| The castle is the symbol of the chaos within humans and as long as people exist, it will not be completely sealed.</ref>, [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=1541 only being ended by sealing his castle within a solar eclipse]<ref>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow</ref>), '''[[Reliance]]''' ('''On Humanity's Evil;''' [https://youtu.be/VbU1ODXTOKw?t=2398 Dracula will keep coming back to life due to the evil minds of human beings]<ref>Vampire Killer MSX</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7543 It is noted that Dracula's resurrection is not fueled by his own magic but through the lust for power, jealousy of others, belief in evil, the human emotions that fuel his resurrection]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>), '''[[Supernatural Resilience]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=38 Can live as just a head, using his head to form an amalgamation of five demonic faces with an exposed brain]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Supernatural Luck]]''' ([https://youtu.be/5gPB-oNm-NI?t=102 Dracula's mere eye grants one a boost of luck]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Eye of Vlad</ref>), '''[[Extrasensory Perception]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=3527 Dracula's eyeball can see invisible objects]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>. [https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=In%20Dracula%E2%80%99s%20eyeball,in%20Dracula%27s%20eyeball. Dracula's eyeball can see something that has been cursed away from sight]. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=314 Dracula could sense the connection between Annette and the Belmont family]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=555 Can see the Bitterfly, a mutated insect, visible only to magicians]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 106</ref>. [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=10517 Soma Cruz upon awakening to becoming Dracula could sense where Alucard was]<ref>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Graham Boss</ref>), '''[[Transformation]]''' ('''Shapeshifting;''' Dracula can transform into different manners of beast and alike, [https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1966 during his fight with Simon Belmont he turned into a large white creature]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>. [https://youtu.be/7LkAFhBpxtg?t=1608 Appeared before Simon Belmont as a flock of bats]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/oh-JYgEximA?list=PLA7CF8E257AE3FBAB&t=203 Mathias can transform into a bat]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2913 Can transform into a werewolf]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrO5kqdeOCXBattlefield RemovalfcmY6_uRlgsGzXGnJ2/view?usp=sharing Dracula used what remained of his magical powers to transform his body into mist after Christopher defeated him]<ref>Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge Game Manual Page 4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=114 Can turn into a beast that moves so fast it catches on fire]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>. '''Body Morphing;''' [https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2881 Can morph his body to sprouted wings, allowing him to fly with that, asides from his occassional levitation]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=78 Has done this against Richter/Maria to unleash his full power]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Flight]]''' (Dracula can fly in a manner of different ways [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=7 he can either call upon the Power of Darkness]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=2208 giving him a form with massive wings]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Final Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/oh-JYgEximA?list=PLA7CF8E257AE3FBAB&t=203 transform into a bat]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence</ref>, [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=1999 naturally levitate]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Afterimage Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=30 Moves so fast he leaves afterimages behind]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse</ref>), '''[[Intangibility]]''' ('''Phasing;''' [https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1893 Upon appearing in his fight against Simon Belmont, his head phased through the floor and then the rest of his body appeared]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>), '''[[Empowerment]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=76 Made a pact with an Evil God, allowing him to call upon its power to help him]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Resurrection]]''' ('''Self-Resurrection;''' [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7552 It is noted by the Elgos, a group that fully documents all of history within the Grimoires, that Dracula normally can only be resurrected once every 100 years without the influence of human emotions causing irregularities]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=11814 Through this end he can gather the magic needed to revive through negative human emotions]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 4 That Which Writhes</ref>. '''Repeated Resurrection''', '''Resurrection of the Deceased;''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16gn8Mxfb1kf_9DGbH-oop6Ml-3RxSpoh/view?usp=sharing Through absorbing human blood, even on his corpse, he can come back to life]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles Game Manual Page 4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=1555 The battle between] [[Desmond Belmont]] and Rohan Krause was enough to revive Dracula<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Dracula has also shown to be able to resurrect from merely a single drop of blood hitting his body]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>. '''Resurrection of Multiple Targets''', '''Resurrection of the Deceased;''' [https://youtu.be/aa-CU7D5WKY?t=31 Dracula revived dark gods with his powers]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse</ref>), '''[[Reality Warping]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/jiLr2NDdqMc?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=183 Merely through transforming Dracula warped the very background of his castle]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/ASKkPR5-Ir4?t=1769 Caused the entire background to become warped ad distorted]<Ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=3025 Against John Morris/Eric Lecarde, completely warped the background once entering his true form]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Teleportation]]''' & '''[[Light Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1900 In his fight against Simon Belmont, he freely teleported around in his first form]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=45 Brings down pillars of light that he uses to teleport around]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/fZWbKQxeCJU?t=3372 Causes a beam of light to appear that he can teleport around with]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=270 Dracula's death causes the light beam to come across the entire castle and teleport it away]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4711 He can use his light pillar teleportation technique as a means to trick his opponent by creating several, with him only appearing out of one]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=306 Teleported to Shaft after sensing a connection Anette had with the Belmont family]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles</ref>), '''[[Duplication]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1909 Can create four giant heads of his to attack with]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6665 Dracula can make a figment of his magic that is a re-enactment of memories stored within his powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>), '''[[Empowerment]]''' ([https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=351 Dracula can]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref> [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=2561 call upon]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles Final Boss</ref> [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=250 the] [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=276 Power of]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Final Boss</ref> [https://youtu.be/D1NQQwfcdmE?t=106 Darkness] [https://youtu.be/D1NQQwfcdmE?t=166 to gain]<ref>Castlevania: Adventure Rebirth</ref> [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=1682 a new] [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=1742 form that]<ref>Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles</ref> [https://youtu.be/Tx-ATZXdsKE?t=2252 greatly upgrades all of his statistics]<ref>Castlevania (N64) Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Weapon Creation]]''' & '''[[Weapon Control]]''' ([https://youtu.be/7LkAFhBpxtg?t=1619 Dracula can create knives that he can freely control to throw at Simon]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>), '''[[Non-Standard Interaction]]''' ('''Dark Matter Interaction;''' [https://youtu.be/Q8e2k5-11jI?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=353 Dracula has objects such as dark matter in his castle meaning he can interact with them], [https://www.energy.gov/science/doe-explainsdark-matter#:~:text=Dark%20matter%20is%20very%20different,attraction%2C%20just%20like%20ordinary%20matter. which barely interacts with ordinary matter]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>), '''[[Possession]]''' ([https://youtu.be/VbU1ODXTOKw?t=2347 Can put his soul within a painting and bring it to life to use as an attack]<ref>Vampire Hunter MSX</ref>. [https://youtu.be/d41URmWjsaA?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=442 Dracula can possess Devil Forgemasters to bring himself back to life, such as when he possessed Isaac to resurrect himself]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Isaac Second Boss Fight</ref>. [https://youtu.be/cKjb7kFVLe0?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=1096 Dracula's remains created a second spirit within Maxim that possessed him]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref> [https://youtu.be/wEa-DnUetLo?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=383 leaving Maxim's body and possessing Dracula's remains]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Dracula Wraith Boss</ref> spawning way to [[Dracula's Wraith]]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1504 Merely absorbing Dracula's magic corrupts one and turns them into another Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Statistics Amplification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=12873 Dracula's strength increases each time he revives]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Crystal Drop Stage 5</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wyirHCrrFfgsq1qPToliujzGzVgfl0pA?usp=sharing Every 100 years]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Game Manual Pages 4-5</ref> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16gn8Mxfb1kf_9DGbH-oop6Ml-3RxSpoh/view?usp=sharing Dracula gets]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles Game Manual Page 4</ref> [https://youtu.be/KyL8tt2OkeA?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=83 stronger and stronger]<ref>Super Castlevania IV</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=16047 Noted by Richter to get stronger every reincarnation]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 5 Dark Laughter</ref>), '''[[Statistics Boost]]''' ([https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=7151 The more Dracula's hatred increases, the more the power of Chaos empowers him]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord "Rebirth"</ref>), '''[[Statistics Reduction]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1i1JboYGTR3fJDtk3L2LbgykqrT25X-kI?usp=sharing It's noted that every 100 years]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Game Manual Pages 4-5</ref> [https://youtu.be/KyL8tt2OkeA?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=83 the forces of Good mysteriously become weak and the forces of Evil gain a foothold into the world]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/oxlxwS6scd8?t=2632 One that wears Dracula's clothes will have their luck reduced]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC1EKRCUooA&t=12880s however it is noted by Simon that Dracula grows stronger ecah time he revives]), '''[[Telekinesis]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1910 Was telekinetically lifting Simon's wife into the air] [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1946 with the affect breaking once he died]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=78 Could telekinetically lift the blocks around in his boss fight]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Battlefield Removal]]''' ('''Forced Teleportation;''' [https://youtu.be/lPK03AxqDyk?t=19 Can teleport other targets, such as teleporting Simon's wife to his arms]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4855 Forcibly teleported him and Reinhardt Schneider/Carrie Fernandez to a different realm when unleashing his true form]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4641 Forcibly teleported him and Cornell upon transforming into his true form]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Ultimate Boss</ref>. '''Application Based;''' [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=87 Upon transforming he caused him and Richter/Maria to be put into a new realm]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Breath Attack]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1913 Can shoot out attacks and projectiles from his mouth]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/jiLr2NDdqMc?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=201 Can shoot fireballs out of his breath]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=152 Can shoot fire out of his mouth]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=199 Shoots out glyphs from his mouth]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4936 Shot a giant energy ball from his mouth in his true form]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Energy Projection]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1924 Can shoot out eye lasers]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=78 Can shoot energy beams out of his eyes] [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=81 and hands]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/XqhuF3NTq0A?t=179 Can shoot energy projectiles out into 4 directions diagonally]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure</ref>. [https://youtu.be/PMCjamLO03Q?t=3422 Created energy orbs around him that he can shoot outwards to attack]<ref>Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge</ref>. [https://youtu.be/fZWbKQxeCJU?t=3446 Can shoot energy projectiles from the sky that split and attack anything on the ground]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=46 Can shoot out energy projectiles that split into 3 projectiles that attack in the air]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=105 Can shoot out three energy projectiles that expand]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=144 Can shoot out a laser attack that travels across the ground and expand outwards]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Curtain Fire]]''' ('''Directional;''' [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=61 Creates an energy ball that fires multiple small energy bullets in a 360 degree area]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. '''Multi-Directional;''' [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Causes an entire blood rain to fall, with over hundreds of droplets, where if even one hits, it will deal damage]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Homing Attack]]''' ([https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=48 Can shoot out several energy projectiles that home in on the target]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Shockwave Generation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Upon resurrecting, unleashed a massive shockwave that pushed all of the cult members back]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4944 Unleashed a massive shockwave in his true form]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Power Bestowal]]''' ([https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=The%20claw%20of,shatter%20evil%20walls. Dracula’s Nail grants the ability to break things one otherwise couldn’t]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>, [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=53 along with increase one's strength]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Nail of Vlad Description</ref>. [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=56 Dracula's mere fang can increase one's defenses]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Fang of Vlad Description</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=662 Dracula's presence greatly powers the creatures of the night, making them stronger as time goes on]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://www.castlevaniacrypt.com/oos-characters/#:~:text=The%20lord%20of%20darkness%2C%20he%20is%20pure%20evil.%20Served%20by%20humans%20who%20hope%20to%20be%20granted%20rewards%20of%20immortality. Noted that Dracula can grant humans immortality], [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=17 with The Order attempting to resurrect Dracula in order to receive greater power and eternal life]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2013 Even while sealed and deceased, Dracula's darkness alone covered Barlowe, having his strength return to him and giving him the power to destroy his seal]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Fusionism]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/162QGl-exPOOK1UAIlucMShHwcDVyWgER?usp=sharing Dracula was able to fuse the abilities of a bat with those a human]<ref>Castlevania: Legends Page 12</ref>, [[Castlevania_Timeline#Castlevania_Series_that_are_alternate_timelines|in an alternate timeline]]), '''[[Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=288 Dracula's evil and magic is the reason why devil forging exists], [https://youtu.be/QYG1TLWCLX0?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=299 which has one create a devil]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>. [https://youtu.be/cKjb7kFVLe0?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=1061 Through merely the use of his remains and using Maxim's will a castle similar to Castlevania was created]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>), '''[[Corruption]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrO5kqdeOCXBattlefield RemovalfcmY6_uRlgsGzXGnJ2/view?usp=sharing Dracula used his last bit of magic to turn] [[Soleil Belmont]] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrO5kqdeOCXBattlefield RemovalfcmY6_uRlgsGzXGnJ2/view?usp=sharing into a terrible demon]<ref>Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge Game Manual Page 5</ref>), '''[[Attack Reflection]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=1657 Dracula's mere rib bone reflects all projectiles back]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Nullification]]''' ('''Passive''' {For all of them}, '''Curse Nullification;''' [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=45 Dracula's mere eye has the power to negate curses]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Eye of Vlad Description</ref>. '''Petrification Nullification;''' [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=49 His mere heart has the power to negate petrification]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Heart of Vlad Description</ref>. '''Poison Negation;''' [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=51 His mere rib has the power to negate poison]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Rib of Vlad Description</ref>. '''Sealing Nullification;''' [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1969 The power of Dominus can completely rid seals]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=3162 Easily broke a seal placed by the man-beast on a creature]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness</ref>), '''[[Transmutation]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X54sY-mC_eqSAycqxJRvjT4ylcgY1ODc?usp=sharing Noted by Dracula that if Hector has betrayed him he would use his magic to transform him into an especially hideous demon where he shall crawl on the ground and drink sewage as a hideous monster]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Manga Volume 1 Chapter 1</ref>), '''[[Summoning]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2852 Dracula can summon enemies to fight for him]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/CgDceKXxW00?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=853 Maxim corrupted by the spirit of Dracula's remains was able to summon a boss to fight Juste]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>), '''[[Invisibility]]''' (Dracula possesses a natural aura of darkness, [https://youtu.be/DW43WR30vLI?t=354 which makes one unable to see those with an aura of darkness by the naked eye]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Bestiary No. 064</ref>), '''[[Immersion]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8496 It is either through Death's help or Dracula's magic that Soma is able to enter the grimoires], <ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 9 Vessel for the Lord</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=1736 which Lucy notes to be impossible with her being the only one able to send people into grimoires]<Ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Proglogue/Chapter 1 Dracul's Castle</ref>), '''[[Absorption]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula can absorb any darkness based attack]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Lifeforce Absorption]]''' ([https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=275 Dracula can bite his enemies and drain their lifeforce to heal himself]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Soul Absorption]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12233 Dracula is able to absorb Death's soul, and by proxy the soul of others]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Power Mimicry]]''' ([https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1252 One of the Dark Lord candidates that inherit his dark powers]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord Candidates</ref>, Dmitri Blinov, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1836 can perfectly copy techniques after just being hit by them]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dmitri Blinov and Malphas Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=7258 copied the Power of Dominance from Soma Cruz through touching his soul and copying his ability]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord "Rebirth"</ref>), '''[[Information Analysis]]''' ([https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1252 One of the Dark Lord candidates that inherit his dark powers]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord Candidates</ref>, Dmitri Blinov, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=7304 who scanned the the memories of Soma's past lives]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord "Rebirth"</ref>), '''[[Subjective Reality]]''' ([https://youtu.be/GihvWDlMzWk?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=381 Noted by Maxim that the Castle was forged from the fabric of his mind, bringing what was in Maxim's mind into reality]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>), '''[[Erasure]]''' ('''Metaphysical Erasure;''' [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1684 Dracula's magic can overpower and erase one's will and spirit], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1660 with Albus only surviving due to gaining the blood of the Belmont clan]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Regeneration Negation]]''' (Atemporal), '''[[Immortality Negation]]''' (Life and Death Immunity), & '''[[Irreversible Damage]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12233 Through Dracula absorbing Death's soul] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12520 Death was also destroyed along with Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Final Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8848 even though Death appearing in the books is through nothing more than him possessing his image written in the text]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 9 Vessel for the Lord</ref>, [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6727 where he can reform himself endlessly and no damage actually mattered to him]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>), '''[[Hellfire Manipulation]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hxHhVfqMVPyvdqDGlkjJKy3Z1Axbrrn0/view?usp=sharing Dracula's fire attacks are all hellfire, as even Desmond using fire attacks channeled from him are describe as such]<Ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1900 Can shoot out 3 fire projectiles at once from his cape]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=144 Can shoot out green fireballs everytime he jumps]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=27 Can create two pillars of fire to trap a target and then hit them with a pillar of fire in the middle], [https://youtu.be/UrLdIiW6bEo?list=PLnWJUvdl882vNnFeJFxyeOLuiFkRdnz7Z&t=660 sometimes being impossible to dodge depending on the position the person in]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=1839 Can shoot out large fireballs from his cape]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1919 Causes pillars of pinkish fire to rise up]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=331 Can create an entire tornado of hellfire]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1902 Can burn his body to the point of nothing remaining but his soul]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/fZWbKQxeCJU?t=3363 Caused all of the candles in the background to light up and blind the entire room before he appeared]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=72 Can set fire enemies that track onto a target]<ref>Super Castlevania IV</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=223 Can conjure fire from glyphs that drop down and spread outwards]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1252 One of the Dark Lord candidates that inherit his dark powers]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord Candidates</ref>, Dario Bossi, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1571 has the ability to create fires, being implicated in countless inexplicable fires]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow</ref>, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=2364 and burned an entire room]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dario Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=2435 Along with this Dario can use fire to teleport]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dario Boss</ref>), '''[[Holy Manipulation]]''' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoQLnVdsBeQ&t=225s Can use Demonic Megiddo]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Dracula Ultimate Attack</ref>, which [https://imgur.com/a/X8pwyZd contains holy power]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence</ref>), '''[[Crystal Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=120 Can cause various crystals to come out of the ground to attack his foes]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Vacuum Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4503 Can create a strong vacuum to pull one in so he can bite them]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Familiar Summoning]]''', '''[[Matter Manipulation]]''' ('''3-D''') & '''[[Metaphysics Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=288 Dracula's evil and magic is the reason why devil forging exists]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>, [https://drive.google.com/drive/u/4/folders/1sUDQ3QT2HHQQVb21Sq67vISXrp4tUjdD with the mere remnants of his magic being so strong Hector can use them to create an Innocent Devil]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Page 14</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aNXBlgHEyKxlDBccSE4f5ap5Fp_YUOcN?usp=sharing Devil Forging has one to giving it a shape and soul, giving it a shell and applying stable power to the shell so the mass of energy without conscious can be transformed into a living devil]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Manga Volume 1 Chapter 2</ref>), '''[[Blood Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=308 Can spit out blood as an attack]<Ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=73 Can create spheres of blood from his attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Causes an entire blood rain to fall, with over hundreds of droplets, where if even one hits, it will deal damage]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Soul Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=7363 Dracula can use soul steal, to steal one's soul, absorbing their entire existence within him]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1911 Can disconnect his soul from his body]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2816 God is unable to help the souls of those terminated by Dracula's hand]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss Fight</ref>), '''[[Animal Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1925 Can shoot bats out of his mouth]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/XqhuF3NTq0A?t=199 Can shoot out three bats to attack]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure</ref>. [https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=2958 Sends out bats to attack for him]<Ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Mind Manipulation]]''' (Dracula put [[Soleil Belmont]] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cHLc2ck3rWYzDhG6dEsOefFdy6HT0JXl/view?usp=sharing under his vampire spell]<ref>History of Castlevania - Crescent of the Moon Pages 22-23</ref>. [https://youtu.be/CgDceKXxW00?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=823 The suppressed desires of] [[Maxim Kischine]] [https://youtu.be/CgDceKXxW00?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=826 caused another spirit to be created due to him holding the remains of Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1380 Dracula's remains alone are enough to consume their mind], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1467 even being noted by Barlowe that dominus devours the mind]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1660 Not even the sacred blood of the Belmont Clan was enough to keep Albus from subcumming to the effects of the Dominus]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Memory Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1597 Accepting the Dominus interferes with one's memories and emotions]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1621 Dominus was the source that took Shanoa's memories]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16H-hfo_JgUlVzvVcMyjwHKsHwvOdKvDb?usp=sharing Dracula's magic showed Hector visions of his past] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14SY337gNAUSapCD_kgwJSsJ41pAyxuum/view?usp=sharing with a form of his child self trying to convince him to become a devil] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EvQNziG7PNrcidps87gRcgKAFuQvLdNm/view?usp=sharing and promising to be friends if he does so]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Volume 2 Chapter 3</ref>), '''[[Empathic Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1597 Accepting the Dominus interferes with one's memories and emotions], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1772 stripping Shanoa of all of her emotions to the point that she could not shed a tear for Albus despite everything he did for her]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Fear Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=1515 Dracula's mere rib bone is enough to make]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nv9XecV-GlSLfvYd4FpPTAwlprh9I6--/view?usp=sharing an ordinary hero feel like a spineless coward]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Game Manual Page 9</ref>), '''[[Death Manipulation]]''' ('''Metaphysical;''' [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1747 One attempting to use the Dominus will cost them their life], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2204 Shanoa using it nearly killed her] [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2258 only being saved by Albus] [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2323 taking her place and having his soul fade away]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Weather Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Electricity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/lPK03AxqDyk?t=10 Caused dark clouds to appear and came from a bolt of lightning]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=36 Cause massive electricity around the area before appearing]<Ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=127 Causes multiple lightning bolts to rain down as he appears]<Ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=1825 Sent down electricity attacks against Desmond]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=106 Sent out a massive electricity wave]<Ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=204 Creates massive electricity orbs from his glyphs]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4536 Summoned electricity from his hand that went across a small area]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Boss Fight</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4618 Electricity formed around him while he transformed into his adult state]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4772 Easily pushed Cornell back with the electricity field around him]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Ultimate Boss</ref>), '''[[Curse Manipulation]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wxebXnccOveMpboaR8f0XW0FvkvjyWeB/view?usp=sharing Dracula placed a curse on]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Game Manual Page 4</ref> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ijpV74XkIY&t=976s Simon after Simon defeated him, one that could only be undone]<ref>Castlevania Judgment True Story Simon Belmont Ending</ref> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dvZm7bSMys4fGhNfnB1aGAI6S9mYCaLu/view?usp=sharing by finding the five body parts of Dracula, resurrecting him and then defeating him]<ref>History of Castlevania - Crescent of the Moon Pages 14-15</ref>, [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=4444 though if Simon takes too long] [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=4541 he will die from the curse regardless of killing Dracula]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>. The Curse also weakened Simon to where he was starting off with a leather whip, [https://www.castlevaniacrypt.com/oos-weapons/#:~:text=The%20weak%20form%20of%20the%20Vampire%20Killer.%20Its%20true%20power%20unrealized%20in%20the%20hands%20of%20an%20inexperienced%20Belmont. which is a weaker form the whip takes for inexperienced users]<ref>Castlvania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=170 After being defeated by Trevor and his friends, Dracula left a demonic curse that enshrouded all of Europe in misery and torment]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Intro</ref>, [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=176 this curse keeps festering even if Dracula dies], [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=247 where Hector needed to put all of his life-force and energy into dispelling the curse, greatly tiring him to the point that he was ready to die in the collapse of the Castle if Julia did not come rescue him]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/tTfHFwlvWF4?t=2148 Along with this, even with the curse being removed, the curse was far too deep within people, making its mark hard to leave them, with some characters having it where only death could erase the curse]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Ending</ref>), '''[[Disease Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=186 The demonic curse caused a hideous plague and dire famine]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Intro</ref>), '''[[Morality Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=186 The demonic curse had people's hearts turn black and murderous, where the weak were slain without pity]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/d41URmWjsaA?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=372 The curse gave Hector an immense thirst for vegeance, attempting to make him kill Isaac so that he could possess his body]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Isaac Second Fight</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=48 Dracula can cloud one's senses in darkness, having the evil eat away at their souls]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>), '''[[Madness Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1988 Barlowe was driven made by the power of Dominus], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2038 making him willing to give his life to resurrect Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=50 Those that had evil eat away at their souls were driven to madness, having them make a pact with the devil]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=2126 Brauner using Dracula's power was noted by Charlotte that just the sight of him could drive an ordinary person mad]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Glyph Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=188 Conjures glyphs across the ground that create explosions]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=211 The glyphs also summon enemies to attack]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>), '''[[Explosion Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=188 Creates massive explosions from his glyphs]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=3032 Can shoot out explosive projectiles from his lower mouth]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Bone Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=3066 Throws out bones to attack with in his true form during his fight against John Morris/Eric Lecarde]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Water Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=201 Creates giant water bubbles that attack the target]<Ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>), '''[[Hell Manipulation]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/aa-CU7D5WKY?t=3184 Dracula's existence is the reason why evil around the land is called, with him being defeated, the evil vanishes]<ref>Akumajou Densetsu Famicon Ending</ref>), '''[[Time Manipulation]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/tTfHFwlvWF4?t=2207 Dracula's existence and magic was destabilizing the flow of time]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Ending</ref>. Shanoa with the dominus is [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1183 using a power] [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1224 of Dracula's]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=86 where Aeon notes that power is governed by time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Shanoa</ref>. [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=96 With time in ''Castlevania'' being so potent that not even eternity can withstand time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Carmilla</ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=118 along with even artificial life being subject to the laws of time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Golem</ref>), '''[[Text Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Plot Manipulation]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6603 Vital Souls are all just a part of Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=4612 where is noted by Lucy that the "vital soul" of a monster is the cause of the grimoire chaos]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 1 Dracula's Castle</ref> [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=1596 where creatures of the night's dark powers allowed them to rewrite the Grimoires to strengthen their dark powers greatly]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Prologue Stage 4</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=5220 along with their vital souls causing the grimoires contents to be overwritten] [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=5241 changing history to things such as Jonathan Morris is now at a disadvantage in battle]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=6512 or Charlotte fading from existence due to them messing with the history of the Grimoires]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Soul Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=9005 Maria starting to fade because Richter's history is being rewritten]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=6543 where if the contents of the book change the creatures magic will keep growing and eventually overflow into reality, causing the grimoire to fall into chaos and even more monsters materializing into the real world]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=10297 The text alterations also make the monsters stronger]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=5886 With the real world and world of grimoires being considered the same or "equal"]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=729 compared to the like of Brauner's painting worlds that are quantum multi-layered spaces] [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=756 requiring understandings of theories such as "Curse Amplification"]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10257 Death was going to use Dracula's magic to rewrite Dracula's defeat to Trevor] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10293 making it where Dracula defeats Trevor Belmont instead] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10297 where Dracula would go on living in the rewritten grimoire] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10309 with each grimoire being its own world] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10318 and the grimoires influence extends into reality]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Dracula's Curse</ref>), '''[[Law Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6603 Vital Souls are all just a part of Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=5196 which alter grimoires, which do not adhere to the laws of reality]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 6 Accursed Cranium</ref>), '''[[Power Modification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6603 Vital Souls are all just a part of Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7238 which the vital souls cause alterations of the Grimoire that can greatly limit the powers of those far stronger than them, such as Jonathan Morris' power being limited due to the alterations]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=11568 The Chaos of the Grimoire destabilized the magic of the others]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>). | | The castle is the symbol of the chaos within humans and as long as people exist, it will not be completely sealed.</ref>, [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=1541 only being ended by sealing his castle within a solar eclipse]<ref>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow</ref>), '''[[Reliance]]''' ('''On Humanity's Evil;''' [https://youtu.be/VbU1ODXTOKw?t=2398 Dracula will keep coming back to life due to the evil minds of human beings]<ref>Vampire Killer MSX</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7543 It is noted that Dracula's resurrection is not fueled by his own magic but through the lust for power, jealousy of others, belief in evil, the human emotions that fuel his resurrection]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>), '''[[Supernatural Resilience]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=38 Can live as just a head, using his head to form an amalgamation of five demonic faces with an exposed brain]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Supernatural Luck]]''' ([https://youtu.be/5gPB-oNm-NI?t=102 Dracula's mere eye grants one a boost of luck]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Eye of Vlad</ref>), '''[[Extrasensory Perception]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=3527 Dracula's eyeball can see invisible objects]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>. [https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=In%20Dracula%E2%80%99s%20eyeball,in%20Dracula%27s%20eyeball. Dracula's eyeball can see something that has been cursed away from sight]. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=314 Dracula could sense the connection between Annette and the Belmont family]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=555 Can see the Bitterfly, a mutated insect, visible only to magicians]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 106</ref>. [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=10517 Soma Cruz upon awakening to becoming Dracula could sense where Alucard was]<ref>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Graham Boss</ref>), '''[[Transformation]]''' ('''Shapeshifting;''' Dracula can transform into different manners of beast and alike, [https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1966 during his fight with Simon Belmont he turned into a large white creature]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>. [https://youtu.be/7LkAFhBpxtg?t=1608 Appeared before Simon Belmont as a flock of bats]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/oh-JYgEximA?list=PLA7CF8E257AE3FBAB&t=203 Mathias can transform into a bat]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2913 Can transform into a werewolf]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrO5kqdeOCXBattlefield RemovalfcmY6_uRlgsGzXGnJ2/view?usp=sharing Dracula used what remained of his magical powers to transform his body into mist after Christopher defeated him]<ref>Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge Game Manual Page 4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=114 Can turn into a beast that moves so fast it catches on fire]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>. '''Body Morphing;''' [https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2881 Can morph his body to sprouted wings, allowing him to fly with that, asides from his occassional levitation]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=78 Has done this against Richter/Maria to unleash his full power]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Flight]]''' (Dracula can fly in a manner of different ways [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=7 he can either call upon the Power of Darkness]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=2208 giving him a form with massive wings]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Final Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/oh-JYgEximA?list=PLA7CF8E257AE3FBAB&t=203 transform into a bat]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence</ref>, [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=1999 naturally levitate]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Afterimage Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=30 Moves so fast he leaves afterimages behind]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse</ref>), '''[[Intangibility]]''' ('''Phasing;''' [https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1893 Upon appearing in his fight against Simon Belmont, his head phased through the floor and then the rest of his body appeared]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>), '''[[Empowerment]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=76 Made a pact with an Evil God, allowing him to call upon its power to help him]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Resurrection]]''' ('''Self-Resurrection;''' [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7552 It is noted by the Elgos, a group that fully documents all of history within the Grimoires, that Dracula normally can only be resurrected once every 100 years without the influence of human emotions causing irregularities]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=11814 Through this end he can gather the magic needed to revive through negative human emotions]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 4 That Which Writhes</ref>. '''Repeated Resurrection''', '''Resurrection of the Deceased;''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16gn8Mxfb1kf_9DGbH-oop6Ml-3RxSpoh/view?usp=sharing Through absorbing human blood, even on his corpse, he can come back to life]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles Game Manual Page 4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=1555 The battle between] [[Desmond Belmont]] and Rohan Krause was enough to revive Dracula<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Dracula has also shown to be able to resurrect from merely a single drop of blood hitting his body]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>. '''Resurrection of Multiple Targets''', '''Resurrection of the Deceased;''' [https://youtu.be/aa-CU7D5WKY?t=31 Dracula revived dark gods with his powers]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse</ref>), '''[[Reality Warping]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/jiLr2NDdqMc?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=183 Merely through transforming Dracula warped the very background of his castle]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/ASKkPR5-Ir4?t=1769 Caused the entire background to become warped ad distorted]<Ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=3025 Against John Morris/Eric Lecarde, completely warped the background once entering his true form]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Teleportation]]''' & '''[[Light Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1900 In his fight against Simon Belmont, he freely teleported around in his first form]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=45 Brings down pillars of light that he uses to teleport around]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/fZWbKQxeCJU?t=3372 Causes a beam of light to appear that he can teleport around with]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=270 Dracula's death causes the light beam to come across the entire castle and teleport it away]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4711 He can use his light pillar teleportation technique as a means to trick his opponent by creating several, with him only appearing out of one]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=306 Teleported to Shaft after sensing a connection Anette had with the Belmont family]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles</ref>), '''[[Duplication]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1909 Can create four giant heads of his to attack with]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6665 Dracula can make a figment of his magic that is a re-enactment of memories stored within his powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>), '''[[Empowerment]]''' ([https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=351 Dracula can]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref> [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=2561 call upon]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles Final Boss</ref> [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=250 the] [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=276 Power of]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Final Boss</ref> [https://youtu.be/D1NQQwfcdmE?t=106 Darkness] [https://youtu.be/D1NQQwfcdmE?t=166 to gain]<ref>Castlevania: Adventure Rebirth</ref> [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=1682 a new] [https://youtu.be/f5jkWaDahcM?t=1742 form that]<ref>Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles</ref> [https://youtu.be/Tx-ATZXdsKE?t=2252 greatly upgrades all of his statistics]<ref>Castlevania (N64) Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Weapon Creation]]''' & '''[[Weapon Control]]''' ([https://youtu.be/7LkAFhBpxtg?t=1619 Dracula can create knives that he can freely control to throw at Simon]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>), '''[[Non-Standard Interaction]]''' ('''Dark Matter Interaction;''' [https://youtu.be/Q8e2k5-11jI?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=353 Dracula has objects such as dark matter in his castle meaning he can interact with them], [https://www.energy.gov/science/doe-explainsdark-matter#:~:text=Dark%20matter%20is%20very%20different,attraction%2C%20just%20like%20ordinary%20matter. which barely interacts with ordinary matter]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>), '''[[Possession]]''' ([https://youtu.be/VbU1ODXTOKw?t=2347 Can put his soul within a painting and bring it to life to use as an attack]<ref>Vampire Hunter MSX</ref>. [https://youtu.be/d41URmWjsaA?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=442 Dracula can possess Devil Forgemasters to bring himself back to life, such as when he possessed Isaac to resurrect himself]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Isaac Second Boss Fight</ref>. [https://youtu.be/cKjb7kFVLe0?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=1096 Dracula's remains created a second spirit within Maxim that possessed him]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref> [https://youtu.be/wEa-DnUetLo?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=383 leaving Maxim's body and possessing Dracula's remains]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Dracula Wraith Boss</ref> spawning way to [[Dracula's Wraith]]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1504 Merely absorbing Dracula's magic corrupts one and turns them into another Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Statistics Amplification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=12873 Dracula's strength increases each time he revives]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Crystal Drop Stage 5</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wyirHCrrFfgsq1qPToliujzGzVgfl0pA?usp=sharing Every 100 years]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Game Manual Pages 4-5</ref> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16gn8Mxfb1kf_9DGbH-oop6Ml-3RxSpoh/view?usp=sharing Dracula gets]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles Game Manual Page 4</ref> [https://youtu.be/KyL8tt2OkeA?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=83 stronger and stronger]<ref>Super Castlevania IV</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=16047 Noted by Richter to get stronger every reincarnation]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 5 Dark Laughter</ref>), '''[[Statistics Boost]]''' ([https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=7151 The more Dracula's hatred increases, the more the power of Chaos empowers him]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord "Rebirth"</ref>), '''[[Statistics Reduction]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1i1JboYGTR3fJDtk3L2LbgykqrT25X-kI?usp=sharing It's noted that every 100 years]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Game Manual Pages 4-5</ref> [https://youtu.be/KyL8tt2OkeA?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=83 the forces of Good mysteriously become weak and the forces of Evil gain a foothold into the world]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/oxlxwS6scd8?t=2632 One that wears Dracula's clothes will have their luck reduced]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC1EKRCUooA&t=12880s however it is noted by Simon that Dracula grows stronger ecah time he revives]), '''[[Telekinesis]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1910 Was telekinetically lifting Simon's wife into the air] [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1946 with the affect breaking once he died]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=78 Could telekinetically lift the blocks around in his boss fight]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Contract Bestowal]]''' ([https://youtu.be/jCmSuv3eDY8?t=207 Dracula can convince one into making a binding vow with him without their awareness]<ref>Castlevania (N64) Carrie Fernandez Bad Ending</ref>), '''[[Battlefield Removal]]''' ('''Forced Teleportation;''' [https://youtu.be/lPK03AxqDyk?t=19 Can teleport other targets, such as teleporting Simon's wife to his arms]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4855 Forcibly teleported him and Reinhardt Schneider/Carrie Fernandez to a different realm when unleashing his true form]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4641 Forcibly teleported him and Cornell upon transforming into his true form]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Ultimate Boss</ref>. '''Application Based;''' [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=87 Upon transforming he caused him and Richter/Maria to be put into a new realm]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Breath Attack]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1913 Can shoot out attacks and projectiles from his mouth]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/jiLr2NDdqMc?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=201 Can shoot fireballs out of his breath]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=152 Can shoot fire out of his mouth]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=199 Shoots out glyphs from his mouth]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4936 Shot a giant energy ball from his mouth in his true form]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Energy Projection]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1924 Can shoot out eye lasers]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=78 Can shoot energy beams out of his eyes] [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=81 and hands]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/XqhuF3NTq0A?t=179 Can shoot energy projectiles out into 4 directions diagonally]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure</ref>. [https://youtu.be/PMCjamLO03Q?t=3422 Created energy orbs around him that he can shoot outwards to attack]<ref>Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge</ref>. [https://youtu.be/fZWbKQxeCJU?t=3446 Can shoot energy projectiles from the sky that split and attack anything on the ground]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=46 Can shoot out energy projectiles that split into 3 projectiles that attack in the air]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=105 Can shoot out three energy projectiles that expand]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=144 Can shoot out a laser attack that travels across the ground and expand outwards]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Curtain Fire]]''' ('''Directional;''' [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=61 Creates an energy ball that fires multiple small energy bullets in a 360 degree area]<ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. '''Multi-Directional;''' [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Causes an entire blood rain to fall, with over hundreds of droplets, where if even one hits, it will deal damage]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Homing Attack]]''' ([https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=48 Can shoot out several energy projectiles that home in on the target]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Shockwave Generation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Upon resurrecting, unleashed a massive shockwave that pushed all of the cult members back]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4944 Unleashed a massive shockwave in his true form]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Power Bestowal]]''' ([https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=The%20claw%20of,shatter%20evil%20walls. Dracula’s Nail grants the ability to break things one otherwise couldn’t]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>, [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=53 along with increase one's strength]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Nail of Vlad Description</ref>. [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=56 Dracula's mere fang can increase one's defenses]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Fang of Vlad Description</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=662 Dracula's presence greatly powers the creatures of the night, making them stronger as time goes on]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://www.castlevaniacrypt.com/oos-characters/#:~:text=The%20lord%20of%20darkness%2C%20he%20is%20pure%20evil.%20Served%20by%20humans%20who%20hope%20to%20be%20granted%20rewards%20of%20immortality. Noted that Dracula can grant humans immortality], [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=17 with The Order attempting to resurrect Dracula in order to receive greater power and eternal life]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2013 Even while sealed and deceased, Dracula's darkness alone covered Barlowe, having his strength return to him and giving him the power to destroy his seal]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Fusionism]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/162QGl-exPOOK1UAIlucMShHwcDVyWgER?usp=sharing Dracula was able to fuse the abilities of a bat with those a human]<ref>Castlevania: Legends Page 12</ref>, [[Castlevania_Timeline#Castlevania_Series_that_are_alternate_timelines|in an alternate timeline]]), '''[[Creation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=288 Dracula's evil and magic is the reason why devil forging exists], [https://youtu.be/QYG1TLWCLX0?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=299 which has one create a devil]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>. [https://youtu.be/cKjb7kFVLe0?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=1061 Through merely the use of his remains and using Maxim's will a castle similar to Castlevania was created]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>), '''[[Corruption]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrO5kqdeOCXBattlefield RemovalfcmY6_uRlgsGzXGnJ2/view?usp=sharing Dracula used his last bit of magic to turn] [[Soleil Belmont]] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrO5kqdeOCXBattlefield RemovalfcmY6_uRlgsGzXGnJ2/view?usp=sharing into a terrible demon]<ref>Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge Game Manual Page 5</ref>), '''[[Attack Reflection]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=1657 Dracula's mere rib bone reflects all projectiles back]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Nullification]]''' ('''Passive''' {For all of them}, '''Curse Nullification;''' [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=45 Dracula's mere eye has the power to negate curses]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Eye of Vlad Description</ref>. '''Petrification Nullification;''' [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=49 His mere heart has the power to negate petrification]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Heart of Vlad Description</ref>. '''Poison Negation;''' [https://youtu.be/BpaaBQZ7Kx8?t=51 His mere rib has the power to negate poison]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Rib of Vlad Description</ref>. '''Sealing Nullification;''' [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1969 The power of Dominus can completely rid seals]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=3162 Easily broke a seal placed by the man-beast on a creature]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness</ref>), '''[[Transmutation]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X54sY-mC_eqSAycqxJRvjT4ylcgY1ODc?usp=sharing Noted by Dracula that if Hector has betrayed him he would use his magic to transform him into an especially hideous demon where he shall crawl on the ground and drink sewage as a hideous monster]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Manga Volume 1 Chapter 1</ref>), '''[[Summoning]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2852 Dracula can summon enemies to fight for him]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/CgDceKXxW00?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=853 Maxim corrupted by the spirit of Dracula's remains was able to summon a boss to fight Juste]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>), '''[[Invisibility]]''' (Dracula possesses a natural aura of darkness, [https://youtu.be/DW43WR30vLI?t=354 which makes one unable to see those with an aura of darkness by the naked eye]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Bestiary No. 064</ref>), '''[[Immersion]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8496 It is either through Death's help or Dracula's magic that Soma is able to enter the grimoires], <ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 9 Vessel for the Lord</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=1736 which Lucy notes to be impossible with her being the only one able to send people into grimoires]<Ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Proglogue/Chapter 1 Dracul's Castle</ref>), '''[[Absorption]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula can absorb any darkness based attack]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Lifeforce Absorption]]''' ([https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=275 Dracula can bite his enemies and drain their lifeforce to heal himself]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Soul Absorption]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12233 Dracula is able to absorb Death's soul, and by proxy the soul of others]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Power Mimicry]]''' ([https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1252 One of the Dark Lord candidates that inherit his dark powers]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord Candidates</ref>, Dmitri Blinov, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1836 can perfectly copy techniques after just being hit by them]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dmitri Blinov and Malphas Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=7258 copied the Power of Dominance from Soma Cruz through touching his soul and copying his ability]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord "Rebirth"</ref>), '''[[Information Analysis]]''' ([https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1252 One of the Dark Lord candidates that inherit his dark powers]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord Candidates</ref>, Dmitri Blinov, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=7304 who scanned the the memories of Soma's past lives]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord "Rebirth"</ref>), '''[[Subjective Reality]]''' ([https://youtu.be/GihvWDlMzWk?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=381 Noted by Maxim that the Castle was forged from the fabric of his mind, bringing what was in Maxim's mind into reality]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>), '''[[Erasure]]''' ('''Metaphysical Erasure;''' [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1684 Dracula's magic can overpower and erase one's will and spirit], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1660 with Albus only surviving due to gaining the blood of the Belmont clan]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Regeneration Negation]]''' (Atemporal), '''[[Immortality Negation]]''' (Life and Death Immunity), & '''[[Irreversible Damage]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12233 Through Dracula absorbing Death's soul] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12520 Death was also destroyed along with Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Final Boss</ref>, [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8848 even though Death appearing in the books is through nothing more than him possessing his image written in the text]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 9 Vessel for the Lord</ref>, [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6727 where he can reform himself endlessly and no damage actually mattered to him]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>), '''[[Hellfire Manipulation]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hxHhVfqMVPyvdqDGlkjJKy3Z1Axbrrn0/view?usp=sharing Dracula's fire attacks are all hellfire, as even Desmond using fire attacks channeled from him are describe as such]<Ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/U8LUg0_NRK4?t=1900 Can shoot out 3 fire projectiles at once from his cape]<ref>Castlevania NES</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=144 Can shoot out green fireballs everytime he jumps]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=27 Can create two pillars of fire to trap a target and then hit them with a pillar of fire in the middle], [https://youtu.be/UrLdIiW6bEo?list=PLnWJUvdl882vNnFeJFxyeOLuiFkRdnz7Z&t=660 sometimes being impossible to dodge depending on the position the person in]<ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=1839 Can shoot out large fireballs from his cape]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1919 Causes pillars of pinkish fire to rise up]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=331 Can create an entire tornado of hellfire]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1902 Can burn his body to the point of nothing remaining but his soul]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/fZWbKQxeCJU?t=3363 Caused all of the candles in the background to light up and blind the entire room before he appeared]<ref>Castlevania Chronicles</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=72 Can set fire enemies that track onto a target]<ref>Super Castlevania IV</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=223 Can conjure fire from glyphs that drop down and spread outwards]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1252 One of the Dark Lord candidates that inherit his dark powers]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dark Lord Candidates</ref>, Dario Bossi, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=1571 has the ability to create fires, being implicated in countless inexplicable fires]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow</ref>, [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=2364 and burned an entire room]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dario Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/kLRigOw-reQ?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=2435 Along with this Dario can use fire to teleport]<ref>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Dario Boss</ref>), '''[[Holy Manipulation]]''' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoQLnVdsBeQ&t=225s Can use Demonic Megiddo]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Dracula Ultimate Attack</ref>, which [https://imgur.com/a/X8pwyZd contains holy power]<ref>Castlevania: Lament of Innocence</ref>), '''[[Crystal Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/sR1KPZgc_cY?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=120 Can cause various crystals to come out of the ground to attack his foes]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Vacuum Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4503 Can create a strong vacuum to pull one in so he can bite them]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Boss</ref>), '''[[Familiar Summoning]]''', '''[[Matter Manipulation]]''' ('''3-D''') & '''[[Metaphysics Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=288 Dracula's evil and magic is the reason why devil forging exists]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness</ref>, [https://drive.google.com/drive/u/4/folders/1sUDQ3QT2HHQQVb21Sq67vISXrp4tUjdD with the mere remnants of his magic being so strong Hector can use them to create an Innocent Devil]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Page 14</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aNXBlgHEyKxlDBccSE4f5ap5Fp_YUOcN?usp=sharing Devil Forging has one to giving it a shape and soul, giving it a shell and applying stable power to the shell so the mass of energy without conscious can be transformed into a living devil]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Manga Volume 1 Chapter 2</ref>), '''[[Blood Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/nKd4TDPWt1w?list=PLTIVxkSgFJGr68dhpzMOZ9_Hu_2TTjV_G&t=308 Can spit out blood as an attack]<Ref>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Dracula Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=73 Can create spheres of blood from his attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=97 Causes an entire blood rain to fall, with over hundreds of droplets, where if even one hits, it will deal damage]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Soul Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=7363 Dracula can use soul steal, to steal one's soul, absorbing their entire existence within him]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1911 Can disconnect his soul from his body]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xS2kC8fOppM?t=2816 God is unable to help the souls of those terminated by Dracula's hand]<ref>Castlevania: The Arcade Dracula Boss Fight</ref>), '''[[Animal Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/TBvgDZlCQmk?t=1925 Can shoot bats out of his mouth]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/XqhuF3NTq0A?t=199 Can shoot out three bats to attack]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure</ref>. [https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=2958 Sends out bats to attack for him]<Ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Mind Manipulation]]''' (Dracula put [[Soleil Belmont]] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cHLc2ck3rWYzDhG6dEsOefFdy6HT0JXl/view?usp=sharing under his vampire spell]<ref>History of Castlevania - Crescent of the Moon Pages 22-23</ref>. [https://youtu.be/CgDceKXxW00?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=823 The suppressed desires of] [[Maxim Kischine]] [https://youtu.be/CgDceKXxW00?list=PL8DUvS8kOVSp3g4WHb5GmHIpEwdXr5w_N&t=826 caused another spirit to be created due to him holding the remains of Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1380 Dracula's remains alone are enough to consume their mind], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1467 even being noted by Barlowe that dominus devours the mind]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1660 Not even the sacred blood of the Belmont Clan was enough to keep Albus from subcumming to the effects of the Dominus]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Memory Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1597 Accepting the Dominus interferes with one's memories and emotions]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1621 Dominus was the source that took Shanoa's memories]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16H-hfo_JgUlVzvVcMyjwHKsHwvOdKvDb?usp=sharing Dracula's magic showed Hector visions of his past] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14SY337gNAUSapCD_kgwJSsJ41pAyxuum/view?usp=sharing with a form of his child self trying to convince him to become a devil] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EvQNziG7PNrcidps87gRcgKAFuQvLdNm/view?usp=sharing and promising to be friends if he does so]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Volume 2 Chapter 3</ref>), '''[[Empathic Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1597 Accepting the Dominus interferes with one's memories and emotions], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1772 stripping Shanoa of all of her emotions to the point that she could not shed a tear for Albus despite everything he did for her]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Fear Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=1515 Dracula's mere rib bone is enough to make]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nv9XecV-GlSLfvYd4FpPTAwlprh9I6--/view?usp=sharing an ordinary hero feel like a spineless coward]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Game Manual Page 9</ref>), '''[[Death Manipulation]]''' ('''Metaphysical;''' [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1747 One attempting to use the Dominus will cost them their life], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2204 Shanoa using it nearly killed her] [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2258 only being saved by Albus] [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2323 taking her place and having his soul fade away]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Weather Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Electricity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/lPK03AxqDyk?t=10 Caused dark clouds to appear and came from a bolt of lightning]<ref>Haunted Castle Revisited Dominus Collection</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=36 Cause massive electricity around the area before appearing]<Ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/v6ZQ32RFeGc?list=PLF0A4D1377F54A2BF&t=127 Causes multiple lightning bolts to rain down as he appears]<Ref>Super Castlevania IV Stage B-4</ref>. [https://youtu.be/p66G528Wp-M?t=1825 Sent down electricity attacks against Desmond]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=106 Sent out a massive electricity wave]<Ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=204 Creates massive electricity orbs from his glyphs]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4536 Summoned electricity from his hand that went across a small area]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Boss Fight</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4618 Electricity formed around him while he transformed into his adult state]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xp72T_JJmM8?t=4772 Easily pushed Cornell back with the electricity field around him]<ref>Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Dracula Ultimate Boss</ref>), '''[[Curse Manipulation]]''' ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wxebXnccOveMpboaR8f0XW0FvkvjyWeB/view?usp=sharing Dracula placed a curse on]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Game Manual Page 4</ref> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ijpV74XkIY&t=976s Simon after Simon defeated him, one that could only be undone]<ref>Castlevania Judgment True Story Simon Belmont Ending</ref> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dvZm7bSMys4fGhNfnB1aGAI6S9mYCaLu/view?usp=sharing by finding the five body parts of Dracula, resurrecting him and then defeating him]<ref>History of Castlevania - Crescent of the Moon Pages 14-15</ref>, [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=4444 though if Simon takes too long] [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=4541 he will die from the curse regardless of killing Dracula]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>. The Curse also weakened Simon to where he was starting off with a leather whip, [https://www.castlevaniacrypt.com/oos-weapons/#:~:text=The%20weak%20form%20of%20the%20Vampire%20Killer.%20Its%20true%20power%20unrealized%20in%20the%20hands%20of%20an%20inexperienced%20Belmont. which is a weaker form the whip takes for inexperienced users]<ref>Castlvania: Order of Shadows</ref>. [https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=170 After being defeated by Trevor and his friends, Dracula left a demonic curse that enshrouded all of Europe in misery and torment]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Intro</ref>, [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=176 this curse keeps festering even if Dracula dies], [https://youtu.be/IlzdytrIUY8?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=247 where Hector needed to put all of his life-force and energy into dispelling the curse, greatly tiring him to the point that he was ready to die in the collapse of the Castle if Julia did not come rescue him]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/tTfHFwlvWF4?t=2148 Along with this, even with the curse being removed, the curse was far too deep within people, making its mark hard to leave them, with some characters having it where only death could erase the curse]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Ending</ref>), '''[[Disease Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=186 The demonic curse caused a hideous plague and dire famine]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Intro</ref>), '''[[Morality Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/JoyJzR66gDk?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=186 The demonic curse had people's hearts turn black and murderous, where the weak were slain without pity]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/d41URmWjsaA?list=PL1C82000EC86F279F&t=372 The curse gave Hector an immense thirst for vegeance, attempting to make him kill Isaac so that he could possess his body]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Isaac Second Fight</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=48 Dracula can cloud one's senses in darkness, having the evil eat away at their souls]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>), '''[[Madness Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1988 Barlowe was driven made by the power of Dominus], [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=2038 making him willing to give his life to resurrect Dracula]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>. [https://youtu.be/pzvk7BZqKlQ?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=50 Those that had evil eat away at their souls were driven to madness, having them make a pact with the devil]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Intro</ref>. [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=2126 Brauner using Dracula's power was noted by Charlotte that just the sight of him could drive an ordinary person mad]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Glyph Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=188 Conjures glyphs across the ground that create explosions]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=211 The glyphs also summon enemies to attack]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>), '''[[Explosion Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=188 Creates massive explosions from his glyphs]<ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>. [https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=3032 Can shoot out explosive projectiles from his lower mouth]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Bone Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/zR1ZhEdbpV8?list=PLnd02gPyGYMY9GPt0gTupQcblc0V-4bAG&t=3066 Throws out bones to attack with in his true form during his fight against John Morris/Eric Lecarde]<ref>Castlevania: Bloodlines Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Water Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/xuHhqLTuo2U?list=PLA88AE98D0687EE03&t=201 Creates giant water bubbles that attack the target]<Ref>Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth</ref>), '''[[Hell Manipulation]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/aa-CU7D5WKY?t=3184 Dracula's existence is the reason why evil around the land is called, with him being defeated, the evil vanishes]<ref>Akumajou Densetsu Famicon Ending</ref>), '''[[Time Manipulation]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/tTfHFwlvWF4?t=2207 Dracula's existence and magic was destabilizing the flow of time]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Ending</ref>. Shanoa with the dominus is [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1183 using a power] [https://youtu.be/E0KXGSBoeCc?t=1224 of Dracula's]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=86 where Aeon notes that power is governed by time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Shanoa</ref>. [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=96 With time in ''Castlevania'' being so potent that not even eternity can withstand time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Carmilla</ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=118 along with even artificial life being subject to the laws of time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Golem</ref>), '''[[Text Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Plot Manipulation]]''' ('''Passive;''' [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6603 Vital Souls are all just a part of Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=4612 where is noted by Lucy that the "vital soul" of a monster is the cause of the grimoire chaos]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 1 Dracula's Castle</ref> [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=1596 where creatures of the night's dark powers allowed them to rewrite the Grimoires to strengthen their dark powers greatly]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Prologue Stage 4</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=5220 along with their vital souls causing the grimoires contents to be overwritten] [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=5241 changing history to things such as Jonathan Morris is now at a disadvantage in battle]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=6512 or Charlotte fading from existence due to them messing with the history of the Grimoires]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Soul Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=9005 Maria starting to fade because Richter's history is being rewritten]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=6543 where if the contents of the book change the creatures magic will keep growing and eventually overflow into reality, causing the grimoire to fall into chaos and even more monsters materializing into the real world]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=10297 The text alterations also make the monsters stronger]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=5886 With the real world and world of grimoires being considered the same or "equal"]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=729 compared to the like of Brauner's painting worlds that are quantum multi-layered spaces] [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=756 requiring understandings of theories such as "Curse Amplification"]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10257 Death was going to use Dracula's magic to rewrite Dracula's defeat to Trevor] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10293 making it where Dracula defeats Trevor Belmont instead] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10297 where Dracula would go on living in the rewritten grimoire] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10309 with each grimoire being its own world] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=10318 and the grimoires influence extends into reality]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Dracula's Curse</ref>), '''[[Law Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6603 Vital Souls are all just a part of Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=5196 which alter grimoires, which do not adhere to the laws of reality]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 6 Accursed Cranium</ref>), '''[[Power Modification]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=6603 Vital Souls are all just a part of Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 7 Death's Reign</ref>, [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7238 which the vital souls cause alterations of the Grimoire that can greatly limit the powers of those far stronger than them, such as Jonathan Morris' power being limited due to the alterations]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>. [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=11568 The Chaos of the Grimoire destabilized the magic of the others]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 3 Ash Banquet</ref>). |
| '''[[Resistance]]''' to '''[[Heat Manipulation|Extreme Heats]]''' ([https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=114 Unaffected by moving so fast he catches on fire]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Extrasensory Perception]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=1622 Dark Lords are incapable of being sensed by the likes of] [[Death (Castlevania)|Death]]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Attack Reflection]]''' ([[Soma Cruz|His reincarnation]] [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=10233 can attack and harm] Graham Jones, [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=6911 where he's absorbed the power of the castle], [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=2720 and inherited Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow</ref>, [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=1657 where Dracula's mere rib bone reflects all projectiles back]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Darkness Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Hell Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/mBgOq5OyEpY?t=820 Dracula has a natural resistance to the darkness element]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Bestiary No. 159</ref>. [https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=A%20rib%20of%20the%20King,will%20shield%20you%20from%20evil. Dracula's mere ribs protects from the powers of wickedness]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Holy Fire Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4813 Can take holy water hitting him, with it only momentarily having him cry out in pain], [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4838 before emerging just fine]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Curse Manipulation]]''' ([https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=The%20heart%20of,a%20certain%20curse. Dracula's mere heart clears curses]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Time Manipulation]]''' ('''1-T;''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xU-320Ub_EXoY_E5HOEzk35o95pC7-mh/view?usp=sharing Noted that the stop watch has no effect on moving platforms in the castle and most bosses]<ref>History of Castlevania - Crescent of the Moon Pages 12-13</ref>. [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=96 With time in ''Castlevania'' being so potent that not even eternity can withstand time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Carmilla</ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=118 along with even artificial life being subject to the laws of time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Golem</ref>), '''[[Sealing]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=9357 Dracula's power allowed Soma to easily repel away a multi-layered seal called aurora] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=9038 a multilayered rectangular barrier ritual that was supposed to isolate Soma and then remove Dracula's powers from him]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 9 Vessel for the Lord</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12364 Even while greatly weakened, when the Aurora was used on Dracula, he greatly resisted it], [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12385 requiring two master magicians to affect him]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=7725 Dracula's power is so great that very few magical items can truly hold his magic within a seal], [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=7761 requiring the usage of an entire library worth of grimoires in order to truly seal away just his magic alone]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 8 Demonic Visions</ref>. [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=6852 The only reason Brauner was able to seal away Dracula was due to him not reviving completely] [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=6860 otherwise his seals would be easily broken by Dracula's power]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Fire Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula is naturally strongly resistant to fire-based attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Electricity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula is naturally strongly resistant to thunder based attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Poison Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula is naturally immune to poison based attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Spatial Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=4845 Brauner using Dracula's power spatially segregated Dracula from the castle]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Soul Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/RDhSVCUIEz8?t=4068 Dracula's soul was put in a vessel, yet despite many organizations efforts, their glyphs couldn't even scratch him]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Power Modification]]''', '''[[Information Manipulation]]''', '''[[Text Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Plot Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8555 Dracula's magic and powers have no limits posed on it from the grimoires] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8513 where heroes summoned from the catalogue are unable to stray too far from its contents] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8540 and have limited actions they can do] [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7238 having summoned heroes have their powers greatly limited from their true strength]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>), '''[[Fate Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Death Manipulation]]''' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU34JPonFXw&t=33s Death serves Dracula with unfailing loyalty]<ref>Castlevania Judgment </ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=127 where Death is noted to govern the fate of death]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack Sequences</ref>, [https://youtu.be/vQHtGdIxx40?t=40 being noted to have the power to govern the end of all living things]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Death</ref>, [https://castlevaniadungeon.net/forums/index.php?topic=6118.15#:~:text=With%20Death%E2%80%99s%20reply%2C%20an%20explosive%20murderous%20intent%20rose.%0A%0ATwo%20bronze%20colored%20scythes%20much%20larger%20than%20usual%20appeared%3B%20it%20advanced%20to%20the%20space%20in%20between%20the%20two%20men%20with%20an%20intention%20to%20cut%20off%20Olrox%E2%80%99s%20head.%0AKill%20the%20distance%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D%0A%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0Kill%20the%20sound%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D and can use his scythes to kill abstractions such as distance and sound]<ref>Akumajo Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku Novel “I had said it before. I do not intend to bind the world with chaos.”<br>“…… If so, why did you take power away from the crack in the eclipse’s seal? If you just intend to imitate like a monkey, isn’t your own power enough?”<br>Those were the emotionless words of Death.<br>In response, Olrox laughed his bold answer.<br>“As I’ve said, I would equally gain control over the human world and the source of Dracula’s power, chaos. I do not intend to obey someone else’s mind aside from my own. That includes you who were born out of chaos.”<Br>“……”<br>“You should be glad though to know yourself. Just by stealing power, my shameful monotonous time is over…… Even before Alucard appeared, just because I showed up and declared war on him.”<br>Olrox’s voice was mixed with a tinge of thin delight. He respectfully bowed to Death who completely killed his emotions.<br>“I would end the reincarnation cycle of this demon castle. I who understood and was spun out of the stains of chaos, swear to rob that power with my hands. Now, yield.”<Br>With Death’s reply, an explosive murderous intent rose.<br>Two bronze colored scythes much larger than usual appeared; it advanced to the space in between the two men with an intention to cut off Olrox’s head.<br>Kill the distance-----<br>Kill the sound-----<br>Just, faster, soon, die.<br>It can be seen that the blades have certainly caught Olrox’s neck, but----- that is only an after image and the vampire is already at Death’s back.<br>“……die.”<br>That was said by the enemy who called on his servants.<br>From the surrounding space, a group of purple bats rose, passed by Olrox’s arm with the speed of a bullet, attacking Death. | | '''[[Resistance]]''' to '''[[Heat Manipulation|Extreme Heats]]''' ([https://youtu.be/EFCSqZs1Ons?list=PLF09DD0DEE5130C5C&t=114 Unaffected by moving so fast he catches on fire]<ref>Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Extrasensory Perception]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=1622 Dark Lords are incapable of being sensed by the likes of] [[Death (Castlevania)|Death]]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Attack Reflection]]''' ([[Soma Cruz|His reincarnation]] [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=10233 can attack and harm] Graham Jones, [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=6911 where he's absorbed the power of the castle], [https://youtu.be/MVvTErAm2HY?t=2720 and inherited Dracula's powers]<ref>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow</ref>, [https://youtu.be/hvAhdyqMxw4?t=1657 where Dracula's mere rib bone reflects all projectiles back]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Darkness Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Hell Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/mBgOq5OyEpY?t=820 Dracula has a natural resistance to the darkness element]<ref>Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Bestiary No. 159</ref>. [https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=A%20rib%20of%20the%20King,will%20shield%20you%20from%20evil. Dracula's mere ribs protects from the powers of wickedness]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Holy Fire Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4813 Can take holy water hitting him, with it only momentarily having him cry out in pain], [https://youtu.be/Y7MyIUyRVHk?t=4838 before emerging just fine]<ref>Castlevania (N64) True Final Boss</ref>), '''[[Curse Manipulation]]''' ([https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Castlevania_II:_Simon%27s_Quest/Mistranslations_and_re-translation#:~:text=The%20heart%20of,a%20certain%20curse. Dracula's mere heart clears curses]<ref>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest</ref>), '''[[Time Manipulation]]''' ('''1-T;''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xU-320Ub_EXoY_E5HOEzk35o95pC7-mh/view?usp=sharing Noted that the stop watch has no effect on moving platforms in the castle and most bosses]<ref>History of Castlevania - Crescent of the Moon Pages 12-13</ref>. [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=96 With time in ''Castlevania'' being so potent that not even eternity can withstand time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Carmilla</ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=118 along with even artificial life being subject to the laws of time]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Golem</ref>), '''[[Sealing]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=9357 Dracula's power allowed Soma to easily repel away a multi-layered seal called aurora] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=9038 a multilayered rectangular barrier ritual that was supposed to isolate Soma and then remove Dracula's powers from him]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 9 Vessel for the Lord</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12364 Even while greatly weakened, when the Aurora was used on Dracula, he greatly resisted it], [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=12385 requiring two master magicians to affect him]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 10 Final Boss</ref>. [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=7725 Dracula's power is so great that very few magical items can truly hold his magic within a seal], [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=7761 requiring the usage of an entire library worth of grimoires in order to truly seal away just his magic alone]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 8 Demonic Visions</ref>. [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=6852 The only reason Brauner was able to seal away Dracula was due to him not reviving completely] [https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=6860 otherwise his seals would be easily broken by Dracula's power]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Fire Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula is naturally strongly resistant to fire-based attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Electricity Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula is naturally strongly resistant to thunder based attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Poison Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/PTUS4D1CnwU?t=767 Dracula is naturally immune to poison based attacks]<ref>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Bestiary No. 147</ref>), '''[[Spatial Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/hu_2bedvcQE?t=4845 Brauner using Dracula's power spatially segregated Dracula from the castle]<ref>Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin</ref>), '''[[Soul Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/RDhSVCUIEz8?t=4068 Dracula's soul was put in a vessel, yet despite many organizations efforts, their glyphs couldn't even scratch him]<ref>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia</ref>), '''[[Power Modification]]''', '''[[Information Manipulation]]''', '''[[Text Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Plot Manipulation]]''' ([https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8555 Dracula's magic and powers have no limits posed on it from the grimoires] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8513 where heroes summoned from the catalogue are unable to stray too far from its contents] [https://youtu.be/Y95lBCsQ07c?t=8540 and have limited actions they can do] [https://youtu.be/wC1EKRCUooA?t=7238 having summoned heroes have their powers greatly limited from their true strength]<ref>Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Chapter 2 A City of Fog</ref>), '''[[Fate Manipulation]]''' & '''[[Death Manipulation]]''' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU34JPonFXw&t=33s Death serves Dracula with unfailing loyalty]<ref>Castlevania Judgment </ref>, [https://youtu.be/ykXoJb78QV4?t=127 where Death is noted to govern the fate of death]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack Sequences</ref>, [https://youtu.be/vQHtGdIxx40?t=40 being noted to have the power to govern the end of all living things]<ref>Castlevania Judgment Aeon's Hyper Attack on Death</ref>, [https://castlevaniadungeon.net/forums/index.php?topic=6118.15#:~:text=With%20Death%E2%80%99s%20reply%2C%20an%20explosive%20murderous%20intent%20rose.%0A%0ATwo%20bronze%20colored%20scythes%20much%20larger%20than%20usual%20appeared%3B%20it%20advanced%20to%20the%20space%20in%20between%20the%20two%20men%20with%20an%20intention%20to%20cut%20off%20Olrox%E2%80%99s%20head.%0AKill%20the%20distance%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D%0A%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0Kill%20the%20sound%2D%2D%2D%2D%2D and can use his scythes to kill abstractions such as distance and sound]<ref>Akumajo Dracula: Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku Novel “I had said it before. I do not intend to bind the world with chaos.”<br>“…… If so, why did you take power away from the crack in the eclipse’s seal? If you just intend to imitate like a monkey, isn’t your own power enough?”<br>Those were the emotionless words of Death.<br>In response, Olrox laughed his bold answer.<br>“As I’ve said, I would equally gain control over the human world and the source of Dracula’s power, chaos. I do not intend to obey someone else’s mind aside from my own. That includes you who were born out of chaos.”<Br>“……”<br>“You should be glad though to know yourself. Just by stealing power, my shameful monotonous time is over…… Even before Alucard appeared, just because I showed up and declared war on him.”<br>Olrox’s voice was mixed with a tinge of thin delight. He respectfully bowed to Death who completely killed his emotions.<br>“I would end the reincarnation cycle of this demon castle. I who understood and was spun out of the stains of chaos, swear to rob that power with my hands. Now, yield.”<Br>With Death’s reply, an explosive murderous intent rose.<br>Two bronze colored scythes much larger than usual appeared; it advanced to the space in between the two men with an intention to cut off Olrox’s head.<br>Kill the distance-----<br>Kill the sound-----<br>Just, faster, soon, die.<br>It can be seen that the blades have certainly caught Olrox’s neck, but----- that is only an after image and the vampire is already at Death’s back.<br>“……die.”<br>That was said by the enemy who called on his servants.<br>From the surrounding space, a group of purple bats rose, passed by Olrox’s arm with the speed of a bullet, attacking Death. |