe], [https://youtu.be/jNgSo-PKz3I?t=177 can create an infinite amount of Metatron's as he pleases]), '''[[Fate Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=273 YHVH is the guidance of all mankind, guiding them through their destiny]), '''[[Power Bestowal]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=402 The likes of] Metatron and Satan are under YHVH's protection), '''[[Velocity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=434 YHVH always strikes first at the beginning of battle regardless of the protagonists speed]), '''[[Statistics Amplification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=435 With Luster Candy, amplifies all stats]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=883 With Smile Charge, induces smirk] [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Smirk?so=search the effects of Smirking include maximizing buffs like Tarukaja (boosts attack damage), boosting critical chance of attacks to 95% and 70% for phys and gun respectively, boosting hit rate of normal attacks and physical skills to 100%, removing the unit's weakness and preventing the enemy's critical chance, and boosting evasion rate to 85% against all incoming attacks, but with no changes to ailment infliction chances]), '''[[Statistics Reduction]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=633 With Debilitate, decreases all stats]), [[Holy Manipulation]] ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=729 With divine wave, a holy attack]), '''[[Resistance Bypassing]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=783 His attacks have a piece effect] [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Pierce#Effect pierce allows the user's physical attacks to bypass all resistances, except for Repel]), '''[[Ice Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=783 With Hailstorm of God, heavy ice damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Fire Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1087 With Inferno of God, heavy fire damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Electricity Manipulation]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ With Lightning of God, heavy elec damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Air Manipulation]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ With Tornado of God, heavy force damage to all foes, pierces resistances]), '''[[Explosion Manipulation]]''', '''[[Resistance Manipulation]]''', '''[[Power Nullification]]''', & '''[[Law Manipulation|Law Negation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=922 With planned chaos, induces medium almighty damage], [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Almighty_Skills?so=search Almighty damage is] done to all foes by [https://youtu.be/OzSx4S5XF58?t=26 producing a large explosion]. Modes such as [https://youtu.be/HmtYGEqWToQ?list=PLRPbxipKUZWWrTlWxEL82l7MigAG7oBfe&t=2683 Berserk Mode from] ''Digital Devil Saga 2'' [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Berserk_Mode?so=search gives all of their attacks almighty effect], [https://youtu.be/HmtYGEqWToQ?list=PLRPbxipKUZWWrTlWxEL82l7MigAG7oBfe&t=2688 where it bypasses all resistances].Almighty skills bypasses all [[Forcefield Creation|barriers]] and [[Attack Reflection|reflectors]], [[Invulnerability|invulnerability]], and [[Resistance|resistances]], as putting up barriers to reflect, void, resist, etcetera do not affect almighty attacks. Almighty attacks can even work in and affect reason bearers, [https://youtu.be/sQqsP_6X990?t=170 who can change the very laws of battle to make attacks not allowed in reality] [https://youtu.be/UFPGSQrz8zA?t=74 which if they are done then the character is sent straight to hell], showing almighty attacks are beyond even the laws of the universe), '''[[Status Effect Inducement]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=922 With planned chaos, medium almighty damage that inflicts charm/bind/panic to a foe]), '''[[Durability Negation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1180 With Miracle], [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1520 instantly reduces foes HP to 1, and greatly reduces their MP]), '''[[Paralysis Inducement]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1271 YHVH's glare can freeze one in place]), '''[[Power Nullification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1271 Can inflict mute on all party members, making them unable to use abilities along with decreasing their stats]. [https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1544 With Divine Harmony, removes all buffs, debuffs, and other effects (smirk, charge, Doping) on all foes]), '''[[Death Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/dFuKLmruIzQ?t=1488 With Mouth of God], [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ an almighty-type attack that can induce instant kill]), '''[[Fear Manipulation]]''' ([https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/YHVH?so=search#Form_1_ With Authorative Stance, instills an authorative aura on the user, removing 3 of their press turns]). |